Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 264: first lesson


"Following time" was originally the characteristic and privilege of the nobles, because only the nobles have the tools and methods to accurately calculate the time. Neither the magic timer nor the mechanical clock from the dwarf kingdom can be owned by ordinary people, so the nobles will also "Following the time" is regarded as a part of the upper class, and regards it as etiquette and rules, while the common people simply rely on the sun and astrology to roughly judge the time and arrange their own production activities based on this, which is outside the domain of Cecil Any noble collar is the norm.

However, in Cecilland, everyone's life will strictly follow the "time". This is true for territorial officials and civilians.

This is the change brought about by Gao Wen. It is a change made to reverse the chaotic, primitive, and inefficient production mode. Only an accurate timetable can ensure the smooth operation of the factory, and only an accurate timetable can make people Realize the importance of efficiency. At first, many commoners were quite puzzled by this request. It was only because of the great prestige of the lord that they followed the newly established rules ignorantly. With unfamiliar vocabulary, even small children understand the need to be on time.

Because they have to come to school on time, they arrive earlier, study longer, and have stricter requirements than adults.

Gao Wen has not implemented a full-time school for the time being, so the children in Cecil Territory spend half of the day every day helping their parents with homework. After lunch, they have to come to "Cecil Universal Academy," reports.

This is a brand-new school built with bricks, tiles and cement. Its main building is the most magnificent and largest building on the territory except for the various factories, and there is also Cecil Territory floating on the school square. On the wall are huge and majestic Cecil emblems and Ansu emblems. Gao Wen firmly believes that the sense of honor and belonging must be cultivated from an early age. Compared with adults whose worldview has been solidified, children can develop this aspect earlier. Cognition is more important, and the distinctive and majestic school logo also helps to increase the enthusiasm of the lords for "enrollment": receiving education arranged by the lord in such a magnificent facility will become a great honor in the eyes of many people. thing.

Even if they don't feel honored, Gao Wen must instill in them the idea that doing so is honorable.

Evening school for adults begins after work closes in the evening, while children come to school from the afternoon, where they will study until the sun goes down, and then eat a free dinner with the teachers (this dinner is also a lot One of the motivations for adults to send their children to school), after dinner, they continue to study until the adult's evening school class is over, and they go home with their parents.

Adults' thinking has solidified, and it has become quite difficult to accept new knowledge, so Gao Wen's requirement for most adult workers in the territory is to be able to read and write, at least in the factory, they can understand the operation of the machine Explain, but children are precious "blank paper", before they have time to be numb by life, they can still accept flexible new ideas and new knowledge, so Gao Wen has always attached great importance to the education of children.

At the beginning of the establishment of the territory, there were almost no children in this town, because those who escaped from the Old Cecil Territory were basically healthy adults. Although women and children were evacuated first, under the eroding environment of the demon tide, More than half of the children with weak constitutions failed to survive until several times of population expansion, and Cecil Territory finally had a generation of minors again, with slaves who were sold along with their parents (if it weren’t for Gawain’s emancipation system, These children and their descendants have been slaves for generations), and there are also homeless people rescued by Joan and Tom. Even if these children still live with their parents in the buffer camp, they will be arranged to come to the academy every day .

Today, they are adding a special new course.

Santis Seid is nervously arranging his clothes in the teacher's office. The office is very simple, but there is a mirror as tall as a person. Above the mirror is a motto given to the teachers of the college by the lord: Take your body as a mirror. .

Santis tidied up some old robes, and smoothed out the wrinkles on the robes a little clumsily. He saw the motto above the mirror: There is wisdom in the words of the lord, but he still can't quite understand this sentence. Why did the words appear here? It's just that he was more worried about whether he would be able to cope with this first lesson than to understand the words.

He wants to teach a group of poor children, let them learn knowledge that even rich merchants and knights may not be able to learn, is this really possible

He once worked as a tutor for some merchants or minor nobles, and the children of those wealthy people can be regarded as "educated future superiors", but teaching them to read is still a hard job, and now he has to face A group of children of serfs, slave laborers, indentured slaves, and freedmen, the young second-level arcanist couldn't imagine how he would teach them this first lesson.

But the class bell was about to strike, and through the window, he saw that the hunchbacked old gentleman who was in charge of ringing the bell was walking towards the bronze bell hanging in the yard with a small hammer. It was pointless to hesitate now.

Santis Seid adjusted his neckline for the last time, then with a determined expression, he picked up the drafts and lesson plans prepared next to him, pushed open the office door, and strode towards the children's classroom.

