Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 377: King's blood


Gao Wen is not a passionate young man, and he will not look at the upcoming war with naive and simple ideas—so even though he is aware of the actions of the end of all things, he has no idea of calling for peace with enthusiasm .

After figuring out the cause and effect of the incident, Gao Wen realized that although this civil war was expected by the Society of the End of Everything, it was by no means driven by a cult group like the Society of the End of Everything—it was a historical trend. An inevitable product, just as inevitable as the war between Anzu and Typhon.

Francis II fell, and the one who killed him was the high-ranking bishop of the End of All Things Society, and his son was the planner, but the old king didn't just die at the hands of these two people, his death was The result of the game and advancement of several forces.

Edmund needed his death, not only because he needed a reason to start a civil war, but also because the prince wanted to eradicate the biggest "compromise" in the royal family, and use the death of the king to arouse the righteous indignation of the nobles in the country to the greatest extent. Gain the authority to raise troops within the time limit;

The Duke of the Eastern Realm needs him to die, because the Duke's allegiance has never been to the king, but Prince Edmund, or a "Moen royal family" that can return to the era of the first dynasty;

Emperor Typhon also needed him to die, because Typhon needed Anzu to break out a civil war. Gawain was almost certain that Typhon would quietly watch Ansu's civil war after that until the ancient kingdom fell apart completely;

The Wilde family in the north, the Victoria? Duchess Wilde, does she also need the king to die? Francis II is the most difficult king to control since the establishment of the second dynasty. Although this king seems to tolerate and compromise, his tolerance is extremely tenacious and cunning. It took him nearly forty years to break away from Wilder little by little. Does the Wilder family want to change to a more obedient king for a long time? Like Welsh Moen...

Many knives were in Francis II, and all things perish, but pushed those knives of the king a little.

Therefore, Anzu's second civil war is the same as the Anzu-Typhon War, which is a historical necessity, but the difference is that the latter has been postponed, while the former became a foregone conclusion at the moment Francis II fell.

The blood shed by the king will be paid for by the blood of the entire kingdom. Anyone who appeals, summons, runs, and reveals the truth is powerless. Even if it is the "old ancestor" Gawain who speaks, it is impossible for anyone to speak at this time. Listen, in fact, even if some people listen, they will deliberately pretend not to hear.

In the shadow experiment field, the personnel who stayed here are still doing some finishing work.

Tyr put away his sea monster form, and summoned a big water ball to start cleaning up the disgusting wreckage left by Clement's death, while Solderin took his own Iron Rangers The team members began to set up lights in various parts of the shadow experiment field—these fighters experienced the mental impact brought by the form of Tyr Sea Demon, and almost everyone passed the san check more than three times. At this time, all sans are full of energy The fighting spirit is high, and even the work efficiency has more than doubled...

Gawain and Amber came to the center of the shadow experiment field together. Looking at the circular pit on the platform, Gawain thought thoughtfully: "In other words, there is an unstable rift in the corresponding position of the shadow world. When someone activates the Shadow Signet in the real world, that unstable rift will open a space channel in the real world and summon the shadow dwellers?"

"That's my judgment," Amber nodded, "but the space rift is obviously very unstable. It's okay for the shadow residents to pass through. When people from the present world pass through, the passage will quickly collapse."

"...The Shadow Signet Ring is a relic of the ancient Gondor Empire, and this Shadow Experimental Site is also a creation of the ancient Gondor Empire. There must be a connection between them..." Gawain looked around the huge cave with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Even in the Gondor period, human beings did not study the Shadow Realm very deeply. At most, they could open a small 'different space warehouse' in the Shadow Realm and store some important items in it. But for the Shadow Realm Scholars have never made a clear conclusion about the nature and the reasons for its formation.”

"This should be the place where they studied the nature of the Shadowland back then," Amber shook her head and said, "This pit is a fixed portal built back then, and the Shadow Signet was the tool used by the researchers to 'open the door'? "

"Maybe... But what I'm more curious about is why these researches are carried out in the 'Fortress of Disobedience'," Gao Wen expressed his doubts, "The purpose of this fortress is to find a way out for human beings in the tide of evil. Could it be that... Gondor scholars back then thought that one of the ways out was the Shadow Realm?"

Amber blinked her eyes and thought for a while, then shook her head: "I don't know - although I can enter the Shadow Realm, I don't know if the Shadow Realm will be affected by the demon tide."

"Can you communicate with the shadow dwellers?" Gawain asked, looking into Amber's eyes curiously.

Amber spread her hands: "If you think that two people talking in sleep can be called 'communication', then I can communicate with them."

