Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 278: Your tour beta has started


In Veronica's line of sight, one figure after another of the Holy Light left the Great Hall of Light, and the turbulent holy power in the entire space finally calmed down again. She waited until the last bishop had also left before turning her head slightly. He turned around and looked at Saint Ivan III beside him.

"My lord, do you have something to tell me?"

The old pope was hunched in his gorgeous chair, the strength of the strong support seemed to be gradually fading from him, although there was a glorious holy light descending from mid-air, this holy light could not reverse the fact that the body was constantly weakening, the old man He took a few heavy breaths, and then raised his eyelids: "Veronica, faithful child of the Lord, what did you see in the prayer room at the highest place?"

See the filthy and filthy streets covered in icy snow.

"I see the light shining on the world, and the pastures of the Lord are pure."

Seeing people who are full of desires enter the church, rich people pray for more wealth, powerful people pray for more power, but poor people are not even qualified to step into the church, they can only kneel in the cathedral On the outermost step.

"I saw the Lord's people gathered under the light of the Holy Light, and their hearts were filled with the power of the Lord, and they became pure and holy."

"Very good," the Pope said slowly, with a peaceful expression on his face, "Veronica, I'm running out of time."

Veronica leaned over: "Your Majesty, your body is still healthy."

"Don't comfort me, and I don't need to be comforted," the old man shook his head slightly, "I will return to the embrace of the Lord. Recently, in a vision... I can already see the face of the Lord. He is standing in the center of the Kingdom of God, facing me. Smile, comeback day will be my most glorious moment... I will never resist it."

The face of the Lord...

Veronica repeated this word in her heart, but what emerged in her mind was a large amorphous crystal. The true face of the God of Holy Light is still deeply imprinted in her mind to this day. Do not go.

"Veronica, I don't resist death, but I worry that our career will be interrupted by my death," the voice of the old pope interrupted Veronica's thoughts, and she heard the old man speaking slowly and firmly. Talking to yourself in a tone of voice, "Do you still remember the revelation you heard from the Lord?"

"Of course I remember, I will never forget," Veronica replied firmly, "The world is being infested with filth, and the alien gods are powerless to save this world. Among the gods, only Holy Light is the ultimate savior." The will will guide all mortals through the ultimate calamity."

"Holy light is the only salvation," Saint Ivan III slowly closed his eyes, "Maybe many people will not understand what we are going to do, but we must do it, because the Lord awakens us from ignorance... that is To give us the mission of saving all living beings."

"I am willing to undertake this mission and make the belief of Holy Light the only one in this world..."

"Very good, child, the Lord is pleased with your words," Saint Ivan III's voice gradually became low, as if he had fallen into sleep, "Holy Light is the only salvation, the only..."

Veronica leaned down beside the sleeping Pope, and chanted devoutly in a low voice: "The Holy Light is the only salvation..."

"Calculus is our way!" In the comprehensive analysis room of the Rune Research Institute, Kamel floated high, and dozens of manuscript papers were suspended beside him under the control of magic power, densely packed with calculations. The formula and the data converted into a graph, "The lord has lit a bright light for us!"

Rebecca, Jenny and a dozen assistants stood nearby helplessly, watching the ancient magister so excited that he ascended to heaven in situ. It wasn't until Kamel calmed down a little that Jenny couldn't help but say: " Master Kamel, can you come down? The ceiling... the magic spar lamp on the ceiling is almost burned out by you."

"Ah? Oh," Kamel hurriedly lowered the height, "I said, why does it feel hot near the head."

Rebecca looked at the luminous magister in admiration: "Master Kamel, you are amazing! Did you master these things so quickly? I have listened to the ancestors for a long time, and I have studied them for a long time. , I haven't fully figured it out yet..."

"This is because of your generational change or, in the words of the lord, your functional foundation is not solid enough," Kamel said while manipulating the magic power to return the manuscript papers neatly to their original places, "We I am using various mathematical tools to solve problems, so I will adapt to this new field faster. But don’t be discouraged, your mathematical ability is very strong, and your talent in this area is better than most of our ordinary researchers at that time Well, you'll soon be able to fully grasp these things."

