Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 272: Gawain's vision


Gao Wen had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but it was difficult for him to let the people around him understand all of his thoughts.

He wants to change this world and build a new order—although at first he just wanted to survive in this world, but this idea has gradually changed as he survived in this world longer—but changing the world is easier said than done

Even if he only looks at the tiny Ansu, he can see the powerful inertia accumulated for seven hundred years in this kingdom—the inertia of the landed nobles, the inertia of the people at the bottom, and the inertia of the social system. Everything in this country is based on the old Above some order, if this order does not change, then nothing will change.

He has indeed established his own world, the Cecil Territory and a brand-new social order on the land of the extreme south, but in fact he knows that all this is just the beginning—he can formulate a new one. The law can use magic technology to promote productivity, build a more advanced government team, and implement more scientific and reasonable territorial management, but all these are just "surface" work.

Whether it is the people who manage the territory or the people who accept the management, they were all members of the traditional Ansu system just a year ago. They were small businessmen, down-and-out scholars, ordinary civilians, and even serfs and slaves under the rule of the traditional land aristocracy. , They have indeed been able to obey Gao Wen's orders and do what Gao Wen asked them to do, but they have not changed in their bones. It's just a rule, they know what to do, but many people don't really know why they do it.

As long as people's thinking has not changed, then all changes can only be temporary, and the dividends produced by industrialization will be greatly wasted due to the restrictions of "people". Gao Wen knows this very well, so he wants to force Promote education, especially compulsory education for minors - he not only ordered the opening of cultural courses for reading and literacy in schools, but also taught about the structure of the kingdom, the history of nobles and commoners, the law of social resource distribution and rationality, etc. All these are his efforts in indoctrination.

It is easy to update a batch of new machines on the territory, but it is difficult to enlighten the people of this era. Those serfs and slaves who have nothing and are oppressed sometimes even resist this. They have already agreed and adapted to it. Your own destiny, and even agree with the rules of the entire Ansu system, if you tell them that nobles and slaves shed the same blood, they will even think you are deviant and unreasonable, but this is not because of their ignorance, but because of this The times have twisted them into such a shape.

Gao Wen sometimes wondered whether the new order, new laws, and new ideas he promoted in a hurry were too radical, but he was very clear about one thing—the magic wave waited for no one, and the relationship between Typhon and Ansu War will not wait for him. The more he understands the current situation in the world, the more he feels that time is not enough, so he has to try his best to push everything to the fastest speed—if it is not for the two forces of magic tide and war With a sharp sword hanging above his head, why should he be so urgent

Gawain fell into a trance and thought for a while, until Rebecca's voice woke him up: "My lord ancestor, what are you thinking about?"

Gawain came to his senses, looked at the curious Rebecca, Hetty who was behind Rebecca with a thoughtful expression, and several trustworthy faces around him, he smiled slightly: "Rebecca , do you still remember a sentence I once told you? The reason why the nobles have been depraved and corrupted in the past seven hundred years is not because of problems with the inheritance of the nobles themselves, but because they have nothing to fear."

Rebecca thought for a while, then nodded: "You told me so..."

"Protecting the people, defending the land, and safeguarding the glory, these aristocratic norms are not wrong in themselves, but if you only rely on the self-consciousness of the nobles and want them to abide by these norms, it is tantamount to whimsical." Gao Wen shook his head, "Many nobles advocate bloodlines. Noble, advocating innate justice, and even let scholars use various theories to prove that the blood of nobles is born with elements of morality and justice, so nobles can strictly abide by the rules without additional moral monitoring, but in fact It's all bullshit."

As soon as this sentence came out, almost everyone's eyes widened. Rebecca and Hetty stared at their ancestors dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe that such an outrageous sentence came from the first generation of aristocrats who founded the country from Ansu. Soldering, who was sitting on the chair next to him, couldn't help pinching his chin, and looked at his old friend with a smile.

"Nothing is inherently noble. Nobility is only whitewashed by later generations," Gao Wen continued. "I don't know the origins of those people at the beginning of the founding of the country? A group of descendants of apprentices, blacksmiths, and carpenters. After a hundred years, they will be naturally noble? To put it bluntly, no one beat them, and they are all swollen and out of shape... "

No one can refute what the ancestors said seven hundred years ago, so the people in the room can only listen carefully, but there is still someone who can intervene, that is Soldering, who also has a long history, the elf The ranger looked at Gao Wen with a smile, and waited until the other party had finished speaking before speaking unhurriedly: "Then, my old friend, if one day you beat them all up, what kind of new order do you want to establish after that?" You know, even the ancient sage king in the legend of Gondor, the dynasty he established will decay and collapse one day. Human beings are a short-lived, forgetful and changeable race. You can guarantee that the new order you establish will last forever. Is it as you wish?"

