Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 284: Prelude to the attack


The Cecil collar is like a machine running at full power. When the order is given, every part of the machine will start to run quickly. Not everyone knows what will happen next, but almost everyone does. What should I do at this moment? Clear orders and rules and regulations are the biggest thing that makes Cecil Territory different from other aristocratic territories. People only need to follow orders to do things within their own scope, and this huge machine can run perfectly. Rise up and burst out with strength that makes everyone speechless.

In just three days, the defense line in the south of the territory was once again reinforced and expanded. The large open area from the dark mountains to the city wall was set up with layers of roadblocks and fences, and there were minefields between the roadblocks and fences. , 60% of the thousands of soldiers were sent to the southern city wall, and the remaining 40% were used as a reserve force and mobile force to operate on the remaining defense lines, and another security team maintained order in the territory and communicated new orders from the lord at any time Although a crisis was approaching, everything in the territory appeared to be in order, and this "everything is under control" atmosphere quickly calmed down the slightly flustered atmosphere in the city.

The population of Cecil Territory is growing explosively. A large number of foreign refugees have not experienced the first territorial defense, nor have they experienced a complete disaster drill. Even if someone comforts them, they will inevitably fall into panic. Now, the nobles don't care if these "untouchables" are in a panic, because the nobles only trust their own knights, mages and private soldiers. Clear instructions were issued, and the security team was asked to make uninterrupted situation announcements, and the effect of these measures was surprisingly good. Even the panicked new immigrants quickly transferred to stability after receiving clear instructions from the higher-ups. This change made He Tee was surprised.

On the southern city wall of the territory, Gao Wen was taking Heidi and others to check the layout of the last line of defense. After hearing the situation in the city reported by the affairs officer, he looked at Heti with a smile: "In the final analysis, people's fear comes from the unknown , It is precisely because they don’t know what will happen that the fear will be infinitely magnified in their hearts. At this time, as long as you give them some clear news, or even clear orders, they will easily settle down. Even if you let them go collectively If they move bricks, they will also feel at ease and have to deal with it, at least it shows that the situation can still be controlled."

At this time, a figure full of arcane brilliance appeared on the city wall, and the soldiers gave way one after another. Kamel walked straight through the crowd and came to Gawain: "The two obelisks of magic energy have been activated. The city walls have been covered with magic fields."

Gawain nodded: "Thank you for your hard work. It must not be easy to add two obelisks in such a short period of time."

"Actually, it's okay. The mechanical equipment you invented are very useful. I thought it would be more difficult for me to make things in this era after the magic power foundry of the Gondor Empire disappeared. Now the situation is much better than expected. Already," Kamel hummed, then raised his body slightly, looking at the entire city wall, "This is really... a sight I've never seen before."

Hetty, who was beside her, asked curiously, "Have you never experienced a battlefield?"

"I am a researcher. Although I have actual combat experience as a magister, I have never experienced a real battlefield," Kamel admitted frankly, "and the era I lived in was the most powerful period of the Gondor Empire. At that time, no country in the entire continent dared to go to war with us."

"Then you can witness what the battlefield looks like." Gao Wen smiled, "The battlefield of the new era."

"Just right, I'm also curious about what the aberration you mentioned is." The arcane brilliance on Kamel's body brightened, "The monsters that appeared in the magic tide...should be of great research value."

Gawain nodded, then looked around, suddenly curious: "Where did Rebecca go? I haven't seen her since just now."

"She left the city wall in the morning, and said she was going back to prepare some combat equipment," Hetty said. "She is not very good at commanding, but she can still serve as firepower, so I let her go."

"Battle equipment..." Gao Wen blinked, "I don't know what that girl wants to do..."

In the Lord's Mansion, in the "laboratory" set up by Rebecca herself, a certain iron-headed boy is carefully combining a bunch of rune substrates.

As a third-level mage who knows how to make big fireballs and has no common sense of experiments, Rebecca does not have her own laboratory. Dee relaxed the monitoring of the humanoid self-propelled fireball launcher, and Rebecca secretly tinkered with a laboratory and said it was a laboratory. In fact, she set up a workshop in the utility room of her suite. There are not many spell-related devices here. Instead, there are many mechanical processing devices, such as small drill stands and machine tools. Here, Rebecca has tinkered with many useful and wonderful things.

Till was sitting in the corner of the laboratory, watching Rebecca connect the rune substrates with copper hinges, combine them into a wide metal strip, and fix them on the body with hooks and straps, couldn't help but ask One sentence: "Are you a new type of armor?"

