Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 357: attraction


Santis reacted for a while before trying to understand what the other party meant by "friends like you".

He looked into Kamel's eyes (probably the position of the eyes): "Are you referring to a commoner who is not controlled by traditional mage circles or noble families, can freely join the Cecil Land, and has a certain knowledge base mage? ?”

Kamel nodded slightly: "There is still a lack of enough scholars in the territory—although we have recruited a group of down-and-out scholars and mages from nearby territories, it is far from enough, neither in quality nor in quantity. I once talked to Jenny , I know that her background is a bit... special, so she doesn't have any connections in the capital, but you are different, Mr. Santis, although you are born as a commoner, at least... you are an orthodox, well-educated Spellcaster."

An orthodox king's mage, even the worst kind, is fundamentally different from a slave-born Jenny—Santis's "class" predestined him to have his own mage social circle. Other spellcasters who can talk to each other on an equal footing.

If Jenny could only be locked up in the mage's tower to have limited communication with other slaves, then Santis was at least physically free.

"I... do know some mages in the capital," Santis said hesitantly, "but the people who can associate with me are basically unsatisfactory down-and-outs. Crowded from mainstream mage circles... ”

"That may be in line with my requirements, and it also meets the requirements of the lord," Kamel said, "You are teaching the basic courses of rune logic and magic, and you should understand that what is developing in this land is a brand-new The magic technology route, in the face of this special field, the traditional mage level is not very meaningful. What we really value is the attitude of researchers to explore the unknown, the ability to accept new things, and the most basic mathematical and logical talents. I miss you There should be no lack of such people among my friends."

Santis thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "I can try it."

"Very good. But I would like to add one more thing - many times 'rejected by the mainstream field' does not mean 'unique talent', most of the time a person is rejected by the social circle just because he is really stupid, just However, this kind of person will always numb themselves with "my talent no one can understand". I don't want my outspoken words to hurt your feelings-but I don't want to cause trouble for the lord. I have seen too many People with great ego, they are always difficult to deal with."

Santis couldn't help laughing, he didn't look angry at all: "Of course, you're right. I've seen many people like this too—in the capital, down-and-out mages always form Large and small circles, just like gatherings of mages and aristocrats in the upper class, in this kind of "underlying secret law meeting", there are often many people who complain about being unrecognized for their talents, but only a small half of them are really underrecognized for their talents, and the other Most of them really don't know anything. I have been in this kind of circle for many years, so I will naturally identify them."

"That's good," Kamel felt relieved, "then let's go to the lord—this kind of thing should be known to the lord."

Gawain stood in front of the map of Cecil Territory and its surrounding areas, looking at the winding mountains, plains, and forest lines, lost in thought.

This map was drawn by him himself, and all the details of the satellite view were restored as much as possible under the premise of being intuitive and easy to understand, and the various mineral vein resource points discovered along the way by the pioneering legion seven hundred years ago were also marked on it. He still remembered what happened when he was burying himself in drawing this map in his study—Hetty was beyond shocked. Amber said that the old rice dumpling must have prepared the map in advance to pretend to draw the map to scare people. Rebecca agreed Amber's point of view was knocked on the head by Hetty—but as Gawain tossed out more and more new things, he himself was the most unreasonable "resurrected person", brought by this incredible map The impact gradually faded away.

Gao Wen believes that as the drawing techniques he wrote are taught to others, everyone will be less surprised by this high-precision satellite image (hand-drawn version).

Amber stood beside him, staring at the map along with him, but she had no idea what Gawain was looking at, and after staring at it for a long time, she finally couldn't help it: "Hey, Gawain, what are you looking at? ?”

Gao Wen raised his hand and clicked on a certain position above the map: "This is Kant Territory."

Then his hand moved down and circled a large area: "This is the northern wilderness, and then the northern bank pioneering area, Whitewater River, Cecil Land... The mining town is on this side, and the western logging field and the new The established 'Shuanglin Village'... is finally the southeast and southwest two plots that are ready to be reclaimed next spring, and Cecil's power is currently in this area."

Amber stared at Gao Wen: "Has the Kant collar been entered by you?"

Gao Wen ignored Amber, but continued to say as if talking to himself: "The current population of Lord Cecil's urban area is 15,000, including a large number of craftsmen and residents who migrated from Kant Territory after winter. As well as the serfs and the last batch of refugees purchased from Leslie Territory and other places. However, due to the imperfect administrative construction in Kant Territory, the population statistics before winter has not been completed, and it is impossible to say how many people there will be... "

Gao Wen didn't know how many people there were in a viscounty or earldom in medieval Europe on earth, but he knew that in this world, because human beings were inherently stronger, there were things like fertility spells and druid spells to ensure The basic output of food, so although the people at the bottom live a very poor and difficult life, their population is quite large. Even in this long-abandoned southern border, there are a large number of people scattered on this land.

