Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 323: The digging thing


"Big question?"

Hearing Gao Wen's words, Daniel's first reaction was to be stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the things that had manifested on the table.

It seems to be just ordinary paper, and the book is also the simplest and cheapest. There is no gold foil on the cover, nor is the cover made of high-quality calfskin—to be honest, this is the first time he has seen such a casual book.

"Let's get started, all the information is here, as much as you can do." Gao Wen glanced at the old mage, and then changed a more comfortable position on the chair, "I will judge whether you are really good or not by your performance. Meet my requirments."

The old mage suddenly realized that this was a test. When he saw Gao Wen's calm appearance, alarm bells rang in his heart.

Then, he solemnly looked at the papers with titles written on them, and opened the books marked as "reference materials"...

Gao Wen silently watched from the side, and at the same time allocated part of his energy to pay attention to the movements on the surface of the mental network. On the one hand, he monitored whether anyone was paying attention to this hidden space, and on the other hand, he continued to analyze the network structure of the Eternal Sleepers and learn from them. mystical knowledge.

He is not in a hurry at all, because he has already confirmed that in this space located in the middle layer of the network, the flow of time is slower than in the city of dreams. He has already confessed that Amber will take care of him in the real world, so he is here It is no problem to accompany the old mage to do papers for several days and nights.

Daniel found that he couldn't figure out what this "extraterritorial wanderer" was thinking at all, but out of self-preservation, he chose to obey the other party's request, only when he focused on the so-called "big issues" , an absurd and inexplicable feeling still couldn't help but surfaced in my heart.

He also thought that the "test" proposed by wanderers outside the territory would be something more terrifying and weird. Those papers may contain knowledge related to the hidden and profane field, and may depict insane magic circles and symbols, and he I had to save my life in front of these deadly things, but I didn't expect that the first test I saw was just a purely mathematical problem, and it was the simplest kind, just adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing a few numbers.

What kind of test is this

The old mage felt strange, but he didn't dare to question it. Instead, he lowered his head and easily completed the calculation, and wrote the result: As a mage, basic mathematical ability is a compulsory course for him.

Then he looked at the next question, which seemed to be a little more complicated, and it was beginning to be linked to practical applications: calculate the volume change and density change of a certain potion before and after distillation...

But it wasn't too difficult, any of his apprentices would do it.

The next question is to calculate the burning time of a magic circle under full load operation...

The next question is to calculate the area of a strange figure—this figure is composed of a series of circles, triangles, and rectangles.

The next question is to calculate the maximum theoretical interference value m that a certain rune domain can withstand on a specific magic material... What is a rune domain? What is the disturbance value m

Daniel raised his head in a daze, but before he asked, Gao Wen silently pointed to the "Reference Materials" next to him.

The old mage wiped the sweat that was beginning to ooze from his forehead, opened the book and began to study it seriously.

He seemed to be back in a trance when he was a teenager, back to the time when he was learning magic with his mentor in the mage tower.

No, he is more nervous and working harder now than at that time!

He lowered his head, wishing to stuff his head into the pages of the book. He exhausted all his imagination and comprehension ability to learn those knowledge, memorize those formulas, and think about their corresponding relationship with the magic circle in reality. He managed to understand part of it, and he immediately tried to apply it to those topics, and then—to face the next more difficult problem.

Those things are becoming more and more unbelievable, and they are getting more and more out of the intuitive life experience. At the beginning, Daniel just didn’t understand the meaning of the question, but he has all the mathematical calculation skills needed to solve the problem. Just look carefully at the reference materials With the explanation, he can solve the problem, but slowly, he no longer even knows the formulas and symbols used in the calculation!

Sweat began to trickle down Daniel's face, and his breathing became increasingly difficult.

This is indeed a test, and it is simply the test of the devil...

Daniel's heart was beating faster and faster, and he felt more and more that this might be a malicious punishment from the "outsider wanderer", a punishment for his previous "little actions", but at this moment, he suddenly heard Gawain's voice From the side:

"It's almost here."

He raised his head and saw Gao Wen lightly snapped his fingers, and all the half-finished test papers and half-read reference materials on the table disappeared.

"The test... is over?" The old mage looked at Gao Wen in disbelief, "I... haven't finished it..."

At this time, the old mage really wanted to ask: Will I die if I don't finish writing the question? Will the problem-solving process be cut off if it is not detailed

"That's right, it's better than I imagined," Gawain said with a smile, which made Daniel feel relieved, "I didn't expect you to understand them all, I just wanted to see your mathematics and physics. The basics, and the ability to accept new knowledge. You surprised me—I thought that an old traditional mage like you would be a person whose thinking has become rigid and difficult to learn new knowledge."

