Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 328: Chase and escape


The war is not over.

Although in terms of most aristocratic wars in this era, when the Cecils won a complete victory on the northern and western fronts, and the southern noble coalition forces fled across the board, the war should come to an end, and then it should be Cecil The Er people used the captured captives to negotiate with various families in the southern border, and used ransom and land to divide the benefits, but these were all wishful thinking of the nobles who launched the war.

Wars can start with their ridiculous reasons for attacking, but they will never end with one battle and one surrender.

The main retreating force of the coalition forces was the main force of the Hosmans in the north. The 50,000-strong coalition of nobles actually only suffered less than 10,000 casualties in that battle. Their long chaotic team, rugged mountain roads, and scattered marching routes caused them to face artillery bombardment. It was the reason for the instant collapse, but it also allowed most of them to survive on the other hand. The first round of artillery strikes only destroyed the vanguard of the coalition forces (including the entire regiment led by Earl Hossman). Just as many people were killed by artillery fire.

Afterwards, the 40,000 people who survived began to flee in embarrassment day and night.

In addition to leaving the necessary remaining troops to ensure the safety of the Kant area, the 1st and 2nd Corps led by Knight Philippe and Walder Perici led a total of more than 3,000 people to bite these fleeing enemies from a distance.

Three thousand people chased and killed 40,000 people. This sounds almost like a joke, but it really happened.

In the hills to the west of Carroll Territory, Knight Philip, carrying the lord's order, ate a few mouthfuls of dry food in a hurry, and then came to the middle of the team to check the deployment of the artillery positions.

Specially designed horse-drawn chariots were parked in the open space of the military formation. Soldiers ran around the chariots quickly, fixing the chassis of each vehicle, and checking the condition of the small orbital accelerators. .

The wheels of those chariots are reinforced with steel, and a solid steel frame is welded to the hub of the wheel axle, and the miniaturized "Persuader" rail gun is fixed on those steel frames.

This is an "artillery chariot" specially designed by the Lord for mobile combat. The miniaturized "Persuader" rail gun can be easily installed on a horse-drawn chariot. Unload it, and at the same time, the car body will be fixed on the ground with thick steel fixed piles around it. The recoil force generated by the railgun shooting will be buffered and transmitted to the ground through a strong steel frame and a specially designed "retraction mechanism". With exquisite design, these powerful weapons can finally break away from the fixed turrets and become terrifying weapons that move with the army.

In order to ensure the operation of these artillery tanks, an artillery tank will also be equipped with two auxiliary tanks, one of which is fully loaded with shells, and the other is equipped with large magic capacitors and magic net devices. The former provides ammunition, The latter provides energy, and three such tanks will form a "mobile artillery unit", and in the pursuit force, there are a total of twenty such artillery units.

These artillery pieces are the source of nightmares for the noble coalition forces who are still fleeing day and night.

These advanced and powerful weapons are already incredibly powerful equipment in the eyes of young knights, but Philip knows that these things are just "transitional items" in the mouth of the lord, and the legendary hero seems to have something more powerful than mobile artillery units , Even more unbelievable ideas, but for the task at hand, those things that only exist in the idea are not important. These magic crystal rail guns are the real strength of the Cecil Combat Corps.

The well-trained soldiers completed the construction of the artillery position as quickly as possible, and then began to wait for the commander's order. Knight Philip raised his head and saw the old knight Walder Perici walking towards him.

"The sentinel saw the smoke, and the enemy was at the intended position."

The old knight from Kant reported the report meticulously, and then looked at the ready bombardment units with a rather awed expression, while Philip looked up at the sun in the sky, silently estimating the time in his heart.

A few minutes later, the young knight said softly, "They should start eating."

Then he turned his head and shouted an order to the orderlies nearby: "Start shelling, three salvos!"

The gunners got the order and pulled the levers of the bombardment one after another. Accompanied by a series of air explosions and sharp whistles, twenty rounds of magic crystal orbital bombs wrapped in light blue magic power rushed out of the gun with a destructive momentum. mouth, and draw a faint arc in the clear sky.

Continuous huge explosions began to be heard in the distance, and the explosions all happened far away from the smoke and dust, but everyone knew that those noble deserters had been frightened by the shells, even if the shells fell thousands of meters away from them, They also flee immediately when they hear the sound.

