Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 332: knowledge


Under Gawain's indifferent gaze, Daniel didn't hold on for long before lowering his head: "... in front of your mighty power, my loyalty to Typhon and the Eternal Sleeper can be compromised."

"Very good," Gao Wen nodded in satisfaction, and then pointed to the special edition of "Network Security" for the Eternal Sleeper, "Then let's start with this book first, this will be your first promotion in the Eternal Sleeper Order." One step. First of all, you need to do not spread this knowledge directly, but discover the fatal flaws in the current psychic network, and tell these discoveries to other believers who are a little higher than you or at the same level. When you gradually realize these hidden dangers, you can release the contents of the first chapter as your research results. Let’s take a look at what is a distributed network and the concept of network resource allocation... "

Daniel lowered his head in a respectful and teachable gesture.

He really recalled his teenage years, the years when he first learned knowledge from his tutor...

At the same time, Ansu East, a certain town.

The snow has stopped, and brilliant stars have emerged in the clear night sky. The stars shine on the earth, and the snow reflects the stars, so that the town after night will not be completely dark, and the stone and wooden buildings are messy. In the piled up rough streets and alleys, a tall and thin figure wearing a black hooded cloak was quietly walking through the streets and alleys.

After finding a corner that could shelter from the cold wind, the figure stopped and took off the hood of the cloak.

Under the hood is a striking blond hair typical of silver elves, and an unusually handsome face.

High elf ranger, Thorderrin Frostleaf.

The human towns at night seemed extraordinarily quiet, at least where the poor gathered. Solderin's long elf ears shook lightly in the air, and he could hear the lyre and bells still playing in the distant lord's castle. The sound of drums came, which meant that the nightlife of the nobles had just begun.

The high-ranking ranger took a breath of fresh but icy air, then couldn't help frowning, and pressed his hands near his chest.

That weird woman was more powerful than he had imagined. Although Ranger wasn't a profession that was very good at frontal combat, he still didn't expect that he would be at a disadvantage when fighting an opponent who was suspected of being a druid.

If he hadn't followed the advice of the knight named Byron and brought some "new weapons for justice" with him, he felt that his current situation would definitely be worse.

While calming down the throbbing pain of the wound, Soldering felt that his flesh and blood were neutralizing those strange toxins little by little with the help of extraordinary power, while recalling the previous battle - he finally confirmed that the woman used His power is indeed the power of druids.

Toxins, withered vines, thorns, and corrupt treants are all spells derived from druids, but there are obvious signs of corruption... Will everything die? This should be the most likely explanation.

Why did a high-ranking believer of the Doom Society infiltrate into the elf monitoring station... What is her purpose

The cold night wind blew through the streets again. Soldering tightened his cloak and temporarily stopped these thoughts. It would be better to wait until he returned to Cecil. Gawain and his smart men could Giving more suggestions is much better than blindly guessing here alone.

It's a pity that the proof documents I carried with me were damaged in the previous battle, and when I returned, I found that the Ansu East Territory had also entered a higher level of martial law due to the changing situation. An order from the Duke of the Eastern Territory, Silas Lauren The whole area has become impassable, and the situation is better in those places with poor order, but in such large and medium-sized towns with stricter aristocratic rule and many spies, he must act cautiously.

In this era of chaotic and dark aristocratic separatism, a stranger without proof documents will not be in a good situation—especially when he was still working in Typhon's army not long ago, Duke Silas Roren and his knight generals Many of you know him, but those people don't know the fact that he has switched to Cecil. Once they meet each other, it will be hard to explain...

The winter nights in the northern part of the mainland were bitingly cold. Although the physical fitness of a high-level transcendent prevented Soldering from getting sick at this temperature, he was still quite uncomfortable and couldn't help but look for a place that could be warmer— Due to the strong rule of the Duke of the East and the martial law order, all the taverns and hotels are closely watched. Foreigners and foreigners whose accents are not like Ansu's eastern region will be interrogated. Of course, Solderin in his prime will not worry. These, but he is seriously injured now, and suppressing the toxins in his body has already consumed more than half of his strength. He doesn't want to attract the attention of those human supernatural beings at this juncture.

