Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 293: Explosion and flames


Here they come.

Wrapped with corrupted magic power and smoke, filled with hatred for the living and magic power, it brought the destruction and madness of the Gondor wasteland, and set foot on the pits and minefields of Cecil Territory.

They are truly earth-shattering in attack.

The moment the siren sounded, the atmosphere on the city wall became tense instantly. The recruits were equipped with heat ray guns, propped up force field shields, and under the leadership of the commander and veterans, set foot on the top of the city to form a line of defense. In his sight, those monsters were roaring crazily, stepping on the plain full of landmines as if they didn't feel any pain. The scene was tragic, shocking, but also frightening.

Cecil's battle corps has a ratio of new recruits that makes any commander a headache. More than 800 of the corps composed of more than 1,000 people were recruited after the first defense battle. However, no matter how well trained recruits are, they are still recruits. If they have not experienced the pressure of the battlefield, there will always be an insurmountable barrier between them and veterans. The actual training ratio of recruits, let them go to the depths of the jungle to protect the exploration team and fight against monsters, let them go to the mountains for training, and even send them to the northern wilderness and the surrounding areas of Kant to eliminate bandits and those who gathered while taking advantage of the chaos of Kant The desperate mercenary who got up, relying on this method, he barely ensured that everyone in the Cecil Combat Corps had been shot and seen blood, which made the recruits in the Corps grow up, but they still only passed today's test , In order to truly pass the recruiting period.

After today, even if they are still not experienced veterans, at least they can be regarded as completely removed from the hat of recruits.

The blood-colored smoke pouring out of the gap in the mountain range is increasing, gradually forming an astonishing blood-colored cloud, and the aberrations emerging from the cloud are rushing towards the southern city wall of Cecil Territory. Reacting with the ubiquitous magic power in the city is like a bright light in the night for these monsters. As soon as they rushed out of the mountains, they rushed over with a clear goal, even if there was a minefield that was constantly exploding in front of them, they did not hesitate.

Landmines are a good thing. Gawain has always believed in this, especially when dealing with mindless monsters. No matter how many landmines are planted on the battlefield, these single-minded monsters will rush up without hesitation, and then move forward in a straight line. However, it turns out that useful landmines can't completely solve the threat of mutants, because the physical fitness of those monsters is too strong, and the "physiological structure" is too weird.

A crystal mine can completely blow up the monster's lower body, but they will not die or retreat in fear in the face of this kind of injury. Instead, they will continue to crawl forward with the remaining upper body until the second or even third attack is triggered. They will be completely killed after a landmine, so although the efficiency of these monsters stepping on landmines is very fast, at the same time, their efficiency in "clearing mines" with their bodies is really amazing.

In the continuous thunder explosions, the bloody cloud and mist front line is rapidly approaching the city wall. The soldiers on the watchtower can already see through the binoculars the terrifying scene of the monster at the front spiraling up in the air and falling in all directions. After the special wooden stake with the flag was also shrouded in the filthy demon tide, the second alarm sounded, and the angry voice of Byron Knight resounded throughout the entire city wall: "The enemy has entered the position, and the trebuchet is ready to drop bombs!"

Accompanied by the "bang" sound of the winch being released, the specially-made small trebuchet started to operate, and crystallized bombs the size of heads drew long arcs in the air and fell into the ominous black-red land in the distance. On the battlefield shrouded in smoke and dust, in the next second, continuous and even more astonishing explosions exploded on the battlefield. The magnificent flashes of light and thunderous flames seemed to tear up the cloud of smoke and dust, rolling up among the monsters. There came a storm of shrapnel and heat.

"Retract the winch and continue bombing!"

"Continue bombing Balto, retract the winch, continue bombing!!"

The roar of his comrades awakened Balto from his stupor. The knight of the Typhon Empire felt his heart beating and his blood pumping in his chest. He looked blankly at the exploding and On the flame-covered plain, there is only one thought in my mind at the moment: Is this the battlefield they are facing

Balto performed the action subconsciously. It is not difficult to operate the trebuchet, and it is not a difficult problem for a knight with amazing physical strength to roll the winch. However, in the process of subconsciously tightening the winch and reinstalling the crystal bomb, he felt that his The brain has been a little out of control, and a numbness is slowly coming to his mind.

This is different from the battlefield he imagined! It is different from the battlefields he has experienced!

