Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 310: Technical Immigrant


After sending away the knights from Kant and finishing the daily work of approving paperwork, a whole day passed.

Gawain came to the window and looked at the huge sun that was gradually sinking outside. No matter how many times he looked at this alien sun, he would feel a sense of shock. The pattern of atmospheric turbulence pushed open the window of the study.

A gust of cold wind immediately poured into the room and swirled through every corner of the study—although it was already the month of recovery, it would take a long time for the weather to warm up. At least during this period, the wind every morning and evening Still quite powerful.

Gao Wen didn't mind the cold, on the contrary, he liked the feeling of being cleared by the cold wind, so he took a deep breath against the cold wind, but there are still people here who are afraid of the cold: A group of black shadows emerged from the nearby air almost instantly, rushed forward and slammed the window shut tightly, and murmured while closing the window: "You have a problem, it's so cold Open the window and freeze someone to death..."

It turns out that the best way to force a shadow master out of stealth is to throw a flashbang and open a window.

Gawain looked at Amber, who couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "A guard like you usually won't survive to get off work under the hands of other lords..."

"If you were an ordinary lord, I wouldn't be your servant." Amber turned her head and put her waist uprightly. Seeing her appearance, she should be ready to say a few more words, but before the girl continued to speak, a puff of food The aroma of the smell had passed through the crack of the door and drifted into the study room. The half-elf thief immediately sniffed without dignity, "Wow... today's barbecue smells so good..."

Gao Wen also sniffed the smell in the air seriously, feeling a little strange: "It doesn't seem to be Betty's handicraft?"

"I won't analyze with you anymore, I'm hungry and want to eat!" Amber said quickly while waving her hands, opened the door and ran out in the blink of an eye, leaving Gao Wen behind who shook his head dumbfoundedly, and followed him out of the study.

Many aristocrats are used to formulating a lot of dining rules, not only to pay attention to the order of seating, but also to stipulate the position of the servants during the meal, the music to be played, and even the placement of the dinner plate and the number and orientation of the candlesticks. They are all very particular, and they will be proud of enforcing such strict dining rules, and regard it as a manifestation of their "civilized people", but the dinner at Gao Wen's family is different from other nobles - the Cecil family itself has been declining for a hundred years. Afterwards, the table manners have been greatly simplified. After their ancestors unmasked and expressed their dissatisfaction with a group of people standing next to them while eating, the only remaining dining rules were even more omitted. Seven or eight, until now, there are basically only two things left: "the ancestors can only serve meals after they are seated" and "wash hands before meals".

When Gawain came to the dining room, he saw that Hetty and Rebecca were already waiting for him at the dining table, and even the sea monster, which usually didn't leave the door very often, was coiled up at the table waiting for dinner, while Betty was waiting for him. There are cups, plates, knives and forks busy on the side.

Gawain walked to the dining table and glanced at Tire with a smile: "It's really rare, are you interested in going out for something to eat today?"

"I heard that there is a new cook," Tire said while shaking the tip of his tail slightly, "I'm curious, so come and have a taste~~"

"New cook?" Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, then looked at "Big Butler" Hetty curiously, "What new cook?"

"Santis is back," Hetty explained with a smile. "As the last convoy entered the city in the evening, I haven't had time to report this to you. He also brought his family, his father Bao Mr. Earl Seid is a cook, and there is a lack of a cook at home, so I'll let him try it."

"Has Santis come back... It seems that it's really time for the beginning of spring," Gao Wen showed a look of joy, and then he muttered, "But their family has just arrived here, so they should take a day off."

"Mr. Bauer asked for it on his own initiative," Hetty said helplessly. "You should understand that he left the capital and came to a strange place. He needs to settle down at work as soon as possible to be at ease."

"That's right," Gawain nodded, then looked up at Betty, and asked the little maid with a smile, "How is the new chef?"

"He's a very powerful person!" Betty nodded vigorously and said with admiration, "Better than my craft!"

This girl spoke very calmly, without any sense of crisis that her "kitchen status" was threatened. It seemed that as long as she didn't move her pan, it would not affect her "right" to place cups, plates and dishes in the restaurant and take care of the lord. Just no opinion at all.

Gao Wen even suspected that even if someone moved her "rights", she would not know how to resist.

While he was talking, Amber couldn't hold it anymore. This half-elf who never knew what rules were and was used to spending time with Gawain's family quickly cut a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth. Then he yelled indistinctly while inhaling hotly: "Hoo hoo... this... this is really delicious..."

"It's really that delicious?" Tyre looked at Amber suspiciously, poked the food on the dinner plate with the tip of his tail, and then tried to cut a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, chewing it twice After that, she swallowed the food expressionlessly, "It still doesn't taste good, but I'm looking forward to it."

"You're talking nonsense, don't you know that you don't have a sense of taste? You shouldn't have such unnatural expectations at all," Gao Wen gave the sea caterpillar monster a look, then tasted the new chef's handiwork and nodded with satisfaction, "That's right. , let that Mr. Ball stay here. But compared to this, I want to know how many people Santis brought back?"

