Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 330: compatriots?


This sudden news completely disrupted Solderine's thoughts. At the first moment, he thought not only how much trouble the border blockade would bring to his crossing, but also how much trouble this matter would have on Typhon. What kind of impact will the situation with Ansu have!

The relationship between Typhon and Ansu is at the coldest point in history, but even at the freezing point, there is a layer of war between the declaration of war and the all-out war. The two countries have not yet fought, not only because the timing is not enough, but also because Their respective highest levels are still making final integration and preparations—the situation on Ansu’s side is still unclear, but on Typhon’s side, the main combat faction has the absolute upper hand, and the last anti-war faction and neutral faction are currently standing in the way The last obstacle before the talented emperor.

It's just that although the anti-war side is declining, it is not without a say. There are still a few powerful nobles who are trying to delay the war, and the Archduke Ferdinand, who originally advocated the war but has gradually turned neutral in recent years, will be decisive. FACTORS - How he says it will determine whether the anti-war faction can continue to delay the...

"Wolf General" Andersa Wendell, who is currently stationed at Winter Wolf Castle, is the granddaughter of Ferdinand Wendell.

Information about the battle that took place in Winter Wolf Castle will definitely be sent back to the Typhon Empire as quickly as possible, and the details of the battle will be sent to Grand Duke Ferdinand. It will definitely be sent to Typhon according to the same trajectory—and vice versa, the Loren family stationed on the border of Ansu must have also received news of the attack on Winter Wolf Castle, and soon Francis II of Ansu Will also see the intelligence.

Although the transmission of information in this era is slow and full of loopholes, those high-ranking and powerful people still have enough ability to obtain this information at the first time regardless of the cost. So what impact will this information have

Any savvy and vigilant leader would be aware of the threat posed by the Wastes of Gondor.

Seven hundred years has indeed made the human kingdom greedy for comfort and become slow and slack, but such a large wasteland of Gondor is spread outside their borders, and so much history about the collapse of the ancient empire is in their library Just put, there are so many portraits of heroes who fought against the evil tide of the wasteland on their walls (not including someone who died for seven hundred years and suddenly crawled out by himself), as long as those kings and ministers have not completely lost their minds, As soon as they received word that the aberrants had rushed out of the wasteland, they would immediately realize that this was a huge threat: a common enemy.

Now Solderin just wants to know the scale of the attack on Winter Wolf Fort and the magnitude of the damage—adventurers are always used to exaggerating when describing the situation, especially when the male adventurers speak in front of him after dressing up as women What's more, only five of the ten sentences can be believed. Although Soldering doesn't quite understand why this is so, he must filter the information he heard carefully.

The number of mutants attacking Cecil's territory reached more than 3,000 in the end, and there were also large individuals that could emit powerful magic bombardment. It was an army of monsters that could destroy a small or medium-sized human city. In the end, they all fell on Cecil's territory. Outside the southern city wall, however, the unreasonable and powerful troops led by Cecil are not comparable to the conventional troops at all... If the defense level of the army of Winter Wolf Castle is used, what will happen after encountering the same number of mutants? Sample

Moreover, Cecil has experts in dealing with mutants, but the human army of Winter Wolf Castle has never faced the same enemy, which is also an influencing factor...

Solderin frowned, there was too little information, and he couldn't analyze anything, but he felt that if Winter Wolf Castle really suffered a major loss, it would definitely affect the war tendency of the upper echelons of the Typhon Empire—of course, it has already It is not so easy to stop the war machine that is running, but the anti-war faction may regain the crucial right to speak after this...

The war may be postponed, and if the mutants invade again in this process, it is not impossible to eliminate the war...

Solderin shook his head, gulped down the beer in his glass, he felt that he might be too optimistic - he always looked at human beings very optimistically, but in his seven hundred years of traveling career, he had seen too many stupidity of human beings. Operation, although this short-lived race has amazing creativity and learning ability, the problem of "short-sightedness" is even more troublesome. People with long-term vision like Gawain Cecil are rare in this race, so Maybe the rulers of Typhon and Anzu don't care about these threats at all, they will still fight...

At this moment, the voice of the adventurer next to him interrupted Soldering's thoughts: "Beautiful lady, you look worried—is there anything I can do to help?"

It's not easy for an adventurer with five big and three rough to pretend to be an elegant gentleman. Soldering commented in his heart, and replied with a polite smile: "I want to go to Typhon through the checkpoint, can you help?"

The adventurer's expression froze a bit, but he still bite the bullet and asked, "What do you want to pass the border at a time like this?"

