Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 286: Psychic cyber intrusion


Amber was confused by Gao Wen's request. She blinked her eyes and looked at the lord who suddenly said that he was going to sleep, her face was full of worries about the imminent death of the other party: "Are you sure you just sleep for a while?"

"What does that look mean?"

"I always feel that you are going to sleep forever..."


"Really, I've heard many bards tell stories about legendary heroes. Generally, when those legendary heroes suddenly say to the people around them, 'I want to sleep for a while, you stay by my side', they are about to die, and there are no immortals— Do you want me to call Rebecca and Hetty for you? You tell them first, and I will dig a hole... "

"Can you think of something for me! I'm just going to sleep!" Gao Wen was concentrating on locking his mental frequency, so he really didn't think too much when talking to Amber, and now he suddenly reacted when he heard what the other said. , and jumped right after the blue veins, "Don't ask why, anyway, I need to enter right away... Well, it's okay to say it's a meditative state, anyway, I can't be disturbed during this time, you will guard me by the side, someone will find me I will accept the report first—you follow me all day anyway, and you know how to file and record various materials.”

Amber thought for a while, and found that she should be able to handle this kind of work, so she nodded. Although she was still curious why Gawain, a knight, suddenly said that he wanted to "meditate", but it seemed that the latter had a serious look on his face. Miss Elf immediately restrained her troublesome thoughts and nodded her head in cooperation.

Gao Wen didn't waste time - there was no bed in the study room, but he didn't really want to sleep, so he directly found a more comfortable position on the large chair and prepared to sneak into the spiritual network of the Eternal Sleeper. Before starting to connect, he took one last look at Amber: "Later, if there is any emergency, you can slap me hard, or use shadow power to drag me to the Shadow Realm."

"Understood, you can rest assured."

After explaining this last matter, Gao Wen completely let go of his mind, and actively integrated his thinking into that special mental frequency.

After a familiar sense of trance, his spiritual vision crossed the hazy darkness, and a glorious, magnificent, and incredible world appeared before his eyes. It was the "fantasy world" he had seen before—the eternal dream of the eternal sleeper .

Just like when connecting for the first time, when you just entered this world, you can't see anyone. The wide and magnificent streets are empty, and the whole world is like a dead city. Gawain knew that this was some kind of "loading" process, so he took advantage of it When no one noticed, he quickly changed his appearance, and then walked openly on the streets of this dream city.

After a while, figures gradually appeared on the street, coming and going, very lively.

Gao Wen walked towards the city center according to the route he remembered, but just after taking two steps, he felt a faint voice echoing in his mind all the time. This voice made him unable to ignore it, so he had to find I found a corner where no one was around, and then concentrated, trying to hear what the voice was saying.

Thanks to the part of knowledge that he swallowed, he quickly locked on to that voice. The moment he concentrated his mental power, a strange corresponding message suddenly appeared in Gao Wen's mind:

"Call all middle and high-level nodes, the zeroth project collects computing power, and connect immediately when you receive the message."

Gawain frowned.

This is a mass "announcement" - and it was sent to me

Could it be that before I connected, I suddenly felt fluctuations in my spiritual world because I received this message

What is item number zero

Gao Wen felt that he should have come into contact with another big secret of the Eternal Sleepers, but he decided to act cautiously in the absence of information, and first figure out what the so-called "No. 0 Project" is.

After confirming that the voice in his head was just a group message, Gao Wen left his hiding corner, and then found the central area of the dream city with ease.

Along the way, he is also paying attention to the current appearance of the city, and comparing it with what he saw when he came here last time.

As he expected, the city has changed.

Although the overall layout has not changed in any way, during this period of time, the Eternal Sleepers have obviously been perfecting their dream world. When he came here last time, many large buildings in the city were still "empty". It was as weird as the game scene where the modeling was not completed, but this time he saw that many holes had been filled, and some unreasonable and unreal building details had also been repaired.

This dream city seems to be constantly being perfected... In addition to cheating and harming people, those cultists are really a bunch of hardworking guys.

Gao Wen easily passed through the invisible barrier in the central area of the city that was used to detect permissions. On the square in the central area, he saw the large and small "node crystals" and the eternal sleepers who were establishing a connection with the crystals. Avatars.

To be honest, it feels a bit weird to act in a city full of cultists. Even Gao Wen has been in various game worlds in his previous life. This kind of fully immersive virtual reality is very important to him. The level is a little too high, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it's Charlie's face—and he saw more than a dozen Charlies along the way. When he thought that everyone was wearing vests, Gao Wen felt much more comfortable. .

