Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 365: Santis' mission


Kamel's last sentence was full of momentum, but Gawain didn't take it too seriously.

No magician can resist what Kamel mentions—not even the most self-important traditionalist grand magician.

Although some of Kamel's ancient spells are indeed unusable in this era, and although many of the ancient technologies Kamel knows are the products of the deep blue well, this ancient magister still has countless skills that can make him As long as one-tenth of the knowledge that contemporary spellcasters are eager for, those long-lost magic formations, rune knowledge, and classical spells, is still usable, it is enough to cause an uproar in the circle of traditional mages.

What's more, Kamel himself, an ancient magister who has survived from the age of Starfire and transformed into an arcane body, is enough for the mages in the capital to experience a shock.

What Gao Wen has to consider now is not whether Cecil Territory is attractive to the mages in the capital, but whether Kamel should be exposed to the traditional mage circle now, and whether those attracted mages will spread the news to what extent.

He didn't intend to let the traditional mage circle notice Cecil as a "land of deviant" prematurely, because the order promoted in this land was contrary to the traditional mage world from the very beginning, although Gawain was not afraid Those guys are already rotten, but now is the critical stage of the development of the Cecil Territory, attracting hostility prematurely will only disrupt many of his plans.

But he will not give up the opportunity to recruit talents from the capital—it just needs to strike a balance between these two things.

He said what he thought, and Kamel immediately understood Gawain's concerns, and the ancient magister let out a deep laugh: "Lord, you are right, if those mediocre people know that Cecil leads A craftsman who can weld things with a searing ray would probably go mad."

"So we have to control the spread of the news, and also control the content of the news," Gao Wen looked at Santis, "You said that the downcast mages in the capital have their own small circle, then you can ensure that the news is only in this small circle Is it flowing? At least for a few months or a year, news only flows in small circles."

Santis tugged at his buttons a little uneasily, but after thinking for a while, he still gave an affirmative answer: "My lord, I can assure you—and I don't even need to intentionally control it, as long as you give it a little guidance, you won't be out of control." Someone will spread the word..."


"Mages will not let resources fall into the hands of others," Santis showed a helpless smile, "especially 'knowledge'.

"Just tell them that I was lucky enough to be favored by the lord in Cecil Territory, and I got a little knowledge about ancient magic, and got some pointers from ancient magisters, so that they realize that these resources and opportunities are quite limited, then The news will naturally be limited to a small circle, and even if you want to spread it, it will take a lot of effort... "

While speaking, the young arcanist couldn't help but sighed softly.

He thought of the children in the school, the eyes thirsting for knowledge, the textbooks that were published in volumes that everyone could use, and the sense of accomplishment when sharing knowledge.

The longer he lived in Cecil, the more he couldn't adapt to the way of life in the capital—even if those lives had become memories for him.

"Well... it's also a problem that it can't be spread at all, but as long as you pay attention to the guidance, it seems that all of this can be operated," Gawain didn't know what Santis was thinking, he was just weighing who should hand over this matter Finished, "Amber, is there any suitable candidate for the first phase of the operator?"

"The witch Jibri, she is a woman who can speak well, and she knows some wild spells. Let's count as a magic apprentice. There is also fast-legged Pierce. He doesn't know magic, but he is very clever. He can pretend to be a guard. But it is definitely not acceptable to let them go to the capital to perform tasks alone—they have never been to the capital, and there is no way to enter the circle of mages in the capital."

"Of course, they are only responsible for fooling around, and the ones who are really responsible for leading the way..." Gawain said while looking at Santis, "Mr. Santis, would you like to go back to the capital?"

If you want to recruit talents smoothly, and you also need to control the flow of news and select recruiting targets in the process, then it is obviously not enough to rely on a few letters. Santis is the best person to go to the capital to preside over this matter in person— Of course, this introverted and lacking confidence Mr. Arcanist is probably not good at doing things independently, so Gawain will arrange one or two helpers for him. Those operators who have received a lot of training in the Military Security Intelligence Bureau very suitable.

After hearing Gawain's words, Santis was stunned for a moment, appearing a little hesitant.

He didn't want to leave the academy, and he didn't like to go back to that dreary and depressing place—but he knew he had to obey the lord's orders.

"You don't need to stay in the capital for too long," Gao Wen said upon seeing this, "you just need to be a guide, and the people I send will set up a longer-term stronghold in the capital, and wait for you to successfully negotiate with the capital." You can come back after establishing contact with the mage circle. You set off in a carriage, escorted by soldiers, and if you hurry along the way, one month is enough to make it back and forth—plus the time you stayed in the capital, you should just be able to make it back when you come back With a new round of immigrants from the Upper Territory, there will be a new batch of freshmen in the academy."

