Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 345: Incorporated


On the afternoon of the tenth day, Knight Byron led a thousand troops from Cecil's native land and a large amount of supplies to the west, and successfully merged with the first and second mixed regiments led by Knight Philip. When they converged, Val Deperic was leading the soldiers of the Second Corps to tie up groups of noble coalition prisoners of war and send them to the rear.

Byron found Philip who led the team: "I brought more 'Persuador' light shells and replacement acceleration guide rail components, saying that your side seems to be in good condition."

Due to many days of marching and fighting, Knight Philip had a trace of weariness on his face, but his spirit was still high: "These things came at the right time. The food can be relied on the dry food you carry and captured from the enemy, but the shells are really consumed. of."

Byron raised his head and looked at the captives with numb expressions, stiff steps, and bound hands like walking corpses. From the mental state of these captives, he knew that the chase was coming to an end.

"It is the lord's confession to keep these people alive as much as possible," he said to Philip, "Most of the noble coalition forces are peasants and hunters recruited from various places, as well as various serf soldiers and slave soldiers. People are workers."

"I know," Philip nodded, "but to be honest... the enemy is getting more and more scattered, especially after entering an open area. Several nobles led teams to flee in different directions. We eliminated and intercepted some of them with artillery fire. But a few detachments made their way into the forest further west, and I think at least a quarter to a third of the enemy escaped."

"This situation is within the lord's expectation," Byron nodded, "We have powerful artillery and ray guns, but after all, the number is limited, and it is unrealistic to wipe out or incorporate all the enemies. But don't worry, I Before setting off, the lord said something that the nobles have castles and lands that they cannot let go, they cannot run away forever, and one day we will get rid of those who run away."

"I hope so," Philip breathed out deeply, and looked up at the long, almost endless line of captives, "after this war is over, the entire southern part of the kingdom will become a whole …”

On the twelfth day of the pursuit, the team of knights and mages formed by the core transcendents of the noble alliance, as well as the nobles who supervised the battle, finally collapsed completely.

The aristocratic private soldiers who lacked organization and discipline could not persist until today. Most of the reason why they have been able to flee is that the extraordinary people in the coalition army are still maintaining the situation with strong willpower and deterrence. But when the will of these extraordinary people reached its limit, the collapse of the entire coalition army was almost instantaneous.

The noble coalition forces began to surrender in patches, and the surrender was led by knights, mages, and even noble lords.

In fact, according to the general law, it should be easier for the nobles to surrender. According to the "rules" of noble wars, the captured nobles who surrendered on the battlefield will be treated according to their status. As a bargaining chip for ransom, their lives will be guaranteed They will be guaranteed, and will even be sent to the victor's castle with courtesy and courtesy, as a guest, but the terrible fighting methods of the Cecils and Gawain Cecil's style of not abiding by the rules of the nobility scare those people to death They dare not put their lives in the hands of those Cecil soldiers.

But when their physical strength and will were exhausted to the limit, no matter how much worry and fear they had, they could not get them up from the ground and continue to move forward.

Those aristocratic soldiers who lost their fighting spirit, including knights and conscripts, stayed on the plain like frightened goats. Most of them finished their last bite of food, and even the horses they used to ride and the mice they caught on the road had been taken away They used it to satisfy their hunger. They couldn't lie down and sleep for many days, and they couldn't eat and drink peacefully. The only thing left in their minds was the rumbling sound of shells exploding. The ground is everywhere, and all Cecil's soldiers have to do is to run around on the vast plains to collect these people, and then hand them the ropes, and let them tie themselves up.

Valdeperic and the Second Combat Corps led by him were mainly responsible for collecting these prisoners and escorting them to the rear. The number of prisoners was so large that the people responsible for the escort were no match for the number of prisoners they escorted. They don't have to worry about the captives fleeing halfway. Those people have completely lost the will to resist after many days of fleeing, and even if they resist, the unarmed conscript captives can't deal with the ray gun and meltdown in the hands of Cecil combat soldiers. sword.

But as more and more prisoners were captured and the battle line got longer and longer, an embarrassing and unexpected situation appeared: Cecil was short of manpower.

The escort team of the Second Combat Corps began to be in short supply. Even Wald asked the Knights to transfer 1,000 people from the Kant area to receive the prisoners. It also seems stretched to take care of the tens of thousands of noble conscripts and prisoners of war in the plains.

When the two orthodox knights, Philip and Wald, were worried about this unexpected embarrassing situation, Knight Byron volunteered to lead a team to the south to mobilize help.

Knight Philip usually complained about Byron's sloppy and lack of chivalrous conduct, but he had to admit that this old colleague who was born as a mercenary always had bright new ideas when solving unexpected situations. Although sometimes his ideas are blinding, but overall it is still very problem-solving.

After waiting for a few days with anticipation, the two knights Philip and Wald waited for Byron who had returned from the rear. He still brought the team he had taken away with him, and there was not even a single person.

On the plains of the increasingly chaotic Housman area, Philip looked at Byron in astonishment who seemed to have returned without success: "Didn't the lord send you someone? You can also train soldiers..."

"I didn't go back to Cecil, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back so soon," Byron said triumphantly, "I just went to Leslie and met with Viscount Andrew..."

"And then?" Philip asked suspiciously, and kept looking behind Byron, but apart from the group of people and many carriages that Byron took away and brought back at that time, he couldn't see any supporting personnel. "Is the person sent by Viscount Andrew still behind?"