Just as he was looking for a shelter from the wind, a flickering flame suddenly came into Soldering's eyes.

He walked over and saw that there was indeed a small bonfire in the deepest part of the back alley, and a few dim figures were huddling beside the bonfire. Occasionally, some figures would move to stir the weak flames and turn a little Pieces of charcoal and dead branches are thrown into the fire.

Is a high-ranking ranger going to share the bonfire with beggars...

Solderling smiled silently, but still walked over.

He can have a better choice. Although his physical condition is very bad now, he can still find a way to sneak into a barn or even sneak into a warm citizen's house to spend the night, but when he saw the bonfire, he still couldn't bear it. Can't stop getting close—those jumping flames and people around the bonfire for warmth reminded him of seven hundred years ago, when the expeditionary force was at its most difficult, when he was mixed with a group of human soldiers and refugees, and everyone was On the coldest night, they hugged each other to keep warm in the same way, and encouraged each other to walk through the darkest and coldest part of the road.

Since the establishment of human nations and the gradual stabilization of the situation, he has not experienced this kind of experience for many, many years.

The homeless people by the fire noticed the approach of the stranger, and they immediately became nervous and vigilant, but soon they discovered that it was not the soldiers who came out to patrol—in such cold weather, the soldiers were unwilling to go deep into the slums Here, they often just walk around the street and then go back to drink.

The man in the black cloak was more like another homeless man.

Putting on his hood again, Solderling walked to the campfire and said in a low voice, "It's really cold."

A homeless man wrapped in a shabby cotton coat muttered: "There is no room left."

"I still have some wine." Soldering took out the wine bag from his arms casually, "enough for two or three drinks for one person."

"... sit next to me."

Solderin sat down, and the wine bag in his hand was quickly taken away by the person next to him. The other party pulled out the cork, put his nose on the mouth of the bag and took a deep breath, then brought the wine bag to his mouth, trying to restrain himself but Still couldn't help but took a big sip.

Then he held the wine in his mouth, reluctant to swallow it as if he wanted to enjoy it slowly, and the wine bag was passed to the next person.

Wine bags were passed silently among these homeless people, and Solderling could see everyone's faces clearly through the faint bonfire—some had wrinkles and ravines, some had frostbite on their faces, and some had frostbite. They looked younger, but their stature was also old. They were wrapped in tattered cotton clothes, even just a pile of rags that could no longer be seen as clothes. An unpleasant smell emanated from them: These people were obviously not There may be a chance to take a bath.

"It's much warmer with a sip of wine," a homeless man said hoarsely.

The wine bag finally came back to Solderling, who shook it and was surprised to find that there was still a little bit left in it.

The person sitting opposite the bonfire said: "Keep some, maybe one day I can rely on it to save my life."

Soldering put the wine bag back into his arms in silence, and then sighed softly: "It's really a cold winter night..."

"You speak very politely," the homeless man next to him chuckled, "but it's really cold today."

The person on the other side of the campfire muttered: "It wasn't so cold last winter."

Someone nearby laughed immediately: "You still had a house to live in last winter, so of course you weren't cold!"

"Shut up!"

Soldering listened, suddenly raised his head and interjected curiously: "Where's your house?"

The man sitting opposite the bonfire said in a depressed tone, "I was taken away by the knight a while ago... I owe the rent to the knight for five years, and I haven't paid the rent. Even the house and the land have been taken away."

Solderling couldn't help but fell silent.

But the man on the other side of the bonfire did not stop, as if thinking of his "beautiful days" last winter, he repeated: "I still had a house last year, and a small piece of land... I also have a wife!"

"His wife died a few years ago," the person next to Soldering whispered, "he's out of his mind now."

"It's all about the Tenant Amnesty Act," said a young man who was fiddling with a campfire. "It's no good."

