Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 306: Gawain's improvement plan


The cannonball exploded within the range of the target, and a thunderous bang sounded into everyone's ears. Gawain knew that this bang not only hit the target, but also hit the tradition of this world—from today In the beginning, the walls of nobles were no longer indestructible, and the towers of magicians were no longer irresistible. This power that can tear rock and steel has been firmly controlled by extraordinary people for thousands of years, but now, it is only It takes a militiaman trained for three months to pull a wrench and make it happen.

Someone is in a daze.

Jenny stared blankly at the exploding fire, and weighed in her heart how powerful it was equivalent to magic—even though she personally participated in the optimization of the acceleration trajectory, the moment when the shell exploded was still beyond her imagination .

She thought of her terrifying mentor, and guessed how many rounds her mentor could withstand in front of the rail gun, one shot? Or two shots

It is meaningless to resist a few shots, because in the new order created by the lord, all those who are enemies of Cecil will face a barrage of shots.

Enemies who have tried to use shields and amulets against the heat ray gun fire have proven this with their lives.

Hetty also fell into a daze, and she immediately thought of how different this war machine was from the bomb trebuchet used in the second defensive battle—after a little thought, she realized that these were completely two concepts weapons.

Catapults are often just a deterrent. Huge stones or burning fireballs rise into the air and hit the top of the head or the city wall with unstoppable force. It is fatal to traditional noble private soldiers, but apart from the blow to morale, the damage that trebuchets can actually cause in a battle is actually very limited. A supplement: In most cases, the number of battle mages is insufficient, and their role is often only to kill important enemy units, create positional disturbance, or counter enemy mages.

And this magical device named "Magic Crystal Railgun" by the ancestors is a weapon that truly aims at destruction.

Accuracy, range, destructive power, stability, ease of operation...the purpose of all indicators is only one, and that is to be able to achieve the destruction effect on the target efficiently, accurately and quickly... As the ancestors once said, when the shell explodes After that, the castles of the traditional nobles and the shield walls formed by the knight orders will all be gone.

Watching the cloud of smoke gradually dissipate in the north wind, Byron raised his hand and scratched his messy gray hair: "This thing is more powerful than a ray gun... and much more powerful than a trebuchet."

"If there will be such things on the battlefield in the future..." Philip looked at the distance and frowned, "Where should the knights and heavy infantry go?"

Byron glanced at his partner and shrugged: "Didn't you see it just now? The knight shouted to fire the cannon, and the infantry was responsible for reloading and pulling the wrench."

Philip, who has a serious personality, inevitably fell into a tangled state: "...I always feel that such a battle lacks a sense of honor..."

Byron was on the side to enlighten: "Think about it, after this thing is popularized, there are basically two types of people on the battlefield, one is shot to death before meeting people, and the other is responsible for firing the cannon. , the honor on the battlefield is either a heroic fight or a final victory—now that those who fought bravely died before the battle started, that must be the highest honor for the final victory, so the most honorable thing is to shoot... "

Philip was stunned when he heard this: "Can you really explain it that way?"

"Otherwise, how do you explain it? It can't be that whoever loses is honored every time, right? Then whoever wins the battle can surrender directly when the battle starts-so the one who fires the gun has the most honor, at least it is more honorable than those lying on the ground. It's the most honorable, who would you honor if you don't honor it? Right... "

Philip thought for a while, then turned his head and left: "... I always feel that you are talking nonsense again."

Byron looked at Philip's back and twitched the corners of his mouth in boredom: "When you have the ability to install the first batch of rail guns, don't..."

Then he came to Gao Wen immediately: "Lord, will this new type of weapon be installed soon?"

Gawain looked at the eyes of the old fritter knight and knew that the other party had already developed a strong interest in this weapon. Byron was a true combatant, and he didn't care whether a certain weapon was in line with the knight's tradition—as long as it was effective. It is good equipment to deal with the enemy, and the magic crystal rail gun is obviously such a good equipment.

"We still need to conduct some post-tests, and then we need to make adjustments for industrial mass production. It will take the next spring when it is sent to the production line."

Seeing a look of disappointment on Byron's face, Gao Wen laughed: "Even though there are a batch of finished rail guns now, the Combat Corps is not yet ready to deploy them—in order to be able to use this new weapon most efficiently. , we must form a new professional force."

"A new professional army?" Byron woke up from the excitement of "I'm going to have Italian guns" (just understand the spirit), and immediately understood what Gawain meant.

From the range, power, attack form and other aspects of this new weapon, it is not difficult for him to judge how this thing will affect the war situation. It is not just as simple as "changing a more powerful trebuchet", For the soldiers who operate the magic crystal railgun, whether it is the most basic training content, or its position on the battlefield, or even the command method of the superior commander, they must be re-customized to make these "big bang bang" "Maximum effect.