He is the elite of Typhon, a seasoned knight, he is not a new recruit, nor is he a country militia who has never seen the world, on the border between Anzu and Typhon, he and the soldiers he led have experienced All kinds of crises, although the two countries have not officially started war, the private friction between the two sides has escalated to the stage of bloodshed. On those small battlefields that are not recognized by both sides, he has faced swords and swords, He has also slashed the enemy, but there is no battlefield like the one he has seen.

The two sides were separated by hundreds of meters, and the battle had already begun. Blood and fire, thunder and explosions enveloped the entire battlefield. Those unknown monsters charged bravely in the explosion, while the soldiers defending the city kept sending more and more soldiers to the battlefield. Thunder and explosions rain down on enemies.

It's not even time to draw the sword.

Of course, there are battle mages in this world, and mages will also create things like thunder, flames, and arcane missiles to attack enemies from a distance during battles, but how many battle mages can there be on a battlefield? How many times can a battle mage cast such a powerful spell

Here, Pyroblast-level spells can cover the entire battlefield!

Balto once imagined that he was pushed up the city wall by the Ansu people to participate in the city defense battle: standing behind him was the supervising team, and he and Typhon's comrades held swords in front of them as a shield wall. After being beheaded by the supervising team and seeking a chance of life on the battlefield, he never expected that he would operate the trebuchet here, let alone the "stones" thrown by these trebuchets turned out to be such terrible things!

Balto suddenly remembered the experience when he accidentally slipped his hands and dropped a few "iron balls" on the wall bricks when he was carrying those crystal bombs in the afternoon, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He didn't know that those iron balls actually have quite reliable safety devices, and they are controlled by rune triggers, springs and locking mechanisms, rather than simply "exploding at the touch of a touch". When the brass pins on the balls are pulled out, they will have the ability to explode, and only after receiving a strong impact from the trebuchet to the ground, the trigger inside will be released and cause an explosion...

The second round of crystallized bombs was thrown by the trebuchet, triggering a new round of explosions among the monsters. At this time, those monsters had already waded through half of the battlefield with their powerful inhuman bodies. Sometimes they have strong physical fitness. It's unreasonable: they don't have any command and tactics, but they can advance all the way with "recklessness". In the face of such enemies, human beings can only rely on wisdom and strength besides numbers.

Solderin drew the longbow, and a whirl of light green magic power rolled up at the front end of the longbow. The three feathered arrows resting on the bowstring were immediately blessed with magic power, filling them with a crystal-like luster. After the bowstring was loosened, three An arrow cut through the air with a sharp howl, and after a while, it directly blasted the three monsters on the battlefield into debris.

An arrow from a high-level ranger is no less powerful than a crystal bomb.

Soldering didn't pay attention to the results of his bow at all, but continued to draw, draw and shoot in silence.

These monsters are the same as they were seven hundred years ago, but the old friends seem to have invented a lot of new gadgets that are different from those back then. I'm afraid I can't survive the concentrated attack of things. After this battle is over, maybe I should ask my old friend to find out how these rather powerful weapons work, but the premise is that he can guard his position and let this territory stand up. The monster's offensive will do.

The "bloody front line" surrounded by the monsters continued to fade as they advanced, but they still gradually approached the city wall. After the second mark was covered by the enemy, new orders were conveyed to the soldiers:

"Grenadier Ready"

The soldiers on the city wall immediately stepped forward under the order. Baskets of crystallized grenades had been prepared behind the wall. At this moment, the initial tension and fear had gradually become numb. Obedience to orders became the deepest instinct of these soldiers. They took out the grenades , Open the insurance, just waiting for the officer to give an order.


With the support of the ten-meter-high city wall, the throwing distance of these grenades has been greatly enhanced, and the dense explosions covered the heads of those monsters who were lucky enough to wade through the minefield and the catapult bombing area after a while.

Gawain stood on the high city wall, watching the tide of monsters' attack gradually become thinner and weaker after rounds of firepower. This wave of aberrations has not yet come close enough to release corrosive energy arrows. The distance has been reduced to only 20% of the number, and there is no doubt that they will fall at the foot of the newly built city wall of the territory.

However, he didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all, because the "large individuals" mentioned in the report hadn't entered the battlefield yet, and the number of monsters attacking at this moment was only half of the number reported.

His eyes were fixed on the center of the battlefield. At the edge of the range of the trebuchet, several particularly eye-catching dark red clouds were agitating. There were several huge and astonishing figures hidden in the clouds. Behind those clouds, The remaining aberrations are pouring out of the mountain path, gathering into a new wave of offensive.

As the first wave of aberrations were wiped out by grenadiers and dense scorching rays, the huge figures finally moved.