Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 295: steal


"Extraterritorial Wanderer", with unknown nature, unknown purpose, and unknown life form, is an extremely mysterious unknown life form. It is speculated that it has special abilities such as traveling through the world, resurrection, and living in a sojourn body, but it cannot be confirmed for the time being.

According to the information obtained, there are multiple individuals of extraterrestrial wanderers, but only one individual will enter a certain real world at a time.

The purpose and behavior patterns of Outlanders are incomprehensible, sometimes they save the world, other times they do the exact opposite, but in almost all cases they display great strength and growth—they almost It is destined to affect the development trajectory of a world, and even completely change the development process of the world, but the reason why they do so is still difficult to judge.

The mental structure of wanderers outside the territory is unknown. We can't be sure whether they have the same emotions as human beings, and we don't know whether they will feel emotional fluctuations in the process of traveling through the world, saving or destroying the world. But judging from the existing intelligence, they at least have the ability to "simulate" these emotional reactions, and use this to completely hide in the crowd.

Given that it has the above-mentioned abilities and can lurk in the human body, it is almost impossible for anyone to see through the other party's disguise from the perspective of the naked eye and psychological analysis when facing a wanderer outside the territory...

We have confirmed that the resurrected Duke Gawain Cecil is an "extraterritorial wanderer" occupying a human body, but in view of the particularity of extraterritorial wanderers, we temporarily prohibit anyone from contacting him rashly, but we should conduct long attention...

It is recommended that fellow church members take the following measures to ensure their own safety when they come into contact with the target under certain unavoidable circumstances...

Gao Wen felt that he had rarely been in such a dazed state since time travel—the last time he was in such a dazed state was when he crawled out of a coffin, and there was a ninja who just hit him with a stick standing next to him. +1 tier great-granddaughter...

"It's all a mess..." Gao Wen looked at the information publicly released on the spiritual network, and after a long time in his mind, he finally matched it with the mixed-cut MV he left for the cultists last time, "This Is it just a brain supplement produced by a different worldview... "

But after a short period of astonishment, he still had to admit that this kind of development was reasonable.

In this world, the only person who has been brainwashed by the information explosion is himself. When an earth traveler sees such a bizarre scene, he will think of Hollywood, the scene stage, and the tricky show, but a person with three normal views What do locals think when they see something like that

Of course, it’s based on their three views—not to mention that the Eternal Sleepers are a group of cultists. Is there any creature in the world who is better at using brain supplements to deceive themselves than the cultists

Well, yes, for example, the 25th production and construction brigade that was just established a while ago...

"That's good... the effect is better than expected at the beginning." Gao Wen closed this part of the message dumbfounded, but he also felt a little comforted in his heart, "In this way, there should be no need to worry about the problem of the eternal sleeper in a short time. "

Then he let go of his mind and began to search for information more extensively in the mind network.

Unlike the last time they entered this world, this time the Eternal Sleepers obviously opened the dream world after full preparation. This place is no longer a "trial run" space, but has a higher degree of completion, just a little search Looking at the surface of the mind network, Gao Wen discovered this.

A large amount of information circulates in the mental network, and there is an astonishingly large data exchange in places that cannot be seen by the naked eye. There are many unencrypted things that are being calculated and evolved in this network, and new nodes are added all the time. Come in, there are also nodes that are logged out and leave the network at any time.

If the dream world I saw last time was just an internal "test server" running only a few codes for testing, then this network has now entered the stage of official use—the Eternal Sleeper has begun to use it Now to deal with real examples.

Of course, this "magic network" based on spiritual spells is completely different from the World Wide Web that Gawain knows, and the data circulating in it is completely new in terms of structure and principle, but anyway, this It is a fact that the network has entered a working state.

It's just that Gao Wen couldn't see much from those huge data exchanges—even though he had permission, those data were not encrypted, but the hugeness and disorder of those data itself was the best encryption, as if human beings couldn't directly get from The computer bitmap can be seen in a lot of 0s and 1s, and Gao Wen doesn't know what is going on behind those huge calculations—probably only the initiators of those calculations can "see" what the results look like.

But it doesn't matter, Gao Wen himself didn't intend to use this method to see through all the secrets of the Eternal Sleeper. He was just looking for data access points and understanding the rules of these data exchanges in the process.

It seems... can cause trouble

After a little preparation, he moved himself from the surface layer of the network to the data exchange layer, and then completely immersed in it.

