Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 371: What the hell, a poem?


Gao Wen, who was in the Cecil Territory, didn't know what the little pony lady did after she left. Now all his attention was on the Eternal Slate in front of him—or some kind of ancient information storage medium.

Amber looked at the metal plate in Gao Wen's hand curiously with wide eyes, and muttered, "The shape is really different from the last time!"

Then she muttered something else: "But having said that, you exchange such a piece of scrap metal with someone for the Eternal Slate... Is this appropriate?"

"The value depends on the needs of people. For us, it is metal scrap, because we have a lot of the same things in our hands. We even have samples of gods in our hands. But for people outside of us-that is and An extraordinary creation equivalent to the Eternal Slate." Gao Wen said without changing his expression.

Amber curled her lips: "You are better at making nonsense than Pittman."

Gao Wen just smiled and didn't say anything, but he felt that what he said was right - are the gods' flesh and blood precious? Throwing a small piece of that thing to the major churches may make all the sects beat out their brains, but Tyr doesn't think so, those gangs of deep-sea harmony gods can eat dozens of tons of god corpses at a party Nah...

He waved his hand and told Amber to watch from the side: "I want to try to communicate with this eternal slab, and you will watch it by the side."

"Hey, that's ok—by the way, I found that I have to watch over you every now and then," Amber agreed, and then bbed up, "When I think about you crawling out of the grave, I always feel a little jealous. The feeling of vigil…”

There is never less nonsense every time this guy works.

Gao Wen didn't respond to Amber's thoughts beside him. He had already started to release his spiritual power at this moment, and the eternal stone in his hand produced a familiar resonance the next moment.

Accompanied by the illusion that the slate was slightly heated, Gao Wen felt that his spirit was stripped from his body again, and a super-experiential perception descended on him. In that erratic and indescribable state, he suddenly felt that the Some brief information emerged...

He concentrated and listened to the content of the message, but when the message surfaced, he was only stunned:

"...don't indulge in this illusory long night of tranquility... the night will eventually be broken...

"...don't wallow in your warm cradle...the cradle will capsize one day...

"...don't sleep in the sanctuary of the mind... sooner or later the sanctuary of the mind becomes an unbreakable shackle...

"Let's go, before the stars shine, let's go, before the long night is over...

"If you don't start sooner, the day will come..."

After the message, which seems like a little poem, there is a long period of background noise and an unbearable sense of spiritual emptiness.

In this state of spiritual detachment without any perception, Gao Wen's thinking was still running, and he felt a burst of shock: Is this the end

On the second eternal slate, there is only one poem recorded

What does this poem mean? Who left it? Those Zentraedi star fleets that overwhelmed the gods back then? What did they mean by leaving this poem

Could it be that the artistic talent of ultra-high-tech aliens is also reflected in it by the way...

Gawain's thoughts diverged endlessly, but he quickly retracted them half way through. He knew the truth was definitely not that simple—the Eternal Slabs were not ordinary storage media, they also carried the secrets of gods, extraordinary power, god-killing There are a lot of things that can change the course of mankind, such as battle reports. Among so many incredible information, a small poem suddenly appeared... This cannot be a coincidence.

This poem should have its special meaning, which may imply something.

Gao Wen carefully recalled what he "heard" and "saw". From that poem, he could vaguely think of something. Is this poem to keep people from indulging in a fleeting but peaceful illusion? And between the lines, it hints that something will break this short peace, the cradle will overturn, the night will break... If it is associated with the real world, does this refer to the periodic... magic tide

So the short peace is the interval between the demon tide? What about the cradle? Does it refer to the planet where humans are currently living

The author of the poem also mentioned shackles and spiritual protection... What does this mean? Asylum of the soul... Will sleeping in the shelter of the soul have something to do with the eternal sleeper

But the person who left this poem should not know the Eternal Sleeper, because the birth of the Eternal Slate is even older than human history...

Moreover, the poem also mentions "daylight", what does daylight mean? Is it another artistic term for Mochao? So why is it called daytime

Gao Wen's thinking was running fast in this state of spiritual detachment, and when each question turned into a guess, he found that he still had no signs of breaking out of this detached state—could it be that the information recorded in the second eternal stone tablet it's not finished yet

As soon as this idea came up, he suddenly felt other information appeared in his mind, the endless background noise disappeared suddenly, and in the endless darkness, light gradually emerged.

The light formed a picture, and he saw a blue-green planet quietly floating in the boundless starry sky, and at the edge of the picture, there was an arc-shaped atmosphere that made people feel infinite coercion The storm is slowly surging.

