Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 334: Canonized documents


"Uncle? Uncle, why don't you talk again? Uncle, are you distracted again?"

Gawain's wandering was interrupted by the crisp voice from beside him. He glanced back and saw Patty standing beside him, looking straight at him with her big eyes full. Be curious.

"I just remembered something," Gao Wen said casually, then shook his head with a smile, "By the way, how did you know that Sister Serena who usually takes care of you?"

He knew that this was probably the most dangerous question he asked today.

The so-called "Sister Selina" is almost certainly the Selena Geer back then. According to Miss Patti's cheerful personality and her relationship with "Sister Selina", she is very likely to be against Sai Lena Geer mentioned herself and the "strange question" she asked, so would Selena Geer doubt this? Will she realize that there is an eternal sleeper of unknown origin paying attention to her

After some quick weighing, Gao Wen felt that the risk was still acceptable.

His identity has not been revealed, he is now a completely normal eternal sleeper active in the mind network, so Selina Geerfen has no reason to be extra vigilant and concerned about him, so a completely normal eternal sleeper When communicating with Patty, the reporter accidentally asked why the other party knew the big shots in the church. This is not too strange.

And even if Serena Geer has paid attention to herself, there is nothing to worry about if she wants to track it down—the current psychic network does not have mature address tracking and user management technology. They used the method of searching for induction brainwaves to lock on the congregants near them, so it was impossible for Selina Geerfen to lock on Gawain.

If one day the Eternal Sleepers establish a mature address tracking and user management system... then Gao Wen will not have to worry, because the system was created by himself, and there are backdoors everywhere...

So after a very serious balance, he asked this question in a seemingly relaxed tone.

Patty didn't think much about it at all, and she happily replied: "I came here the first time, and it was Sister Serena who took care of me! She said she was my 'guide'!"

Gao Wen frowned: "Leader? What way?"

"I don't really understand," Patty shook her head, "Sister Serena said that I have a very special talent, so I need someone to teach me so that I can become a useful person in the future... But she didn't teach me anything. "

Very special talent? Did the Eternal Sleeper absorb this little girl into the network because of her talent

So this Patty is really not a normal Eternal Sleeper cultist...

Then Gao Wen asked the little girl some questions, such as how did she enter the network in the first place, who introduced or guided her, but Patty seemed very confused about these—she seemed to have no memory of how she first entered the network up.

Either her memory in this regard was tampered with, or she was unknowingly guided into the Internet by someone or some people.

In any case, Gawain felt that it was best not to continue asking about this: if Patty's memory was really tampered with by the Eternal Sleeper, the more he asked, the greater the possibility of arousing suspicion.

After saying goodbye to Patty, Gawain left the Eternal Sleeper's mind network.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he... well, this time he didn't see Amber's face in front of him.

What he saw were the faces of Rebecca and Amber.

The old ancestor suddenly opened his eyes and startled Rebecca. The roe deer spirit jumped two meters away on the spot, and exclaimed: "Wow! Ancestor woke up!"

When Gao Wen saw Rebecca's startled state, his first reaction on the spot was to quickly take his hands away from the table—because he still remembered the girl's reaction after he suddenly woke up and startled Rebecca last time. What, the feeling of the "ancestor resting in peace" stick technique at that time is still fresh in my memory...

Then he realized that something was wrong. He looked up at Rebecca, and then at Amber, who was hunching his neck and trying to pretend that he had entered the shadow stealth state: "What are you two doing?"

Amber just wanted to quickly make up a reason to cover up the matter, but Rebecca, who was stubborn and straightforward, spoke first: "Amber said to draw a few circles on your face to see if you will wake up—I don’t think so. Yes, because you seem to be in a deep sleep."


Just as Gawain called out his name, the half-elf girl turned into a black light and rushed towards the nearest window, but she failed to escape this time: Gawain had already mastered several emergency escape habits of this guy, and he didn't wait. When she touched the window sill, Gawain stretched out his hand to grab it with ease, and grabbed the guy's ankle and brought her back: "I asked you to watch it for me, and you just watched it? Say, have you ever looked at it before?" …”

"No, no, absolutely nothing!" Amber abruptly grasped her balance in mid-air in a posture that was so thrilling that it was almost acrobatic, and then hopped on one leg trying to pull her ankle out of Gawain's hand, "I'm definitely This is the first time I have such a bold idea... ”

As a result, before she could finish her sentence, Rebecca broke down the stage again straightforwardly: "She said she thought about it every time, but she didn't dare to practice it..."

"If you can't speak, don't say it!" Amber stared at Rebecca, "I shouldn't have communicated with you so much! Haven't you ever been beaten because of this broken mouth since you were a child?!"

