Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 368: The Mystery of Amber's Life Experience


A civil war, a real civil war.

Different from the outbreak of armed conflicts among nobles in the region, different from the limited wars conducted by the lords to re-partition the land, and even different from the military action that Gao Wen is preparing to regain control of the southern border, what Ansu is about to usher in will be a real battle. civil war.

The newly divided royal family and border dukes will be the promoters, leaders, and participants of this war.

And behind all this is the Society of the End of All Things, a cult organization full of mysteries hidden in the dark.

Their strength has expanded to such a degree!

Gawain was almost dumbfounded. He looked at Clement in front of him with a hint of astonishment. Even though this high-ranking cultist had been turned into a puppet under the control of Tire's tentacles, he still wanted to pay attention to this man who had just ignited the fuse of the civil war. People looked at it differently: "Why did you start this civil war?"

There was a trace of struggle on Clement's face, as if the remaining will was resisting answering this crucial question, but after a while he still spoke in a low and chaotic voice: "All we want is a war... any kind of war..."

"You want war?" Gawain frowned tightly, "What do you want war for!?"

Clement let out a vague grunt, and Tyr snorted softly, and a slight halo immediately floated on the surface of those tentacles, disintegrating all Clement's will to resist: "War... brings enough... The ingredients…”

Gao Wen followed closely: "Raw material? Raw material for what?"

Clement growled in pain, while Tyre let out a strange "Huh".

"There is a very strong spiritual restriction... It is even more effective than my voice of the deep sea," Miss Siren showed a helpless look, "This restriction just erased part of his memory... I didn't even have time to observe it. How did it work?"

"There is such a thing?" Gawain was taken aback. He didn't expect these cultists to leave such a "safety lock" in the minds of senior members. Asked Clement, hoping to get some remaining clues, but the result was nothing as expected.

He can only confirm the following facts now:

Prince Edmund participated in the patricide, and had a kind of mutual vigilance and subtle "cooperation" with the Death of Everything; the purpose of Prince Edmund was to end the status quo of the "puppet royal family" of the second dynasty and completely control the entire country. On this basis, I am afraid that he still has many follow-up plans; the Church of the End of Everything needs war to provide them with some kind of "raw material". Feng hides the power of the Society of the End of All Things, and that Rosetta? Augustus the Great is most likely also a collaborator of the Society of the End of All Things...

These were all the information he could get from Clement.

After finishing the questioning, Gao Wen glanced at Amber standing beside him, and reminded, "Don't you have questions too? Ask quickly."

Amber glanced at Gawain, then at Clement, then gritted her teeth and took out something from her bosom.

She handed the thing to Clement: "I heard it before, do you know the origin of this ring?"

It took a long time for Clement's cloudy eyes to focus on Amber's hand, and he muttered in a low voice: "The Shadow Signet...an ancient ring..."

"Do you know why this ring is in the hand of King Ansu?" Amber stared into Clement's eyes. On her face, Gawain saw such a serious, earnest, expectant and full of hope for the first time. A complex expression of unease.

Where did this ring come from? It seems to have a lot of meaning to amber

Gao Wen couldn't help being curious about this.

And Clement quickly responded: "The Signet of Shadow... belonged to Francis Moen a long time ago... I don't know where it belonged before it fell into the hands of Francis II... I only know that it was From the... heritage of ancient Gondor... ”

"You said it was the legacy of the ancient Gondor Empire?" Amber stared, "What else? Doesn't anyone know the origin of this ring?"

The question raised by Amber was obviously too complicated, and Clement had to mutter in a low voice for a long time before he could utter meaningful words: "It... is related to the Shadow Realm... and can communicate with creatures in the shadows..."

"... Saying it is the same as not saying it!" Amber couldn't hide the frustration on her face, and even her always energetic ears drooped a little.

Gawain had never seen this carefree half-elf in such a depressed state, he couldn't help but wonder: "Is this ring very important to you?"

"Well," Amber nodded, and then took out another ring from her bosom. The appearance of that ring was exactly the same as that of the "Shadow Signet", but it was obviously damaged, and the precision magic pattern inside the ring had failed. , in Gawain's perception, it was just a metal ring with no magical fluctuations, "This is another one... When I was very young, my adoptive father told me that this ring was picked up by me. The only thing that could be related to identity that I found at the time. It wasn't bad at first, it became like this in the year when I awakened the talent of shadow... "

"Your life experience..." Gao Wen finally understood why Amber showed the expression just now, "According to what you said just now, you got the 'Shadow Signet' from Francis II?"

"That's right," Amber nodded, "It is precisely because he summoned a space door with the Shadow Signet that I was able to run to the border from here... I thought I finally found clues about my parents, but I didn't expect to just take It's just a ring back."