After being dull for a few seconds, Gawain realized that what he was seeing was the planet under his feet, and the arc-shaped atmospheric storm on the edge of the screen... was the "sun" orbiting this planet, the gaseous planet. Giant planet!

After realizing this, his first thought was to see exactly what was on the surface of that vibrant blue-green planet—how many continents did it have, how big was the ocean, Loren Continent, Ansu , Typhon, where on this planet is it, and where might the Sea-Monster be...

However, he soon discovered that he could not control the perspective in front of him, and he vaguely realized that what he saw was not a real, real-time planetary image, and the information emerging from the depths of his mind told him that it was just a The secondary simulation screen, what is shown on the screen is what this planet once looked like tens of thousands of years or even millions of years ago...

Then he saw that the angle of view moved uncontrollably, and the blue-green planet in the picture gradually zoomed in, and around the planet, shining spots of light and matching text symbols suddenly appeared.

Those are words that are different from any common language in the world, but their meanings flowed into Gawain's mind as soon as the words appeared. He saw that the light spots floating around the planet had names one after another:

Radiance No. 1 station, Radiance No. 2 station... Zenith satellite group... Sky station... Skybridge reference station... Giant planet monitoring station, first star bridge, second star bridge...

These things surfaced one by one, but then, one by one was dyed red, which may indicate a malfunction or offline status.

There were only a few red spots at first, but it quickly magnified in the entire field of vision. In the end, almost all space stations were turned into a fault or offline state, and only the last few bright spots were still flickering alone in space. with brilliance.

At this point, the information stored in the Eternal Slate really came to an end. After a familiar sense of dizziness hit, Gao Wen's spirit quickly broke away from that "detachment" state. After the scene in front of him stabilized, he saw it as expected. Amber's Big Face Plate…

In fact, every time this half-elf comes out like this, Gawain has long gone from habit to numbness, and now he can completely ignore it. He just waved and pulled Amber with ease, and then pulled Amber to the side, and then started a The man frowned and pondered there.

He saw a lot of things and thought of a lot of things from the last picture that appeared, and the things he saw and thought made him feel uneasy for a long time—

Sure enough, there are things in space, there are massive things!

The super civilization that left this world many years ago and sailed far away without any whereabouts, they left a system of monitoring stations and management facilities in the sky above the planet, but as time went by, these monitoring stations and management facilities The facilities have broken down and lost contact one by one, and the surveillance satellite he was attached to for the first time crossing... should be one of the last remaining devices that are still in operation!

Are these devices still in the sky today? Gao Wen thinks that nine out of ten they are still there.

They may just be communication system shutdowns, but there is a high probability that the orbit control system can last longer than the communication system. Perhaps some space facilities have indeed crashed on the earth in the past long years, but the remaining things must be still there. Yes—after all, the ordinary satellite he was attached to still survived, and the larger space facilities with a longer service life all crashed for no reason.

But none of those things seem to be observable... No matter if you use magic like Eagle Eye, or use a telescope based on pure optical principles, you can't see any man-made objects in space... Maybe the stealth system of those space facilities is even better than the orbiting system. More advanced control system

Gao Wen frowned and pondered here, and he breathed out after realizing that he had no clue. He raised his head and saw Amber was still standing beside him, he was slightly stunned: "Hey, are you still here?"

"Of course I'm here!" Hu Po pinched her waist, "You pulled me away just now and you just forgot?"

"Ah... I didn't pay attention just now," Gao Wen tapped between his brows, shaking out the remaining dizziness from his mind, then stood up and stretched his arms, "How long have I been 'sleeping'?"

"Half an hour, but it looks like you haven't slept for three days now," Amber curled her lips, "What have you seen—I know it, you can perceive a lot from some strange places Weird stuff…”

"What are you talking about?" Gawain glanced at the half-elf, "Put away this eternal slate and put it together with the first one. As for what I saw... you can't understand it even if I explain it to you .”

"Tch, cheapskate," Amber muttered, and then muttered while packing up the Eternal Slate, "Speaking of such a precious thing, you really feel free to let me clean it up—you're not afraid that I'll sell it secretly? "

Gawain was delighted when he heard this: "Okay, if you have the ability, you can find someone who dares to buy it and sell it - I guarantee that if you expose this thing with your front foot, twenty church knights will come and chop you up , I won’t protect you until then.”

Amber immediately shrank her neck, as if the twenty church knights had already come to her door: "Hey—your words are terrible!"