Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 307: A day that changed history


Gawain was not at all surprised by the imminent moves of the nobles and the church in the southern border. In fact, in a way, the actions of the nobles and the church were facilitated by him step by step.

The alchemy medicine business that almost shattered the original market, the subversive magic net technology, mining machinery and equipment, these things have brought wealth to the nobles in the southern border that they never thought of, but at the same time, as long as those nobles have a little brains, they will also It is reflected that they are gradually being eroded and controlled by Cecil in the process. On the other hand, through Viscount Andrew of Tanzania Town as an "agent", almost half of the ore business in the southern border has fallen to Cecil. In the hands of the Al-Leslie Union, the noble lords who were suppressed because of this happened to be the group with the greatest force in the southern border. army.

Therefore, the nobles in the southern border, especially the richest and most powerful group of nobles, will regard Cecil as an enemy sooner or later.

"Gold and silver flow in Cecil's land, and the ruler of this land happens to have a 'weakness' that can be attacked." In this era, no one can refuse this temptation.

On the other hand, since last winter, the territory has received a large number of alien believers from the Holy Spirit Plain, which is constantly stimulating the nerves of the Church of Holy Light. It is difficult for those missionaries to make waves in the southern border, but if the nobles in the southern border want to deal with Cecil at this time, then it is only natural that the Church of the Holy Light will have a chance to enter this area.

Gao Wen knew very well that these changes are inevitable and will inevitably happen. As long as he wants to establish his own new order in this world, sooner or later, conflicts will break out with the original traditional forces. In this kind of change involving basic rules, there is no Any room for compromise, everything must be spoken by force in the end, so after realizing this, Gao Wen knew exactly what he was going to do. He silently prepared to use force to speak, and then waited to see when those traditional nobles and the church endured. Can't help but do it.

Hetty is also a smart person. Seeing Gawain's attitude, she knew that the current situation was what the ancestor had been planning, but there was one thing she couldn't understand: "Ancestor, why do you have to wait for them to take the initiative? I know, from the perspective of legal rights, you will always have a reason to take the initiative without worrying about any moral issues. After all, all the nobles in the southern border currently occupy the fiefdoms you used to... "

"It's very simple, because the land is vast and the population is sparse," Gawain replied casually. Seeing the puzzled look on Hetty's face, he shook his head helplessly and added, "Let them gather people together, A round of saturated bombardment and ray guns on our side will finish the job, saving the whole southern border and hitting them one by one."

Hetty: "..."

Of course, what Gao Wen said was a bit of a joke in it. You can despise the enemy strategically, but you must still pay attention to them tactically. The use of force was still somewhat threatening, so Gao Wen took out a piece of paper from the blank letterhead next to him, wrote two lines on it, and then handed it to Hetty: "This letter is for the Glenn woman. Lord's."

Hetty glanced at the content on the letter paper, and there was only a very brief content on it: "The time to clear the accounts has arrived, and the inventory will be counted soon."

After Hetty left, Gawain stood up, went to the map depicting the entire southern territory, and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, although he had made preparations for a forceful confrontation with the traditional forces of this world early in the morning, if it was not driven by the changes in the situation, Gao Wen would not have planned to put the developing territory into a state of war so early.

According to his initial thoughts, he wanted to quietly develop the territory, continue to open up new land southward and establish industrial zones, until he had absolute crushing power at hand, and then jumped out and beat up the traditional nobles.

However, the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Negotiations between Typhon and Anzu have already started. Regardless of whether the peace agreement can be successfully signed, the current relatively stable situation in the southern border will change. Needless to say, if a war breaks out, if a peace agreement is signed, then the external major crisis will be temporarily resolved. At this time, the Ansu royal family who had freed up their hands should almost pay attention to Cecil, who is rising rapidly in the southern border and frequently challenges the traditional order.

Francis II is not a fool. He can tolerate the reappearance of the Cecil family and the vigorous activity of this ancient family that has been suppressed with great difficulty in the southern border. Adding a notoriety of disrespect to the ancestors to the "illegitimate child royal family", I don't want to give new words to those nobles who don't support the royal family.

In addition to the possible variables of Typhon and the Ansu royal family, there are also the increasingly weird and crazy actions of the Church of the Holy Light recently, and the intricate threats of various forces in the southern border...

The combination of all these factors made Gao Wen realize that he had to solve these external troubles in the near future, at least to completely control the situation in the southern border and make this relatively closed land his stable rear.

At that time, he promised in front of Francis II and all the nobles of the royal capital that he would not "take the initiative" to make legal claims on the existing land distribution in the southern border. But Gao Wen still hoped to make his actions more legitimate.

It is best to let those southern nobles jump out by themselves.

Of course they have the motivation and reason to jump out, not just because of the greed of the nobles themselves, nor because the system promoted by Gawain Cecil in their own territory really aroused their "righteous indignation", but because Cecil The fact that the family has re-emerged in the southern region is enough to make the hairs of 90% of the rulers of this land stand on end.

When Cecil was weak, they might not feel threatened, but as Cecil became stronger, the hostility from various noble forces in the southern border would also become stronger. After all, they all relied on food sharing. Cecil's ancestral property was only developed. In a sense, the Cecil family has a legal claim to the entire southern territory.

Since their hostility would break out sooner or later, Gao Wen didn't mind helping them a little bit so that they could unite earlier.

Therefore, the 25th Production and Construction Office under the Military Intelligence Bureau formulated a plan, and the 25th Production and Construction Brigade (passively) implemented the plan, which is good at brainstorming to collect intelligence and spread rumors and false military information.

Then those southern nobles who were already vigilant and hostile to the Cecil family really couldn't help it, and wanted to jump out...

