Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 366: A new movement on the territory


Is there a bigger secret hidden in the fortress of disobedience

No one can make it clear that even Kamel, who worked in the rebellious fortress and was even sealed for thousands of years with the rebellious fortress in the Shadow Realm, doesn't know the whole picture of this huge plan and huge building.

The disobedient fort back then had a very strict authority control and access control system. Each area in the fort had its own person in charge, and was controlled by a fortress council with the highest authority. Although these areas and departments jointly implemented the rebellious plan, they had different Parts, but they are actually in a semi-isolated state from each other. Unless the permission of the Supreme Council is obtained and a series of extremely complicated inspections and "purification" procedures are carried out, the movement of personnel in each area is strictly prohibited. According to Kamel's memory, It is very difficult to obtain this kind of permission, and it is basically only possible under extremely special circumstances. Ninety percent of the people in the fortress have never entered the area outside their area of responsibility...

Gao Wen could only think of one reason for such strict internal control: to prevent being infected by the power of the gods.

Now that a thousand years have passed, according to Kamel's guess, except for the remaining samples of gods in the rebellious fortress and related facilities of the fortress, the entire fortress should have been completely evacuated, and there will be nothing related to the gods left, but in In some areas, less important research materials and "safety samples" should still be sealed. Gao Wen was very curious about what else he could find in that huge ancient facility if he continued to send people to explore further.

Byron nodded, ready to take over the task of continuing to explore the Fortress of Disobedience, but Soldering next to him suddenly interrupted him: "Wait a minute—can you entrust the task of exploring the Fortress of Disobedience to me and the 'Iron Rangers'?"

Gawain looked at Soldering, who explained: "The combat corps is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a new round of expansion and training plans recently, as one of the commanders of the combat corps, Knight Byron is no longer suitable to go there in person. After carrying out this kind of exploration mission, it’s better to give it to the newly established Iron Rangers—this kind of mission performed by the squad in an unknown environment is also in line with the positioning of the Iron Rangers, and I can use it to train my newcomers.”

"Well... indeed," Gawain thought for a while, and then agreed with Soldering, "Then this task is entrusted to you. Byron, please hand over the progress and details of the previous exploration. In addition, Solder Lin, you'd better make more preparations before setting off, this task is not urgent, you can set off within a week, the southern and eastern areas of the rebellious fortress are seriously abandoned, and the situation is complicated and unclear, so don't act rashly."

Facing Gawain's advice, Soldering nodded solemnly—although he is an experienced and powerful high-level ranger, no powerful high-level ranger would be able to face an ancient ruin with a history of a thousand years. Take it lightly.

After finishing the meeting in the Lord's Mansion, Soldering did not return to the station in the military zone, but came to the machinery manufacturing plant in the east of the territory.

Today's machinery manufacturing plant has undergone several expansions and transformations, and is no longer a simple manufacturing plant, but a large-scale facility integrating R&D, testing, and manufacturing. There are two large laboratories and several For workshops with different functions, the blueprint drawn by Gao Wen through knowledge derivation and multiple tests in the "simulation test field" of the Eternal Sleeper Network is the industrial product that has been transformed step by step into deeds in these laboratories and workshops. spread throughout the territory.

Solderling came directly to the "craftsman's hall" of the machinery manufacturing plant—this is the heart area of the entire machinery manufacturing plant. It is not what it is today. Various mechanical processing tables and research tables are scattered and orderly in the large hall, but the most eye-catching one is the circular platform slightly above the ground in the center of the hall. The diameter of this platform is about ten meters, and there is a small pit in the center. Apart from that, there are no other facilities and equipment. You can only see many kinds of metal ingots piled up on various places on the platform, and the water coming from the patio directly above The sun was now hitting the center of the terrace—it was empty.

Solderling did not see Nicholas Egg on the "Machine Round Table", but only saw a lot of busy "Mechanics Bachelors" nearby (some people in Cecil called those magicians who specialize in machines ), he curiously came to a mechanical bachelor in white overalls: "Is Mr. Egg not there?"

The mechanic with a big beard and thick hands and feet was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Mr. Egg... Oh, you mean the director? The director just left."

Soldering frowned: "Where did he go?"

"Over there at the Gear Square," the Bachelor of Mechanics said with a place name that is very characteristic of an industrial area, "he must still be there when you passed by now."

Solderling couldn't imagine that Nicholas, who usually never leaves the machinery manufacturing plant except for working with metals, would always go to the crowded square to do, but he still thanked him: "Gear Square... Okay, thank you .”

Then he left the machinery manufacturing plant and headed straight for the gear square.

The Gear Square is not far away. It is opposite the Machinery Manufacturing Plant and the Iron and Steel Foundry. There is a special tall bush wall between the square and several factory buildings to absorb and isolate noise. After crossing the square, there are several main residential areas where the workers and their families live in the factory area. Every day, the workers living in the residential area will go to work in the factory through the entire gear square and the high bush wall. , the square is also an important place for the residents of the factory area to spend their time.

The high shrub wall used to isolate factories and residential areas was planted and catalyzed by Pittman and his apprentices under the instruction of Gawain.

