Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 277: Consciousness that travelers should have


The rotor-type magic energy engine can be said to be one of Gao Wen's first ideas after he thought of the route of "magic industrialization", but its realization has been delayed until today, because the difficulty and complexity of this system far exceed Any kind of magic device that has been conceived so far requires at least eight groups, as many as ten groups or even dozens of neatly arranged repulsion circles to operate at the same time, and so many repulsion circles are connected. Together, the resulting magic interference is almost a disaster. To solve the interference problem, even mathematical calculations with rune logic are extremely difficult.

But Jenny solved the problem anyway, and even came up with a further optimization of the original rotary engine.

Gao Wen looked at the blueprints on the table and the materials next to the blueprints for a long time. His expression was probably too serious, so that Amber, who came to the study to watch the fun, was taken aback. The latter looked at Gao Wen in astonishment: "What's wrong? There's something wrong with this blueprint? Did Jenny's calculation go wrong?"

Gawain raised his head and said without thinking, "I'm not a genius."

"Huh?" Amber was taken aback by this muddle-headed sentence, and the next second she thought it was Gao Wen teasing herself, "Are you trying to run people on purpose? Isn't a guy like you a monster?" Genius, let ordinary people live? Of course, I don't include myself in "ordinary people".

"I just sent it out of feeling." Gao Wen didn't pay attention to Amber's BB in the second half, but said this with a half-smile, turned around and looked out the French window, watching the land gradually light up. night lights.

He is not a genius.

Nor is he the center of the world.

He can't create an era of magic industry out of thin air, nor can he pull this world into a sea of stars by himself.

Gao Wen was very aware of this from the very beginning, but today, he is more deeply aware of it.

He knows that he is a special individual compared with ordinary people, and he can frankly admit that he wants to do big things and has the ambition to affect the changes of this era, but he knows that even if the times change, it is not something he can pull alone .

Thinking carefully about what happened along the way, Gao Wen became more and more clear about his own position, and also became more and more clear about the talents and wisdom of the locals in this world.

The magic net comes from a down-and-out and talented wild mage, and the Rebecca crystal and rune trigger come from a noble girl with wonderful ideas. Rune logic is a great law that three generations of researchers have summed up over decades. A magic engine was hammered out by craftsmen and technicians in the territory bit by bit, and the mass production technology of alchemy potions, the final machine design, and the completion of the factory... were made by Druid Pittman and his apprentices. They, together with the hard work of hundreds of workers, technicians and craftsmen in the territory for several months.

Just now, Padrik Bohm from Kantland understood the concepts of the so-called regional agency, production, supply and marketing chain, and market feedback in just one hour, and made a product review based on the actual situation of this era. Graded sale proposal.

But now, Jenny Perot has completed the final calculation of the rotor-type magic energy engine, and designed an effective speed regulation scheme for this engine before Gao Wen thought of it.

Gawain lowered his head and looked at the Cecil collar, which was still full of vigor and vitality after nightfall.

This is a dark and backward era, but this does not mean that a traverser has become the center of the world. In this era, in this world, there are wise people hiding everywhere, even those nobles who seem to be ignorant and backward, they are using their wisdom and strength to maintain their dominance. Gawain felt that if he wanted to be in this world To make a career, the first thing to do is probably not to forget to be in awe of this world.

Pay attention to the system of the world itself, recognize the wisdom of the local people, and under this premise, to reasonably grab their own interests, this is the way to survive and develop.

With a smile on his face, Gao Wen turned his head to look at Amber who was curiously studying the drawings on the table: "You said, if everyone in this land is talented, then what am I doing here?"

"What's the matter with you? You're talking all of a sudden," Amber blinked her eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense, you are the lord, without you, why would our group of people gather here! We have already divided our luggage and left Damn... By the way, don't you really plan to announce the disbandment of the gang..."

Gawain glared at the half-elf: "Can you stop using the words I taught you? That's called a team, not a gang!"

"... Anyway, it has almost the same meaning. When the two words are put together, the last two letters are different..."

Gao Wen looked at the thief lady helplessly, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

That's right, the magic net was invented by the wild mage, the alchemy reaction device was invented by Pittman, the burst crystal and the rune trigger were invented by Rebecca... Many things in the territory were not created by him, or at least not original, but His greatest value here is not to create these with his own hands, but to bring these talented people to play their original talents.

He does not surpass the wisdom of the local people, but he has vision and thinking beyond theirs. He has the knowledge of his previous life, the knowledge of Gawain Cecil, and the will and experience of being an ancient observer. He cannot create Nothing, but he knew what the land needed.

