Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 300: old acquaintance


A team operating nearby lost contact, and they didn't even have time to release the magic insects. This made the Soldering team operating in the dark mountain heightened their vigilance.

In a relatively hidden cave, the soldiers of Typhon were hurrying to rest, while several knights in the team were discussing in low voices about the team that had lost contact, and the atmosphere seemed very serious.

"That team is more dangerous than good. They may have encountered the nearby Ansu army through their actions," said a knight. It is a large regular army."

"The neighborhood here should be the pioneering territory established by the legendary 'Resuscitating Pioneer'?" Another knight recalled the information he had before departure, "Could it be that the 'Duke of Pioneering' has sealed off the mountains around the territory? No Say he's just established himself in the area?"

"Perhaps our intelligence is wrong. He has strong support from the Ansu royal family," the last knight guessed. "If he wants to rebuild the entire Ansu southern defense line, then he should bring a large number of troops over..."

"The communication with other teams is still normal..."

The knights were discussing in low voices, but they paid more attention to Solderin who was resting with his eyes closed not far away.

The knights knew very well that although there were so many imperial fighters active, in fact the entire infiltration plan in the Dark Mountains was completely centered on this elf commander—this high-ranking ranger was the brain of the entire operation, and Those ordinary soldiers and even knights and mages are only used to collect information for the mind and explore the way forward.

Just as an infiltration in the early stage of the war, although these teams entering the Dark Mountains are elite, they will not have much advanced combat power. Send a group of strong men locally to carry out infiltration missions. These strong men with high combat effectiveness may not be much better than experienced soldiers when collecting information and drawing maps. Under such circumstances, a strong man trapped in the enemy's defense line is as difficult to come back alive as an ordinary soldier. The cost is frighteningly high but there will be no additional benefits. In addition, there is only another "deputy team" with a mid-level mage sitting in charge.

Here, Solderling is the backbone of all of them.

And the backbone did not make any expression after learning that a team had lost contact, he just quietly thought about life on the sidelines.

"My lord," a mage in the team couldn't bear it anymore, and he took the initiative to come to Solderin, "We should take action—whether sending back information or continuing to search for clues about the missing team is better than waiting here. "

Only then did Solderin open his eyes, and said unhurriedly, "Do you think the rumored ancient duke who died and resurrected is true?"

"To be honest, I don't believe it," the mage was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "The resurrection of the dead has only been heard in fairy tales, but mages are a pragmatic group. This kind of phenomenon that cannot be explained by theory can only be seen with your own eyes." See, or I don't believe it."

"Is that so..." Solderling was noncommittal, and continued after a moment of silence, "But the Gawain Cecil seven hundred years ago was best at doing things that challenged the norm. I really think... he has The ability to make myself crawl out of the coffin after seven hundred years."

The mage listened inexplicably: "My lord?"

"Don't worry about it," Soldering shook his head, "Didn't I send two soldiers before—I'm waiting for news from them."

As if he was waiting for Soldering's words, the two soldiers sent out to investigate the situation returned to this hiding place as soon as he finished speaking.

"My lord," one of the returning soldiers hurried up to Soldering, "We found an open-pit mine halfway up the mountain! And it's under construction!"

"Strip mine under construction"? The mage beside Solderin was stunned for a moment, "In this big winter?"

Solderling swept away his previous indifferent appearance, and he became more energetic: "Bring me the map—where is the approximate location of the mine?"

Someone next to him handed over a rough topographic map, and the soldier returning from the reconnaissance roughly described the location of the mine: "In this place, between two mountain ridges, there is a large open field—the mine is very large, God knows How long has it been digging before it becomes so big. There are a lot of people working in the mine, and there are many soldiers guarding the surrounding area, so we didn’t dare to approach because we were afraid of being exposed.”

Soldering immediately lowered his head and recognized it on the map: "The team that lost contact before had an accident on this route... The mine is at this location... Sure enough."

Several knights in the team had come over at this time, and they quickly understood what Soldering meant: "Did the team that had the accident accidentally bump into the guards around the mine?"

"It should be so, but this is good news." Soldering raised his head, "This shows that the pioneer lord did not block the entire mountain area, and the missing team crashed into the opponent's stronghold due to bad luck. "

"But in this way, the lord here should have raised his vigilance..."