When Soldering came to the Gear Square, he immediately discovered that there might be some activities going on here.

There is a large open space next to the square, and there are many people gathered there now, and cheers and shouts can be heard from the crowd from time to time, as if some kind of competition is going on in the open space, Soldering easily Passed through the crowd quickly, and then saw the scene of fierce fighting in the open space at a glance: two teams of people were running in the rectangular open space, with cloth strips of two colors tied on their heads to divide them into two teams, and some kind of people with animals The leather sphere was what they were fighting for, and they kicked it around with all their might, trying to get it into the two rough wooden doorframes at the edge of the clearing.

The scene was very chaotic, with almost no order and coordination between the two teams fighting, and the "referee" standing on the edge of the open space seemed to not understand the rules, and spent most of the time shouting along with the surrounding audience. But these people are still playing happily and enthusiastically, and the people around are also excited, and the cheers are endless-many times they are not cheering for the goal, but just for someone on the field. The wonderful fall cheered.

Even though he has lived in human society for seven hundred years, Soldering rarely sees such a scene, especially among civilians—they may gather together, or cheer for some reason, But they would never devote themselves to such a passionate movement, the reason is very simple: How can civilians or even untouchables who can’t get enough to eat waste their precious energy on this kind of movement

What's more, it is still the season of cold spring, and physical strength is extremely precious.

Solderling stared blankly at the movement in the open space, and relevant information slowly emerged in his mind: This... seems to be called football, something invented by an old friend not long ago, and it was quickly popularized after promotion. The welcome of the people in the territory...

In all fairness, Solderin prefers several board games invented by his old friends, but he can still feel some inexplicable attraction from the seemingly brutal and rough sports in front of him. This kind of sport... probably in the west of the mainland Those feisty dwarves will be interested.

At this moment, a bright metal reflection in the crowd interrupted the high-ranking ranger's thoughts. He raised his eyes and finally found his real goal here—the Nicholas egg was floating in the crowd. The funny smile shining in the sun is clearly visible no matter how far away.

After a period of adaptation, the citizens of Cecil Territory seem to have fully adapted to this strange "Master Craftsman". The one who got used to it was the siren lady with a very awkward walking posture—after all, the number of times Tyre went out was too limited.

Solderling quickly passed through the crowd and leaned over, and greeted Nicholas Dan loudly (after all, the cheers around were too loud): "Mr. Egg, Mr. Egg!"

After shouting several times, the Nicholas egg shook as if waking up from a big dream, and then the giant metal ball slowly turned around, and a buzzing sound came out from inside the ball: "Oh my god...it's so exciting..."

"Mr. Egg, what's so exciting?" Soldering asked loudly, "By the way, can we find a quiet place? I have something to do with you..."

"Okay, okay, get out of here..." Nicholas made a buzzing sound, but his body was obviously not floating very stably, "You...you help me by the side, I'm a little weak..."

Solderin looked at Nicholas's chubby and naked body, with a confused face—where can this tm help

But fortunately, Nicholas himself didn't pursue the details. After Soldering put his hands on him with a strange expression, he followed the high-ranking ranger and left the crowd erratically.

After waiting outside the crowd, the iron ball star man's condition improved a bit, and then he sighed again: "Oh my god...it's so exciting..."

Solderin turned to look at the other party: "So what is so exciting?"

"Twenty-two people rush to kick a ball—sometimes the referees go up and kick it, it's too exciting..." Nicholas's tone was full of fear, "Is football so cruel..."

With the knowledge and breadth of thinking accumulated by Soldering's seven hundred years of travel, it took him a long time to guess what Mr. Egg meant. The expression of this high-level ranger was unprecedentedly strange: "You... look at this Doesn’t it feel similar to how we see people killing people in the street?”

"It's more serious than that—it's not more than 20 people who kill each of you in the street..."

The corners of Solderin's eyes twitched: "I understand your feelings... Then you made a special trip to watch the football, are you looking for excitement?"

"No way!" Nicholas's tone was almost crazy, "I just heard that a ball game is popular in the territory. I thought it was prepared for me. I just wanted to come here to sign up—fortunately I didn't sign up. !They're not short on men at all right now, but almost every team is short on balls...”

The corners of Solderin's eyes became more and more trembling. He looked Nicholas up and down, and thought that the other party didn't need to be so nervous. With his size and real weight, he might have to be a giant in ancient legends to move on the field. Bar…

However, considering the great stimulation that the iron-ball player had just received, Soldering was still not ashamed to say what was in his heart, but quickly changed the subject: "Actually, I came to you because I have something to ask."

"Ah...ah, what's the matter, please?" Nicholas Dan realized, "What's the matter?"

"You should already know that I am forming the 'Iron Rangers', and the lord also gave me a task, asking me to design or improve a new type of magic weapon based on the ranger's combat experience," Soldering said Get down to business, with a serious expression, "I'm looking for you because I have a few 'orders' and I want you to help with the design."

"Oh? You can also design magical weapons?" Speaking of his major, Nicholas Dan immediately became refreshed, and the previous mental trauma seemed to heal instantly. "Do you have a concept map or a target requirement table?"

Solderling smiled slightly: "I can't give you the concept map, but there are still some goals."