Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 335: New achievements?


After talking about the most sensitive issues, the communication between Gawain and Soldering is naturally much easier—for the time being, the tense relationship between Typhon and Ansu will not be considered, and the Cecil family's affairs will not be discussed. With the decline and the current chaotic domestic situation, the two chatted again like friends seven hundred years ago.

At least, from Solderling's point of view.

"Actually, when I heard that you established a pioneering territory in the south, I believed that you were real—after all, this is very similar to what you would do," Soldering said with a smile, "A person who is out of touch with society For a person of seven hundred years, it is not your style to return to the aristocratic circle and intrigue with others, and it is probably easier for you to open up land in this barren land."

"The intrigue is really meaningless, especially when it's a group of juniors," Gao Wen waved his hand, "It's too awkward to get along with, as long as I think about those people are descendants of those old guys back then, I always feel weird. "

Gao Wen just made an excuse for himself to stay away from the aristocratic circle of the royal capital, but Soldering began to think seriously. He remembered the amazing prosperity of Cecil Land he had seen along the way, and also thought of Cecil. The weapons and equipment of the soldiers of Cecil, which can be called black technology, and the special temperament they felt when facing the Cecil Combat Corps—that is a completely different belief and momentum from ordinary noble private soldiers, although the momentum is still very immature , but enough to be eye-catching.

It would be understandable if only a small group of soldiers were like this, but all the soldiers in the entire Cecil Land are equally elite, which is worth pondering.

As an elf, and the most acute ranger class among elves, Thorderling can deduce a lot from his observation of details.

After uncovering the coffin, the ancestor took a look at the domestic situation, declared that he did not want to intrigue with the descendants, so he ran to a remote place that the king could not control, and within a year, he produced a weapon that could overwhelm any conventional army in the world The types of arms, and the crazy expansion of the army...

Thinking about it for a while, I feel terrible. I feel like my father came home and saw the mess in the living room, and then looked at the muddy kid with a faint smile, and turned to the kitchen to find a rolling pin!

Salderling was muttering here by himself, but Gawain didn't know what the elf ranger had figured out in less than half a minute. He just pretended not to care and asked casually: " You are in Typhon's army... exactly what is your position?"

Solderin had a serious expression on his face: "I can't casually tell my employer's secrets, even to you—you should know my principles."

"I didn't ask you to tell me all about Typhon's border defenses," Gawain shrugged, thinking that the hairless elf was indeed a principled guy as he remembered, but there was no disappointment on his expression, he was Ask casually, "Tell me what you can say."

"I fought under Commander Andersa Wendell of the Winter Wolf Legion, but I didn't have any real power or official position," Solderin said, "You know, I'm always an alien, and I hold great power in the human army It's impossible—but Typhon's commission is quite high, which is fair."

"Andersa Wendell?" Gawain frowned, "The young wolf general?"

"You know her too?" Solderin was taken aback, then smiled, "That's right, she is the descendant of that guy Tirian, she is a very talented girl, both in personal combat and command ability, No shame on her ancestors. It's just that she's a bit stubborn and has a vengeful obsession with Anzu—her father, Bud Wendell, disappeared on the border between Anzu and Typhon, and she always thought it was Anzu. The Sioux killed her father."

"Bud Wendell..." Gawain's expression was a little weird for a moment, he didn't know whether he should tell Soldering the truth about Bud's degeneration as a cult member of the Doom Society, but after thinking about it, he decided to say it out. Anyway, for Cecil Territory, it doesn't matter whether the news spreads or not, "In fact, I met a believer in the death of everything this year, and that person... I'm afraid it's Bard."

Soldering was dumbfounded: "What?!"

Gao Wen narrated what he knew, and the more he listened, Soldering became more and more surprised: "There is such a thing... How could the former Wolf General, who had been missing for more than ten years, turn into a man who will end everything? Druid?!"

"God knows what happened in the middle, I didn't believe it at the time, but the reputation of Mithril Vault is known all over the world, their information should not be wrong," Gao Wen shook his head, "Forget it, even if this matter gets to that Andersa In her ears, she wouldn't believe it, the paranoid avengers don't have much judgment. Compared with these things far away in the sky, now I want to know how many troops infiltrated from the Typhon Empire are still in the Dark Mountains."

The topic suddenly became sensitive again, and Solderling showed a slight hesitation on his face. Seeing this, Gawain continued: "Solderling, I know your principles, but at this time, it is better for you to tell me the information about other infiltrating troops. Good for everyone - you should know that my soldiers have already wiped out one infiltration team, and as long as the other infiltrators are still operating in the Dark Mountains, it is only a matter of time before they are caught by me. You choose one to see Appearing safe, but actually heading headlong into death—the only way they can survive now is if you tell me their course of action, and I promise to catch as many alive as possible."