He knows where the road is going, and this is the role and reason for him to be here. From a broad perspective, he can plan the future order and social structure of the territory. From a small perspective, he can describe a specific technology route. The necessary machinery, and then let the technicians on the territory find a way to realize it.

Gao Wen suddenly laughed happily. He felt that no matter what cheats he had, at least one thing was certain:

He is the cheat of this world, at least the cheat of Cecil Collar.

Oh, and I have to take along Mr. Nicholas Dan who recovered from a cold not long ago and is thinking about how to make the next generation of large stamping machines in the Mechanical Research Institute these two days.

But the ups and downs in Gao Wen's heart couldn't be conveyed to Hu Po's head with nine turns and eighteen turns. The thief lady only saw Gao Wen's deep and deep expression, and then suddenly laughed, and suddenly felt hairy all over her body. , I planned to rush out on the spot to remind Heidi and Rebecca that their great-grandfather might have expired, but I didn't expect that the old rice dumpling in front of me nodded to me just as soon as I thought of it: "Amber, Tomorrow, you will go to Tanzania Town as my envoy and hand over my personal letter to Viscount Andrew."

"Winter made me run so far..." Amber muttered, "What did you do in the past?"

"I want to invite that Mr. Viscount to come to the territory as a guest, and let him, a big mine owner, see how the people in Cecil Territory mine."

"Oh... what?!" Amber woke up in horror just as she nodded halfway, looking at Gao Wen as if she was looking at an enemy spy who had penetrated into her own people, "You want to invite Viscount Andrew to visit the mines in the territory? Do you remember? Is there anything there?!"

"Of course, remember, the magic energy engine, the drainage pump, the mine cart traction machine, and the crusher and screening machine that have been put into use recently."

"Do you remember that you still want an outsider to see it?!" Amber's eyes widened. "These are the lifeblood of Cecil! Our place can develop like this in such a short period of time. But it’s all those machines, you’re not afraid that after Viscount Andrew sees it..."

"I hope he will be tempted after seeing it, very tempted," Gao Wen nodded, "because I plan to sell him all the mining equipment."


"Our second-generation magic energy engine has been realized, and I want to sell the first generation," Gao Wen knew what Amber was thinking, but he enjoyed the fun of teasing each other, this troublesome half-elf Only in this kind of dazed situation will it look cute, "And you just said something wrong: the territory has developed like this in such a short period of time, and the machines have a certain role, but we don't rely entirely on them."

He shook his head: "The part of the Cecil collar that is really open is something that outsiders can't take away."

Amber's worry obviously hasn't subsided: "But anyway, you sell things like magic engines to others... Are you really not worried about the development next door?"

"They will definitely develop, and the mining efficiency of Tanzanian mines will be greatly improved," Gawain nodded. "This will ensure that Cecil can receive more magic materials, and the price will be lower."

Amber scratched her hair: "That's it? Do you have other reasons?"

"Of course, only a stronger partner can bring you greater benefits. I never worry about the development of others. I just need to ensure that I am the fastest growing one."

Gao Wen sighed softly when he said this: "Most of the rulers of this world are going the other way. They will do everything possible to ensure that no one within their line of sight will move forward. They don't care if they stand still. As long as others are not advancing or keeping backwards, it is fine, but there is a fatal problem that they cannot ensure that they suppress those who are out of their sight. What they do can only lead to regional decline. , do you know? In fact, this evil effect has already appeared.”

"Evil consequences?"

"Ansu's neighbor, the Typhon Empire, has been carrying out continuous military reform and social progress in recent decades. They have realized the regularization of extraordinary professionals and a certain degree of military assembly line production. The nobles in Ansu In the process of retreating in groups, a powerful and terrifying opponent has stood up where they cannot be affected or observed... "

Amber swallowed her saliva. She is also from Ansu, so she naturally knows that the threat from the neighboring country Typhon is increasing day by day, but it is the first time for her as a commoner to hear such an intuitive analysis from Gao Wen. There is one last doubt about Gao Wen's decision: "But if you sell those machines powered by magic engines to Viscount Andrew, he won't be able to use them... These machines must be powered by magic nets..."

Gao Wen laughed more and more happily: "So I will also sell him the blueprint of the magic net. If possible, I will even send a group of technicians at a low price to guide Leslie to complete the basic construction of the magic net." .”

"You even want to give him the magic net?!" Amber almost jumped up this time, "Do you know how many things he can do with the magic net?"

"Mining," Gao Wen said lightly, "Lead mining for Cecil."