This time, without waiting for Rebecca to answer, Gawain has already given the answer instead: "You say this is to belittle her—I heard Hetty say that she has been beaten since she was a child than you have stolen wallets." …”

After saying this, Gawain finally let go of Amber's ankle, causing the half-elf to escape to the side, then he turned his head and looked at Rebecca: "Did you come here just to learn from Amber?" How are you going to die?"

Rebecca seemed to realize that there was still business to be done, so she quickly slapped her head: "Ah, that's right! A letter was sent to the territory, and it was a griffin messenger... er, it was a messenger riding a griffin Sent here, he bears the king's seal..."

"A messenger from Saint-Sunil City?" Gawain raised his brows, "And he came on a griffin?"

The Griffin Messenger is not a common "messenger". In this era of severe limitations in communication technology and poor road transportation, the Griffin Messenger that can cross borders within a few days can be said to be the most convenient information that countries can grasp The means of delivery, usually only the king, prince, duke, and a small number of extremely wealthy or special-status nobles and organizations can afford this kind of costly "messenger", and only when delivering urgent or special messages, That's the kind of messenger they use.

So it didn't take long for Gawain to guess what the message from the messenger was.

He nodded: "The messenger should have gone back by now, right?"

"Master Zu, how do you know? The messenger left as soon as the letter was indeed delivered—I wanted to ask a few more people to watch the fun, Griffin, I've only seen it a few times..."

Gawain looked helplessly at his n-tier great-granddaughter who had failed in all noble conduct courses, shook his head and said, "Of course he has to leave quickly, because Francis II's griffin messenger is a I'm very busy, in fact, if it wasn't for my great reputation, he might not be willing to let his Griffin messenger fly to this place—where is the letter?"

"I'm holding it," Rebecca immediately took out a sleeve with the pale gold Moen royal mark on it, and one end of the sleeve was still sealed with wax, "I wanted to see it, but Philip Knight said this kind of You can't peek at the letter, so I have to hand it to you..."

Seeing the full of resentment on Rebecca's face, Gawain could guess how hard the girl had put in not to peek. He took the sleeve with a smile, and then in front of Amber and Rui Becca's face tore it apart.

Inside the sleeve is a scroll made of delicate parchment, and a ribbon made of light gold and lavender silk is wrapped around the scroll—clearly, this thing is not just a simple letter.

It is an official document from the royal family.

Gao Wen unfolded the scroll, glanced at it casually, and threw it to Rebecca: "After reading it, put it in the collection room, don't lose it."

Rebecca couldn't wait to read the content on the scroll immediately, and after reading it, she raised her head in a daze: "My lord ancestor, in this way, you are the legal lord of Kant's territory? And the king also took Kant to a large area in the east. The royal family's territory was also given to you?!"

The content of the scroll was just as Gao Wen guessed, it was a canonization document from the royal family—or in other words, it was a document of "compromise" and "acknowledgment" by the royal family to the fact that Gao Wen had now ruled Kant.

When Amber heard that it was something like this, she couldn't help leaning towards it immediately: "Let me see, let me see, this is the first time I've seen a real canonized document... Wow! The buckle of this strap is actually a Golden!?"

"Do you need to be so surprised?" Gawain looked at the two girls in front of him with some amusement, "As long as Francis II is not demented, this document will be sent to me sooner or later-Kant is just a viscount, for me As far as the duke title is concerned, this is just a small gift, and there is no need for the king to be stingy. As for the royal land... it is just a small gift."

As he said that, he shook his head slightly: "I just didn't expect it to be sent ahead of time—and it was sent urgently by the Griffin courier. I originally thought that the relevant canonization documents would be sent to Cecil after the spring, but Now it seems... the changes in the situation have given that His Majesty the king a sense of urgency."

"Changes in the situation?" Rebecca blinked in confusion, "You mean the situation between Typhon and Ansu? Does it have anything to do with the canonization document?"

"Of course." Gawain smiled, "The war between Typhon and Ansu is likely to be postponed, then the rulers of the two countries will have to consider restarting diplomatic activities. It is very likely that the king will end the negotiation in person, but the first The control of Ansu by the Second Dynasty is not as strong as that of the First Dynasty, so in order to ensure the stability of the domestic situation in the next negotiation period, Francis II must appease in advance, or please the nobles in the country. Whether it is the main war faction or the main peace Pai, he has to contact and ventilate, and I am neither a war faction nor a peace faction, so he must take care of it—because I am an ancestor faction, and His Majesty the King is always worried about me, an old man. Will the ancestors suddenly jump out and criticize him?"