Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 308: Good news from all sides


Ropeni Grant watched Viscount Carroll disappear into the gate leading to the banquet hall, a sneer slowly emerged from the corner of her mouth.

She knew very well why Viscount Carroll said that—poison is also a good cure for diseases, which is indeed true, because Viscount Carroll has been the transportation hub from the southern border to the Holy Spirit Plain in the past few decades Dao, if the medicinal materials from Kant and other places in the southern border want to be sent to the Holy Spirit Plain, they must basically be concentrated in the Carroll Viscounty, and then transported northward after forming a large-scale caravan. Except for medicinal materials, the southern border A considerable part of various outputs, including ordinary ores, magic materials, furs, etc., are transported through the Carroll collar, so from the very beginning, the Carroll family has been very good at selling business.

They are a family that doesn't do production, but rely on controlling the traffic arteries to grab huge profits, so the members of the Carroll family have a habit of thinking, that is, they don't care who the goods come from, they only care about the goods Can you sell it with your own hands

They can do business with Earl Hossman and actively respond to Earl Hossman's call, because Earl Hossman can provide magic net technology, and the Carroll family can sell this technology to the nobles of the Holy Spirit Plain to earn money. A lot of money, but Luo Penny believes in one thing very much, that is, if the Cecil leader is willing to hand over the alchemy potion business that is almost equivalent to flowing gold coins to Carroll, then Viscount Carroll will appear within four days In the drawing room of Duke Cecil.

If the road conditions are better, then two days.

Viscount Carroll has a good keen eye. He can see the status quo of Gawain Cecil's creation permeating the entire southern border, and smell the danger from it, but he miscalculated the danger. He thought he She's just a reseller, so she can stay out of the matter, but Luo Penny Grant knows very well...

What the Grand Duke Gawain Cecil did was not just to grab money, nor was it simply to infiltrate and spy on information from other noble territories, although she still couldn't figure out the specifics of the revived Duke. The goal and the means to achieve it, but she is very familiar with this kind of behavior style that is open and plotting, but makes everyone have to fall into the trap.

Her husband was a similar person during his lifetime.

Because of this, she knew exactly where the scariest part of this conspiracy was.

Countess Ropeini Glenn turned around, staring at the brilliant lights in the courtyard with sunken and indifferent eyes, as well as the Hossman's soldiers who had already carried alchemy potions as regular supplies.

She knew very well that with these alchemy potions, those Hussman soldiers had already had a huge advantage when fighting ordinary noble private soldiers.

And when the magic net is paved and the mine's magic energy machinery is installed, these soldiers will be equipped with more and more sophisticated metal swords and armors. The mage tower on this territory can also obtain a steady stream of magic power supplies.

And Earl Hossman himself will also get huge wealth at the same time.

This is the scariest part - no one can refuse Gawain Cecil's gift, as long as one person accepts this "poison", then all those who refuse the poison will die earlier than those who took the poison .

That arrogant Karlov? Housman can only see the benefits, probably not the dagger behind the benefits, but Luo Penny does not intend to make any reminders, she believes that even if someone makes a reminder, they will be dazzled by the benefits The big and small nobles in the head will blindly ignore all dangers, and think that even if the situation changes, everything is under their control.

Regarding this, Luo Penny herself was not sure. After all, compared with the entire southern border... Gawain Cecil, the duke with no name, was still too lonely.

When the lord was singing and dancing in the banquet hall of the castle, celebrations were also held in other places in the castle. A small banquet was held in the side hall in the southeast corner of the castle. Scholars and advisors of the Horsman family Gather here, drink the fine wine given by the lord, enjoy the desserts and meat that are usually hard to eat, and laugh and laugh.

They have successfully mastered the full set of technology to build the magic net, and realized the operation of the first magic net in this ancient castle. It is a rare honor to feast until dawn.

In this small banquet, the center of attention were two young men, one tall and one short, in off-white padded robes.

Someone stepped forward to toast the two young men, and a middle-aged gentleman with a broad forehead said with a smile: "Allegiance to the Horsman family will be the most correct decision in your life—you will know soon, the earl's generosity But that Viscount Andrew is incomparable."

"Talented young people will be welcomed everywhere," another scholar-like person also came over, and said with the tone of an elder admiring the younger generation, "When the weather gets warmer, I will definitely invite you to my hometown in the suburbs. The small estate at the hotel, which has the best honey tea in the area...”

