Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 367: God's mystery


Tyre said a few words casually, but Gao Wen's heart stirred up waves, because he heard a huge amount of information from those few short words!

The Siren is an ancient and mysterious civilization. This deep-sea race living outside his "satellite monitoring area" has been a fairly developed civilization since tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although due to the influence of the magic tide, The technological development of this race seems to have stagnated and bottlenecked, but they have at least continued in this long period of time—and in the process left a large number of observation records of land civilizations.

Compared with the situation of "waiting for a frame in a thousand years" in Gao Wen's later period, Siren's observations are obviously more continuous, more detailed, and more reliable.

Then Tyre's words should also be credible.

In other words... Every time civilization restarts in this world, every time everything is reshaped, mortal races will always establish similar religions, and always believe in similar gods

When the inheritance of civilization has been completely interrupted, and even the world has been reshaped, the beliefs of those gods have continued? !

The gods can ignore the influence of the demon tide, Gao Wen thought of this a long time ago, but how did their beliefs appear in the mortal world again and again? The mortal civilization in "this season" got the knowledge about the gods through the "eternal slate", so will the eternal slate also appear in every season of mortal civilization in the past

According to Gao Wen's guess, the so-called Eternal Slate is most likely some kind of storage medium left behind by the "God Slaughter Fleet" in ancient times. Has this storage medium become a medium for the gods to constantly recover and re-distribute their own information? Or... all of this is simply the means of the "God Slaughter Fleet" in ancient times, did they do it deliberately

He felt that he seemed to smell a conspiracy from it...

Seeing Gawain's ever-changing expressions, Tire couldn't help becoming curious: "What are you thinking? Could it be that you are not happy when I mention those 'gods'? Don't you not believe in God?"

"No, it's not because of this," Gawain quickly waved his hand, "I just thought of something else... By the way, in your Kraken's records, every civilization on land has the same god system, right? Then they are..."

"Wait, you probably misunderstood," Tyr interrupted him directly, and explained earnestly with the tip of his tail, "I mean that you land people believe in 'similar' gods in every season of civilization, not the same gods. Spirits—that's a big difference."

"Big difference?" Gao Wen frowned, "What kind of difference?"

"The objects believed by several generations of sects seem to have something in common, but they don't actually feel like the same god," Tire thought hard, trying to find the most accurate words to describe the history she knew, "Let me give you an example. For example, the civilizations on your land in the ancient times all had a tendency to worship the concepts of 'light, protection, and justice', and in the process, a belief in the Holy Light was produced, but the actual The 'god of light' is different in every generation of civilization. I remember the oldest god of light in the Kraken records was a powerful male giant, but the light of the next generation of civilizations after that The God of Light is a dragon, a giant crystal dragon... Well, in your previous generation or the previous season of civilization, the image of the God of Holy Light seemed to be a woman, and she was still called the Goddess of Light at that time... "

Gawain listened in a daze, and at the end he hurriedly stopped Tire: "Hey, you should be careful! Don't talk about this with others when you come out of here, especially don't say it to the group of believers. The content is too blasphemous, if people listen to it, you will easily be grilled as a grilled fish on a firewood... "

"Don't worry, of course I know," Tyre rolled his eyes, "and the Kraken is not afraid of being roasted by fire. At worst, it will be roasted into water vapor. When there is a wave of cold air, we will come back after it rains..."

Gao Wen felt as if he had heard some great racial talent, but at the moment he was more concerned about the changing image of gods: "According to what you said just now, are the images of gods of other sects also constantly changing?"

"Yeah, your Goddess of Magic in this season was still a male God of Magic in the last season, and last season was called 'Kamandor the Dragon of Ten Thousand Magics', and your God of War in this season was a thorn with four heads in the last season. Horned lion, but last season was actually a big breasted woman," Till said shaking his head, "and not only the image will change, sometimes the gods will merge or disappear-for example, in ancient times, blood The God of War and the God of War are actually the same belief, and it was called the "God of Slaughter" at that time, and the God of Commerce you believe in now should actually be divided into the God of Commerce and the God of Contract in a certain season of civilization... "

Gawain was stupefied by the pile of ancient secrets that came out of Tyre. After scratching the formula in his mind for a long time, he found that it was impossible for him to give the changes and corresponding relationships of this pile of gods. To be clear, at least not in a short period of time, so he directly gave up these details, and instead summed up the most simple and easy-to-understand conclusion:

Season after season, although mortal civilizations each believe in specific gods and idols, on the whole, what mortals believe in is not a definite, unchanging god, but a unified, The "concept product" that will almost inevitably appear in the process!

