Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 311: after the battle


Although the final development was somewhat beyond Gawain's expectations, the outcome of the entire battle was still largely within his expectations—a mere two to three thousand aberrations could no longer threaten the complete defense of the Cecil Territory, even if the aberrations A mutant individual that has never been seen appeared in the body, and this ending has not changed.

But even if he successfully defended against this wave of enemy attacks, he couldn't just relax.

Mutant individuals that have never been seen appear in the mutants, which in itself is a pretty bad signal—and the intelligence tendencies of the mutant individuals are even more disturbing. What causes them to mutate? Is this variation common? Will it continue to develop? The monsters that appeared this time are still limited in intelligence and not many in number, so what about next time? What about next time

The soldiers began to clear the city wall. Since the enemy did not attack the wall, there were no casualties in this battle, but some soldiers were still injured by the enemy's corrosive energy arrows—enchanted armor or armor with magical effects such as breeze shield It can effectively resist the corrosive energy of the deformed body, but this resistance is also limited. Wounds injured by corrupted mana must be treated in time, otherwise minor injuries will still be fatal.

Gawain stood on the edge of the city wall, looking down at the battlefield below which was still covered by flames and corrupt energy.

Thousands of aberrations fell on this small plain that was plowed by the thunder explosion. Their dirty and profane flesh is rapidly dissipating and weathering, turning into the most primitive magical energy in nature, while their remaining huge bloody skeletons are emerging in the crater. With the billowing smoke, the corruption brought by the aberrations can stain the soil with an ominous dark brown, even after the battle, the dark brown has not faded.

This is only a short-term infection, and the power of corruption will not stay in the land for a long time, but it will still take some time to dissipate. According to the experience of the last monster siege (and from Gawain Cecil's memory), the land It would take a few days for the remaining corrupted mana to dissipate to a harmless level, and before that, the small plain outside the southern city wall was obviously no longer suitable for personnel activities—some engineering projects would inevitably be affected.

Just as Gao Wen was considering the next step of recovery and production adjustment plans for the territory, a cool but not piercing, slightly damp breath suddenly appeared, and then, a trace of rain fell on his hair.

rain? The rain of the foggy moon

Gawain raised his head in astonishment, and stretched out his palm. As expected, wisps of rain were falling from the sky, and the rain seemed to be filled with bluish waves. These "rains" fell on his body, not only did not bring ice cold The piercing discomfort, on the contrary, quickly restored the physical strength of everyone on the city wall, purifying the remaining corrupt magic power in the air, and even the land outside the city wall that was infested by the magic tide was also visible to the naked eye as the rain fell. Visible speed recovered!

The raindrops that fell in winter can never be a natural product. Gawain immediately turned his head with a feeling, and he saw a slender figure climbing up the city wall from there - Tyre was like a water fairy shrouded in a cloud of mist. In the water mist, she opened her arms, and the powerful water element force formed a long, faint silk thread directly reaching the sky behind her. Thrilling wings, and behind this sea monster, there is an arching tail...

Gawain tried his best to divert his gaze away from Tyre's tail, but found that he could no longer associate with "water fairy" or "wings" - even with more than twenty layers of filters in his mind, the fairy was still the same. Arched and arched...

Then Tire arched in front of Gawain, put his hands down gracefully, and stretched his waist for four or five meters: "Huh—I'm late?"

"You made the rain?" Gao Wen asked curiously, and then he was a little embarrassed, "Eh... I didn't expect you to come to help."

Many soldiers on the city wall stopped and looked at Tyre with awe. They had already felt the healing and purification power contained in this unusual rain, and they all paid their respects at this moment, while Tyre was in a state of confusion. He waved his hands to those human soldiers indifferently, and glanced at Gawain again: "Rebecca asked me to come—Actually, I prefer to sleep in the house, but after all, this place is my current residence, so I'll come over to check the situation .”

"Rebecca..." Gawain couldn't help but glanced at the resting place behind the city wall. The girl had been taken off the city wall by Amber and was resting at the rear now—although she threw a big fireball during the whole battle, but that earth-shattering big fireball The fireball not only wiped out almost all remaining enemies, but also squeezed out her own mental power. According to Hetty, she probably wouldn't be able to wake up if she didn't sleep until night.

It's better to sleep more, after all, you may be beaten when you wake up.

Tyre swayed slowly to Gawain's side, leaned out and glanced at the still smoking battlefield below, the flames on the battlefield had been extinguished by the rain of purification, but the black-red smoke decomposed from the bloody bones was still there It kept rising, Miss Siren frowned slightly after seeing it: "Is this the 'magic tide' you experienced back then?"