After three salvos, the bombardment position stopped shooting, and the messengers ran in the position to deliver new orders: "The chariots are ready! The first group of light infantry, the second group set off! The grenadiers set off with the chariots! "

The well-trained 1st Corps of Cecil immediately began to carry out orders, and the 2nd Corps from the Kant area was infected by this atmosphere, and they also took action one after another. Walder Peric had an admiring expression on his face Looking at Philip Cavaliers: "I didn't expect you to be so experienced in fighting at such a young age. Are all of you Cecilians so good at fighting?"

There was an uneasy smile on Knight Philip's face, and the old knight's praise sounded a bit awkward to him: "This... Actually, I was just following the orders and prompts of the lord. I didn't even think that these methods would be so useful."

While saying this, Philip couldn't help recalling the instructions Gawain gave him.

After the battle, pursue the fleeing noble coalition forces, pursue them continuously, use long-range light artillery fire and continuous harassment and pursuit to exhaust the enemy to the limit; follow the noble coalition forces along the way, and attack every garrison they stay , try to drive them out of the camp before they get supplies, and use the enemy's food supplies as a source of food and grass for our own; All food was distributed to the nearby residents in the name of Cecil; the well-trained and well-equipped Cecil First Corps was the main attack, accompanied by the Second Corps in the Kant area, capturing the enemy prisoners who kept falling behind and sending them to To the rear, the strictest military control is implemented in the process...

This will be a competition of endurance and psychological endurance. The first ones who cannot bear it must be those noble coalition forces who are panicking amidst the sound of gunfire all day long.

Since that decisive victory, this destined to be a long pursuit has been going on for three days. Even though it was only three days, Philip felt more and more effective and... terrifying of the lord's instructions every day in the pursuit.

The lord seems to have anticipated the direction of this war, and even predicted the direction and most of the reaction of the enemy after the defeat. Cecil's army seemed to be chasing and biting a group of weak sheep. In the process, the war became It has become something that has nothing to do with honor, but more and more bloody and cruel flavors emerge.

As an orthodox knight who upholds the spirit of chivalry, Philip still chooses to carry out these orders, not only because of his loyalty, but also because his rationality tells him that this seemingly cruel action is actually the way to restore peace in the southern border as soon as possible. method, only if those stupid nobles are completely defeated, he will not have to carry out another bombardment of Gravel Ridge in a few years.

The army set out, and the seemingly endless chase and escape was once again staged in the vast land of the southern border. Equipped with thermal energy ray guns, the energetic and high-spirited Cecil combat soldiers began to continue chasing the remnants of the nobles like frightened birds. .

After the devastating artillery bombardment three days ago, the aristocratic coalition forces had already been terrified by the roar of shells and explosions. In the process of fleeing, they had no extra energy to think about how to deal with it. There are a few people who still maintain the ability to think rationally, and they will be surrounded by tens of thousands of broken soldiers who just want to escape. In this case, Cecil's soldiers hardly encountered any decent resistance from the enemy.

In the pursuit of the primary level, the few remaining troops among the remnants of the nobles who still maintained their combat effectiveness also fought back, but these troops that turned back and resisted soon became victims of the heat ray guns, and the few survivors among them became The first batch of prisoners of war received by the pursuit force, and as the pursuit continues, these resistances are becoming less and less, and more and more weak.

Just like panic, hunger is gradually devouring the physical strength and will of everyone in this noble coalition army.

In order to flee for their lives, the noble allied forces had to discard a large amount of supplies, including most of the food, on the way to escape. No one thought that the Cecils would carry out such a terrible, lifeless pursuit. , In this endless escape, they quickly almost exhausted the dry food they carried, and the almost never-ending artillery fire and harassment of the Cecils left them no time to stop and eat normally.

The coalition of fleeing nobles tried to retreat back to the high walls of Carolland for shelter, but the Cecilians destroyed their walls with "cannon" in front of them, and then the coalition forces were driven westward like a flock of sheep. They tried to obtain supplies from the garrison points along the way and their respective territorial farms, but the "cannonballs" of the Cecils would always fall on them like a shadow, and those noble soldiers were running into their farms and farms. Before the granary even had time to take a bite of bread, they would be driven in panic to the next place by artillery fire and their food would become the army rations of the Cecilians.

The fleeing nobles gradually began to understand that those Cecilians had no intention of ending the war at all. There is no intention to follow the rules of the nobility This war is not a game of nobility, its purpose is not to die.

However, the aristocrats who came to their senses had nothing to do. They could only continue to flee, and kept fleeing, not daring to stop until they died of exhaustion.

In the day after day of fleeing, their physical strength and mentality began to fall to the bottom.
