Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 375: Soldier's order


Soldering is not an expert in magic technology, and he doesn't really understand how the machines and mass-produced magic circles created by Gawain work, but he is at least an experienced fighter and well-informed A good adventurer—he can see the huge advantages and broad prospects of those unprecedented and incredible magical weapons, and he can roughly imagine what kind of environment these weapons can be used in, that's enough.

Of course, Soldering himself knew that the judgment he made based on his past experience was still not enough. Those new weapons were too powerful and the concept was too advanced. The idea of "strength" is a crazy but real tendency in Cecil Territory, so the high-level ranger Mr. himself is not sure how far those armed forces will eventually develop, but one thing he can be sure of - he knows that he wants to What.

"The Iron Rangers that the lord ordered me to train are a brand new type of troops, and he also gave me the task of designing new weapons and verifying new tactics. You know, this is a very challenging task," Soldering said. He said with a smile—because the Mr. Nicholas Egg in front of him is always smiling (funny), which makes everyone who talks to him can't help laughing, "So I have some more... advanced ideas. We can find A quiet place to talk about those designs in detail."

"Of course, we can go to the machinery factory," Nicholas said buzzingly, getting up and floating, "Well... there are too many people in the craftsman hall, let's go to my office."

The office of Nicholas Egg is located next to the Artisan Hall, which is not only his office, but also his usual place of residence. This is a room that few people come to visit except Rebecca and Gawain—outsiders probably have a hard time imagining how a ball with a diameter of 1.3 meters lives and rests. Soldering is also curious about this, And after entering this cylindrical room, he saw a lot of strange-looking... things.

He saw that there were many high and low metal columns lined up in the room, and some mirror-like metal plates were inlaid on the walls. There were no beds, tables and chairs that humans needed in the room, but there was one that could make Nicholas The circular platform where the egg rests and rests is located in the center of the room. Beside the circular platform, Soldering also saw a three-tiered shelf filled with various metal crafts, but the appearance of those crafts It looks really... Strange, some of them look like sails with complex structures, some are like nested rings, and some are simply twisted and tangled metal clumps. Soldering believes that even if it is no longer Excellent art connoisseurs can't see the significance of these things here.

"You made this all?" He looked curiously at the big metal ball floating in front of him, "These... decorations?"

"I made it with leftover materials in my spare time," Nicholas said humbly, "My memory is incomplete, but occasionally some hazy impressions emerge, and Gao Wen suggested that I make those hazy impressions that emerge into models and preserve them. , which might help me remember something. Of course, this method has not worked so far, but it is still fun to make these gadgets. I guess these things must be things I used to touch frequently in the past, so they are in the ring So impressed in the polarizer—oh, the circular polarizer is my memory organ. Leaving that aside, tell me what you think."

Soldering's attention was suddenly diverted from the "artifacts" in the room, he coughed lightly and said: "First of all, it is about the protective gear currently used by Cecil combat soldiers—as far as I know, they The magic armor has a 'lining' with various runes drawn on it, right?"

"That's right. The original version of the magic armor directly engraved runes on the metal armor, but this would easily cause the runes to malfunction when the armor was shocked and vibrated, and it was not conducive to upgrades and replacements, so we added Tactical liner, made of tough leather," said Nicholas Egg, randomly pulling out an iron ingot from a nearby pile of metal ingots, and the metal floated between him and Soldering, and seemed to be It changed shape quickly in mid-air like a liquid, and within a few breaths, it became the current standard armor of Cecil combat soldiers, and the various parts of the armor were scattered and displayed in front of Solderin, "This Part of — that's where the tactical liner is."

"The tactical liner is a lot like cotton or leather armor worn inside a steel armor, but its main function is to carry runes, so the coverage and protection are lower than leather armor—this is also to reduce costs," said Nicholas Dan Continued, "At present, the runes we integrate on the tactical lining are mainly weight reduction techniques, which are used to reduce the overall burden on soldiers from the armor; weak element protection, which is used to enhance soldiers' resistance to low-level magic; Shield, which can resist a certain degree of external attack, and can be used to resist poisonous environments. In addition, we have also set up protective runes to resist high and low temperatures. Although they are all weak, they are enough for soldiers to survive in many extreme environments. survive longer."

Looking at this set of armor that can almost turn ordinary people into low-level superhumans, Soldering couldn't help asking curiously, "Are these things powered by combat backpacks?"

"That's right, there is a high-power magic capacitor in the combat backpack. In addition to charging the weapon crystal, the surplus energy is supplied to this armor." Nicholas floated his body up and down, "The largest in this armor The most energy-consuming unit is weight reduction, but that is also the most important part—without it, the physical exertion of soldiers would increase exponentially."