When Gao Wen went to the king, he deliberately slowed down his pace. He basically stopped at every village along the way, and made a lot of detours. As a result, he walked for almost two months, but in fact Ansu is a north-south land. In a narrow country, it is not a long journey from the southern border to the capital.

After learning about these arrangements, Santis was relieved, and he nodded vigorously: "I will not let you down."

Gao Wen nodded slightly: "During the time you leave the academy, your courses will be temporarily taken by someone else. I will let Jenny choose a suitable substitute teacher. You can hand over to her when the time comes. In addition, when you arrive at the capital Afterwards, I can live in the mansion at No. 4 on Crown Street and use it as a base for activities, it is my mansion in the capital, it is very safe, and can avoid the disturbance of other people."

When he heard that he was going to live in the duke's mansion, Santis couldn't help feeling nervous again...

At this time, Amber mentioned a sentence from the side: "Speaking of which, you suddenly sent someone back to the capital, do you need to arrange an explanation? The nobles in the capital are prone to nervousness..."

"What's the point of making an arrangement? Just make it clear that it's for recruiting people, there's no need to explain or cover up," Gao Wen said indifferently, "Anyway, no matter how many excuses I think of, as long as I send someone to the capital, then Helping neurotic guys come up with piles of intentions, it’s better to be upright, I can save a lot of thought, how they like to think about it is their problem. And recruiting talents is not a shameful thing. "

Amber's ears trembled: "It's true..."

"As long as I don't return to the capital, neither the king nor the nobles of the capital have any right to intervene in the affairs of the Cecil family. The title of duke is still very useful in this regard," Gawain said, While pulling out a piece of parchment from the parchment that is specially used for writing noble certificates, he wrote a certificate and stamped his own emblem, "Mr. Santis, take this, you are the one I sent Recruit the mage's envoy to the royal capital—this is your public identity. As for the 'secret' of the Cecil Territory, you need to find a way to organize a secret meeting, and the officers of the Military Intelligence Bureau will guide you on how to do this kind of thing. Don’t be nervous or stressed, as long as you hold this, you represent a duke, and the ones who should be nervous are those ‘little mages’ standing in front of you.”

Santis took the document handed over by Gawain in a little panic, and in the process, tore off his buttons like last time: "Yes... yes, my lord!"

"Remember, you have to come from a clean background and have no 'worry about the future'. We don't need mages who are fighting power, let alone aristocratic mages who are façades. Although those with family ties and school backgrounds can also be recruited, we must Get to know their details—it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to inquire, the officers of the Military Intelligence Bureau will know what to say, and you have to consider their opinions more.”

"I understand," Santis put the documents solemnly close to his body, then hesitated, and said a thought that had been lingering in his mind for a long time, "My lord, in fact, I hope... this time I can send my family Take it too."

"Your family..." Gao Wen recalled a little, "ah, it's your parents, right?"

"Actually... there is also a brother who is apprenticed to others and a younger sister," Santis lowered his head, "I hope to take them all over."

Gao Wen showed a sincerely happy smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem. In fact, you are not the only one who wants to take over your family. More than half of the hundred people who came with you from the capital have already applied to me. I hoped to bring my family to Cecil, and I agreed, but I haven't had time to organize an escort team, this time you just took the opportunity to do it in the past."

Santis and Kamel left satisfied, while Amber looked at Gao Wen's expression and couldn't help saying, "You seem to be in a good mood."

"Is there?"

"The smile is too obvious," Amber raised her eyebrows, "He wants to take his family over, why are you so happy?"

"Wishing to stay here is different from wishing to bring my family here," Gao Wen patiently explained, "The former can be driven by loyalty, honor, responsibility or profit, but the latter There is only one explanation for the readers: Cecil Territory has truly become a beautiful place in their minds, and they have completely taken root here."

"Is that so..." Amber blinked, seeming to understand, "Even if this place is next to the wasteland of Gondor, and was attacked by monsters not long ago, they are still willing to take their family over... that is really desperate enough. "

"It's better to say that not long ago we wiped out all the monsters outside the city walls without anyone being killed, which strengthened the confidence of those craftsmen and scholars from the capital." Gawain nodded, "In this era The people's sense of security comes from whether the lord and the lord's army can protect them, if they can, then the Dark Mountains can also be a livable heaven, if not, then even if they live in the Holy Spirit Plain, they are still at risk."

Seeing Amber start to think seriously, Gao Wen couldn't help laughing: "Okay, don't think about it. Help me take care of it again—I'm going to 'meditate' again."

"Again? Or the same as last time?"

"Free ifi, no nonsense, no nonsense."

"...Hey, you're saying such weird things that no one can understand!"


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.