Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 359: Tyr's impression of the gods


A report from the Rune Research Institute was sent to Gao Wen. He looked at the report for a long time, and finally exhaled slightly, got up, opened the door to the terrace, and walked outside the room.

The cold wind blows in the cold winter season, but the cold winter air can't make Cecil's collar fall into silence. Under the bright sunshine after the snow, the Cecil's people are walking back and forth through the streets and alleys, rushing to various places. jobs, or go to the government affairs office to find new job opportunities.

"Did you successfully achieve a certain level of signal transmission within the coverage of the magic field..." Looking at the still prosperous territory in winter, what Gao Wen thought of was what he saw in the report, "Inside the magic field, The vibrating magic power of a specific frequency can be transmitted wirelessly, and the 'black box' part of the communication spell seems to only allow the frequency of the magic power to change over a wide area... Could it be said that the whole world is shrouded in a magic field ?The original magic power is not the disordered energy traveling in nature, but a large field with complex structure?"

Gao Wen's thoughts were scattered, and his eyes randomly scanned the courtyard downstairs, but he couldn't help but stop when he was halfway through.

He saw a long, beautiful girl carefully poking her head out of the mansion gate like a thief. It was Tyre, who stayed in the room all day and hardly ever went out. This strange sea monster didn't know either. Wanting to do something, I saw that she hesitated and arched to the gate of the courtyard, and then poked the tip of her tail out very carefully - poking at the snow outside the gate of the courtyard that hadn't had time to be cleaned.

In the next second, Gawain saw that Tire's whole body stretched straight, and his tail quickly retracted.

The two guards standing at the gate of the yard looked at this strange sea caterpillar in bewilderment the whole time.

Gawain couldn't help but greeted curiously: "Tyl, what are you doing?"

Miss Siren was startled by the sudden sound from above, and almost jumped out of the door with her tail twitching. Then she looked up and saw Gawain standing on the balcony on the second floor, she raised her tail and shook: "I think Go out! But the winter in your human world is too cold... "

"You actually have time to go out?" Govent was surprised, "Is this the end of hibernation?"

"Haven't I been swimming in the river for a long time? I saw the sun was very bright today, so I wanted to take a swim to relax, but I didn't expect... 噫—the snow is so cold! I still don't want to go..."

Hearing what Tire said, Gawain couldn't help but looked up at the huge sun disk that could almost cover half of the sky, and thought that what the siren girl said was right, the sun is indeed quite big...

Till spoke again at this time, and she waved her arms and the tip of her tail vigorously: "Human lord, are you basking in the sun up there?"

Gao Wen casually replied, "Yes."

"Then I'll hang out with you too!"

Miss Siren yelled from a distance, then flicked her tail and arched towards this side. Gawain thought at first that the girl was going to enter the house and climb up the stairs to the second floor, so he wanted to turn around and open the balcony door. Before he could take any action, he realized that something was wrong—the sea monster stopped in the middle of the courtyard, and then circled its long tail twice in place, propping up its upper body tremblingly like a spring, and then She began to push hard, and the whole body was pressed tighter and tighter. At this point, Gao Wen guessed what this clever guy was trying to do, and quickly stopped him: "You wait..."

However, it was half a beat too late to say this, and when the words fell, he had already seen that the salted fish essence completely pressed himself into a flat spring, followed by a "boom", and Tyre's whole body twitched. Flying straight towards the terrace...

Immediately, a light blue light curtain lit up above the terrace, completely covering all angles leading to the terrace. Gawain watched helplessly as Tyre hit the shield with his head, followed by a "slap" from his tail. In front of the light curtain.

The bewildered Miss Mermaid (Sea Snake and Salted Fish) just slipped off the shield in front of Gawain's eyes.

A few seconds later, the shield automatically disappeared, and Gawain looked under the terrace, and saw Tire wrapping his tail around the pillars below the terrace, struggling to climb up there, although due to her The unique control method made her climb very difficult, but fortunately the second floor is not very high, basically put her tail on the ground and go up...

After a while, Miss Kraken who climbed out of the railing stretched out her hand: "Hey, don't just look at it, give me a hand."

Gao Wen stretched out his hand expressionlessly and dragged the salted fish essence to the terrace: "Oh."

After finally climbing up, the first thing Tyr did was to put his hands on his hips and complain: "Speaking of which, why are you installing a shield on the terrace when you have nothing to do? Didn't you not have it a few days ago?!"

Gawain spread his hands: "It's mainly to protect against Amber—now there are shields outside every window, balcony, and terrace in this house. If you approach quickly, you will definitely hit your head on the barrier."