Soldering thought about it carefully, and said: "If we give up this layer of steel armor, or only keep the light armor, and reduce the amount of combat crystals carried, can we also reduce the combat backpack?"

"... Theoretically, that's true," Nicholas thought for a while, "but the protection will be greatly reduced..."

"It can be replaced by adding stone skin runes to the inner lining—although its effect is weaker than the current steel armor forged by Cecil, it can also provide soldiers with protection against ordinary light swords, and the stone skin runes As a basic rune group, it consumes much less energy than a formal spell like Weight Loss," Soldering said of his own thoughts, "According to my conception, the Iron Ranger is not a Even if the enemy is confronted head-on, even if we have to attack, we will leave immediately after one blow—so it is better to save the weight of armor and combat backpacks and use them elsewhere.”

"Understood, I will consider the plan," Nicholas said while using another piece of metal ingot to "knead" the model of the items that Solderin needs, "other than that?"

"There is also weapons. In addition to being equipped with magic terminals equipped with heat ray guns and force field shields, I hope that the Iron Rangers can also have some more powerful offensive weapons..." Soldering said, thinking On the one hand, he couldn't help but think of the dangerous encounter on the border of Typhon last winter, thinking of the mysterious cultist who died of all things, and the battle between himself and the other party.

"In actual combat, I found one thing, that is, traditional magic skills have limits. There are too many factors that can affect the effect of a spell, such as personal talent, the environment of the battlefield, and the physical condition of the caster. The magic weapon is different... as long as you still have the strength to pull the trigger, it will definitely exert a reliable power... and it is impossible to defend against," Soldering said with a serious look on his face, "This is the crystal grenade telling me of… "

Nicholas was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but ask, "So what do you want to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is...those things that just pull a ring and press a button and they explode, they're amazing!" Soldering had a big smile on his face, "They'll be loyal no matter what. To achieve your goal, I hope that every soldier of the Iron Rangers can use these loyal weapons... Let me just say it clearly, the magic crystal rail gun, how small can it be made?"

Nicholas was stunned for a few seconds before he realized: "What?!"

"I have seen the original version of the 'Justice-i' magic crystal railgun, and I have also seen the lightweight 'Persuader-i' accelerator gun," Solderin said, "The volume of the 'Persuader' is almost One-fifth of the size of 'Justice', it can be pulled by a carriage, but it is said that it can still smash down the city wall—according to Miss Rebecca, the acceleration trajectory can actually be further reduced, if it is powered by energy storage crystals , the heavy overload device and energy-focusing base can also be omitted. She once told me a plan to reduce the extreme lightening of the accelerated rail gun. I think this plan is feasible... "

Nicholas listened to Solderling in a daze, and it took a long time before he said something: "...you just said that you want to reduce the weight of the armor, I thought you were going to let the Iron Rangers take the light weight route... but now you Say you want them to carry a small magic crystal rail gun?! Do you know that even if the weight is reduced, it is still a big thing?"

"I have to emphasize two points. First, the Iron Rangers don't have to carry all the weapons on their bodies every mission. I hope to design an 'arsenal' for them that contains a variety of weapons. This arsenal is shared by the entire Ranger team. Use, according to the mission requirements, each soldier will carry different equipment, the miniaturized magic crystal rail gun is only one of their spare weapons; secondly, light armor and heavy weapons are not contradictory, in the Silver Empire, the Elf Ranger Guard There is a heavy spear-thrower who uses heavy disposable spears. They are lightly armored soldiers. In order to carry the spears and throw them conveniently, they even only have a leather chest protector on their upper body—but they are the most powerful in the forest. Dangerous hunter. I wish the Iron Rangers could do the same."

"... Okay, anyway, you know how to do this, I'll go back and find people from the Institute of Magical Technology to study together," Nicholas Dan was persuaded, and said while recording Soldering's request, "Then in addition to the light individual track Cannon, what else do you need?"

"A tactical eyepiece with a distortion detection effect - I know this has been made, but it has not been installed yet. I hope to try it out first."


"A small cutting tool that is easy to carry and wield flexibly. I have a blueprint for this, which is an elf dagger—but I hope you can transform it into something like a fusion sword. The fusion sword should be miniaturized, right?"

"It's a bit difficult, but it can be a challenge. Maybe it will be at the expense of reducing the continuous use time."

"Acceptable. I'd also like to increase the amount of grenades carried by soldiers, ideally by adding extra grenade slots to their armor—but without compromising mobility."

"... I knew it... By the way, do all of you elves have this fighting style?"

"That's not true." Soldering curled his lips in disdain. "How can they have my insight?"

Boss Egg: "..."