"'Tenant Amnesty Bill'?" Soldering was taken aback for a moment, apparently he had never heard of this bill.

In the Kingdom of Ansu, land aristocrats with counts and above can promulgate a certain degree of "private law" in their own territories. Depending on their titles, the scope of laws that can be promulgated is also different. Some can set tax rates, and some can mint currency. , some can stipulate the inheritance rights of land property. In addition to a general kingdom code, the legal provisions of the nobles in various places can be said to be chaotic, extremely chaotic, and even contradictory. These messy laws are not only those in the territory. The challenges that businessmen and adventurers must face while walking between the land will also cause a lot of trouble for strangers like Solderin who are not familiar with the situation.

"It was the law promulgated by the Earl of Berry ten years ago," said the young man. "The Earl allows those who rent and cultivate land to default on their rent. They do not have to be whipped and have their property confiscated in the first year of arrears. You have to pay double the rent, double the rent in the third year, double the rent in the fourth year... If you still can't pay the rent in the fifth year, the house and fields will be taken away. The count said it was a favor, Give those who can't pay the rent due to occasional bad years to have a chance to pay back their debts, so it's the 'Amnesty Act', if you can't pay the rent for 5 years in a row, then you are really lazy and stupid, undeserving continued tilling his land..."

The person next to Solderin, who was wrapped in an old cotton coat, sighed: "But very few people can pay back, and most of them will become like us after five years."

It's a trap! A simple trap!

How could it be possible for a farmer to repay the arrears of rent in such a situation where the rent has doubled continuously? Not to mention the multiplier of ten times after five years, even in the second year, it will be difficult for them to pay back - it is impossible for them to save surplus food or money to meet the skyrocketing rent in the second year!

Before the implementation of this law, rent arrears would only result in flogging and confiscation of part of the property, but after the implementation of the law, anyone who owed rent would be doomed to have all their fields and houses confiscated—but ordinary farmers couldn’t understand this at all.

Because they can neither read nor count...and they don't have extra energy and brain power to think about things other than working and farming.

They face impossible debts in desperation and lose their land and houses in desperation, but in the end they don't even know why.

Solderling glanced at the small bonfire in front of him, and suddenly felt that the memories of everyone holding hands and hugging each other for warmth seven hundred years ago became blurred in his mind.

The man on the other side of the campfire was still muttering in a low voice: "I had a small piece of land by the river... I also have a wife!"

Someone touched him: "Okay, don't talk anymore, talk too much and get wind."

"It's time to add firewood..."

"Don't put them all in, it's still early in the morning."

"When it's dawn, go to the Holy Light Church, go early, the porridge will be hot."

"And don't be too early—the new pastor doesn't stir the porridge very much, and is used to scooping it from the top. If you go early, you can only drink thin soup."

Soldering listened silently. With the elf's powerful hearing, he heard the sound of the lyre and tambourine in the distant castle finally quiet down.

He didn't sleep all night, until a ray of light appeared faintly in the sky, and the brilliance of the huge sun reflected through the clouds and scattered into the town.

The church bell rang in the distance, and Solderling stood up, and those homeless people who had barely fallen asleep struggled to get up one by one: the church bell was the signal to wake them up.

The bonfire was almost extinguished, and the remaining residual heat could hardly be transferred to the people warming the fire. The homeless people moved their frozen hands and feet, hoping to recover some physical strength before the sun really came out, which would help them pass the fire at the church door. Keep the food you get, but when everyone stands up, one person is still sitting there.

It is the man who sits across from the campfire at night.

Someone stepped forward and pushed it, and the crooked body immediately fell to the ground: he was dead.

The homeless watched the scene silently, and someone sighed: "A few pieces of firewood were missing last night."

"He still had his own house last year..."

Soldering had no expression on his face. Those who walked hand in hand in darkness and difficulties seven hundred years ago, their descendants built such a country

He turned around and walked towards the street that was about to be illuminated by the sun.

He had to hurry back to Cecil.


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.