Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 271: communication and exposure


There were bursts of disturbing noises from the magic device for communication, but Berna didn't care about these disturbances. She just waited patiently for a few seconds with a smile, and then heard a hoarse, low-pitched voice, like a dry branch The sound of rubbing together came from the device:

"Today's wasteland is still as boring as every day in the past—Master Bertila, why did you suddenly communicate through the hidden bridge?"

"I want to confirm the situation at the outpost," Bertera, whose alias is Berna, is actually the middle-level leader of the cult organization, said lightly, "You should already know that those blind monsters attacked the borders of Typhon and Anzu at the same time. .”

"... 'this side' of the Wall is under control, and accidents that happen outside the Wall are none of our business, Your Excellency."

Bertila snorted softly, obviously not satisfied with the answer: "Mutated individuals with elementary intelligence and powerful spellcasting ability appeared among the mutants. Why didn't these changes be mentioned in the previous report?"

The voice on the other side of the communication device was silent for a moment, and then the rustling sounded again: "...we have not observed the mutant you mentioned."

Bertila frowned slightly, obviously she was even more dissatisfied with this answer: "Will I make up this question at will? Now even the humans outside the wall have witnessed brand new mutant monsters, are you really have no idea?"

"Master Beltira, don't question the loyalty of the 'sacrifice', we don't know what's going on with the mutant you said, but we will investigate it - if everything is true, it can only show Those monsters are undergoing brand-new mutations that have never been observed before, and in the face of such changes, it is the wisest choice to wait patiently for the results of the investigation."

"I will wait," Beltira said with a cold and stiff expression, "but I don't have much patience."

"Be patient, be patient, we have been patient for seven hundred years, nothing can affect our plans..."

The noise in the communication device and the human voice gradually weakened together. Bertila knew that the effect of the "dark bridge" was reaching its limit, and the illegal signal coverage in the channel would soon be noticed by the magicians of the Silver Empire. Before the communication was completely interrupted, she took the time to say: "The elves will soon notice the movement of the magnificent wall, our channel will be reset, and we will modify it according to the second plan..."

The sky is covered with filthy clouds like a swamp, and the turbulent Chaos Demon can create never-ending lightning in the clouds, and the howling wind carries poisonous gas and radiation dust. Withered and withered in the environment, or mutated and distorted, even the earth, which was regarded as the cornerstone of all things, was turned into scorched wasteland in the corrosive magical energy-here, it was a place where life was cut off.

But there's still "something" going on in this lifeless place.

In the wasteland of Gondor, a "forest" is slowly creeping in the magic scorched area.

The dark twisted branches grow wantonly in the corrupted mana, sparse and messy gray-white leaves hang on the branches, or pale or blood-red crystal growths pierce the skin of these plants, growing like mosaics on the creepy Among the twisted branches and leaves, no polymath in the world can recognize the species or names of these "trees". Trees"—especially these trees are still swaying their branches and walking on the ground with their dense roots, which is even more beyond the poor imagination of human beings.

Countless such "trees" are crawling on the wasteland, and their roots are constantly expanding, shrinking, and wriggling like tangled snakes. From time to time, "trees" slow down the crawling speed, and part of the roots Pierce briefly into the rotting soil, and seize the time to absorb the only nutrients left in the soil, but even so, their crawling pace will never stop, as if their mission is to keep crawling in this wasteland. The trek is average.

In the center of the creeping forest, an extremely huge and ancient strange tree is slowly moving forward surrounded by its partners. Its wrinkled and pitted bark is shrunk together, forming a strange shape like the face of an old man. The pattern, the face formed of bark changes slightly, and from the withered and cracked mouth of "it", a hoarse and low voice came out: "Don't worry, Master Bertera, everything is under control..."

After a while, this old face closed its mouth, but around this giant tree, many smaller creeping trees shook in unison, and one by one faces emerged from the wrinkled bark. It emerged and looked out of the forest with the twisting of the branches of the trees.

Outside the creeping forest, on the filthy and scorched wasteland, countless hideous and terrifying flesh and blood giants are slowly moving, and low-pitched whispers enough to drive ordinary people mad come from every giant's chest, filling the air. Over the whole wilderness.

And among those blind and foolish flesh and blood giants, one or two extra-large individuals can be seen from time to time. They are two or three times the height of ordinary giants, and they are slowly moving in the team, and they are constantly approaching the creeping forest. the direction of...

Every leaf in the creeping forest trembled, and amidst the clattering sound, there came an ethereal voice: "Everything is under control..."

Bertila ended the communication and stared fixedly at the dimmed magic device in front of him.

