Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 358: Cecil's preparations


Although the atmosphere on the scene was a bit serious after hearing Gao Wen's words, Byron still answered the question calmly with a blank face: "After two rounds of expansion in winter and spring, the number of fighters in the Cecil Combat Corps has reached 5,000. , 1,000 of them received artillery training. But although we have 5,000 soldiers, more than 3,000 of them are complete recruits - only basic drills, know how to use heat ray guns and grenades, landmines, and have zero actual combat experience .”

Gao Wen nodded slightly, the result was roughly within his expected range, and he was quite satisfied with it.

Today's Cecil Territory has expanded again, especially after the Kant area was officially merged into Cecil, the population within the territory has exceeded 70,000—30,000 of them are in the main city of Cecil, and the rest are distributed In the surrounding villages and towns and the vast Kant area, considering the development model of the magic industrial society, he is still concentrating more people towards the main city and continuing to recruit refugees.

On the basis of this population, the exaggerated military-to-civilian ratio of nearly eight civilians and one soldier in the early pioneering period has finally been alleviated, and due to the existence of the construction army system and the support of the territory's productivity, the current size of the Cecil Combat Corps is relatively large. In terms of territory, it is quite reasonable and balanced.

And more than half of the soldiers in this corps are recruits, which cannot be changed.

In addition to actual combat tests and time accumulation, it is impossible for recruits in the army to become veterans out of thin air. Although the combat corps has always had high-intensity intensive training, and regularly goes to the surrounding areas of the territory to suppress bandits and destroy monsters to increase "experience of seeing blood", veterans are used as seeds. The tradition of leading the recruit class, the training efficiency is much higher than the traditional private soldiers of this era, but no matter how efficient it is, it is impossible to train those recruits in place in more than two months.

But Gao Wen knew that even if the ratio of recruits was high, the soldiers of the Combat Corps still had a huge advantage over the traditional private soldiers of this era. sex.

Traditional soldiers in this era mainly rely on cold weapons to fight. Magic power is often just an embellishment used by a few battle mages in the army to enhance the battlefield and counter opponents. Soldiers who use cold weapons to fight are extraordinarily long and difficult to train. The fighting, offensive and defensive skills need years of tempering, and the courage needed to kill face to face at close range cannot be honed overnight, but what about magic soldiers

It only takes one month of practice for them to go from being exposed to heat ray guns to being able to roughly hit a person's torso tens of meters away. Cold weapon fighting...

The performance of the melting sword is enough to make up for many shortcomings.

What's more, for Cecil combat soldiers, cold weapon melee combat itself is not the main item: the melting sword is just a secondary weapon.

As the main commander and one of the founders of the combat corps, Byron certainly knew the situation of the soldiers under his opponent, so after reporting the ratio of recruits, he said: "A magic infantry who has received two months of training is It can kill several traditional soldiers who have been trained for many years and have even experienced several battles tens of meters away, so even our new recruits have strong combat effectiveness—provided there is enough shooting space.”

"In comparison, artillery training is more complicated and slower," he said later, "Squad coordination, quick lookup of shooting table data, memorization of various battlefield instructions, and use and maintenance of orbital accelerators are all better than heat rays. Guns are much more difficult."

"This is normal. The formation speed of advanced units has always been like this," Gawain nodded. "As long as they can master those small artillery as soon as possible."

"You can rest assured in this regard," Byron said confidently. "The miniaturized 'Persuader' orbital accelerator can be operated by two people. The firing table is simple and the sights are simpler. It has been well trained so far."

After Byron finished his report, Philip went on to speak: "I am integrating and reorganizing the old regiments from the Kant region. After the Kant knights swore their allegiance, Knight Walder Peric led the knights and their subordinates, militia Merged into the Cecil Territory, there are about 3,000 people in this group. They are all old-fashioned private soldiers of the nobles, and their combat effectiveness and discipline are very poor. There are twelve regular knights, and with the cooperation of these Kant knights, the integration and reorganization of the old regiment went smoothly."

"Intensify training, especially the work of ideological transformation must be in place," Gao Wen, who knows the situation of noble private soldiers in this era, especially emphasized the ideological transformation of those old regiments, but fortunately, the previous Kant Territory was still relatively institutional. In an enlightened and well-ordered territory, the old local regiment has not been corrupted to the point of hopelessness. He is still somewhat optimistic about this, "After the training, this regiment will serve as the second regiment. The command of the strange knight. I have contacted and understood Walder Peric, as long as he changes his mind, he is a reliable and loyal person."

