Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 263: our way


The news from Solderling was crucial.

People with a little brain can realize how this will affect the current tense Typhon-Anzu situation.

For Gao Wen, this is bad news, but also good news—needless to say the bad news, he was worried about this when he crawled out of the coffin and saw a large amount of deformed bodies outside (I typed it for nothing in the last version) One thing, worrying about the decline of the magnificent wall, and worrying that more and more mutants will escape from that wasteland and come to attack the human world, the attack on the border of Typhon means that the last attack of mutants is far more than imagined The situation is even more serious. The thousands of monsters that Cecil is facing are just a part of the aberrations that broke through the magnificent wall. But on the other hand, the appearance of aberrations, the great enemy of civilization, may also delay the war...

Postpone the war between Anzu and Typhon.

Rebecca, who is very slow in this regard, realized the significance of this matter only after being reminded by Hetty. She blinked her eyes and looked at Gawain curiously, "Master Ancestor, if the king and the emperor on Typhon's side If you are aware of the threat of mutants, won’t you be able to fight?”

But Gao Wen could only break the girl's mind, "Ansu and Typhon must have a battle, sooner or later."

This is the conclusion Gao Wen came to after analyzing the current situation in all human countries.

Rebecca apparently couldn't figure out how this conclusion came about, even Amber, who had the most spooky ideas, had a cute face, only Hetty frowned slightly and showed a thoughtful look, and Gawain didn't mind seeing this. Don't be fooled, just take this opportunity to start teaching the people at the scene a lesson

"Tifeng has developed rapidly and is now very strong, but in fact it has developed to a critical turning point, which is also a bottleneck period. This is the most dangerous moment for it. Through many successful domestic reforms, the promotion Feng's current population, economy, and military have achieved tremendous development. However, the rapid development has also planted hidden dangers. On the one hand, the increase in productivity means the increase in resource consumption efficiency. This giant beast needs to devour a lot of resources to achieve The final transformation of society. On the other hand, Typhon's population is growing too fast, but its officials and domestic nobles lack effective new management methods. The huge population is gradually turning into a heavy pressure on the empire.

"Whether it is to absorb 'nutrition' or to release pressure, Typhon must find an external means of catharsis.

"And there is a more important point that the reform of Emperor Rosetta Augustus has reached the point where the interests of the nobles have been touched. Whether it is the transfer of legislative power to the royal family or the re-approval of the land nobles across the country, it has greatly stimulated those Sensitive nerves of the traditional aristocrats—even though Emperor Rosetta suppressed the rebound with his strong wrist and personal ability, and allowed the reforms to be implemented in place, this part of the pressure was not released.

"The development of the domestic economy has indeed brought a lot of benefits to Typhon's land nobles. However, these benefits have obviously not fed those greedy guys who lost many privileges during the reform. Emperor Rosetta still needs to find more Bonuses, more bonuses that can prove the correctness of his talents, to feed those still disgruntled vassals - or use the process of seeking dividends to 'naturally and reasonably eliminate those who cannot keep up with the times'.

"A foreign war is the best option - it can solve almost all the problems facing Typhon after the reform.

"Typhon has ruled all the land in the eastern part of the mainland. Its current expansion can only go in two directions. The south is the Gaoling Kingdom. It is obviously not suitable for attacking. The Gaoling Kingdom has the closest relationship with the Silver Empire, and the Silver Elves The Temple of the Stars is suspended over the southern strait, monitoring the large ancestral woodland on the border of the Gaoling Kingdom—do you think that once Typhon invades other countries through the ancestral forest, the silver elves will watch it

"So there is actually only one choice for Typhon, and that is to go north and treat Ansu as a victim—among the four human kingdoms, only Ansu has experienced the terrible civil strife and the decline in national power is the most serious. How could the Typhon people bear it?" .”

Rebecca listened to Gao Wen's analysis of these things in a daze, and the cute circle in her eyes almost never stopped, but at least her mind was not slow (probably), although she couldn't think of these things, she could understand them at least. The girl frowned on the spot, "In other words... Even if the two countries stop fighting this time, in a few years, as long as those monsters don't make any more noise, Ansu and Typhon will still fight?!"

"It's inevitable," Gawain nodded, "and even if the mutants come out a few more times, as long as the Great Wall itself doesn't collapse, the two countries will still go to war regardless of the cost—Typhon can't wait too long, Rosetta Augustus has passed middle age, and he doesn't seem to have any strong heirs, so as long as he can't solve the hidden dangers in the reform in his lifetime, or even in his prime, then Tiphon's prosperity will definitely be It will turn into a catastrophe as the emperor grows old, as Rosetta herself knows, and our king can see it too."

"... Is there such a complicated reason behind this war..." Rebecca said in a daze, "Master Ancestor, how do you understand this? You have just been resurrected not long ago, but you seem to see things more All of us understand…”

If you have seen a lot, you will naturally have experience. As long as you see a few signs of many things, you can make up for all the causes and consequences. This is the power of the satellite spirit...