His senses were turned upside down in an instant, but reorganized in the next instant, and when the scene in front of him calmed down a little, he found that the environment around him had completely changed.

He was standing on a flat, open surface of water that was constantly rippling slightly. This water surface was extremely wide and boundless. Above the water surface was a clear blue sky that could not see any celestial light source but was quite bright.

He lowered his head and saw that the surface of the water he was stepping on was like a layer of transparent glass. Under the surface of the water was a world like wild sand dancing. There were countless tiny things surging and reorganizing in the space below the surface of the water. , death, rebirth, there seems to be an endless storm, and the storm will tear anyone who strays into it at any time.

"... Is that the underlying data environment of the psychic network... It's okay to be chaotic..."

Gao Wen frowned and muttered to himself, then raised his head and set his eyes on the endless water.

What he sees is not a real scene (of course, there is no real scene in this spiritual world), but a "virtual environment" constructed by Gao Wen in his brain using the knowledge he devoured. The environment is similar to the imaginary space created when the disciple of the Eternal Sleeper pulled him into the dream—of course, it is still blank because it was just created by Gawain.

In the process of drilling around in the spiritual network of the Eternal Sleeper, Gawain was not without gains. He had roughly figured out how to use the "data interface" here, and he began to try to use these data interfaces to do some things. , rather than simply using it as a browser for querying data.

After the establishment of this space, Gao Wen has confirmed one thing:

The computing power distribution mechanism of this mind network is indeed flawed.

It seems that the Eternal Sleepers have never thought about the problem of someone coming to their background to steal computing power. There are almost no security measures in their computing power distribution. Each node "borrows" the amount of computing power...

Is this something that was forgotten at design time? Or do the Eternal Sleepers feel that the computing power of this network is always sufficient, so that there is no need to set this restriction at all

Gao Wen didn't know, but he could understand - after all, this is a new thing, just like the earliest computer system of human beings on earth, it is unavoidable that it is simple and full of loopholes, but even if it is so simple that it is full of loopholes, anyone There's still no denying the greatness of these early products, either.

Gawain began to improve this virtual space little by little, connecting it to the data port of the mind network. The knowledge he used came from the believer of the Eternal Sleeper who was swallowed by him, but his thoughts when constructing all this came from an earth the traverser.

This means that he can not only use the technology of the eternal sleeper to construct an additional "space" in the "crack" of the eternal dream, but also encrypt this space so that the eternal sleeper cannot find it.

Gawain sat down on the flat "water surface", recalling the knowledge he had devoured, and trying to realize it. Beside him, the entire space of sky and water was quietly changing.

Clouds gradually emerged in the empty sky, and then the clouds turned into stars. The rain fell from the sky, and then turned into gentle wind before touching the water surface. Ripples, sometimes emerging from the land, sometimes frozen into solid ice...

But these are superficial changes, and the truly deep changes cannot be captured visually—Gao Wen is setting up encryption between this space and the connection of the spiritual network to ensure that the resources he stole will not be stolen by those heretics. Discover.

"Distribute the data flow to the entire mind network, and distribute it in real time according to the real nodes that are performing connections in the network... allocating all the computing pressure and storage space occupation to each node...

"Establish a digital key that can be refreshed at any time, and all data exchanged with the mind network will be encrypted and disguised...

"Mapping wrong address, using different node characteristics each time to establish connection...

"Set up multi-layer jumps, and the connection with the spiritual network is performed through multiple springboards. The springboards are those node crystals in the city of dreams—they are essentially open data interfaces...

"Prepare a few fake signatures, hang them on the data boundary, and throw them out as bait if they are discovered.

"This should be able to fool those cultists and their eighteenth generation..."

Gawain conceived all feasible encryption schemes in his mind, and used them bit by bit in his newly established space—at this time, he couldn't help but be very grateful for the convenience of magic, especially the eternal sleepers according to the original dream gods. With the convenience of the "dream spell" developed by the magic technique, he can build what he wants extremely quickly without having to sit in front of an input device and type codes hard.

Of course, the fact that his efficiency is so fast is not just due to the convenience of magic, but another reason is that the spiritual network is really a useful thing-the connection at the spiritual level makes the efficiency of "human-computer interaction" so high that it is unimaginable. Basically, as long as the network can respond, as long as Gao Wen's brain can respond, then everything he conceived will be realized immediately after the conception.

Gradually, this encrypted space hidden in the depths of the eternal sleeper's spiritual network, which belongs to Gao Wen, took shape.