"The first batch of trainees of the Iron Rangers and the preliminary training plan have been put in place, but the training has just started, and there is nothing to report at present," said Soldering the third. I have thought about some equipment design plans based on my combat experience and the characteristics of the 'magic weapon', and I plan to discuss it with Mr. Egg in the near future."

After all these reports were over, Gao Wen nodded in satisfaction, and Hetty, who had long wanted to speak, finally couldn't help but speak: "Ancestor, are we... ready for war?"

"Yes, preparation, but it's just preparation at the moment." Gawain looked into Hetty's eyes, "Frankly speaking, I don't want to involve the developing territory in the flames of war right now, but we must be prepared for the situation to change. "

"The situation has changed..." Hetilo thought for a while and understood Gao Wen's meaning, "You mean, this peace negotiation between Typhon and Ansu will lead to chaos instead? It will lead to war instead?"

"I just have some uneasy premonition," Gao Wen affirmed Hetty's statement from the side, "I want to believe that the leaders of the two countries are aware of the common threat from the wasteland, and they can also understand the inevitability of the two countries going to war at this time." Reasonable, but I doubt that everything will develop so smoothly... There are too many factors threatening This negotiation is over, once there is a problem in the negotiation process, it will be too late to prepare after the outbreak of war.”

"I understand," Hetty nodded slowly, "The government affairs department will also start to take action—in fact, the work of hoarding supplies has never stopped since the opening of various business routes, but now I will increase the intensity of hoarding supplies according to the standards for war preparations .”

Cecil Territory is a seemingly peaceful and prosperous place, but in fact, due to Gawain's sense of crisis, this land has been prepared for war from the very beginning—whether the enemy is a mutant or a human. In the past year, Gao Wen has opened up trade routes in three directions. Today, various ores from the Lesley Territory in the west, medicinal materials and wheat from the Kant region in the north, grain, fur, Textile raw materials are continuously being sent to the warehouse every day.

Outsiders only know that Cecil collar has earned astonishing wealth in fields such as alchemy potions and magic machinery, but they probably can't imagine that more than half of this wealth is actually spent at the same astonishing speed, turning into a high-ranking man. War preparation materials in the Wen warehouse...

"In addition to stockpiling supplies, we also need to consider issues such as maintenance of law and order in the territory, public opinion, logistics, distribution of supplies, etc. once a war breaks out," Gao Wen said, not only looking at Hetty, but also at everyone present, " Cecil has a prosperity and order that far exceeds that of the outside world, and what we want to prove is that even in the event of war, this prosperity and order are far superior to any place."

After finishing all preparations for the battle, Gao Wen announced the end of the meeting, but the atmosphere was still tense and serious.

Seeing this situation, he laughed: "Of course, we are here to prepare for a rainy day, maybe this negotiation will end smoothly, maybe nothing will happen, so don't be too nervous-life should be lived or must be lived .”

Amber couldn't help muttering when she heard this: "Why did I panic even more when you said that..."

Gawain immediately glared at this guy: "How do you say that?"

Amber muttered: "Last time you said that it would be fine if the aberrations didn't come to attack, but in the end, more than 3,000 monsters came to attack the city without the end of winter..."

Gawain slapped the half-elf on the head: "If Rebecca isn't here, you'll be in charge of the head, right?!"

"Ouch—it hurts!"

Thanks to Miss Half Elf for her dedication and sacrifice, after Gawain slapped him, the atmosphere at the scene became less tense and serious...

After taking Amber's honesty, Gao Wen remembered something, so he looked at Byron: "Speaking of which, winter is over, and it seems that the exploration of the rest of the 'Fortress of Disobedience' can start again."

After Kamel joined the Cecil Territory, many secrets of the ruins in the mountain were solved, and its name was changed to the official name of the Gondor Empire, "Fortress of Rebellion". It came in handy, after the transformation of the modern magic net, it was connected to energy, and became the location of an arsenal, a sophisticated equipment manufacturing plant, and a warehouse of combat readiness materials, but a large part of it was still hidden in the unknown dark depths.

Although Kamel was one of the high-level technicians who rebelled against the fortress in the past, the scale of the ancient fortress was too large, and there were too many secrets buried inside. Only the royal family of Gondor held all the secrets of the fortress. So Kamel just helped Gao Wen draw the structural diagram of the bottom layer of the fort and the area of the fort. As for the situation in the south and east of the fort, it is still a mystery.

After winter, Gawain suspended his exploration of the unknown area of the Rebel Fortress, and ordered people to temporarily block the corridors leading to the southern and eastern areas of the fortress. But now that winter is over and the weather is getting warmer, he thinks it is time to put The project was restarted.