Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 304: What I saw in Cecilland


Godwin Orlando was walking on the street on the east side of the mage district, and passers-by passed by him.

The old scholar from the royal capital stopped in his tracks, looking around at this land that was still quite unfamiliar to him, and the people who lived in this land that were full of vigor and vitality.

He sighed softly.

This is an incredible land, and he has never doubted this—as early as when he was in the capital, he heard news from the south frequently that the legendary pioneering duke led 800 people to stand firm in the dark mountains Heel, this matter itself can be described as "unbelievable", so from then on he knew that as long as this land can survive for a day, then this place must be incredible.

So since then, he has always thought about coming here to see with his own eyes how this pioneering territory took root in the Dark Mountains. This is his instinct as a scholar, not just because he is keen on Studying the epic legends of Gawain Cecil is also because he is full of curiosity about the unknown world.

It is often said that history is a study of the "known", but Godwin never thinks so. He is used to discovering the unknown from history and discovering things that have never been discovered. He believes that only the ability to A true scholar is one who turns the unknown into the known.

So now he's here, he's set foot on this land himself, and he's got his wish—this land is truly incredible.

The prosperity here is not like a pioneering land that has just been established for a year. The "machines" here are roaring all night. The buildings here are tall and tidy, and the streets are neat and orderly. Here, defecation is prohibited, and labor is encouraged to create wealth. The people here are proud And the decent Cecil is even more energetic than many citizens he saw in the wealthy area of the capital, and his hard work is unbelievable.

He could hardly believe that these people were a bunch of refugees last year.

But it was this unbelievable feeling that made this Wangdu scholar who likes to explore the unknown feel daunted.

He doesn't know how this land developed to what it is today, but he knows that a set of "rules" that are completely different from the social order he knows is enforced here, where the boundaries between common people and nobles become blurred, and ordinary people The boundary with the extraordinary is no longer so clear. The mud-legged people here can go to school to read and write, and the craftsmen without magic talent are also using magic to complete their work. The Cecil Territory is so prosperous and prosperous, but occasionally However, Godwin felt that this place seemed to be an incomprehensible disordered dream—this feeling was especially obvious at this moment.

He sighed and continued to walk towards the apartment building assigned to him.

He knew that he failed to complete the task of the lord, and he knew that it was entirely his own fault. He did not understand the common sense of farming and craftsmanship, but writing market price changes, news inside and outside the territory, etc. was still nothing to him. No problem, the only thing he needs to do is to learn to describe those things in the vulgar and crude language of the common people, and even learn to think like them, but this is for a person from the capital with good cultivation and inheritance. , even for scholars who have a part of collateral noble blood, it is not so easy to do.

"Mr. Orlando, Mr. Orlando, please stop."

A somewhat familiar voice came from behind. Godwin Orlando finally noticed and stopped. He looked back and saw a tall, thin man with messy curly hair and wearing an old magic robe. People come towards themselves.

He was stunned, straightened his expression, and regained his energy—as a person with a surname, he must maintain his image in front of people who also have a surname: "Mr. Santis Seide, good afternoon."

He is very polite. Although Santis is a commoner through and through, and he has a bit of noble blood, Santis still has the status of a second-level arcanist. The extraordinary level and noble status are equivalent in many cases. So even though Santis was much younger than him, he had to have enough manners.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Orlando," Santis nodded to the old gentleman, and then asked curiously, "Did you just come back from the lord? I heard that the lord ordered you to write a new reading. how's it going?"

Godwin sighed in frustration: "Oh, to tell you the truth, I have let the lord down."

"How come?" Santis was taken aback, "You are a famous grammar expert! Could it be that what the lord gave you was too difficult?"

"On the contrary..." Godwin sighed, and then said all the things he experienced today in one breath - he really needed to confide these things to someone, and he had a gentle personality without the pretensions of a superhuman and a commoner. Santis was an obvious person to confide in.

After listening to Godwin's words, Santis was silent for a moment, he had already figured everything out, and after a short thought, he made an invitation to Godwin: "Mr. Orlando, if you are free, would you like to Come to my class and sit in on a class?"

