Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 372: great change


Although Gao Wen shocked everyone at the scene when he proposed his population relocation plan and the southern border remodeling plan, but as the discussion deepened, the feasibility and necessity of this plan gradually became clear. The sense of inconceivability subsided, and everyone's attention began to focus on those implementation details.

"... everyone, let's make it clear that population migration is a long-term plan. The same is true for the construction of cities, roads, and government offices. It will take three to five years to complete, so we must make it all go smoothly," said the answer After answering most of the questions from the officials of the Government Affairs Department, Gao Wen looked around at everyone on the scene with a serious expression and said, "The first step, we have to select some pilot sites to carry out population migration initially. They are stationed nearby, the news of the outcome of the war has spread all over the land, and Count Karlov? Hossman has been confirmed dead. Next, the "receiving troops" will enter the Hossman area and open it with negotiations or shells. The gate of Housman Castle, followed by the announcement of the change of lord and the new decree.

"In view of the geographical location and development status of the Hosman area, I plan to move half of the serfs and slaves there to the Cecil area, and move all the scattered population of the Hosman area to the city. Foundations to build new cities."

Gawain didn't continue talking after he said this, but Hetty who was next to him could vaguely guess the thinking behind his ancestor's arrangement.

The territory of Earl Karlov? Hossman, who has been confirmed dead, was chosen as the pilot project. On the one hand, this kind of territory has the least resistance and it is easier to implement the plan. On the other hand, this is actually for those nobles who are still alive. One last chance for us, there are still more than twenty southern nobles and their knight entourages being imprisoned in prisoner-of-war camps. Obviously, their ancestors hoped to squeeze out the last value of these nobles, their remaining appeal, and cling to their knowledge Molecular groups, and their symbolic significance among ordinary people.

These values allow those nobles to survive in the prisoner-of-war camp, but their choice will determine whether they can get out of the prisoner-of-war camp alive, and this "pilot" led by Housman is the countdown to their choice.

Before the countdown ends, the ancestors will not move their land for the time being. This is to maintain the stability of millions of people in the southern border. After all, the land aristocracy system has been implemented here for seven hundred years. Suddenly all the lords on this land are Killing them all overnight would probably put everyone in fear, even if the ultimate goal of doing so was to make them live a better life.

But after the countdown is over, my seemingly peaceful but iron-fisted ancestor may have to turn all the land in the southern border except Cecil's circle of influence into "land without owner".

"Do you have any questions?" Gao Wen asked after seeing that no one was asking any more questions.

"...About the construction of new cities in the process of population migration," Hetty spoke, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face, "I'm afraid we don't have any extra magic grid substrates available for the time being, and the supply of basic magic materials is also a matter of time." The problem is that the budget for this spring has been allocated to the North Shore Development Zone and the New West City, and a considerable amount of magic materials have been used in the construction of the Rebellious Fortress... "

The more Hetty spoke, the more confident she became, and she took a peek at Gao Wen's face: she formulated the budget in this area, but it was also handed over to Gao Wen for review. Obviously, no one thought about it when the budget was made. The problem of establishing a magic industry city in an area other than Cecil.

But after hearing Heidi's words, Gawain's expression didn't care: "Don't worry about this."

Hetty froze for a moment: "Ancestor, do you have other arrangements?"

Gao Wen couldn't help laughing: "In the areas I selected, there are ready-made magic nets that we don't need to build. We can send a few magicians to check the status of the interfaces, and then just connect the equipment directly."

Hetty was probably overworked in the meeting today, so that she didn't realize it all at once, but when Gao Wen reminded her, she suddenly came to her senses: "Ah, you put the magic net..."

"Thanks to friends and neighbors for the promotion, magic nets are everywhere in the southern border," Gao Wen said while shaking his head with emotion, "They only know how to use magic nets to illuminate, power mage towers, and mine machines, but how do they know about universal energy? The value of ... ah, when it comes to mining equipment, we can even temporarily use local mining equipment, although they are all old models sold by Cecil, but they are more than enough for the initial stage of construction."

Gao Wen paused when he said this, and added: "Of course, when those old nobles built the magic net, they only thought about their own manors and castles, and the scope of their magic nets was not too large. It will definitely be expanded in time, but fortunately now we have the magic energy obelisk technology, which can transmit magic power remotely. The limitation of the range of the magic net is not so serious. After you go back, you can place an order with the machinery manufacturing plant and give priority to producing a batch of magic energy. Obelisk out."