"What kind of armor, this is a battle mage amplifier I invented myself!" Rebecca worked hard to fix the rune substrates firmly, and raised her eyelids to look at Tyre, who was yawning, "Why are you wearing a suit of armor again?" Doesn't it look like you're awake? Didn't you say you've entered a state of excitement? You'll be excited for a month or something... "

"Misjudgment, I underestimated my laziness," Tire stretched his waist indifferently, and the tip of his tail trembled comfortably during the stretch, "So you are going to war soon, right? You are still here tossing toys all the time, aren't you afraid of being beaten by your great-grandfather?"

"What do you know, I am prepared for battle!" Rebecca said with a serious face, and at the same time finally buckled the last lock of the "Battle Mage Amplifier", "It's you, don't you plan to go back to sleep ? You really don’t want to help on the city wall?”

"Let's talk, let's talk..." Till was about to doze off while talking, but he still tried to hold his eyelids, "Speaking of what you called me here for... No, just to find an audience See how you tied yourself up with a strange iron belt?"

"Of course not, I asked you to help me as an insurance, because I don't know how effective this amplifier can be," Rebecca said while pressing her hand on a certain trigger mechanism between the rune substrates On, as she pressed the controller, all the rune substrates began to light up one by one, "Look carefully, let me test it first..."

Till lazily watched Rebecca pick up the staff next to him, lazily watched the other party make a fireball, and lazily... exclaimed in shock: "Whoa what is that fireball of yours?" Son!!"

On the southern part of the city wall, on the east extension, a special team of "defending soldiers" is moving a box of crystallized bombs to the tower where the trebuchet is located, while Soldering is standing aside, supervising the work of these soldiers Condition.

They were the sixteen Typhon soldiers who were still prisoners of war.

The Typhon knight Balto bent down and placed the last crystal bomb next to the trebuchet, then he stood up and looked back at the direction of the town behind him.

From this very high place, he could easily see most of the city, and he could even see the place where he was once imprisoned.

Today is the third day since he left the cell, and as a Typhon warrior, he has helped the Anzu move bricks and ammunition boxes on this section of the city wall for three full days.

This is not something to be proud of, but as a prisoner of war, Balto knows that he does not have much choice. He is already the luckiest to be alive and breathe fresh air outside the cell, not to mention that he was told that he was in the prison. The job here is to fight monsters from the wastes of Gondor rather than one's own kind, which at least isn't too bad.

During the three-day brick-moving process, Balto and his comrades did not forget to observe the surroundings, and did not forget to seize all the time to understand this mysterious pioneering territory, the mysterious ancient duke and his mysterious new style. The army, and the more he knew, the more surprised he was.

He originally thought that Ansu was a decayed and backward barbaric country, mired in the quagmire of decline, the nobles were corrupt and depraved, the common people suffered from hunger and cold, the frontiers were desolate, and the internal undercurrents were turbulent. The same is true of the real information obtained by the soldiers of the Winter Wolf Legion, but here, this Cecil Territory is completely inconsistent with Balto's perception of Ansu.

He has not seen what the daily state of Cecil Territory looks like, but he has seen what this territory looks like after the alarm is sounded. Orderly mobilization, active preparations, seeing the close coordination of various departments, no excuses and delays, seeing that the management agency named "Government Affairs Office" is like the brain of the entire territory, constantly issuing orderly instructions, and all command Well-organized, but in the city, the ignorant people who should be chaotic, ignorant, and numb are all like well-trained militiamen or well-informed citizens. Instead of showing any signs of turmoil, they are fully supporting the city The defense and maintenance of normal production and life, except for half a day of work being stopped when the production target was redistributed in the state of emergency on the first day, the operation of the entire city was not affected by the state of war in the slightest!

In all fairness, Balto didn't even think there was a city in Typhon that could do the same.

The more you observe, the more frightened Balto and his comrades become. If the rest of Ansu also develops like this, is it wise for Typhon to go to war with him

However, the knight's thinking didn't last, because a feeling of palpitation suddenly came to his heart.

Guided by his intuition, he turned his head to look at the mountain barrier in the south of the city wall. With the powerful eyesight of a transcendent, he saw an ominous cloud of black and red smoke rising from the boundary line between the mountain and the plain, and countless A twisted and hideous figure emerged within it.

He heard one of his comrades muttering beside him: "That... what is it?!"

The most urgent alarm sounded on the walls, and the sentinel on the watchtower rang the bell and uttered a loud cry:

"They are coming!!"


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