Hetty already knew what Gawain would be concerned about, and immediately replied: "About a hundred craftsmen of various types and twenty-three scholars went into the city with him, as well as three mage apprentices and a low-level mage. "

More than 100 craftsmen and more than 20 scholars, this is still an acceptable number for Gao Wen, so many intellectuals or technicians are very useful in today's territory, but after hearing about mages and mages After the number of apprentices, he couldn't help but frowned: "So few mages and mage apprentices? Only one official mage?!"

Amber also swallowed the contents of her mouth with all her strength, and stared: "Could it be that even an ancient magister like Kamel isn't attractive to the mages of the capital?"

Hetty seemed to be trying to scare people on purpose. After seeing the reaction of Gao Wen and Amber, she smiled and said the following words: "There are also nine official mages and more than 20 mage apprentices led by them on their way. —One of the mages is even mid-level."

When Gawain saw Hetty's smile, he knew that his always dignified granddaughter was also skinny, but he fully understood Hetty's desire to "skin"—

Nine official mages and more than twenty mage apprentices! There is even an intermediate mage inside!

Although in today's Cecil's magic industry system, the mage's personal spellcasting level has little value, but a higher mage level usually means a certain attainment in mathematics and science besides higher talent , which is quite useful!

It is impossible for Santis not to know the requirements of the magic industry, so the people he brought must have been screened and reviewed. This group of mages and mage apprentices is simply a huge sum of money for Cecil Territory, which is in urgent need of technical talents. treasure!

Arranging a trip to the capital for Santis is indeed correct. Compared with the deserted and remote southern border, Ansu's Kingdom Center, which has been in operation for 700 years, must have more sufficient human resources. In cities with dozens of magical organizations, large and small, such as the Royal Wizards Association, Wizards Association, and Magic Research Association, there are quite a few low-level mages and mage apprentices...

"Santis has already left a stronghold in the capital, and is openly active in the name of long-term recruitment of talents. According to your previous instructions, 'Witch' Jibri and 'Fast Legs' Pierce will maintain the operation of the stronghold after Santis leaves. Hetty went on to say, "So in the future, technical personnel should continue to be sent over—as the Cecil Territory continues to develop, more and more talents will be sent."

Gao Wen listened happily and nodded with satisfaction. After Hetty finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at his eldest granddaughter: "Don't speak out of breath in the future."

Hetty bowed her head exaggeratedly on purpose, her tone was very serious: "Follow your instruction—"

Gao Wen smiled and waved his hands again and again: "That's all right, all right, if this continues, it will be another Rebecca."

On the other side of the table, Rebecca, who was lowering her head and trying to compete with the steak, immediately raised her head: "Why do you still have my business?"

The girl was brandishing a knife and fork to compete with the food from the beginning to the end, and she hardly heard any topics at the table. It was at this time that someone called her name, so she raised her head reflexively and replied.

Gao Wen was in a very good mood at this time. Seeing Rebecca's cute expression, he felt that he was much cuter than usual, and couldn't help but said to her: "You go back and prepare, your Institute of Magic Technology is not Get busy—didn’t you complain that there were always too many people available for practical engineering? Now, you have at least a hundred apprentices to train, and you have to get those talismans in the shortest possible time. Text craftsmen, mechanics, and runes are trained to become magicians."

The more than 100 craftsmen and scholars brought by Santis are indeed talents that the territory urgently needs, but it is not enough for them to adapt and learn the "technical needs" of the Cecil Territory, except for the indoctrination of Cecil's laws In addition, they must also learn a lot of basic craft knowledge and theoretical knowledge of the magic industry. Changing from traditional craftsmen to magic technicians is the first step for them to become Cecil technicians.

But fortunately, Rebecca once led a group of "problem people" with even worse foundations to toss and bump, and turned them into skilled magicians, so Gawain was not worried about this at all. A stupid roe deer who seems to be stunned, but in fact has extraordinary talent will not be able to lead a group of smarter and more obedient teams.

The magic technology research institute in the territory has been completed a few days ago, and several large laboratories and practical workshops have been reorganized. Now is a good time to train apprentices.

Of course, we can't put everyone in the Institute of Magical Technology—Gao Wen also plans to select some suitable scholars from those scholars and hand them over to the Santis area to become teachers in the Universal Academy.

If there are rune masters who are exceptionally talented in the theoretical field, they will be sent to the Rune Research Institute in batches.

Rebecca listened to the old ancestor's words in a daze. She didn't notice the few drops of broth sticking to the corner of her mouth. When she finally understood that she would soon have a big team, the girl immediately became excited and jumped up on the spot. A cheer: "Wow!"

Then he threw the fork in his hand to the ceiling.

Gawain looked up at the fork on the ceiling, and then looked down at Hetty whose face had darkened.

He sighed: "Come on, strike lightly."