Those aristocrats who follow the ancient rituals may not have the courage to go to war with their ancestors, so they probably just want to jump and use a low-intensity friction to demonstrate to the Cecil family, and then follow the "noble game" method, from The Cecil family scammed some money, but...

As long as they jump out, the scale of this "friction" is not up to them.

Gao Wen withdrew his gaze from the map, and then concentrated his mind. In his mind, the bird's-eye view from the surveillance satellite emerged...

In the Fort of the Treaty, in the long hall where history was established, a document was being read by the ceremonial officers from two countries under the witness of everyone.

The voices of the two ceremonial officers echoed in the hall almost in sync. With the blessing of magic power, the voices were not only loud and clear, but even seemed to have a daunting solemn and heavy texture

“…we share the view that the restoration of peaceful relations is the first step in a joint response to the threat, and the cessation of the current stage of border standoff is the first step in ensuring peace...from the date of signing of the agreement, stop military confrontation and all mutual military infiltration operations... On the basis of resuming diplomacy, resume border commerce and personnel flow, and gradually lift the martial law prohibition... jointly monitor the magnificent wall...

"...all of the above, in the witness of the gods and the spirits of the ancestors, and sanctioned by the great and wise rulers of the two countries...

"...Anzu/Typhon 736, at the Treaty Fort on the Common Frontier...

"Long live peace."

The solemn final sound fell, and there was a sudden warm and sustained applause in the long hall.

Regardless of whether the people in this hall are still hostile, whether they were on guard against each other yesterday, or whether there will be estrangement from each other in the future, at least at this moment, everyone who has gone through the long negotiation is applauding sincerely, Excited for this hard-won peace agreement.

The peace agreement witnessed by everyone left the marks of the rulers of the two countries, and then a magician engraved the agreement on two fine gold plates on the spot, and handed it over to the two countries for preservation, while the original manuscript of the agreement, It will stay in this "Contract Fortress", sealed in a safe made of mithril, and sunk deep in a well-protected secret room below the fortress.

But these follow-up and ceremonial things are no longer what Duke Silas Loren is concerned about. He just watched the king and Emperor Rosetta shake hands, talked with emotion, and then presented each other with decorative swords , In a peaceful and eager atmosphere, this historic negotiation came to an end.

Then came the banquet with a slightly relaxed atmosphere, and the grand banquet lasted until late at night.

Although the negotiations have ended, Duke Silas Loren did not relax in the slightest. He is well aware of how many people are staring at this peace negotiation, and many of them are those who do not want peace. So even after the agreement is concluded, as long as the king He was still in the Fort of Treaty, and on the border, so he couldn't relax his vigilance.

It must be the same for Typhon's side, because during the entire dinner, Duke Laurent noticed that the guards around Rosetta Augustus were always close by, and there were even a few more people.

But in the end, everything ended peacefully.

In a state of high nervousness among all the guards, the two rulers spent their last night safely in the Fort of Treaty. On the 52nd of the Moon of Recovery in Ansu 736, King Francis II of Ansu and Emperor Rosetta of Typhon ? Augustus left the Treaty Fort.

Changfeng Fortress welcomed His Majesty the King with a grand welcome ceremony. For this military frontier fortress city, Francis II, who returned from the Treaty Fort, is a general in another sense. The returning general.

But the old king, who was exhausted physically and mentally during the negotiations, did not appear in public for too long. After a brief meeting with some prominent figures in the fortress, Francis II returned to his resting room.

Prince Edmund was not with him. The one who entered the room with him was the legendary mage from Saint-Sunil who was in charge of protecting him.

During the days-long negotiation process, the legendary mage has always maintained a life-link with Francis II. It can be said frankly that for Francis II at this moment, this man has served the Ansu royal family for several years. The legendary mage of ten years is even more trustworthy than all his children.

Stretching his creaky and stiff joints, the old king sat on a wide and soft bed, his slightly cloudy eyes looked at the old magician standing beside him, a thin, black-haired, calm temperament, dressed in The old man in the purple starry robe: "You have worked hard these days, Master Duke."

The old man in the starry robe nodded slightly, his voice was low and hoarse: "This is my duty."

"End the life link," said Francis II. "Although this illusion of physical strength is very good, it lasts too long, and it is about to affect my sleep."

"As you wish." The old mage waved his hand, and a thin layer of magical brilliance flashed over him and Francis II, and the effect of the life link disappeared immediately. The old king couldn't help but feel the weight of his body becoming heavy again. He exhaled lightly.

He used to be a powerful spellcaster, and his talent was no worse than that of the legendary mages beside him. However, as a king, he was destined not to take that last step on the road of magic. His body had inevitably fallen into decline.

"Your Majesty, I'll go outside and set up a warning rune for you." After ending the life link, the old mage bent slightly beside Francis II and said.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The old mage left the room, but Francis II was about to close his eyes and squint for a while, when he heard the sound of the door being pushed open again.

"Master Duke, what else..." The old king opened his eyes and looked at the door curiously, but he didn't finish his sentence. The person standing at the door was not the legendary master wearing the starry robe, but a man dressed in attendant clothes. strange man.

During his departure from Saint-Sunil City, in theory, no strange face should appear in front of him alone.

Francis II's right hand gently stroked a ring on his left hand calmly, and he looked into the waiter's eyes: "Who are you?"

"Your Majesty the King," the waiter came forward, bowed slightly, and was very polite, "Thank you for your efforts for peace, and all things will greet you at the end of their lives."

As soon as the words fell, the waiter's head suddenly split into pieces, and the cracked flesh formed a bloody mouth, and rushed straight at Francis II!