Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 374: I caught you


The scene in front of him gradually stabilized, and the magnificent palaces and spiers of the Dream City once again appeared in front of Gao Wen.

Seeing the "incarnation" of the Eternal Sleeper coming and going in front of him, as well as this peacefully running city, Gao Wen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that the camouflage he set up in the network is working well, and the backdoors he planted to sneak into the network have not been discovered by the eternal sleepers.

But think about it, before such things as computer viruses appeared, who knew what antivirus software was

He has dived into this world not once or twice, but this time is the third time. His direction of action in this spiritual network is already very clear.

Steal technology, install backdoors, monitor the actions of the Eternal Sleepers, and if there is a chance, exert some influence on the Eternal Sleepers through this spiritual network so that this special cult group can continue to develop in the direction he expects.

Gawain bypassed the crowd and arrived at the area where the node crystal was located. After connecting to the main channel, he first confirmed that everything in the "experimental field" he left was as usual, then quietly exited the secret connection, and began to use the node crystal to assist him. Search for technical literature that may exist.

Although the previous attempts failed to find effective information, Gawain did not find nothing in the connection again and again. Through analyzing and learning the knowledge of the eternal sleepers that were devoured, as well as the experience of stealing resources in the mind network, he Having vaguely figured out the principle and structure of this network, he found that he could use the loopholes in this network to do more things than he imagined at first.

This network is directly connected to the spiritual world of each eternal sleeper. In other words, it can theoretically directly connect the thinking and memory space of each eternal sleeper. Of course, the eternal sleeper himself knows the risks involved, so they When connecting to the network, they will protect and isolate their own conscious world to prevent someone from invading their thinking through the connection. However, in Gao Wen's view, their protection is obviously not enough.

Maybe it's because the Eternal Sleepers didn't expect that someone in the "own" network would harm fellow church members like this, or maybe Gawain's own soul mutation was too serious, and he had such a strong control over his subconscious world that in From his point of view, all deceitful and concealed shielding measures in this psychic network seem to be non-existent...

The glimmering node crystal floated quietly in front of Gao Wen. He stared at the surface of the crystal, and his spiritual power gradually diffused. He could feel the massive truth hidden under the deceptive appearance of this crystal. Data is exchanged, distributed, and reconstructed here, and the thoughts of countless eternal sleepers are fluctuating at the bottom of the sea of data. Some of them are strong, some are weak, and those powerful thoughts are closely connected with the structure of the entire network. As long as there is a slight touch, there is a risk of triggering an alarm on the entire network, but those weak thoughts...

Like the algae and zooplankton floating between the waves, they lack both protection and vigilance.

That is the lower class of the Eternal Sleepers, the most basic group of cultists. Their greatest value in this network is to contribute computing power and act as a "buffer" to bear data pressure when the network fluctuates violently: for this immature As far as the network is concerned, fluctuations are very common. The Eternal Sleepers have chosen the simplest and crudest method to ensure the overall stability of the network.

Gao Wen carefully let his spirit continue to permeate. Through the jump of node crystals, he figured out the thread of those thoughts little by little, and roughly judged the strength of the master behind them. He also began to try to read those thoughts The superficial memory is one of the most basic abilities of the Eternal Sleeper. Although Gao Wen obtained this part of knowledge through devouring, it is the first time that he has actually applied it.

He has to be very careful. Once his sneaking into the network is revealed, God knows how violent the cultists who have already been nervous about the "outer rogue" will react. They might unplug the server all the time when they get nervous...

A blurry vision appeared in Gawain's mind. He saw countless light spots flickering and circulating in the hazy outline of the dream city. Most of the light spots were on the outer layer of the city, and few Some of them are on the inner floor, and several exceptionally bright light spots are gathered in the large palace area in the center of the city.

He carefully avoided the spots of light that were too powerful or too close to the center, and started to touch the targets that seemed suitable for attack.

He saw some flashing shallow memories, some of which were gatherings of strange people, and some of the dark and desolate daily life in the old castle. In these flashing shallow memories, he suddenly saw a very special scene.

An old mage living in isolation, a paranoid man who has gone astray, a person who was seduced by the eternal sleeper and became a slave to dreams...

He slowly leaned over...