"I understand..." Gawain shook his head dumbfoundingly, "But then again, what kind of existence are the shadow dwellers? Do they have their own society? Are they 'elemental creatures' of the shadow system?"

Many shadow researchers know about the existence of the shadow dwellers. Even Gawain Cecil, who is not a magician, knows some secrets about the shadow dwellers because of his extensive knowledge, but as Gawain knows As stated, what everyone knows is just "secrets". The special creatures of the shadow dwellers, which have human forms but are obviously different from humans, are a mystery to all scholars. Strangeness, no one has ever successfully established communication with the shadow dwellers, and because the shadow dwellers cannot exist stably for a long time in the present world, no one has ever successfully "captured" them.

Hearing Gao Wen's question, Amber put her hands under her chin and thought for a while, then shook her head: "I don't know, but I suspect they are at least civilized—they are all wearing clothes!"

Hearing this answer, Gao Wen couldn't help but glanced at Amber: "You are well-founded, but what you say is the same as if you didn't say it - aren't you known as the master of shadows? I thought you knew more about the world of shadows than me. How much."

Hu Po put her hips on her hips and spoke convincingly: "That's why it's called 'title'!"

Gao Wen: "..."

Is this Shame of the Elf really shameless when admitting such a thing

Seeing Amber's face full of pride instead of shame, Gawain could only curl his lips, and then looked up and down at the half-elf in front of him: "Again... have you ever thought that you and this shadow experiment field will meet?" Wouldn't it matter?"

When it came to the topic of her life experience, Amber put away her playful smile, and she quietly glanced at the circular pit: "I don't know... Although I saw the space crack and Francis II used I've thought about it since the Shadow Signet opened the dimensional rift... but I had no idea. After all, I was left with a ring by my parents, whom I've never even met face-to-face , who knows what the ring means, is it really related to my life experience? Or is it just so that the person who finds me can give me a meal for the sake of the ring? Even... Maybe my parents are just It's just two thieves. They stole the ring, picked it up, and put it on me casually. After all, the ring doesn't look very valuable when it's not activated... "

"Your adoptive father, and Pittman, don't they know anything about your life experience?"

"Where do they go?" Amber laughed, seemingly very relaxed, "My adoptive father is a thief. He claims to be the strongest stalker in the south, but he has never done anything except petty theft in his life. Pittman Uncle... Needless to say, you all know that although you have some skills, your mind is full of deception... "

"Pittman..." Thinking of the druid in the territory who was dawdling all day, but in fact not only cracked the secret of the divine power inverter array, but also led the establishment of the entire alchemy industry project, and seemed to have a lot of mystic knowledge, Gao Wen shook Shaking his head, "He is not simple."

"Lord, the lighting points are set up—there can only be so many set up first, and the magic mesh units we carry are not enough."

Soldering's report interrupted the conversation between Gawain and Amber: Although the high-ranking ranger and Gawain would call him old friends in private, when talking about business, Solderin still insisted on addressing Gawain. For the "lord".

Gawain looked around the huge cave, and saw that lighting was set up on the road from the cave entrance to the central platform, and there were also temporary magic spar lamps in some relatively dry areas. He nodded slightly: " Let's evacuate first, and then organize another exploration team to inspect the entire cave. All return."

The next day, Cecil Territory's pre-war mobilization meeting was held as scheduled.

Looking at the heads of various departments standing in front of him, Gao Wen didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "Everyone, Ansu will face a war—King Francis II was killed last night."

He also hesitated to tell this amazing information so early, but before the meeting, he made up his mind.

This is a meeting that only the heads of various departments of the Government Affairs Department can participate in. Each of the participants determines the operation of a part of the main functions of Cecil society. They are all qualified to know this information. Secondly, the reason why Gao Wen let Hetty called this meeting in advance because he saw the fire in Changfeng Fortress the night before and heard the information brought by Amber. He called these people on the premise that he knew the king was assassinated. In the end, Gao Wen also felt that it was time for everyone to clarify the future direction.

Although almost all the high-level officials in the government affairs hall knew that Cecil, a huge social machine, would not be placed at the foot of the Dark Mountains, this layer of window paper still had to be pierced.

Sure enough, Gao Wen's words directly caused an uproar in the conference hall.

Even the two knights, Byron and Philip, who had known about the situation last night, showed serious expressions.

Because until now, they dare not believe that this matter is true.

"I know what you want to ask," Gao Wen raised a hand, and the scene immediately fell silent, he continued, "It wasn't the Typhon people who did it—it was the cultists of the Death of All Things Society, and they colluded with the cultists." Prince Edmund. And I have every reason to believe that the Duke of the East is also among them!"