"Listening in?" Godwin was stunned for a moment, he knew what Santis was doing here - this second-level arcanist did not follow the Viscountess Rebecca like other extraordinary people, and became a member of the Magic Technology Department. One of the subordinate researchers, instead, worked as a teacher in that general college, and went to give rune lessons to a group of commoner children. He also knew that several younger bachelors also went to that school to give lectures to other commoners. .

In all fairness, Godwin was somewhat disdainful of this, but those young bachelors seemed to be friends of Santis, so he also expressed his understanding, but he didn't expect that Santis would invite him to attend lectures.

"Take it as a change of mood," Santis smiled gently, "the children are very friendly."

Godwin was very confused, so he agreed in a daze. By the time he realized it, he had already walked into the General Academy and into the classroom.

He was led by Santis and found a chair at the back of the classroom where a lot of kids, big and small, were running around, playing hide-and-seek between the tables and chairs, yelling on the windowsill— These children were all dressed in neat new clothes, but Godwin knew that they were all common people.

They are really poorly educated.

These children finally noticed the strangers in the classroom, so a pair of curious eyes cast them over. Godwin felt awkward in these eyes. He felt that these ordinary children might rush over to grab his beard or His clothes were gone—but in fact nothing happened, these children just looked at themselves from a distance with some curiosity and caution, even if there were a few who approached, they just stood obediently by the side.

Godwin turned his neck to say hello to these children, but first he saw something on the wall behind the classroom—just behind him, it was a flat "concrete" wall, the whole The walls are covered with patterns.

It was painted on with some kind of colored "pigments", but it was certainly not the expensive paints used to paint icons in churches. But Godwin couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

It was a harvested wheat field surrounded by tall towers and majestic city walls. In the background of the corner of the picture, a line of silhouettes of dark mountains could also be seen.

That was the view from somewhere outside the territory.

Godwin had never seen this kind of painting, but he was quite surprised by the detail of the painting, and he whispered to himself: "It's incredible..."

Then a boy next to him suddenly yelled, "I drew this!"

Godwin followed the sound in surprise, and he saw a child with a dirty face pointing at himself proudly, and then the child pointed to the quiet girl next to him: "And Sister Pea, we drew it together!"

The quiet girl smiled lightly and didn't speak, but another child shouted beside her: "The two of them are the students on duty this week!"

"Student on duty"? What's the meaning

Godwin was full of question marks, but before he could ask, there was a sudden ringing of a bell from outside the classroom.

As if by magic, as the bell rang, the children who were in a mess in the classroom a second ago immediately ran to their seats. After a few seconds, everyone arrived at their seats. The classroom Zhong also quieted down.

Godwin watched this scene in astonishment, the changes were so fast that he didn't even have time to react, and then he saw Santis walk up to the podium.

The second-level arcanist put the teaching tools in his hand on the large table on the podium, looked around the classroom, and then said: "Now, roll the rolls. Those who call the names say 'to', or raise their hands."

When the word "hands up" was mentioned, several children's eyes fell on the very quiet girl.

Santis began the roll call.

The names of each child were called out, and each child responded. There was almost no other sound in the classroom except for the roll call and the answering sound.

Godwin watched all this with wide eyes, and suddenly he knew what he was surprised about.


An indescribable order exists in these ordinary-born, ill-educated, and ignorant children in this classroom.

He had never seen this kind of order even in the capital.

This kind of order is completely different from the social rules determined by the so-called "class division" and "level level". It is a purer and more absolute order.

Like teeth of steel.

After Santis finished counting, all the children were here except for one who was on sick leave. The second-level arcanist nodded and then opened the textbook in his hand.

"Then let's start today's lesson. In this lesson, let's learn how the spell model is transformed into a magic circle, and how the rune knot is formed during this transformation process.

"First of all, we need to have a brief understanding of the history of circle magic..."

There was a sound of chairs shaking from the back of the classroom.

Godwin Orlando nearly slipped to the floor after figuring out the lessons these commoner kids were exposed to.