"The Cecil Combat Corps will add 'artillery' units to specialize in manipulating this kind of heavy firepower. I will hand over the formation, training, and logistics of the artillery units to you and Philip after this," Gao said. Wen said unhurriedly, "Manipulating a railgun requires certain skills. Unlike a heat ray gun, the range of the magic crystal railgun has exceeded the range of aiming corrections based on intuitive feelings. Therefore, manipulating this new cannon This puts forward higher requirements for soldiers. When aiming, it needs to use various auxiliary sights to calibrate the firing angle. It needs to use the pre-compiled shooting table to estimate the drop point of the shell, and it needs to be able to quickly respond to the shooting instructions issued by the commander. , so the requirements for the cultural level of the soldiers are relatively high—even reading and literacy is not enough, so you need to pay more attention when selecting the first batch of artillery.”

Seeing Knight Byron leading the order to leave, Gawain let out a soft breath.

Then under his order, the soldiers and technicians fired all the prepared test and live ammunition, and collected a lot of valuable data in the process.

After the test, he called Kamel and Nicholas to his side.

"Are you satisfied with this weapon?" The arcane light on Kamel's body was jumping, and he was obviously in a good mood.

Gao Wen nodded: "Very good, all aspects have met my requirements, but there is still a lot of room for improvement, do you know what it is?"

Kamel was not quite used to Gao Wen's ability to see through a brand new thing in an instant and immediately put forward a lot of practical suggestions, so he was a little dazed for a while, but Nicholas was obviously more used to it than him. The 1.3-meter-diameter comic made a buzzing voice: "Technology is by analogy. After launching projectiles with accelerated orbits becomes a reality, you must consider making similar products of various sizes, models, and purposes next. Bar… "

"That's right," Gawain nodded, and then turned his gaze to the launch site not far away—the magic crystal rail gun has dissipated heat after continuous high-intensity shooting stress tests, and now the technicians are carefully dismantling the gun mount The cover plate, observe the charging structure and overload device (Rebecca booster module) inside to determine what happens to the delicate parts of the cannon after these loads, "This cannon is very powerful, but it is only suitable for installation On the city wall or other fixed fortifications, and the large acceleration track needs to be brought up with a fixed position magic net, which means that our soldiers lack offensiveness... A weapon that cannot actively attack is doomed to be incomplete .”

Kamel understood Gawain's meaning: "Miniature?"

"This is the first direction," Gawain nodded. "On the battlefield facing the regular army, the power of that cannon is too much. Find a way to lighten the cannonball, reduce the acceleration trajectory, reduce energy consumption, and let it It can be driven by a magic capacitor group, so that it can be mounted on a carriage, or even disassembled and carried by the artillery crew. The other direction is the diversification of shells—the current shells only have one effect, that is, through Explosions can be used to kill enemies, but since we can already launch magic devices weighing tens of kilograms hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away, why not add some tricks to these magic devices?"

Kamel was immediately reminded by Gawain that a new way of thinking opened up before his eyes—

As a researcher from the Gondor Empire, he has never lacked innovative ideas.

"A magical device weighing tens of kilograms...there are too many places to use it," the tone of the ancient magister became particularly cheerful, "I can even put a 'Wound of Annihilation' in it!"

Gao Wen glanced at the other party: "...you'd better find a cheaper one, and it can be used in this era."

"...Then I'll think about it later."

"You are in charge of the design of the cannon's mechanical part," Gao Wen nodded to Nicholas, and then looked at Kamel, "You are an expert in the field of magic. I believe that with the two of you, we will create more and more suitable guns." It is not difficult to improve the models required by the battlefield. However, the research must meet the actual needs, and the production of new equipment must also take into account the production capacity of the production line. At present, we still focus on those key projects, and don't divide our energy too much. pass."

Nicholas floated his body up and down, and Kamel nodded accordingly: "Don't worry, of course I understand this."

Gao Wen suddenly thought of another thing: "Speaking of... Santis has been away for two days, right?"

"Yes, he wants to complete the task you gave him as soon as possible," Kamel said, "and he can quickly establish contact with the mage circle in the capital, and the shortage of talents in the territory can be alleviated earlier—if the population increases in spring At the same time, we can also expand a group of technicians from the capital at the same time, then everything will be perfect."

Gao Wen looked thoughtful: "Is this part of the plan going smoothly..."

He raised his head and saw Jenny and Rebecca standing not far away, pointing at the magic crystal rail gun disassembled by the technicians, and they seemed to be having a lively chat.

"Jenny! Rebecca!" Gawain called out.

The two girls ran over quickly, and Rebecca beamed: "Master Zu, you called me? What's the matter?"

Gao Wen nodded: "I have an idea about the structure of the magic net. You can see if it can be realized."

"Have you thought of an idea for improvement?" Jenny looked at the lord who seemed to have infinite energy and inspiration with some surprise, "Or did you discover the flaws in the current magic net?"

"No, I was going to create a flaw in it..."

The two girls looked confused at the same time: "Huh?"

Gao Wen smiled: "I plan to dig a hole..."


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.