After finishing speaking, the ancient magister couldn't help sighing: "If you want to talk about greatness, it's still your ancestors who are great... I can't imagine how he mastered so much knowledge...not only a legendary knight, but also so knowledgeable Magic, runes, math, and even the art of mapping... ”

"I don't know why the ancestor is so powerful, but he is really powerful." Rebecca scratched her hair embarrassedly, as if she was the one who was praised, "He is a legendary hero, the country A small half of the territory was conquered by him!"

Kamel turned around and looked at the assistant researchers who were casting curious eyes around him. He was in a very happy mood now, and even his whole body glowed with a light blue light when he spoke: "Every one of us must I have already discussed with Jenny to master this new mathematical tool, and everyone must learn calculus in the future without affecting the research tasks!"

Jenny nodded with a smile, indicating that she had approved this matter, and Rebecca next to her cheered up the researchers with a happy smile: "Don't worry, everyone, this is actually not difficult! Although I haven't Completely learned, but I think this kind of thing can be understood after ten days and half a month of research... "

The assistant researchers at the scene began to nod in confusion, while Jenny lowered her voice and muttered to Kamel next to her: "Does Rebecca know that her mathematical ability is different from that of ordinary people?"

"It looks like I don't know..."

"I'm mainly worried that these hard-earned assistant apprentices will run away after seeing calculus..."

"It's okay, I've welded the door shut."


"It's a way of describing the lord of me, and it's used to express the belief that I will never back down."

Jenny continued to be confused: "?"

But at this moment, Gao Wen, who released the demon "calculus", has no idea what is happening in the Rune Research Institute. It's a matter of integrating these people into Cecil's business network after training.

As early as the establishment of the Cecil Chamber of Commerce, Gao Wen reserved a lot of positions in the system where intelligence personnel could be placed, so the work itself was not difficult. He just explained his thoughts to Amber, The next thing can be done by the half-elf himself.

"Now our commercial network has begun to take effect. The merchants from all over the place will spontaneously send some information to the headquarters of the chamber of commerce, and when professional intelligence personnel also enter this system, the eyes and ears of the Cecil collar will be completely completed. Already." After explaining the matter clearly, Gao Wen leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, "Please help me to think about what is missing in the middle."

"Is there anything missing, is there anyone more cunning than you in this world?" Amber couldn't help but give Gao Wen a blank look, "Sometimes I don't even know that your heroic legends seven hundred years ago are true or false According to the legend, you are a guy who solves problems by charging, cleaving, whirlwind, slashing and smashing the audience, but you are more slippery than those conspirators when you count others here... "

"Legends and stories are always artistically processed by later generations, and I was expanding the territory at that time, and everyone generally liked to solve problems by cutting down everything, so when describing who is so powerful, everyone will say this person Do you know that the Duke of Franklin who hacked to death the generalissimo of the orc invasion army on the battlefield is actually better at cooking?"

"Duke Franklin? The old ancestor of the Franklin family in the west?"

"Yeah, one-handed jumping and hacking are superb. I have hacked to death two legends and at least a hundred high-level extraordinary people. I am best at carving flowers on radishes. When I have nothing to do, I will use radishes to practice. After training, invite us to eat Radishes, so the history books never say that our four founding dukes and King Charles himself didn’t like to eat radishes after the founding of the country.”

Amber was taken aback when she heard this, but she suddenly found a blind spot: "Oh, no, I saw that you were very excited to eat radishes at dinner last night."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was about to slip his tongue, but his reaction was extremely quick: "I haven't eaten for seven hundred years, have I recovered?"

Amber touched her chin and fell into thinking: "emmmm... so it can be slowed down like this..."

Gao Wen glanced at Amber with guilt and embarrassment, and planned to say something to divert the half-elf's attention, but before he could speak, he suddenly felt a slight ripple in his spiritual world.

This feeling is difficult to describe in words. Ordinary people may even associate it with short-term trance and distraction. However, Gao Wen did not let go of this slight sense of disobedience. He immediately realized that it was not his own spiritual world. There are ripples, but something "connected" to my spiritual world.

It is the spiritual network of the eternal sleepers!

Connection re-established? Those eternal sleepers finally opened the public beta? Are their servers fixed? Your account is back

At this moment, Gao Wen's mind spewed out a lot of reliable or unreliable thoughts like a blowout, but he didn't show it on his face, he just ended the current topic suddenly, and looked at Amber with a serious face: "I want to... sleep for a while, you will watch by the side."