Then send them to mine in the mountains—Gao Wen silently added the second half of the sentence.

"It's not that I don't want to cooperate, but you probably won't be able to catch them now," Soldering spread his hands and told the truth, "Before we set off, Andersa Wendell had received information and was Imagine the situation where you are really resurrected and the infiltration force falls into your hands—as long as the main team I lead is in danger, or if more than two small teams lose contact, the others will immediately bring the collected information Leaving the Dark Mountains, retreat the same way or detour back to the border from the wild forests in the north, and the retreat route is completely random, this is to prevent someone from telling the location of others after being captured by you."

Speaking of this, Solderin added: "We use the messenger bug to confirm the location and safety of each team every few hours. Everyone must be aware of something wrong now. I have observed your Soldiers, with their speed of movement and the conditions of the mountain roads, cannot catch up."

"...As expected of the elite troops of the Winter Wolves Legion, they really don't leave any loopholes," Gawain shook his head helplessly. The lethality of the Cecil soldiers equipped with technological weapons is indeed first-class, but there is really no special advantage in hunting down the enemy in the deep mountains, at least not yet.

However, he still had to take some actions—for example, writing a letter to Duke Silas Loren in the Eastern Territory to let the other party pay attention to the winter infiltration operation of the Typhon Empire. ..

The Dark Mountains are indeed a good breakthrough point for infiltration operations, but Gawain believes that it is impossible for the Typhon Empire to infiltrate only this one place. The entire Ansu-Typhon border line is so long, and there are many complicated terrains in the middle. There is no guarantee that it will not be regarded as a loophole by the enemy.

After a long talk, Gawain arranged a residence for Soldering—in view of the current complicated status and position of this high-ranking ranger, Gawain let Solderin temporarily live in a mansion not far from the lord's mansion, It was next to Knights Street, so on the one hand, it gave the other party treatment in line with its status as a high-level extraordinary person, and on the other hand, it was convenient for monitoring and control.

Even if he knew that this high-level ranger would not cause trouble, he still had to make an appearance for the people below.

After personally sending Soldering away, Gawain returned to the study, only to find Amber waiting for him at the door.

"Are you still guarding the door here?" Gawain was taken aback when he saw the half-elf, "Why are you so obedient today?"

"What door are you looking at? Your eldest granddaughter and that electric man are waiting for you inside." Amber rolled her eyes. "They came here as soon as you left. They have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Heidi and Kamel?" Gawain frowned, "Then you don't have to stand at the door, they won't let you in."

"Don't mention it, those two people were so excited facing a stone inside, chattering like crazy, while I was drinking tea by the side, they insisted on pulling me to tell me what is magic power Dispersing the field—I have a headache, I might as well come out and wait for you," Amber waved her hands complainingly, "Go in and take a look, I'll take a look at the training situation of Anton and those bastards."

After saying those words, Hu Po disappeared into the corridor with a shadow step, without even giving Gao Wen a chance to reply.

Gawain stared blankly at Amber disappearing into the air, shook his head inexplicably, and stretched out his hand to push open the door of the study.

Then he saw Hetty and Kamel who were eagerly discussing the issue, and the so-called "stone" placed in the middle of the study.

There is obviously a problem with Amber's ability to describe - this is not a rock, this is obviously a brand new and complicated magic device!

"Ancestor!" "Lord!"

As soon as Gawain pushed the door open, Hetty and Kamel, who were discussing a certain technical issue in the room, raised their heads immediately, and said together: "Look at this!" "It's an incredible feature!"

"Wait a minute, you two calm down first." Gawain knew what the researchers would be like once they had results, but he had to let Heidi and Kamel calm down and explain the situation to himself, "Heidi, Tell me, what is this?"

He pointed to the device placed in the open space—its main body was a crystal about one meter high cut into an obelisk shape. The crystal had a deep blue-purple luster, and the crystal itself was installed in the On a silver-white metal base, the metal base is roughly triangular in shape, and the center is raised upwards to hold the crystal body firmly. On the surface, a large number of magic lines and reserved fixing bolt interfaces can be seen. Obviously, it can be used It is fixedly installed on some kind of plane, and on the top of the crystal, there is a smaller metal device, which is like a miniature version of the base, and the magic pattern engraved on the surface can also be seen.

It looks great at first glance.

"Its main body is the Hom crystal after purification and recasting," Hetty said excitedly with a radiant face, "and this device will solve the problem of the energy transmission of the magic net—it can be used in the form of a magic field, Spread the magic power far away!"