Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 297: last survivor


As more and more clues are discovered, the secrets hidden in this ancient facility seem to be gradually revealed. For the well-informed Gao Wen, it seems that it is necessary to piece together the truth of what happened here from these clues. It's not difficult.

Obviously, this ancient relic built at the end of the Xinghuo Era is not as simple as he guessed at first. The hidden facilities in the space reveal its true purpose: this is some kind of "fortress" built to resist disasters and continue human civilization.

Whether it's the "scientific research" that happened in the ruins in the mountains, the flesh and blood of the gods in the seal, or the dry corpses in front of them and the last communication from the empire, they are all evidence of fighting against the disaster.

This disaster is very likely to be the "Magic Tide" that destroyed the Gondor Empire seven hundred years ago.

His previous speculation was confirmed: as early as the age of Starfire, the magisters of the Gondor Empire were aware of the existence of the demon tide, and made preparations for it three hundred years in advance, considering the scale of the ruins , behind this whole incident must be the support of the Gondor royal family back then, but there are many things he can't figure out:

If humans in the Spark Era were aware of the existence of the Demon Tide, why did this information fail to survive? So much so that the human empire was caught off guard when the demon tide really broke out seven hundred years ago, and it collapsed almost without resistance.

If the information stored in the communication equipment came from the territory of the empire after the outbreak of the demon tide, then obviously the imperial family at that time knew the existence of this frontier fortress, so they should have known that the demon tide was coming, but why did they never Take action

Or... In fact, the royal family of Gondor at that time had already taken action, but there was no evidence or news coming out

This is not impossible, because the demon tide broke out centered on the imperial capital, and destroyed the communication network of the entire kingdom in the first instant, and then no one came out alive from the hinterland of the empire, even if the emperor of Gondor did something, I'm afraid no one will know...

But in any case, a disaster that was predicted by scholars as early as a thousand years ago, and the rulers of the empire at that time carried out such a large-scale "preservation project" in private, but no information remained in the end. When the disaster really broke out seven hundred years ago, the entire empire was at a loss, which is really incomprehensible.

Even if he was thinking about "controlling the leakage of news because he was worried about causing panic", Gao Wen felt that this was too unbelievable.

In addition, he was also curious about the fact that the "survivors" in this facility had sealed off the ruins in the mountain a thousand years ago, and the magic tide officially broke out three hundred years after that. Time, the survivors in the facility have been alive

This has completely exceeded the lifespan limit of human beings. Even if a powerful extraordinary professional can use magic power to extend his lifespan, it can only be extended by two or three hundred years. But looking at the content of the communication, the people in this facility Not only can you live for three hundred years, but you have to live even after that

Despite the fact that they were all dead...

Gawain's eyes wandered in the hall, trying to find more clues that might give him hints, but at this moment, Hetty, who was using the magic light ball on the top of the staff to illuminate the surroundings and carefully studied the remains of the ancient magisters, suddenly had an idea. Discovery: "Ancestors! Come and see this!"

Gawain came to Hetty's side and saw Hetty pointing to the back of the chair behind one of the corpses: "Here is a line of writing!"

Gao Wen frowned, and read the line: "Benjamin Horston, Gondor 1760."

The surrounding soldiers also turned their attention to those seats, and suddenly, everyone found the handwriting that they had ignored: "There are also here! And here! All the chairs are on the backs!"

Gawain thought of something in an instant, he looked at the names written on the back of the chair one by one, and quickly read on: "Claude Pirin, Gondor 1790... Laufeli Pardini, Gondor 1782… Melia Horston, Gondor 1809… Pal Burindi, Gondor 1920…”

"These are..." Hetty opened her mouth in surprise, "These people..."

"There is only this explanation for their names and the year of their death," Gao Wen said in a deep voice. "These people didn't die here at the same time, but were carried here after death. The person who carried them also On their seats were written the names and dates of the dead. If I'm not mistaken...the last person to die did the job, or the living took over."

He raised his head and looked around the semi-circular hall with nearly a thousand seats, imagining what kind of mentality the survivors who stayed here spent the long years: "These seats... are theirs. tomb of…”

"Gondor 1760... Gondor 1790..." Hetty looked at the years on the chairs and suddenly realized, "The Gondor calendar ended in 1740! The magic tide broke out in that year, and after that..."

"Yes, the earliest date we have seen so far is also after 1740 in Gondor," Gao Wen nodded heavily, "These people started to die one after another after the outbreak of the demon tide seven hundred years ago, and I am currently The closest year I saw was Gondor 2130, which is... three hundred years ago."