Under the psychological hint of "even if something goes wrong, you can psychologically throw the blame on Charlie", Gawain calmly found a node crystal with not many people, and then gently placed his hand on the surface of the crystal.

Streams of data flooded his mind in a second, and the knowledge needed to manipulate them flooded with him.

Those cultists really haven't made much progress in this area... Although the virtual reality has been so powerful, the database management, authorization authentication, and security protection are still the same mess as before, and there is no expert to guide them

While joking in his heart, Gao Wen began to search for key information about "Project No. 0".

Soon, he got feedback, but the content of the feedback made him frown even more tightly:

"Project No. 0, belonging to: the initial planning group, a confidential project, and can only be viewed by the bishop or above."

In this mental network where the database structure is chaotic and security precautions are basically zero, only a few things are carefully organized and encrypted. Gao Wen did not expect that the "No. 0 Project" that he accidentally learned would have such a high value. Class of confidentiality.

Only bishops and above can check it... Has the authority obtained by swallowing it reached this standard

Gao Wen hesitated for a moment, and then decided to give it a try with the mentality of "It's a big deal to get banned, anyway, those cultists can't follow ifi to kill me".

Facts have proved that his decision was correct—after sending out further reading instructions, some information about item No. 0 quickly entered his mind, but what he saw was still confusing:

Memory segmentation project (not completed);

Consciousness full immersion project (completed);

time iteration (not done);

Perceptual bias calibration (not done);

Guardianship scheme (proposal);

Closed loop and open loop of dreams (under discussion by the bishops' conference, no new meeting yet)...

This seems to be just a directory. From the list alone, it seems that many things can be associated, but no valuable content can be analyzed. Of course, Gao Wen will not be satisfied with this, but when he wants to further expand these materials , but only see a special prompt:

Project No. 0 operates in isolation, and there is no information available on the surface consciousness network.

Gao Wen tried several keywords in his confusion, searched some relevant information, and finally confirmed that he could not see the entire content of No. They still protected some extremely critical things to a certain extent. Gao Wen didn't dare to try to crack them without knowing their encryption rules.

And he probably figured out one thing: the dream world he saw didn't seem to be the whole of the "eternal dream" created by the eternal sleepers. The whole space seems to be just a "surface consciousness network"

Gao Wen couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: This mental network appears rough and crude in many places, full of loopholes, but overall it is very advanced and complex. It uses a rather simple and crude method to realize an incredible virtual reality world... this Is it also a technical feature of the wizarding world

After putting away his curiosity about "Project No. 0", Gao Wen began to browse various materials in the mind network, and gradually confirmed one thing:

This spiritual network has not just been launched. Judging from the logs that can be consulted, it seems that the eternal sleepers restarted this virtual world a few days after closing the virtual world last time. In theory, he can already connect to this network.

It's just that he is not a real and complete "eternal sleeper" after all, so he has never known about the restart of the network. Until today, a group message was sent out in the eternal sleeper network for all middle and upper nodes. Just re-entered here.

Not knowing the situation of the "No. 0 Project" for the time being, Gao Wen decided to ignore the message of "calling for computing power" for the time being, in case he accidentally fell into danger. Anyway, that message was just a voluntary call. Notice, it should be fine to ignore it.

With Amber watching by his side, he didn't have to worry about what might happen in the real world for the time being. Gao Wen decided to take this opportunity of connecting to dig out more useful things from the spiritual network of the Eternal Sleeper.

But before the "useful" information appeared, an interesting intelligence first jumped into his mind:

"Known information and temporary countermeasures about the 'Extraterritorial Wanderer' (temporarily codenamed Gawain Cecil)."

Gao Wen looked confused: "What is this?"

This information is hung in the place with the lowest authority in the psychic network. Basically, any believer of the Eternal Sleeper can read it after connecting to the network. Obviously, it is sent to everyone in the sect. Of course, Gawain couldn't help himself. Out of curiosity, he expanded it immediately, and a line of big characters came into his mind:

"First of all, I would like to advise all fellow church members—don't easily come into contact with wandering people from outside the territory. The danger is far greater than that of the wasteland of Gondor!"

After this comes the text.

The more Gao Wen watched, the more confused he became, and there was one thought in his mind: I showed them a mixed-cut MV last time, and it has evolved into this

emmmmm... Is the inner drama of programming so rich


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.