Typhon Empire, among the mountains in the southwestern border, the ancient mage's tower stands quietly on the top of a rocky mountain. At dusk, the dim light of the sky shrouds the black roof of the ancient minaret, and follows the mottled outer wall of the minaret. Spreading all the way, a hazy golden border was outlined on the tower. However, this light could not dispel the lingering gloomy atmosphere of the mage tower, but could only make the tower feel strange and inexplicable as if it was torn from the sky.

The mountain people living in the village at the foot of the mountain are always afraid of the wizard tower on the top of the mountain. They know that there is a terrible magician living in that black tower. The figure of the terrible mage will be reflected, and the ignorant mountain people always regard the strange wind, lightning, and clouds in the mountain as signs of the mage's anger, and warn the children in the village not to approach the top of the mountain, in case Bewitched by the magician, the stone statues in the wizard's tower or the talking owl mountain people raised by the magician's imagination of magic are roughly the same.

In fact, their fears were not completely unreasonable, because there was indeed a terrifying old mage whose mind was not normal living in the black tower. Exiled so far, he lives in isolation, has a weird temper, and never communicates with the people in the village. He has a few equally gloomy apprentices, and he will only send his apprentices down the mountain to buy food or do other transactions. On his body, the villagers could often smell blood, and the disturbing and frightening rumors of the Black Tower grew more and more.

The black-haired and thin Mary carried the purchased food and left the village under the terrified gaze of the mountain folk. The absurd comments full of uneasiness and speculation seemed to be still circling in her ears. She wrapped her black mage robe tightly around her body. , using a hood to block the cold night wind in the mountains, walking alone on the mountain road.

There is only one road from the village at the foot of the mountain to the mage tower, but there are countless urges to escape from this road. Mary looked up at the gate of the mage tower that had appeared in sight, and couldn't help but look back at the road she came from.

She touched the metal buckle around her neck, looked back with difficulty, and walked slowly towards the mage tower step by step.

The door of the mage tower opened automatically, and the dark door made her subconsciously take half a step back, but the next second, a thin arm stretched out from the darkness and pulled her into the door.

A hoarse and old voice came from the side: "Don't dawdle, the master will be unhappy."

Mary nodded, and quickly handed over the basket in her hand to the servant who was as gloomy and old as the entire Mage Tower, and then walked towards the second floor of the Mage Tower with heavy steps.

The old mage wrapped in a black robe was sitting in the magic laboratory. Weird and inexplicable blood-colored runes were drawn on the walls and ground around him. The light and shade flickered between the runes, and the old mage himself entered the experiment when Mary entered the lab. Slowly raised his head when he was in the room.

His head with thinning white hair was shriveled as if it had been air-dried, and his wrinkled skin was full of marks left by the passage of time. He seemed to die at any moment, but Mary knew that this old mage was far from dead. It was even suspected that this old and terrible man would live forever, even longer than she did.

"You're back... go to work." The old mage glanced at Mary with cloudy eyes. His voice was deep and slow, as if talking in sleep, with a strange sense of stagnation. Mary knew that this was because the tutor was in a certain situation. She is not sure what this "connection" means, because the mentor never let her get in touch with this kind of knowledge. She only knows that this is a kind of "spell" that is completely different from traditional magic. When her mentor Daniel fell into the craziest stage of his life, he suddenly got this "spell", and then began to study it crazily, indulged in it, and even angered the magicians of the imperial capital for this, so he had to come to this desolate place. Backward frontier lands...

Whenever he is in the "connected" state, the old mage's reaction will be so slow, but the slowness is just an illusion, his thinking is still quick, and his reaction can still be quite fast. If he does not want to be punished, the smartest choice is to obey his orders immediately .

Mary expressed her obedience, and quickly walked to the corner of the laboratory. A dissected sample had been placed on the laboratory table, and was maintained in the best research state by magic. Common monkey.

She began to process the sample according to the instructor's previous instructions. Even though the book was still twitching slightly, she still mechanically began to peel off the flesh and blood, connect the nerve cord, and soak in the magic oil...

And in the middle of these mechanical actions, she suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the direction of the mentor.

She looked up in astonishment, and saw that her mentor's eyes had widened, and great fear was quickly covering his old and withered face. This old man who had always only brought fear to others seemed to be able to bring him back to life The indescribable thing that was frightened to death opened its mouth wide and made a weird breathing sound. After being frozen for two seconds, the old mage suddenly straightened his arms, as if trying to block something in front of him, but But he said something inexplicable:

"Stand still, I've got you."

That was not the usual tone of voice for a tutor.