At this time, Tyre, who had been silent by the side, suddenly spoke up: "Let me cut in, this Clement said that the Shadow Ring was always in the hands of the old king, amber, you are probably not the king's illegitimate daughter, right? "

Not to mention Tyr thinking this way, in fact, Gawain came up with this thought with a huge amount of information after he knew the relationship between Amber and the Shadow Signet, but before he had time to speak, Soldering, who was listening not far away, Shaking his head, he said, "Impossible, look at Amber's ears."

Gao Wen looked at Amber with a puzzled face: "Ear?"

"The edge here is upturned," Amber pointed to her long and pointed elf ears. "This is a characteristic of paternal inheritance, which means that my father is an elf. If it is maternal inheritance, the edge of the half-elf's ear will be is flatter and extends further back."

"Is there such a difference..." It was the first time that Gao Wen knew this kind of little knowledge. Even Gawain Cecil was only knowledgeable in the field of human beings, and not everyone was clear about this aspect. "So, Amber, your father must be an elf... Then according to the lifespan of an elf, there is a high possibility that he is still alive."

"I think so too. Although I don't know what race my mother is, I believe my father is still alive." Amber raised her head and said firmly, "Since the Shadow Signet is a treasure of the ancient Gondor Empire, then My dad must be a very powerful elf? And he left me another ring... this must be for the chance to meet each other in the future!"

Gao Wen looked at Amber with a complex expression, and smiled slightly: "Of course, this is the most logical deduction."

"But it's been so many years... I just found a ring... I got it from a dead person... The secret treasure of the king, who should I ask to find out about its origin?"

Gao Wen was silent for a few seconds, then slowly raised his head, and said softly, "If you take down the capital, you will definitely be able to find someone to inquire about it."

"Oh..." Amber murmured, but after half a second, she reacted, and suddenly exclaimed, "What?!"

"The war has begun," Gawain sighed softly, "whether we like it or not, it has already begun."

The grotto in the Shadow Experimental Site became quiet, only broken by Clement's deep and vague grunts and the occasional sound of Tyre's tentacles stirring the pool. After a long time, Soldering looked into Gawain's eyes and said: " There are darker clouds behind this war than the war itself, and you know that the cultists of the Doom Society are expecting this civil war."

"Of course I know," Gawain nodded slightly, "but this war is inevitable. The hidden dangers of the Second Dynasty have been planted as early as the day when the Duke of the North supported an illegitimate son to take power. The peaceful situation of the kingdom for so many years is It has only been maintained by the continuous compromise of the Moen royal family and the checks and balances of several dukes. In other words, as long as the members of the royal family do not intend to compromise and the dukes do not intend to maintain a balance, then this peaceful situation will immediately lose its foundation... this The power that has accumulated for a hundred years is extremely powerful, no matter you or I, there is no way to stop it."

Solderling sighed, and could only admit that what Gao Wen said was the truth.

Gao Wen didn't continue to speak, but silently pondered what Clement said in his heart.

The Doom will look forward to this war, as it will provide valuable "raw material" for one of their "causes".

Gao Wen failed to find out what that "career" was, but through insinuating questions and a period of time of investigation into the end of all things, coupled with his understanding of the truth about the fall of the gods and the changes in the beliefs of druids, he surpassed others. However, he can roughly deduce what the cultists want to do and what the "raw materials" they require may be.

After that, Gawain asked Clement a lot of things, and in the process confirmed that he had the status of a high-ranking bishop in the entire Death of Everything Society. In addition, he also collected and A lot of information about the death of all things.

The interrogation lasted almost the entire night.

Finally, Tyr ended his "control" of Clement.

As the tentacles separated from the cultist's body one by one, his flesh and blood began to disintegrate and decompose uncontrollably, and he fell down like a wax figure that was melting. In the end, only a cloud of stains remained Clothes full of goo, and a few flimsy, porous bones.

The person who killed Francis II and ignited the first fire of the Ansu Civil War died a miserable death.

"It's really disgusting," Tyre looked down at the edge of the pool, and couldn't help sticking out his tongue, "It's like the deep-sea mud monster..."

"Put back your tentacles first." Gawain frowned and looked at the sea monster. "To be honest, your appearance has no less impact on ordinary people than the deep-sea mud monster."

(I want to announce a news on my birthday, probably many people know it... My wife is pregnant! It's been three months! I'm going to have small eyes next year!

However, my wife reacted very badly after she got pregnant, and now she is in poor health. I have to take care of the family here, and my energy may not be able to keep up, and the update will be affected. I am adjusting my work and rest and coding habits here, so I should be able to guarantee that there will be no interruption of updates, but I hope everyone can understand that there are double changes and single changes in the middle... Now I am taking care of the house alone, and I am really busy. coming.

Finally, happy birthday to me =. = I hope my wife will get better soon. )

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