Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 313: first newspaper


Is this what these civilian children learned in the academy? !

Godwin was dumbfounded as he listened to Santis's narration of the most important period in the history of magic on the podium. In the middle, classic magic circle models were displayed according to historical development. Those runes and magic power lines were written on the blackboard. Arranged into a mysterious pattern, and those children of the common people, those children of farmers, fishermen, blacksmiths, and laundry maids, they are all listening to the lecture and taking notes seriously!

Godwin Orlando swore to God that even if he was a child of a big merchant family in the capital, he might not be able to understand these things.

Because these are all knowledge in the transcendent domain!

The children's lessons are beyond Godwin's imagination, and what is even more beyond his imagination is the mastery of these children's magic runes.

After a few simple questions, he realized that these children were not newbies to runes, nor were they "fools" who had memorized some book knowledge by rote. They not only knew the shape and writing method of each rune, Even know how to modify their position in a magic circle!

The end of a disruptive lesson, at least for Godwin Orlando.

After the class ended, the children happily ran out, and ran to the playground to play with their friends. Some children stayed behind, reading or chatting in the classroom. Santis went outside the classroom and reminded the children loudly. Let's stop fighting in the corridor, and then come to Godwin's side.

"Mr. Orlando," the second-level arcanist said with a gentle smile, "what do you think?"

"I didn't expect...these things are being taught here..." Godwin's eyes were confused. "These children...are they all gifted in magic? Are they all magic apprentices chosen by you?"

Santis shook his head and said unhurriedly: "First of all, not every class is teaching runes and magic theory, only children's classes and some special adult classes are offering courses in this area, and secondly, these The children are not my magic apprentices, they are just the most ordinary civilian children in the territory, only one of them has a weak magical talent, and the others will be ordinary people for the rest of their lives."

Godwin blinked: "Then..."

Santis interrupted others in a rare way: "You are curious, wondering why they can understand these courses and why they can get access to these extraordinary knowledge, aren't you?"

Godwin nodded silently.

Santis asked him back: "Why can't they understand, why can't they contact?"

Godwin was stunned for a moment, and then he was going to say a set of reasons about the common people's inability to learn complex knowledge, and the lack of wisdom necessary to comprehend extraordinary mysteries, etc., but these subconscious words were suppressed before they rushed out. He swallowed it back, he knew that once he said these words, he would probably be the stupidest person here today.

"They can understand and learn. At least in the children's class, I have met many smart children, such as Gesang and Pea, who are exceptionally talented in painting," Santis said with a smile on his lips. He walked towards the door of the classroom, and gestured for Godwin to follow, "And after the lord implements a series of nutritious meals for children, these children will grow stronger and smarter than their parents , except for their origin, they are no different from us, extraordinary people, nobles, or any so-called high-class people."

Godwin followed Santis, and he came to the main square of the college or as it is called here, the "playground". There are many children playing here, and at this moment it is approaching evening, and some adults who get off work earlier I also arrived here. Before class, these people who were still wearing rough overalls and their legs were still muddy were gathering under the magic crystal street lamp next to the playground, flipping through the alphabet cards in their hands by the light.

A worker in factory uniform passing by stopped briefly beside Godwin. He took off his felt hat, bowed slightly to salute Santis and Godwin, and then walked away.

"Do you know why he saluted you?" Santis asked.

"He should know that I am a scholar recruited by the lord..."

"No, it's just because you have knowledge. He is saluting your knowledge, not you." Santis said lightly, and pointed to a high white wall on the other side of the playground. On that high wall, Godwin saw a line of bold characters:

"Knowledge and people are not noble, but knowledge makes people noble."

"Here, anyone is entitled to pursue knowledge, and even this is the duty of citizens of Cecil," Santis' voice woke Godwin from the shock of that sentence, "and accepting After learning this rule, I found one thing, that is, under the same conditions, even if it is a child of a serf, he is no worse than a child of a knight in learning things."

Santis didn't tell the complete truth here. In fact, there are still differences between the children of serfs and the children of nobles.

Because of congenital malnutrition and poor growth conditions during infancy, under normal circumstances, children from serfs or extremely poor families will be really poor in intellectual and physical development, and according to the lord, this gap will take at least one or two generations Only then can it be made up for slowly.