After pushing open the door, he saw two cleaning apprentices looking at him blankly. He went to the wrong door.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" The young arcanist didn't have the arrogance and imposing manner of a professional spellcaster at all. He apologized nervously, his face flushed with embarrassment, and before the two apprentices could react, he had already fled back. In the hallway.

The bell for class had already rang, but Santis pushed the wrong door twice in a row before finding the classroom he was supposed to attend. He pushed the door open almost in a panic, and saw a room sitting inside. Messy, patched clothes, and dirty kids of all ages finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The children who came to class were noisy. Although it was not the first time they entered the school, the word "rules" still hadn't entered their minds. These children from different places and of different ages regarded the classroom as a meeting place , Noisy and chaotic, their parents may be serfs, freemen, slaves or even exiles, but they themselves have no concept of this aspect, all the children are mixed together, and it is completely a mess.

Teachers who usually teach general studies can calm down these children with a loud voice, but Santis Seid does not have such a loud voice (and the courage to correspond to it). The classroom was quiet for a moment, but it was just that the children stopped making noise temporarily because of curiosity, and soon the noise started again, this time the focus of the children's discussion changed from dinner and mud to the piece on Santis. Old magic robes.

"Look! New teacher!"

"The new teacher is wearing a robe, it must be a robe!"

"The new teacher is a master mage! He must be able to conjure a dragon..."

"Shh, if he gets angry, you will die!"

"That robe is so old..."

Older children will still look at Santis's robe and short staff around his waist in fear, but the younger children are completely fearless. They haven't learned to see it like their parents do. Similarly, Santis also failed to master the "spirit" that ordinary mages would throw a fireball and blow the opponent into a cripple when they saw an impolite pariah.

He can only release so many arcane missiles a day.

He could only open his mouth in vain, and the low voice in the first row was hard to hear: "Be quiet... Everyone, be quiet, class is on..."

No one listened to him, as expected: the sons of commoners were even more difficult to deal with.

Santis felt sweat dripping from his face. He felt that he might have failed his first lesson, but a handkerchief was suddenly handed over from the side. He looked over unexpectedly and saw a girl with big eyes He held up a handkerchief and looked at himself.

This girl is a little thin, but she is wearing a very clean and tidy cotton dress, and there is a small hairpin on her head, which shows that her family conditions should be good. She passed the handkerchief forward again, opened her mouth and said " Ah" sound.

"Thank you... thank you..." Santis didn't expect a child to be so sensible. He immediately thanked him and took the handkerchief, wiping his sweat while laughing, "You didn't shout like everyone else, so sensible..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a boy next to him suddenly shouted: "Because Pea is dumb!"

The girl with big eyes immediately glared at the boy, who quickly shrank his neck: "I'm sorry, Sister Pea..."

This girl is Pea, is she dumb

Santis was stunned for a moment. He remembered that he had indeed seen the weird name "Pea" in the student roster before, but he didn't expect that there would be a mute among his students.

But in this dazed two seconds, out of the corner of Santis's eye, he suddenly saw a small hand poking over from under the podium, holding a slate for writing, on which was written A few crooked words: Put a spell, sir.

Then the slate was taken back so quickly that Santis didn't even see who handed it over.

He was stunned for a moment, finally came to his senses, and then raised his right hand slightly. He only had a few precious opportunities to cast spells a day, and he used it in his first class.

A small ball of arcane energy flew out of his hand, flew into the middle of the classroom, and then exploded with a bang. The scattered magic sparks seemed to detonate a firework in the room.

All the children fell silent for a moment.

They looked at their new teacher in awe, as if they hadn't realized until now, that they were finally sure that this was a real mage.

Like Ms. Hetty, a magician.

The children looked at each other, and Santis finally knew what to do.

"Children," the young second-level arcanist smiled. He left behind the experience of being a tutor to minor nobles and businessmen, and threw away those meaningless and gorgeous opening remarks, and threw away those "first time" Contact etiquette" and rules, said what he wanted to say most at the moment, "Let me tell you how to identify runes and the basic principles of their effectiveness."

These children may never be able to cast a single spell with their own hands for life.

Santis turned and wrote the title of the first lesson on the blackboard with a plaster marker.

No one in history has ever considered imparting the mysteries of magic to everyone without reservation.

The basic runes of earth, water, wind and fire were transferred from the pen tip to the blackboard, followed by derivative runes of various fields such as frost and lightning.

However, these children can memorize this knowledge with their minds and calculate it with paper and pen. Miss Jenny has proved the value of this "calculation", and the lord also believes in the value of this.

Santis turned and saw dozens of curious, focused eyes that could have focused.

"Let's have our first lesson."