Hetty showed a sad expression: "In other words, at least some of them lived to that time... At that time, Ansu had established the country for four hundred years... But they didn't know what happened outside. They were sealed here, thinking that outside The world of the world has been destroyed... "

Gawain was also deeply saddened, but he found that Tire's behavior not far away was a bit strange: Miss Siren coiled her tail in circles, supporting herself in mid-air like a spring, she was looking around there, with a smile on her face. With a look of curiosity and alertness.

He couldn't help asking curiously: "Tyl, what did you find?"

"Hush!" Miss Siren immediately lay down her body, and she quickly arched to Gawain's side, "I don't know if it's an illusion, but just now I seemed to feel a magical reaction flashing past here."

"Magic reaction?" Hetty frowned, "Why didn't I feel it?"

"No matter how powerful you are, can elemental creatures have a keen sense of magic power?" Tyr looked at Heidi with disdain, "And there are many special magic power reactions that you humans can't feel at all!"

Gawain didn't take Tyre's words as a joke, he immediately activated his magic power perception skill cautiously, and asked the surrounding soldiers to be more vigilant, but in the field of magic power perception, all he saw was foggy fog, and there was nothing at all. Special magic reaction.

After turning off the magic power perception, he looked at Tyre, and was about to ask what kind of magic power the other party sensed, but at this moment, a sudden alert made him turn sideways suddenly, and at the same time, the opener in his hand Almost at the same time, two dazzling electric arcs also appeared out of nowhere in the air, one electric arc was hitting the position where he was standing just now, and the other electric arc hit the pioneer firmly. The blade of the long sword!

With two snaps, the two electric arcs vanished invisible, and the magic power reaction that was completely hidden before was finally no longer concealed. Accompanied by a burst of powerful energy fluctuations, Hetty saw that suddenly appeared above the open ground at the front of the semi-circular hall. A shadow filled with brilliance appeared, it was a creature with a vague human outline, his whole body was shrouded in bright thunder and lightning, some kind of violent energy formed his body and internal organs, and each piece was engraved with mysterious The armor piece of the magic rune is floating on the body surface of this creature out of thin air, just like the rune shackles summoned to the elemental creature in this world, there is some incredible way to maintain the shape of this "mana figure".

This creature just emerged out of thin air. The powerful energy escaping from his body even distorted the air around it with scorching heat. This creature was obviously full of anger and hostility. The two lightning bolts just now were his masterpiece, and After showing his form, he immediately brewed a new round of attack: two balls of bright spherical lightning quickly condensed on both sides of his body!

"Be careful ancestors!" Hetty immediately cast the most powerful mana shield she could release at her current level on Gao Wen's body, and then began to chant various spells that could enhance her magic resistance. She felt the magic power that could be described as terrifying from that incredible creature. In the face of this magic power, she didn't know how effective her spells could be.

The soldiers behind Gao Wen realized after a short moment of astonishment that the strange creature was indeed frightening, but the conditioned reflex produced by long-term training still made these elite soldiers subconsciously raise their weapons. , more than a dozen scorching rays bombarded the strange creature covered in electric light.

The creature probably didn't expect the counterattack to come so quickly, and it was a continuous wave of magic attacks. He was hit one after another in astonishment, and the spherical lightning gathered around him disappeared with two pops. The second-level scorching ray is obviously unable to cause fatal damage to this powerful mana creature that may have survived for hundreds of years. The surface of his body formed by arcane energy ripples layer after layer, all attacks are resolved, and then the new lightning bolt The ball regrouped around him.

However, within this short time difference, Gao Wen had already released the body paralysis caused by the lightning strike on the long sword. Before the new attack came, he had already raised the long sword, and his body turned into a continuous afterimage during the high-speed charge. , and all the afterimages gathered in front of the mana creature in the next second. There was a layer of magic light floating on the surface of the pioneer sword, and the blade slashed heavily on the largest piece of silver-white armor on the surface of the enemy's body.

At the last moment, this powerful mana creature condensed an extremely strong shield. Although Gawain's attack destroyed the opponent's shield, he didn't completely split the armor piece. He just smashed the mana creature completely. He flew out, and the latter left long scorched marks on the ground with a series of electric lights, and before he got up, Gawain had charged up again.

The magical creature condensed a criss-crossed icicle in embarrassment, blocking the sharp sword in Gawain's hand, and the next second, the exclamation from his body made Gawain stop suddenly.

The mana creature exclaimed in disbelief: "Are you real?!"