Speaking of this step, some things have almost been clarified, and the room suddenly fell silent.

"Of course not." Facing Soldering's question, Gawain's answer was simple and straightforward. His first two words startled people, but then he laughed, "So what I established is not The order of one city and one country is not the order of one dynasty. What I have established is the order of civilization as a whole. It is an order in which all nobles are no longer born noble and all rulers cannot be unscrupulous. Whether the emperor sits on the throne, or a king, or whatever, he must always be trembling, must always be cautious, because there is always a force that can pull him off the throne after he has made a mistake."

It is enough to say that here, there are many things that do not need to be explained too clearly.

A needle could be heard in the room for a while, and Amber couldn't help touching her neck, and looked at Gao Wen seriously: "To be honest, you won't kill me after this, will you?"

Gao Wen didn't answer, he just placed his hands on the top of Amber's head and smiled.

"Seven hundred years ago, you were always able to surprise people, and seven hundred years later, you will not be bad," Soldering stood up from his chair. The elf ranger came to Gawain, and suddenly knelt down on one knee. , solemnly bowed the human knight's salute when facing the lord, "As I promised before I set off—Solderin? Frost Leaf, I would like to return to your command."

Gao Wen also solemnly returned the gift, and helped this old friend (at least the old friend of his body, the old friend in the inherited memory): "You are welcome. But now you still need to rest first , let’s talk about recovering from the injury.”

Pittman laughed from the side: "Lord, don't worry, with my ointment and healing spells, he can fully recover in a few days."

Gawain took a deep look at the old druid. He was sure that this was the first time the other party said the word "Lord" in such a formal tone.

He nodded: "Then the wounded will be handed over to you."

People left one by one, and soon, only Gao Wen and Amber were left in the study.

"Didn't you just mutter that I'm going to kill you to silence you? Why are you staying so shameless at this time?" Gawain looked at the half-elf lady who stayed in the study with a smile, deliberately teasing her.

Amber didn't respond to Gao Wen's teasing for the first time, she just looked at him seriously, and it took a long time to break the silence: "I was thinking, how serious are you when you talk big."

"It's all serious," Gawain said calmly, but then nodded, "But at this moment, calm down and think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with you calling me a lie—after all, the Cecil leader is now It’s just that we’ve just gained a firm foothold, and it’s really too early to dare to plan the situation of the kingdom at this moment.”

Amber gave Gao Wen a white look: "It's not in your nature to be so modest—and if others don't know, how can I not know? Cecil collar is indeed just gaining a foothold, but those hidden clues and pawns you spread... are not just Take Cecil."

Speaking of which, she paused, and looked at Gao Wen with her arms folded: "Until today, I finally know the reasons for your many strange behaviors. Be a pioneer noble."

"Actually, I really plan to build in peace and stability," Gao Wen spread his hands, "If possible, I don't plan to mix with the contemporary Ansu aristocratic system, but then again...they are stupid and have a lot of money. Why wouldn't I be happy?"

"I believe you are a ghost!"

Gao Wen: "..."

At the same time, it was located in the hidden underground palace near the border of Ansu and Typhon.

In a side hall covered by vines and roots, a mutated plant suddenly bulged, and the bud-like structure at the top of the plant rapidly swelled, matured, and cracked. A woman wearing a priest's robe and long dark green hair emerged from the crack came out of the pods that opened.

Bertila's face was gloomy and pale, she looked down at her hands and arms, and confirmed that all injuries had healed, and then she took a step, dragging those daunting roots and vines towards the place that seemed to be waiting for her. The black-robed figure at the entrance of the hall.

"Master Heaton," Bertila looked at the man in black in front of him, his tone was quite cold, "I didn't expect that you just came out of the abyss of flesh and blood, and the first thing you did was to greet me, which is really surprising .”

"It's even more surprising that Dean Bertila, who almost never makes mistakes, has such a embarrassed side," said Dean Heaton with a calm and resolute face and a thin figure, "But I'm not here to greet you Yes, I just came to tell you that during the days you were away, the Grand Priest woke up, and he told you to go see him as soon as you came back."

"The Grand Priest is awake?" Bertila frowned slightly, then nodded coldly, "Okay, I see."