Mortals are afraid of fire, so they have the belief in fire; mortals yearn for light and justice, so they have the belief in holy light; mortals need trade and fairness, so they have the belief in commerce; the worship of war and blood gives birth to the belief in war and blood Faith, the awe of the night gave birth to shadows and dark beliefs...

Their beliefs all point to a certain concept at the beginning, and the exact image of the gods should be the product after that.

That's why Tyre said that no matter how many generations the civilizations on land have changed, they all worship "similar gods", but the images of the gods of civilizations vary greatly from season to season!

Gao Wen couldn't help but think of the primitive god worship on Earth—in ancient times, people on Earth also experienced similar things. First, they were in awe of a certain phenomenon in the natural world, and then a more definite form of awe was born from this vague and conceptual awe. gods, but unlike the earth, in this world...

The gods and their powers are real.

Those gods whose images are constantly changing... If they really existed from ancient times, and they all have the same human characteristics preached by various religions, will they allow the mortal civilization from season to season to shape their image at will

Obviously, it is impossible. After all, even if a few syllables are wrong when reciting the prayer in the Holy Light Sect, it is possible to be "divinely punished" by the Holy Light to death. Those gods are not so tolerant to mortals.

So there is only one conclusion: in the religious system of civilization every season, the gods really change...at least, their image really changes.

An extremely bold question could not help but pop up in Gao Wen's mind: Did God create man, or did man create God

He continued to think along this bold line of thought, but encountered a new problem: If it is true that "man-made gods", then the suspected God of Storm who died in the deep sea, the God of Nature who died in the Shadow Realm... then How to explain the actual existence of flesh and blood

In addition, there is another problem. The sea monsters began to dig "big squid" in extremely ancient times. During this process, there must have been more than one round of belief in the "God of Storms" on land. During this process, the God of Storms Who is sitting on the "seat" of God

You must know that the power of the God of Storms has always existed. Before the sons of the storm fell into blackness, their priests could pray to the God of Storms in exchange for the "response of the sea", so as to sail in the chaotic endless sea. It is impossible for such a great power to come out of thin air. Could it be that the Storm God, who has been gnawed and dug by the Krakens, still finds time to return news to the believers in his busy schedule? !

If this is the case, then the degree of dedication of the God of Storms can impress Gao Wen.

Gao Wen's face was uncertain, and finally he only said leisurely: "The relationship between gods and mortals... how are they connected..."

Tyre shrugged his shoulders (and the tip of his tail): "This involves my blind spot of knowledge. After all, we sea monsters don't believe in gods at all. The response of the gods. Your 'magic' system is completely incomprehensible in our eyes, just like you cannot understand the elemental technology of the sea monster."

"It's a ghost that you can get the response from the gods." Gao Wen couldn't help but squint at the salted fish spirit, "Look at your recipes—the group of gods responded to you, could it be that they are rushing to serve you as sashimi?"

Till licked his upper lip: "I'm really a little greedy when I talk about this, but I can take a bite of that big white deer..."

Gao Wen didn't even think about it: "No."

"Why..." Miss Siren was obviously shocked, "You don't need the big white deer anyway, you don't cook and don't eat it, what a waste of such a big piece of meat..."

"The situation of the giant deer Amorn is different from that of the 'big squid'." Gawain glanced at the guy who had begun to drool and shook the tip of his tail vigorously, "The giant deer Amorn relied on the pile of ancient weapon remains The resulting force field was sealed, didn't Kamel say? It's in a very delicate balance now, God knows what will happen if you take a bite in the past. Besides, the gate to the Shadow Realm is built on In terms of ancient Gondor technology, those ancient technologies may go wrong at any time now, what if the gate is closed when you go in to take a bite? How do you get out of the Shadow Realm? You rely on your sea caterpillar-like way to get out of it Does it come out?"

Tyr: "..."

Seeing that Miss Siren was speechless, Gawain breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the prosperous Cecil City under the bright winter sun.

"Let's continue to bask in the sun."

Tier curled her lips helplessly, the long snake tail gradually melted and transformed into a snake tail, then she twisted her body and lay down like a salted fish without motivation: "So greedy..."

At the same time, in the city of Saint-Sunil, Santis finally set foot on the land of this ancient royal capital again.

He raised his head and watched the sun shining on the row upon row of roofs in Saint-Sunil City, on the colorful windows of the church, and on the mottled old city walls and towers.

After nearly a year, he finally came back.


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.