"Sacrifice..." The headmistress closed her eyes, her cold and indifferent expression carried a hint of nostalgia and bitterness, "Seven hundred years..."

But only a few seconds later, the headmistress restrained all unnecessary emotional changes. She opened her eyes, which became cold and distant again. After leaving any abnormalities, she tidied up the folds on her clothes, turned around and prepared to leave this place.

However, her feet were firmly fixed in place as if they had taken root. Even though her upper body had turned around, she couldn't lift her steps.

She looked down in surprise, only to find that her roots hadn't appeared—it wasn't those vines and roots that held her in place, but her own legs, her own feet.

Bertila frowned, and tried to raise her footsteps again, but this time she was not only unsuccessful, she even put her hand on the extinguished magic device again!

The female dean exclaimed in a low voice: "Berna? What are you doing?!"

Bertila's body stiffened, and she no longer made the slightest movement. However, a deep confrontation unfolded inside this body. Her face—the pure and beautiful face that belonged to an elf, at this moment Different expressions are constantly changing, sometimes angry, sometimes painful, sometimes determined, sometimes desperate...

In the end, all expressions stopped at a layer of indifference, and Beltera regained control of the body.

However, a sigh came from her mouth.

"Berna... this is the last time you will be willful.

"Go ahead, before I change my mind."

The elf girl's body staggered, and then slowly walked towards the magic terminal in the room. She lightly stroked the smooth alloy surface of the magic terminal, and then put her hand on its top with a slightly rusty hand.

After a while, the elf rune brightened up again, and the projection of light and mist appeared together with the sound, and a silver elf with a friendly smile waved his hand in front of Berna.

"Windtalker 1015, hello, my sister who is traveling far away."

The elf girl hesitated, but still slowly broke the silence: "I am... Berna Breeze, from... White Rock City."

"Okay, Miss Bernardo, how does it feel to travel abroad? Do you want to contact your family in the empire? Or do you want to report what you saw and heard outside? Or do you need to switch to a confidential line for special circumstances?"

"I... no, I don't need to contact my family, I only have a few words, which I want to pass on to Master Heart of Thorns in Moon Valley."

"Okay, please tell me, it will be recorded for you here."

"...Mentor, I'm fine outside, traveling is really a very interesting thing, this world is so big, much bigger than the forests I've seen in my hometown...

"I know a lot of people, there are humans, there are also elves who come out to travel, there are also dwarves that are very common in the north of the mainland, and there is even a goblin-the goblin is really interesting, small, but it is full of air when speaking …

"Teacher, I don't regret coming out to see this world, but I also want to see the forest in my hometown again...

"But... I'm not going back.

"I'm going to stay out in the world because of a promise I have to fulfill.

"One last thing, mentor, don't gamble anymore... Really, it's actually embarrassing to tell others...

"That's all, Miss Windtalker."

"Okay, it's been recorded," the silver elf on the magic light curtain recorded all Berna's words with a smile, and then asked, "Is there any other message to give to someone else?"

The elf girl Berna was silent for a moment, then shook her head slightly: "No more."

"Okay, sisters traveling far away - I am very happy to have this short conversation, and hope to see you again next time. May the stars and the earth always look after you."

"May the starry sky and the earth bless you forever. Thank you."

The runes on the surface of the communication device gradually dimmed, and Berna repeated it as if talking to herself: "Thank you."

This is obviously not for Windtalkers who are already offline.

The body of the "elf girl" shook slightly, and a cold voice came from her mouth: "You don't need to say thank you to me, you and I both know that this is part of the transaction contract.

"You give your flesh and blood, and I make up for your regrets.

"I just want to better stabilize the flesh and blood state after 'fusion', and on the other hand, I have been monitoring your actions, and your words and deeds can't break free from my shackles—so you really have nothing to worry about." Thank you for mine."

There was a long silence in the room, and a few minutes later, Bertila suddenly chuckled: "Oh... I was actually influenced by you..."

She shook her head, all expressions on her face quickly subsided, then she opened the door of the cubicle and left the place without hesitation.

She skillfully passed the checkpoint in the messenger hall, walked through the streets, and left the town established by elves through another entrance.

Before long, she was already walking in the taiga outside the valley.

Bertila, who still maintained the form of "Berna", walked in the forest. Although she was surrounded by desolate border forests, she seemed to be strolling in the garden of her home. She walked unhurriedly, and when she arrived at a After reaching a clearing in the woods, he stopped.

She raised her head with a smile, and looked at Solderin who had stretched his short bow not far ahead.

"Sister 'Sol', we meet again."