However, it was precisely because of these gaps that could have been avoided that Santis realized more deeply how important the order that Gawain was promoting in this land was. It was a cause that could be described as great.

He didn't want Godwin Orlando, a scholar who had given up all his future and traveled all the way from the capital to the south, a true student of learning, to miss this great cause.

Godwin fell silent briefly, and after a while, he asked a question: "Then what I have studied for most of my life, is it worthless?"

"Of course not. Knowledge is always valuable, but its uses are different." Santis shook his head. "In other words, there is no distinction between high and low knowledge, but whether it is appropriate in the current situation. I believe the Lord You were not asked to write that newspaper to bury your talents, and you should understand this yourself. Will using your grammar ability to write popular news really affect the honor of a scholar like you? No, You just can't accept the fact that you need to put yourself in the same position as a commoner, and you can't accept the fact that you have to understand the thoughts of those so-called inferior people, but in fact?"

Santis smiled: "We are in the same position, we are all just seekers of knowledge."

Seeing Godwin's thoughtful expression, Santis continued: "And there is one more thing I don't know if you have thought about it, Mr. Orlando's school-educated civilians can understand your writing, and even some Some can understand the language of runes, although their research in these fields is definitely not as deep as yours, but at least they know a little bit, but you... do you know even the slightest bit of knowledge about drying rice and tanning leather?"

After saying this, Santis closed his mouth and left time for the old gentleman in front of him. This is probably the most and most direct time for him to express his views in a place other than the classroom. Since the last time Wang After returning from the trip to the capital, the second-level arcanist has really changed a lot.

And Godwin exhaled lightly, and was silent for a moment, he shook his head with a smile: "I really don't understand this aspect, but I can still write those current affairs news and decrees that the lord wants to promote. It came out, and I can write more concisely and clearly than anyone.

"As for the parts I don't understand, I still have my apprentices. We can ask those who understand. They understand this knowledge, but they don't know how to write it out, but this is what I am good at."

"Mr. Orlando," Santis bowed his head slightly to Godwin Orlando, "You'd better act quickly, the lord usually gives people a second chance, but you are not the only scholar in the territory."

"Thank you for your help and enlightenment," Godwin Orlando said to Santis in a very solemn tone, "and you can call me Godwin from now on. Calling me by my last name is too distant."

After saying this, the old gentleman said goodbye to Santis, then turned around and walked quickly towards the gate of the college.

After his figure disappeared outside the gate, a hazy black figure emerged beside Santis, and gradually formed the figure of Amber.

The half-elf lady looked at Santis quite unexpectedly: "Santis, you can speak well."

"It's not eloquence, it's just saying what I want to say," Santis saluted the shadow master who was wandering around the territory all day, but his real identity was the lord's guard, and asked curiously , "I'm just a little curious, why the lord would care so much about this matter. Although Godwin is an excellent scholar, he is not special."

"Just take it as an attempt," Amber said casually, "don't worry about it."

"Try..." Santis muttered, then pouted, "Anyway, the lord must have his own considerations."

Amber didn't respond, her body gradually faded in the air, and soon disappeared in front of Santis.

Four days later, the citizens of Cecil Territory saw a brand new thing in front of the City Hall Square in the city center.

They exude the unique smell of ink, and they are stacked neatly on a small cement platform. This platform is unique to Cecilland. In most cases, it is used by the officials of the government affairs department They are used to show the new gadgets that appeared on the territory to the people. Two soldiers stood by the stage, guarding the neatly printed materials, and at the same time were responsible for explaining what was on the stage to the gathered people.


A read that can belong to everyone.

The gathered crowd was discussing with each other, those who arrived earlier were explaining to those who had just arrived what new gadgets the lord had invented, some were guessing the content of the newspaper, and more were guessing their prices and specific role.

In the beginning, perhaps only a small number of people will try it out of curiosity.

But soon, the Cecilians with spare money will realize that they will have their own "scroll" from now on.

Some distance away from the platform, Godwin Orlando, who was wearing a gray bachelor's robe, and his two apprentice temporary editors and "reporters" watched the situation around the platform from a distance.

Santis stood beside Godwin. He looked at the scene in the distance and whispered to himself: "From today, another privilege has been broken."

Godwin mused: "Have the privilege of knowledge, freedom..."

"How does it feel to be hands-on?"

"not bad."