"There are two unmarried daughters, right?"

So the audience roared with laughter, and the atmosphere became even more cheerful.

But the two young men who were surrounded by the crowd seemed a bit overwhelmed with alcohol. After trying hard for a while, they were so dizzy that they had to go outside to blow the cold wind—of course no one at the scene would embarrass these two "big heroes", so the others People continued to drink happily, while the two young men left the side hall one after the other with a cup of sober tea soup.

With the cold wind blowing outside, the tall young man glanced back at the lighted porch slightly, and sneered softly: "The whole set of technology for building the magic net... do these people really understand what 'technology' is?"

"At best, it's a full set of skills in building a magic net," the short young man, who didn't look drunk at the moment, muttered in a low voice, "but you can't make too high demands on them—if you don't experience it yourself, who Can you imagine that the minimalist hexagon contains the deepest law of runes?"

The tall young man showed a slight smile and looked at his companion: "After tonight, the magic net will take root everywhere in the southern border..."

The short young man also showed the same smile. He gently raised the cup in his hand and replaced the wine with tea: "A hymn of loyalty."

"A hymn to loyalty."

"By the way, do you know why the leader wants to use this sentence as a code for field operators?"

"Who knows—but we should proceed with caution and stop talking about 'over there' unless necessary."

"I see."

A few days later, Amber brought the long-awaited information that Gao Wen had been waiting for.

"Our people have successfully entered Earl Hossman's castle," the half-elf lady reported solemnly, "As you said, the earl is really trying to get the magic net construction technology... He summoned the Southland The aristocrats, big and small, are going to sell the magic net construction technology that they 'stolen' learned to others, to those who are allies with him."

Gao Wen smiled with satisfaction: "In this way, everything will develop as I planned."

"Buying is worse than stealing, stealing is worse than not being able to steal..." Amber sighed, she understood Gao Wen's real intention of leaking technology to the nobles in the southern region in such a troublesome way at the first time. The thief world has rich experience in committing crimes, "In this way, they will not have any worries about getting the technology after a lot of twists and turns. It is estimated that they will spread the magic net on a large scale in their territory in a short time." .”

"Even if they don't need mining machinery, the magic net can also power their castles, the mage towers on the territory, and the magic traps and other defensive facilities in various fortresses... Magic is everywhere in this world. In this world, the magic net itself is a very universal thing," Gao Wen nodded, "but according to my estimation, at least one-third of the nobles need mining machinery, and there are many mining industries in the southern border... Notice Viscount Andrew asked him to vacate the pier, and I guess many sneaky guests will come to his territory to buy magic engines soon."

"Actually, we can do this business by ourselves..." Hu Po pouted, "This way we can save the middleman from making the difference..."

"Not yet. Cecil's almost unlimited supply of cheap alchemy potions is already shocking the world. I don't plan to continue to attract so much attention elsewhere." Gawain shook his head. "All the news released so far are cryptic. Point out that the production capacity of Cecil Territory has reached the bottleneck, and the new mining machinery is manufactured in Tanzan Town. If this is the case, then I will continue to release this news, so that the nobles and nobles in the southern border will underestimate Cecil. The production potential of the leader, so as not to scare them."

Amber waved her hand: "It can also make them relax their vigilance, right? I understand, I understand."

Gawain was quite satisfied with Miss Half Elf's progress during this period, he nodded in relief, and then suddenly said: "You can help me take care of it, I..."

Amber continued without waiting for Gao Wen to finish speaking: "Are you going to 'meditate' again?"

"That's right."

This time, the half-elf lady didn't say a word of nonsense, she simply nodded: "Okay, I'll help you watch."

Gao Wen then slowly let go of his mind, but before he was about to fall into a dream, he heard Amber's voice coming from the side: "But let's talk first, you must be the first to tell me when you can speak." I!"

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

After a brief period of darkness and dizziness, Gawain appeared in the endless space with clear water and blue sky.

The old magician Daniel stood in front of him, bowing down respectfully.

"My lord, I have lived up to your will—I am already the top person in charge of the Eternal Sleeper's 'Information Security and Network Architecture' project, and will also undertake the task of building the first-generation database."

Gawain blinked.

This old man is so efficient!

He was taller than any other boy in his territory!

emmmmm... If I take up the line a little slower in the future, I'm afraid this old magician will soon become the pope...