Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 324: Shadow Signet


The crystal window shattered, and Francis II smashed through the window and landed on a soft carpet.


The old king instantly realized that something was wrong, and he turned over as quickly as possible. At this moment, he almost forgot that he was an old man. In fact, he did make actions that were impossible at his age. After stabilizing, he quickly glanced at the surrounding environment, and what he saw was the familiar lounge, the familiar golden and red interwoven carpet and couch, and a fully regenerated monster was standing in front of him in the posture of a predator. In the distance, the uniform of the attendant was still hung on the twisted and deformed human body of the monster, and the window that should have been smashed was intact at the moment.

Hallucinogens? Spiritual suggestion? when

Francis II's heart was pounding, but he didn't feel desperate at all. He knew that since he could still realize that something was wrong, it meant that his thinking was still his own. As long as he could still think, the situation was not out of control !

The old king quickly drew a few runes in front of him, and blessed himself with protective spells one by one, while turning the weird ring with the black swirling cloud symbol on his left hand, and at the same time, the completed The regenerated flesh and blood monster had already let out a roar, and then rushed up suddenly.

It pounced on Francis II, threw the old king to the ground, and then frantically bit the prey under the body with its terrifying, twisted and festered fleshy mouth, and large groups of shadow smoke from the prey It diffused out, covering the figure of the monster.

A shadowy mist suddenly appeared in another corner of the room, and Francis II was condensed in the shadowy mist. The old king raised his left hand, and there was a hazy shimmer on the surface of the weird ring on his hand. He said There came a strange voice that seemed to be mixed with several voices: "Residents born in the land of shadows and crawling in the shadows, the descendants of the Covenant need your help!"

In the fortress of disobedience, in the shadow experiment field, Amber and Solderling came to an open space in the center of the cave and studied this area curiously.

The terrain of this clearing is higher than the surrounding, so it is not flooded by water, and in the dry clearing, it can be clearly seen that a large amount of equipment has been placed here, because there are still many grooves left after demolition and unremoved The magic conduits were distributed around the outer edge of the open space, but these were not what amber and Solderin were most curious about.

What made them most curious was a circular pit with a diameter of about ten meters in the center of the open space.

The circular pit is like a downward step that has been reduced layer by layer, and has been sunk to a depth of about one meter below the platform. On each "step" inside it, you can see a large number of complex magic patterns and existing patterns. The dimmed magic crystal, but at the bottom of the pit, only a fragmented ancient metal device can be seen. This core component obviously failed to withstand the erosion of a thousand years. In the poor preservation environment of this cave In it, it has completely changed beyond recognition.

"It looks like some kind of facility for opening a space door," Soldering said based on his knowledge of ancient Gondor technology, "but I really like this kind of space door lying on the ground or even embedded in the ground." First time seeing…”

"I've never seen it," Amber looked down, "but I think there should be gold in the pile of metals underneath..."

Solderling glanced at Amber silently, then turned his head to look around: "Speaking of which, where is Miss Till?"

"She just said that this place is comfortable, and she went to find a place to sleep." Amber waved her hand, "I'm probably soaking in some pool now. Don't worry about it, anyway, it will float up by itself after soaking enough."

Immediately afterwards, she frowned slightly, and looked down at the broken metal device below: "Ranger, you stay here, I'm going to the Shadow Realm to have a look."

Solderin immediately became serious: "What did you find?"

"It's not sure yet, I have to wait until I come back."

After Hu Po said those words, her figure had already turned into a cloud of hazy black smoke in the air, and it drifted away with the wind.

Solderin was a little dazed as he watched Amber enter the Shadow Realm so neatly, and didn't realize it for a while: "... Didn't you say that this half-elf is usually very cowardly?"

Amber, who has already entered the Shadow Realm, couldn't hear what Solderin was saying. She just let her perception fall rapidly in the state of crossing the two realms. After a very short moment, she had already stood firmly on the ground. On the land of the shadow world.

A head of long black hair danced in the air without wind, and the lower body was shrouded in hazy shadow clouds. Hu Po, who was in the form of a shadow fairy, opened her eyes and observed the scene in front of her curiously.

The cave became black and white, and the invisible light made everything in the cave clearly visible. In front of her eyes, where there should have been a circular pit, there was a black cloud that was constantly rotating.

Just as she perceived at the "mortal world" level, a door opened here, but this door is located in the Shadow Realm.

Amber was curiously observing the constantly spinning black cloud, but one hand involuntarily pressed down on her chest: "It's strange... why is that inexplicable sense of familiarity gone... I feel like I'm here just now..."

Just when she was halfway talking to herself, an old and trembling voice suddenly came out from the cloud: "... the residents who are crawling in the shadows... the descendants need your help..."

Amber opened her eyes wide, the sense of familiarity that made her disregard safety and even resist her own "cowardly" came out of the cloud again, but before she took a step forward, many other auras that suddenly emerged from the Shadow Realm made her He abruptly stopped his movements.