"No, these are just monsters that appeared in the Demon Tide—they carry the power of the Demon Tide," Gawain explained, "This kind of monster probably wandered out from the wasteland of Gondor."

"Hmm... Interesting..."

"What's interesting?" Gawain looked at Tire curiously, and immediately realized, "By the way, you have experienced a real demon tide, and in your opinion, the real demon tide is very different from the breath here Is it?"

"Breath? It doesn't matter whether the breath is the same. The magic wave itself is the process of reshaping all things with magic power. This chaotic and disordered magic energy is the same whether it is in a big magic wave or a small magic wave. What I said is interesting... these so-called A monster born in the magic tide."

"These monsters?" Gawain immediately became serious, "Did you see anything?"

"Have you seen how they decompose?" Tire curled his tail and pointed the tip of his tail at the decomposing corpses at the foot of the city wall. The scene of mana disintegrating? It’s just faster and more thorough.”


"Their existence is very unstable. Once they die, their wreckage will disintegrate quickly. This is a manifestation of being in an 'intermediate state'," Tyr said unhurriedly. "I don't know how these things come from. But the characteristics they show are very similar to some kind of 'failed products' that are undergoing transformation under the influence of the magic tide, but have not been able to complete the transformation completely. I can feel the energy released when they disintegrate, and that energy is in harmony with the magic energy of chaos It's close, but a little bit different...”

A slight crackling sound of arcane sparks interrupted the conversation between Gawain and Tire. Gawain turned his head and saw Kamel floating from not far away. The arcane energy on this ancient magister seemed a little strange Stable, the whole person flashes like a bad contact.

"Kamel, are you okay?" Gawain was a little surprised, "You're flashing."

"Don't worry, I was too surprised by Miss Rebecca's magic just now." The arcane energy on Kamel's body gradually calmed down, "Ms. Hetty is looking for you."

"I know, it's the post-war meeting." Gawain nodded, and glanced at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield. "I'll leave it to them here. Let's go to the government affairs hall. Tyre, do you want to come?"

"Can I sleep in the venue?"

"...you can do whatever you want, just don't roll people with your tail."

"Then I'll go."

Not long after, the main administrators of Cecil's territory gathered in the government affairs hall located in the center of the territory, and Gao Wen sat at the top of the round table for discussion. Apart from Hetty who managed the internal affairs, Byron and Philip who managed the military affairs, In addition, the heads of various departments were also summoned.

The first thing Gawain did was to confirm the conditions of several farms in the south of the territory with Norris, the director of agriculture. There is a batch of land reclaimed before winter is located in the south of the city, and it is quite close to the Dark Mountains. Although there are guard towers there, And it was relatively far away from several mountain passes in the Dark Mountains, but Gawain was still worried about whether those lands were polluted by the overflowing Chaos magic energy.

After confirming that several farms outside the city were safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then learned about the operation of various departments in the city.

This is the first time that the Cecil Territory’s government affairs office and supporting administrative system have faced a war—even though it was just a monster siege, it was undoubtedly a test, and the result of this test did not let Gawain was disappointed.

All departments in the city were operating normally before and after the war. Under the supervision of managers at all levels, there was no order and disorder in the entire territory from the beginning to the end. After all the dust settled, the alarm, the The order to resume normal production and life was also quickly conveyed to various factories, schools, and residential blocks. Although there were inevitably minor problems caused by lack of experience, in general, everything did not deviate from the purpose of Gao Wen's establishment of this administrative organization.

After confirming that everything in the territory was safe, Byron stood up and began to report the results of the battle and the various losses during the battle.

In fact, Gao Wen is generally very clear about this matter—after all, he was standing on the city wall in person at that time, but this reporting process is still necessary, because this is a victory, and it is also the first victory after the establishment of the Government Affairs Office. This victory must produce a positive symbolic meaning - its first step is the report of Knight Byron.

The real "post-war meeting" started after the directors of various livelihood departments left, and only Gao Wen, Hetty, Byron, Philip, Amber and others were left on the scene.

"Everyone, the battle is over," Gawain stood up and looked around at the people present - Kamel floating beside the round table and Till curled up under the table were new faces at the meeting, but he thought the two It is necessary for people to be present at this moment, "but our work has just begun. In this battle, there is a distortion that has never been seen on the battlefield. What I want to say is-even seven hundred years ago, I would Never seen a monster like it.

"This kind of monster is brand new—it turns out that the Gondor wasteland is not static, it has changed internally, and our enemies have also changed."