It's just that these people can't be regarded as the citizens of the Cecil Land, even Kant Land, which has actually become a satellite town of the Cecil Land, is still independent from the legal point of view.

Amber stared at Gao Wen who was analyzing the situation of the territory with a serious face. After listening for a long time, she couldn't understand what the man in front of her was talking about: "So? Do you think the population is not enough? Let me tell you Hey, a city of 10,000 people is already quite scary! You... "

Gao Wen suddenly interrupted Amber: "Do you think this place is still too small?"

Amber reacted for two seconds, and her ears slowly perked up: "...you finally decided to hit someone! Think about it carefully, if you really go to regain the fief, the entire southern border will be..."

"I don't have any plans for the time being," Gawain glanced at the half-elf, "I think the current strategic depth is too small, and the potential population is far from enough..."

Amber looked confused: "Strategic depth? What?"

Gao Wen thought for a while, then shook his head: "Forget it, I can't explain it to you."

Amber stared, and immediately wanted to refute something, but before she could speak, Betty's crisp voice sounded outside the study door: "Master! Master Kamel and Mr. Santis are here to see you!"

"Oh?" Gao Wen was a little surprised that these two unrelated people would come looking for him together, and he walked towards his desk, "Let them in."

Amber pouted, and stood obediently beside Gao Wen. A few seconds later, the door of the study opened, and Kamel and Santis walked in.

A few minutes later, Gao Wen heard the two people's intentions, and he couldn't help showing an expression of interest on his face: "You plan to attract a group of talents from the mage circle of Wangdu? Through Santis' network? "

"My lord, my ... is not a network of contacts," Santis said a little nervously, "The gatherings of great magicians are considered a network of contacts, and the ones I know... are at most just some unsatisfactory little mages in private. It's just a party, and I don't know many people...”

Gao Wen waved his hand: "It's okay, as I said just now, our original goal is not those great magicians, as long as they are intellectuals. But let me tell the truth, it's not that I haven't thought about recruiting talents from the prosperous areas of the kingdom before... Including the mage circle in the capital, I have also thought about it."

Kamel: "Have you recruited? No success?"

Gao Wen nodded: "That's right. Although I didn't use Santis' contacts at the beginning, I offered a very high price, but nearly a year has passed, and no one is interested in the solicitation of Cecil Ling— You should know why."

"The frontier land is desolate and bitterly cold, and it is next to the wasteland of Gondor. No one would think that being a 'magic consultant' here will have any future," Santis immediately figured out the reason, and his voice became bitter "The people in the capital don't know the real situation here, they can only judge by their imagination. For them, the Cecil Land is not attractive. Even if the reward is high, the mages in the capital will not leave the kingdom easily. Center... After all, for the vast majority of mages, the capital means a knowledge center and a promotion channel, no matter how poor they are, they are unwilling to leave."

Although the prestige of the founding hero is high, mages are a group of pragmatic people. They don’t see any hope of going to the southern border, so the prestige of the founding hero is not enough to shake them—although Gawain also offered a high price , but he was not generous enough to ignore the cost.

"Mr. Santis, do you think with your influence, you can persuade your friends to leave the 'magic center' like the capital and come to Cecil Land as a pioneer?"

Santis hesitated for a moment, and then subconsciously tugged on the button on his chest: "I..."

He wanted to say confidently that he could, but after just assuming a little bit, he realized that he didn't have the confidence.

Leaving Wangdu was not so easy, even if he went to lobby his friends in person, with his "fame" in Wangdu's mage circle, he might not be able to convince anyone.

He doesn't have that kind of friend who is so deep that he can come to accompany him to open up wasteland with just a few words - if he had, he wouldn't have been squeezed out by the circle of mages in Wangdu and stuffed into the southern border aid team.

The young arcanist's complexion darkened, and the courage and enthusiasm he had finally mustered were hit hard, but at this moment, Kamel suddenly spoke: "Lord, Cecil leads those king capital mages It's not attractive, so they don't want to come, do they?"

"That's right," Gawain nodded, "If you want to recruit talents, unless Cecil is attractive enough."

"We have enough attraction." Kamel said firmly.

Gao Wen raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Tell me."

"I," Kamel opened his hands, bright arcane arcs danced around him, his voice buzzed, "Is an ancient Gondor magister enough to attract them? The great magician thousands of years ago personally Is the guidance enough to attract them? Is the lost ancient magic skill enough to attract them? I don’t believe that magicians after a thousand years have fallen so low that they don’t even have the desire for magic!”

Santis, Gawain, and Amber felt their eyes light up at the same time. Gawain showed an imperceptible smile, and leaned forward: "Then if those mages who came here for ancient secret techniques find that the situation is not the same as What if I think differently? Many of your ancient spells can no longer be used in this era."

"If they have the ability, they will go back!"


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.