She quickly backed up a few steps, and as she backed up, hazy figures emerged from all directions. Those figures were tall and slender, wearing short or long robes full of strange symbols, vaguely human Their appearances and outlines, but their bodies seem to be condensed by smoke, and the smoke billows and surges under their clothes full of symbols, never finalized, only weird can be described.

This is the ubiquitous aboriginals of the shadow world, but they can't be observed. They can appear anywhere in the shadow world, but almost no shadow master can witness them with their own eyes, even Amber himself, and these shadows The number of interactions with residents is also quite limited.

These shadow dwellers emerged from some of the phase spaces where they were hiding, and rushed towards the door and the swirling black smoke. Many of them passed by Amber, and occasionally someone They stopped and took a quick look at the latter. It seemed that Amber's appearance of both shadow creatures and physical creatures made them curious, but none of the shadow dwellers really stopped to talk to Amber.

"Ahem!" In the end, Amber couldn't bear it any longer, she stepped forward and pulled a person to ask, "Where are you going?!"

It is very dangerous to deal with the shadow dwellers. These powerful and strange creatures possess knowledge and power beyond human comprehension. They can easily tear the uninvited guests into the shadow world, even the high-level or even legendary powerhouses among mortals, but Amber knows, These shadow dwellers will not attack themselves.

But this "friendship" is limited to not attacking oneself. According to past communication experience, the shadow residents seem to be unable to understand the real residents, and their response methods are also weird and fragmented, making it very difficult to communicate.

As she expected, the shadow dweller only responded with a few broken words of her own: "...response...bring back...until the time..."

The shadow resident who was held back suddenly blurred, and easily escaped from Hu Po's hand.

Amber stared blankly at those shadow dwellers pouring into the depths of the black mist, and almost subconsciously, she slowly reached out and took out a treasured object from her bosom.

It was a weird ring. The off-white metal ring lacked any decoration, making it unremarkable. On the surface of the ring, one could see a group of black swirling patterns, as if it was exactly the same as the black smoke vortex in front of you.

"Dad...Mom... are you on the opposite side..."

The shadow dwellers who appeared around the "gate" had already entered the depths of the black mist, but the black mist still showed no sign of calming down. Amber hesitated for a long time before the black mist, and finally enveloped herself with a cloud of dark mist. Then take a step forward.

Francis II tremblingly put down the left hand that was wearing the ring, and forcibly driving the Shadow Signet Ring under the condition that the blood did not match made his nerves throbbing, but the price was worth it.

In the middle of the room, the monster threw down his shadow avatar, and a huge gap was torn open in the space. More than a dozen weird and terrifying shadow creatures rushed out of the gap. These shadow creatures were obviously extremely powerful around the gap. , without even using any spells, they easily tore apart that powerful and terrifying, almost unkillable flesh and blood monster.

Francis II decisively reversed the summoning spell before the shadowy creatures could pounce on him, sending the hideous creatures from the dark world back to where they came from.

The space gap in the room has not yet disappeared, but Francis II has already breathed a sigh of relief. He came to the place where the monster died, hoping to find some clues from the fragmented flesh and blood, so as to determine who wanted his life. .

But just before he was about to lean over to check, there was a sudden loud bang from the door.

The old king turned around immediately, and stared in the direction of the door with tense nerves.

There were knocking sounds coming from outside the door, interspersed with the sharp sound of some kind of magical restriction being broken. Francis II felt that the enchantment covering the room suddenly disappeared, and then the door suddenly opened, wearing a Master Duke, in the starry robe and sweating profusely, rushed in.

"Your Majesty! Are you alright, Your Majesty?!" The great magician rushed in and shouted, and then he saw the monster under Francis II's feet and the dark rift still lying in mid-air, "... magic Goddess! I was trapped in a magic trap for ten minutes! I thought everything was irreparable!"

"Master Duke," Francis II looked warily at the legendary mage who had served the royal family for decades, and stroked the ring on his left hand calmly again, "Are you caught in a trap?"

"Yes," the old magician said with shame on his face, "I was careless, and I was trapped in some kind of mirror space the moment I went out. If Prince Edmund hadn't noticed the abnormality and broke the seal from the outside, I wouldn't have known How long do we have to linger in those mirror images..."


"I'm here." Prince Edmund's voice came from outside the door. The next second, the young prince in full armor appeared in front of Francis II. The old king noticed that the young man had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands There are also wounds, which were probably caused when the seal was forcibly impacted.

"Father, fortunately you are safe and sound... I almost ordered someone to blow up this wall."

Francis II finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I have the Shadow Signet."

"You should be wearing it," the young prince smiled, and walked towards the king with the magician Duke. "If you don't wear it, how can Mr. Clement test his newly created pet?"

Francis II was taken aback: "Mr. Clement?"

"Legendary Mage Duke" took a step forward, and a corrosive ray jumped out from his fingertips soundlessly, piercing Francis II's chest.

"It is my real name, Your Majesty the King."