"I borrowed five thousand axes," Byron pointed to the carriages he brought, "Afterwards, Viscount Andrew will send someone to bring a batch of grain over for a temporary transition, and there is nothing else besides Leslie. There are not many people on the leader's side, and they even helped watch the thousands of people fished out of the Baishui River."

Philip didn't realize it all at once: "Axes? What are you doing with five thousand axes?"

"Issued to those prisoners, let them cut down the woods on the east side of Hossman's territory, and build a prisoner of war camp on the spot. In addition, you can find among the prisoners of war later, there should be people who survived Earl Hossman, with They go to take over the nearby farms and granaries, and if they don't have them, then bring a few more guns."

Philip was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't imagine how Byron's mind-filled magical operation came out: "You mean... let these prisoners build a prisoner-of-war camp by themselves and lock themselves up?"

"You can even send them rope to tie themselves up, why can't you let them build a camp and lock themselves up?" Byron waved his hand, "These people have completely lost their fighting spirit, at least for a short time It is impossible to recover within, and we must take advantage of them in this state to completely control these people in the shortest possible time, and then send them to Cecil in batches. The last sentence is what the lord explained."

Philip was speechless and had to admit that Byron had a point.

So, on the last day of this long pursuit, the last coalition of nobles on the Hosman Plain ended their long and painful escape in an unprecedentedly dramatic way.

Under the supervision of thousands of Cecil soldiers, the Allied prisoners of war wielded the axes lent to them, day and night in three shifts to cut down a forest on the edge of Hosman's territory, and then built a prisoner-of-war camp by themselves. closed.

When the last batch of coalition prisoners of war were received by the Cecils, Viscount Carroll and his last entourage and partners were trekking through the muddy wetlands in the northern Hosman area.

This once vigorous young viscount has lost his glory, his gorgeous coat has become dirty, his breeches and boots are torn in tatters by thorns, and there are several holes pierced by heat energy ray guns on his intricately patterned cloak. The gunshot hole, the hair that hasn't been washed for many days sticks to his forehead like greasy weeds, and beside him are Viscount Consco and Viscount Mariolan who are even more embarrassed than him.

They managed to escape from the wolf-like Cecils, but they didn't know where to go next. Severe exhaustion was destroying the thinking ability of these three nobles. The wetlands are as bad and rotten as ever, and there is no hope at all.

At this moment, a sound of horseshoes suddenly came from behind, causing Viscount Carroll and his companions who were trekking hard to stop nervously and terrified.

But when they turned around, they found that it was not Cecil who appeared in front of them.

The Countess of Ropeni Grande stopped in front of them, and behind the Countess was a sizable team.

"Voice Glenn, you escaped too?!" Viscount Carroll looked at the lady in front of him in surprise. He found that the situation of the other party was much better than his own. The horse can be ridden, and the guards around him seem to be fully equipped. I really don't know how the Viscountes managed to do this in the chaos, "These people..."

"I gathered up those who were scattered on the plain," Luo Peini smiled, "Viscount Carroll, it seems that you have separated from the team again."

This scene seemed familiar, and Viscount Carroll vaguely remembered that when the army was in chaos on the mountain path of Crushed Stone Ridge, the Viscountess also appeared in front of him in the same way, and gathered the disorganized and disorganized teams. Completely reappeared, he had to lament the wonder of fate: "You always see me in a state of distress..."

"Come on, I still have a few extra horses," Ropeni Grant extended a helping hand to the downcast nobles in front of him, "We need to unite."

Several troubled nobles and their last entourage joined Luo Peini's team. Viscount Mariolan couldn't help but wonder about the future of this team: "Where are we going?"

"Going north," Ropeni Grande turned her head to look at Viscount Mariolan, "We are going to Rock Fortress."

"Rock Fortress?" Viscount Carroll couldn't help hesitating when he heard the familiar name, "Then we're going to go through my territory... those Cecilians..."

"The Cecilians have already left there. They must not have thought that we would return after we managed to escape the pursuit," said Ropeni Grant. "They are limited in number, and it is impossible for them to occupy every noble territory in a short time."

"They left..." Carroll couldn't help but feel his heart move when he heard Luo Penny's words, "Then I..."

"Don't think about going back to your castle, Mr. Viscount," Ropeni Grande knew what Carol was thinking, and she immediately turned her head and warned seriously, "Don't forget, those Cecils collapsed in front of you They can blow down your castle just as much as your first wall."

As she spoke, she turned her head, and there seemed to be infinite perseverance in her eyes: "There is no place in the southern border that is safe. Gentlemen, our only hope is to seek help from the Plain of the Holy Spirit, the Earl of Pompeii. Go to the Rock Fortress, it is an extremely strong fortress, its walls are poured with magical metal, which can resist the attacks of great magicians, it is completely different from the walls of Carroll Land, and the Cecilians cannot break through it."

Perhaps it was the same confidence in the Rock Fortress, or maybe it was the serious fatigue that affected Viscount Carroll's judgment. He was easily persuaded by Ropeni Grant, who nodded: "Okay, let's go to the Rock Fortress..."

"Of course, but before that, we have to gather up the lost companions as much as possible," Ropeni Grande smiled, and that smile was particularly contagious, "There are a few more who escaped from the pursuit of the Cecils Team, we need to gather all the lost people, and only when our team is big enough and there are enough nobles gathered, Rock Fortress will realize the seriousness of the situation and receive us more seriously... "

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