Tyre gave Gawain a sideways look: "Will it work?"

Gawain sighed: "It doesn't matter, Huber came in with a single shadow step, it's not as good as a mousetrap."

Tier was full of helplessness, and he tucked himself into a ball very seriously while muttering: "I also live in this house more or less, why didn't anyone tell me about such a big renovation..."

"Nonsense, you sleep most of the day, and occasionally you just eat when you wake up. I doubt that even if the entire Cecil collar is blown away one day, you will have to wait until the next meal to find out..."

Tire looked Gawain up and down, and suddenly said: "Usually you always look dignified and unsmiling in front of people. I didn't expect you to be quite funny when you talk."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "Actually, my personality is not that serious, but you must know that as a lord, and a lord who has stepped out of the history books, I have to think about myself. image of."

"You human beings are really strange, there are too many self-restricting rules," Tire shook his head, his long sea-blue hair made waves like water in the sun, "We sea monsters never pay attention to these illusory things— We are a very straightforward race, all thoughts and actions are undisguised. Well, most of the time... "

Due to Tyre's wonderful schedule and lazy attitude, Gawain didn't have many opportunities to learn about the deep sea with this siren lady. What do you do in your clan?"

"Me? I'm a tide master," Tyr shrugged, "combatants."

"Tide Master?" Gawain blinked, feeling that he heard a rather remarkable title, "What kind of position is this?"

Tyr folded his hands on his chest, and put the tip of his tail against his chin, thinking: "According to your human understanding... probably a battle priest? A relatively advanced battle priest is responsible for creating strategic magical effects on the battlefield. In terms of your military rank, it should be equivalent to a commander in chief."

Gao Wen was really surprised this time: "So you are so good?"

He originally thought that a guy like Tyre, who is just waiting to die and can swim from the endless sea to the human kingdom when he returns home, can't be a powerful guy. Although he didn't know exactly where the Kraken's battle priests were in their entire army system, there was no doubt that Tyr She is in the upper middle class in her group!

emmmmm... I'm suddenly a little curious about the social promotion mechanism of those sea monsters... I'm afraid they don't select commanders based on appetite and walking posture.

"I always feel that some bad thoughts are going on in your mind." Tire stared into Gawain's eyes for a long time, "Let me tell you, don't look at me usually lazy, but it's nothing wrong , if you are really in danger and there is a water environment around you, most of you will run... you can't beat me!"

Gao Wen always felt that the other party seemed to have accidentally popped out some weird words just now, but he felt that what he pointed out directly might cause the lady siren to end the conversation immediately, so he simply changed the subject: "You mentioned that you are fighting Priest—is the word priest also a religious term in your language? You sirens also have your own religion and belief system?"

He remembered that Tyre had mentioned before that sea monsters do not believe in gods.

"If the religion and belief in your mouth is to worship a specific god like you humans, then we sea monsters don't believe in gods, but we also have our own worship objects," Till explained, "What we worship is all sea monsters. The 'spirit' of the demon is the 'pan-consciousness' of our race and the whole ocean, we call it 'Eva'. I don't know if you can understand the 'idol worship' in this symbolic sense, for us As far as the sea monster is concerned, Eva is not a god, but she has a status similar to your human gods in our society."

Gawain stroked his chin: "Worshiping the spirit of the race, and part of the symbolism of the natural environment... It's nothing, I can understand, in fact, this kind of belief also exists on land, and the Ogule tribal country in the west of the mainland has it." The 'pan-belief' of all things in nature and natural phenomena, some of them worship their own ancestors, some worship lightning, wind, rocks and plants in nature, and some even worship the 'life wheel' of life, old age, sickness and death, which is similar to many of them in China. It is related to the mixed race situation. In addition, today's druids also have a tendency of pan-belief, they worship 'nature' and 'life' rather than exact gods."

"I know about that—that chewy big white deer is dead," Tyre nodded, "But having said that, I think your land people's beliefs and religions are really weird... Your church has changed a lot. Wave after wave, even the entire civilization has changed wave after wave. Every time the tide of magic comes, the civilization of the land people will be cut off once, but no matter how complete the cut off, as long as civilization reappears, you will still believe in it. Those gods... are obviously just a group of powerful creatures that are chewy, so why are they so attractive to you land people?"

Tire just said it unintentionally, but when Gawain heard her last few words, his heart skipped a beat—

Every time the magic tide reshuffles the world, will the new mortal civilization establish similar belief and religious systems


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.