"Yes, he must have raised his vigilance. The security of the mine and surrounding areas will definitely be tighter than before, but we have to go and have a look." Soldering pointed to the general direction of the mine on the map, "It will start in winter, Mining in the deep mountains requires a huge price, and there are very strong guards around this mine, this place must be very important!"

The mage accompanying the army also realized the importance of the open-pit mine, and couldn't help but said: "Even the royal family of Ansu specially made a 'Founding Duke' and sent it here for development, maybe it was for this mine... They Are you trying to cover up people's eyes and ears?"

Soldering put away the map: "Extinguish the campfire, cover up the traces, let's find out what the Anzu people are doing in this mountain range."

Because of the lessons learned from the past, the team led by Solderin approached the open-pit mine hidden in the deep mountains in a more cautious manner. They avoided all mountain paths where there might be patrols, and walked among the steep rocks and vines. Relying on the blessing of elf magic, the whole team completed this incredible leap, and finally lurked at a best observation point near the mine.

As the scouts said, it is indeed a very large mining field - it is hidden in the deep mountains (it is not hidden), I am afraid it has been developed for a long time before it has such a scale (it was bombed for two and a half days), and a large number of unfortunate mine slaves Under the supervision of soldiers, the workers carried out mining operations against the cold wind (they all waited in line for a long time at the government affairs hall to register), and in places that cannot be seen around the mine, God knows how many guards are still hiding in this secret mine Ansu troops at the field (only a few patrols).

It seems that there are tons of secrets hidden. I am afraid that there is an ancient seal that can summon evil gods buried under the mine.

"I can't get any closer. There are several sentry towers around the mine, have you seen them?" Soldering reminded the mage beside him, "You can summon a mage's eye to see if you can sneak around under the watchtowers and see Know exactly what those people are digging in the mountains."

"Understood." The mage nodded and silently recited a brief incantation, and then a shimmering mage's eye, which could hardly be seen in daylight, emerged from the air beside him.

The mage manipulated the magic eye and slowly approached the quarry. When his field of vision passed by those sentry towers, he couldn't help being curious: the soldiers on the sentry towers were holding a strange-looking metal tube in front of their eyes and looking around. What it is

There is no magical reaction, so don't worry about it.

The mage manipulating the magic eye put the soldiers on the sentry tower aside, and focused on controlling the mage's eye to slowly bypass the base of the sentry tower, but at this moment, a strange "click" sound suddenly came from nearby , which surprised him, and the spell guidance was interrupted.

And before the crackling sound, Soldering had already sensed the auras that suddenly appeared in all directions. He instantly realized that he and his people had been exposed, so he stopped lurking and jumped up directly. At the same time He had already lifted the short bow that he carried with him, and three feathered arrows surrounded by light green cyclones had been placed on the bowstring at some point, without aiming at all, he raised his hand and shot three arrows in a row, aiming at the most powerful arrow in his perception. At the same time, he loudly warned: "Get ready to fight!"

Immediately afterwards, there were three crisp bangs from a distance. It was the sound of a feathered arrow wrapped in magic power being blocked by a personality. Solderin and the Typhon warriors who had just reacted raised their heads and saw a A tall, fully armed man was standing on a huge boulder in the distance, holding a long black sword in his hand, his eyes were sharp and steady, while behind him and around him, soldiers stood up one after another—— The soldiers quickly formed an encirclement network.

Gawain looked at the blond elf standing among the Typhon soldiers from a distance, a little surprised and a little funny: "I really guessed it right, Soldering—why are you here?"

Compared with Gawain's relative calmness, Soldering was closer to shock when he saw Gawain. He stared at the familiar figure, and the indifferent and indifferent image he had maintained for a long time almost didn't hold back: "You yes-"

"The memory of elves shouldn't be bad, right?" Gawain spread his hands, "Has the old boss forgotten?"

"Are you really that Gawain Cecil?" The high-level elf ranger's face quickly calmed down, and his eyes became extremely serious and sharp. Instead of putting down the short bow in his hand, he put a feather arrow on the bowstring, "You Did he really come back from the dead?"

He was asking questions, but he didn't mean to put down his weapon at all. Not only that, the Typhon fighters around him were also ready to fight one by one—although they had already heard that their commander and the far away The Lord Ansu was an old acquaintance, and they also realized that the Lord Ansu might be the legendary hero seven hundred years ago. These two facts made them extremely shocked, but the instincts they had trained for a long time and the ability to deal with The loyalty of the empire still made them clenched their swords and staffs almost reflexively.