"I'm going to the elf monitoring station over Typhon," Soldering said frankly, and he wasn't worried that there would be any problems in stating his destination here. "I haven't contacted my hometown for many years—no To think that friction between humans would cause so much trouble for elves."

"Uh... Passes are only issued to Typhonians, or foreigners and outsiders who have guarantors in Winter Wolf Castle," the adventurer scratched his hair, "I have a pass myself, but I am not qualified to sponsor others..."

"Where's your surety?"

"My guarantor is a Mr. Cavalier from Winter Wolf Castle, but he has already returned to the rear due to a change of defense a few days ago."

Solderling waved his hand: "Then you won't be needed."

Of course, Solderin knew that such a pass usually required a guarantor, especially for a foreigner like him. Normally, he would not worry about this. There are many acquaintances in Winter Wolf Castle, but now he is the least worried. What I hope is to deal with "acquaintances" in Winter Wolf Fort.

The elf ranger blocked the adventurer's words and began to think about alternatives—the increase in border martial law was indeed an unexpected situation, but it was not enough to make such an experienced ranger like him helpless. What really shocked him was just It was just news of the attack on East Wolf Castle.

When it comes to how to cross the border, he still has many ways - use the skills of a ranger to sneak around the entire blockade, or recklessly pass through no man's land, or find a few more or less humane local snakes to make a fake Prove that there is a way, even if there is really no way in the end...

At worst, he would take off his wig and report directly to Winter Wolf Castle as "Master Derlin the Monk"—but to be honest, this was the last option, and he was unwilling to take this route whenever he had the slightest chance. Road, it's too dark history, if it wasn't for the use of inferior glue in the summer decades ago that caused the wig to fall off... Forget it, don't think about it.

Solderin accidentally thought of the heart-wrenching past, and suddenly he was so entangled that he almost started to have a toothache, but his entangled appearance looked like a "distressed elf huntress frowning" in the eyes of those around him. The long golden hair reflected the light of the lamp like a dream, and cast a hazy shadow on the face of the "huntress". It looked perfect like a famous painting. The adventurer who had just been driven aside and a few The mercenaries immediately wanted to approach him again—but just when they were about to make a move, a slim figure sat down beside Solderin before them.

"Yo sister, it looks like you're in trouble?"

When the clear and pleasant voice came, Solderin was slightly startled: before the voice sounded, he didn't notice that someone was approaching him!

Another amber

With a trace of vigilance, he looked for the sound, but found that sitting beside him was a female silver elf—a compatriot whom he did not know, but who seemed to have traveled the human world for many years.

She has long pale blond hair similar to her own (damn, it must be real), but is a little smaller, and she wears a thick and warm druid tunic, and around her neck is an amulet made of oak and jade beads. , with a protective dagger and a hardwood staff on her waist. The dagger is in the human style, so Solderin judged that this female elf must have been traveling in human society for a long time.

Most of the elves who just went out to travel are not used to the rough weapons of humans, but as long as they stay for a few more years, they will... because they really can't find a place to repair their elf equipment and start to adapt to human weapons.

When Solderin looked at this strange elf, the other party had already greeted him familiarly: "It's great to see my compatriots here, my name is Berna Qingfeng, and I belong to the Qingfeng family of Baishi City, how about you? "

"Sol, because of the family tradition, it is inconvenient to mention the surname during the training period," Soldering said casually about his false identity, while quickly guessing the origin and purpose of this elf. After all, there are not many elves who can adapt to the cold climate in the north. The elves I know in this area don't include the girl in front of me, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Ah? It's not you helping me, but I think I can help you," the lively elf girl laughed happily after hearing what Solderin said, "I just heard that you seem to be going to the monitoring station , but you are worried about how to pass the level, right?"

"That's true," Soldering nodded, "I went to other places to do business before, but I didn't expect that the checkpoint would be under martial law after I came back, and I didn't have time to get the supporting documents... If I go to find a guarantor at this time, it will probably take a long time. long time."

"Yeah, the Typhon people are very nervous now, as if the ones attacking their fortress are not monsters but humans and elves." The female elf who called herself Berna frowned, but soon laughed, "But it's okay, I'm here There's a pass, and I can take one with me—would you like to go with me?"

"You have a pass? Can you bring more people?" Soldering frowned slightly, "How did you get it?"

"I came from Typhon on business. When I came here, martial law was about to start, so I got a pass by the way—it's much easier to get a pass from the other side of the border than here," Bernardo explained. "As for why I can bring more people... I originally brought a friend, my pass is for two people, but something happened to her suddenly, she went to Ansu, and she will definitely not come back before the pass expires-I was already prepared I went back alone, and I didn’t expect to meet my compatriots worrying about the pass. How about it? Let’s go together?”


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.