Gao Wen shook his head, "There is nothing new under the sun, this world has not changed for thousands of years."

No one can understand the satellite essence directly, but this way... Although no one can understand it, it is obviously much more compelling.

"Old friend, if I didn't know your experience, I would be curious how you thought of so much," Soldering shook his head with a strange expression, "Back then, you didn't bother to think about these things. Just cut it off."

Gao Wen sighed, "That's because at that time, everyone was poor and poor, and there were only barbarians around them except monsters. Diplomacy was useless, and it was fine to just go over when encountering a problem. Now that everyone is a civilized person, who doesn't want to use their brains more?"

"Civilized man..." Solderling couldn't help showing a trace of emotion when he heard the word Gawain said, and then all the emotion turned into a long sigh.

Just when Gao Wen was curious to ask why the other party sighed, the elf ranger first asked a question, "Old friend, what do you think we led those tens of millions of refugees across the wasteland in the first place? How about establishing a kingdom in a barren land?"

This question came so suddenly, Gawain was slightly taken aback, while Hetty, Rebecca, Amber and even Pittman who were standing beside him all showed slightly curious expressions at the same time, as if they were looking forward to Gawain's answer.

After two seconds of silence, Gao Wen smiled indifferently, "The great thing is to lead the people out of the predicament, to protect and continue our civilization. The ordinary thing is to just want to live—to let everyone live."

"Yeah, even the most mundane idea is to keep everyone alive," Soldering smiled wryly, and the cold night when he crossed the Eastern Realm was repeatedly recurring in his mind, "But you know what? In this piece of land that we fought together back then, many people can no longer survive.

"Have you ever heard of a thing called the Tenant Amnesty Act

"That's in the southern border, the territory of the Earl of Berry..."

The elf ranger couldn't hold back the urge to confide, and told what he saw and heard that night—in his 700-year traveling career, it's not that he hasn't seen the dark side of society, and it's not that he hasn't seen the dark side of society. The more tragic and unfortunate people and things, but as a high-level extraordinary person, he has always viewed all this from the perspective of a high-ranking bystander. Only on that night in the Eastern Realm, he witnessed it with his own eyes Hearing those dark details that he had never noticed before, Ansu's current sinking shocked him, and he couldn't help but tell them all.

Some people in the room fell silent, some fell into deep thought, but there were also people who were more surprised than silent thinking.

Rebecca couldn't believe what she heard, "How could they do this? The Earl of Beric, and the rent-collecting knight... How could they rob farmers' land like this?!"

"There are many such things, my eldest lady," said Pittman, who hadn't spoken for a long time, "Why do you think so many land nobles have more and more land? Why do you think the kingdom is being reclaimed every year?" New land, but the number of farmers who lost their land is increasing year by year, and the number of serfs is also increasing year by year? Even if you can’t see the outside situation, it’s good to look at this territory—most of the land on this land How did the population come from? Serfs, slaves, and homeless refugees who lost their land, should these people be born with nothing?"

Rebecca's eyes widened, her knuckles turned white from clenching her fists hard, "But... the nobles should protect their own people... My father and aunt taught me this way since I was a child, and so did the instructions left by my ancestors... "

"If the ancestral teachings were effective, there wouldn't be that illegitimate child war a hundred years ago." Amber rolled her eyes at Rebecca, "Do you think that every nobleman is just as obsessed as you are so foolish?"

According to Rebecca's usual habits, hearing Amber's teasing like this would definitely sweep the army away with a swish of her staff, but this time, she was immersed in entanglement, and she felt very puzzled, "But... Don’t those farmers realize that this is a trap?”

Gao Wen lightly stroked Rebecca's hair, "Rebecca, you forgot one thing, most common people don't know how much one-third or two-thirds of a taka is, nor Knowing how much one-third taka is twice, they will not estimate how much rent they will have to pay in five years. In fact, they can't even read a single word on the "Tenant Rent Amnesty Act" promulgated by the lord. ——The people who read the lord's order are noble soldiers, and the noble soldiers will never explain anything, so the actual situation is that the lord promulgated the decree, but most of the common people don't know anything about the content of the decree, they only know that when the lord announced When I come to collect rent according to the law, I must not resist, but as for whether the lord is really in accordance with the law... If the lord says yes, then it is."

"But there will always be a few people who will understand..."

"Of course, there will be a few people who understand. Some people can even memorize the decree after listening to the soldiers read it out and memorize it in their hearts. What's the use of that?" Hetty, who was standing behind Rebecca, shook her head. The lady had deep sorrow and sympathy on her face, "Are they capable of confronting the lord? Are they capable of finding loopholes in these laws? Are they capable of making other civilians aware of the loopholes in these laws? If all No, then all they can do is memorize these things, and then tell a stranger about these things after losing their land."

Rebecca looked at Gawain, "Could it be...is there no way to change this situation?"

"Of course." Gawain couldn't help laughing when he saw this fool who was foolishly adhering to the "Self-discipline Principles of the Nobility" but now fell into confusion. "We are walking on this road."

Although... now is only the first step.