Hearing Gawain's arrangement, Hetty was completely relieved, and after thinking of the magic nets in operation across the southern border, she couldn't help showing a weird smile on her face.

Gawain couldn't help smiling when he saw Heidi's smile.

Every government official in the meeting room saw the lord's smile. They thought of the things that the nobles in the southern border, large and small, had spent in the past six months to sell pots and sell iron to build magic nets and purchase mining equipment, and they also smiled.

Knowing, and tacit understanding.

There was a jovial air in the conference room.

However, in the royal capital thousands of miles away, in the splendid and ancient Silver Fort of Saint-Sunil, there is only depression and depression in the air.

Wearing a long white dress rolled through the long corridors of Silver Castle like a snowstorm, Victoria Wilde, the Duchess of the Northland, and several entourages quickly passed through the corridors, this always cold and expressionless The Duchess looked even colder than usual today, but the fine snowflakes constantly flying up between her hasty steps showed that the Duchess was not calm, and this kind of hurried situation did not often appear to her .

She walked into the "Golden Rose Hall" on the top floor of the castle. In this small hall, which was only reserved for the top-level power holders of the kingdom to discuss matters, she saw the elegant and bookish Bai Bai, who was wearing a dark coat. German? Duke of Franklin.

The middle-aged gentleman-like Duke of the Western Territory was standing by the window, looking down at the open space inside the castle's atrium. He turned his head to take a look after hearing Victoria's entry, but quickly turned his head back again.

At the end of his line of sight, on the open space of the inner courtyard of Silver Castle, one could clearly see a trace of being burned, trampled and damaged. The trace was very new, as if it was left a few days ago.

Of course, it was left only a few days ago. It was the trace left when the rebels in the castle were killed.

A few days ago, a riot suddenly broke out in Silver Castle. Some dead men set fire to Francis II's study and Prince Edmund's bedroom. The chaos was quickly suppressed by the extraordinary powerhouses in the castle, but the last The counterattack left those glaring marks in the atrium.

Outside the castle, in various parts of the city of Saint-Sunil, there have been more than a dozen sabotage actions of various sizes in the past few days. Needless to say, although the suspects of each sabotage operation were quickly caught and executed, the sabotage itself disturbed Duke Baldwin, and he faintly realized that a huge cloud was gathering over the kingdom.

Now, here comes Victoria, the Duchess who has come so hastily with worse news.

The rumor that spread to Silver Castle two days ago is probably true.

"It has been confirmed, the news is true," sure enough, the Duchess of the North said quickly, "Francis II died in Longwind Fortress, and Silas... Lauren and Edmund declared that the king was dead. In the hands of the assassins sent by the king's capital, they have encouraged almost all the nobles in the eastern region, and have already raised troops to attack the Holy Spirit Plain In the border area between the Holy Spirit Plain and the eastern region, several small-scale probing battles have taken place."

Later, she added: "Originally, the news should have come earlier, but the eyeliner I set up in the East Region has been pulled out, and the magic communication has also been interfered... Silas... Lauren and Edmund It seems that we have been preparing for this day for a long time."

Baldwin? Franklin closed his eyes, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly.

It was not until two minutes later that the Duke of the Western Territory finally opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "As we expected, the little disturbance in the capital is just a prelude. The sensational conspiracy happened right under our noses."

"The news will spread soon. Edmund Moen is probably not just preparing those inconspicuous acts of sabotage... I suspect that there are people from him among the nobles of the royal capital, who will start their activities after the news reaches the royal capital. Instigate and induce the emotions of the nobles, and make them believe the malicious slander from the east," Victoria Wilde continued, she was incredibly calm at the moment, "We must take action before that."

"We can't find those people before they start to act, and after the news starts to spread, we will make the situation worse if we do something to those people." Baldwin Franklin frowned, "the only one The best way is for us to send a message before that... "

The Duchess of the North and the Duke of the West fell silent for a moment. After half a minute of silence, Victoria Wilde sighed rarely.

"Announce it," she said, "announce it... Prince Edmund Moen killed his father and king, Silas Lauren rebelled... In the name of maintaining the order of the kingdom and avenging the king, we want to fight against the East... The border is at war."

Baldwin Franklin nodded silently, and after a few seconds, he let out a long sigh: "Our king said he would bring peace back, but he didn't come back, and peace didn't come back either."

This is the last day of the second week of the Fire Moon, Ansu 736.

On this day, Anzu's second civil war officially broke out.

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