Daniel sighed silently in his heart: It is indeed difficult to accept new knowledge when you are old... But who has no potential when life and death are at stake!

"This is one of the rewards I want to give you, what I promised," Gawain continued with a smile, "Knowledge, enough knowledge to allow you to move forward on the path of exploring the truth."

Daniel was stunned. In a short time, he couldn't associate those things with the word "reward".

But then, he recalled what he saw in the reference materials.

Those used to calculate rune efficiency, used to calculate rune interference, used to calculate the knowledge of magic circle stability, those clear rules for drawing runes, those simple and elegant formulas and theorems...

If those things are real, if those things are not just "difficulties" designed to torment him...

Gao Wen watched the old mage's expression change, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

When Ravencrest held that knowledge, what he ushered in was only the unprovoked cruel punishment and wanton trampling from his mentor. At that time, what ushered in was awe.

He tapped on the table lightly to get Daniel's attention, and said lightly, "Since you have the ability to learn this, then I will give you some other knowledge. This knowledge...is not for you alone."

Under the curious eyes of the old mage Daniel, Gawain created two books that were not very thick out of thin air, and placed them on the table.

After getting Gawain's consent, Daniel opened them impatiently.

The first book, with a large line written on the cover:

"Information Security and Network Architecture - Special Edition for Eternal Sleepers"

"You learn the above things slowly, and I can teach you if you don't understand. I want you to spread this knowledge in the spiritual network in your own name, and spread it among the followers of the Eternal Sleeper. During this process, you There will inevitably be countless opportunities to promote your rank in the sect, and this 'promotion' can be regarded as a second reward for you. I will tell you the specific method and degree of dissemination."

Daniel's eyes widened, and he stared at Gao Wen in a daze.

Gao Wen didn't explain on the spot, but motioned the other party to continue reading.

The second book also had a large line written on the cover:

"Magic Net Technology-Tifeng Special Edition"

"You have to learn the above things carefully, but I believe that as a great magician, it will be easier for you to learn this than to learn that "Information Security". I will tell you how to learn this little by little. The above knowledge is applied in the real world, but you temporarily control their dissemination—until I give you instructions, you can publish them."

Daniel's eyes widened.

Gao Wen laughed and looked at the old mage in front of him: "Are you curious about my purpose?"

Daniel swallowed, he wasn't stupid - if these things were brought out by some unknown person, maybe he would criticize them and dismiss them, but these things were taken out by "extraterritorial wanderers", so he immediately I looked at the content recorded in the two books with the highest attention and vigilance, and immediately saw the great value and power contained in this knowledge.

He believed that if the contents written at the beginning of these two books were not exaggerated, they would be enough to change the entire order of the sleepers, and also the entire Typhon!

But they were brought out by "outside wanderers"...

So... The Order of the Sleeping Ones and Typhon may also be lost because of this...

However, he still can't see what the deadly "poison" in these two pieces of knowledge is—he can only see their sweetness and temptation.

Daniel couldn't help but think of the information about "Gawain Cecil" he saw on the spiritual network.

After the resurrection of the ancient hero, he did not fight for power with the contemporary Ansu nobles, nor caused any disturbance in the court, but led a group of people to the southern border of Ansu, and began to build towns and develop territories... It is said that in that new land On the established land, all kinds of new things appear every day.

New things mean new knowledge.

The extraterritorial wanderer will "jump" between worlds, and every time he comes to a world, what he does is different, sometimes it brings destruction, sometimes it brings salvation, and sometimes it brings change … He has personally ignited the "fire" in Ansu, and now He will bring knowledge to the Church of Eternal Rest and Typhon through his own hands...

So the purpose or mission of the arrival of the "Outsider Wanderer" this time is to spread knowledge

Halfway through Daniel's thought, he immediately sounded the alarm in his heart: Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, the extraterrestrial wanderers are a kind of inhuman existence, God knows what logic and rules there are in their behavior!

Gawain knew what Daniel was thinking without guessing, so he didn't let the other party continue to make up his mind, but said bluntly: "This knowledge is a valuable asset, and it is enough for the receiver to benefit endlessly, but I can directly To tell you, I left a 'key' in it.

"At some point, I will charge for this knowledge through the 'keys', and I will charge as much as the benefit they bring.

"As I said at the beginning, I am very much an exchange of equals."

Gao Wen paused, then looked into Daniel's eyes: "Do you still remember the question I asked you at the beginning? If another greater salvation was placed in front of you, would you betray the Eternal Sleeper? Now add one more— How much is your loyalty to Typhon worth?"


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.