Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 378: The battle is over


Flames blazed and smoke billowed.

The fire did burn well.

Ropeni Glenn stood quietly in front of the northern gate of the Rock Fortress. A breeze shield surrounded her to isolate the choking smoke in the air. Dozens of Iron Ranger fighters stood behind her, Everyone wore full-coverage magic helmets, and the goggles on the helmets of these warriors glowed slightly red, which indicated that they were guarding against all magical anomalies around them.

The fire spread from the arsenal in the northern city, burning down some sentry towers and barracks, and isolating the entire inner city into several parts. Originally, such a fire could be controlled by the troops of the Rock Fortress. With the collapse of the shield, the order in the fortress has disappeared. Even if someone wants to stand up and turn the tide, it is impossible to achieve any effect in the face of the raging fire.

This fortress is finished.

Luo Penny Grant lowered her head and looked at the two corpses that were particularly warm. After a long silence, she raised her hand and rubbed her fingers gently.

She had imagined countless times what she would do when she gained the power of revenge, imagined that she would use all kinds of methods to torture those sinners, prolong their pain, and imagine how she would enjoy the joy of revenge, but Now she finally knows that when she really has this opportunity, she will not have the patience to do it at all.

She didn't even have the patience to let those people take an extra breath of air.

The last two people on the list had been removed, Ropeni Grant exhaled softly, suddenly feeling a little empty.

Handling certain people with her own hands is part of the deal between her and Gawain Cecil. She can dedicate everything in the Rock Fortress to the founding prince. The life and death of the people in this city are determined by Cecil. But only a few of them—including Viscount Carroll, the first to die—not only had to die, but she had to deal with it herself.

"Ma'am, the emptiness after revenge is a normal phenomenon," Solderin's voice suddenly interrupted Luo Peini's absent-minded state. The calm tone was talking to himself, "Don't be confused by this emptiness, you are finally freed from hatred—after this, there are still many things waiting for you to do."

"Thank you," Luo Penny calmed down and thanked Solderling, "Mr. Ranger, as an elf...you must be more experienced and mature than me."

"The mind of an elf is slightly different from that of a human. I can't say who is more mature, but I have seen more things than you. Also, there is no need to use honorifics for me."

"Okay—I know that you were once a comrade in arms of Duke Gawain Cecil," said Luo Peini, she seemed to need something else to divert her attention, "In your opinion, what kind of person is Duke Gawain? ?”

"I am still his comrade in arms," Soldering smiled slightly, then shook his head, "As for what kind of person Gawain is... This is a difficult question to answer. His personality after resurrection is the same as that of the seven hundred It was a little different before, but it still gives me the feeling that I can't see through it. He was always thinking about things beyond our eyes. Seven hundred years ago, he was thinking about the shelter outside the wasteland on the wasteland. A hundred years later, he simply started to think about another era, so if you want to follow him, there is only one suggestion I can give you: try to keep up with his pace, even if you don’t understand, it’s better than thinking and talking. Left behind in confusion."

People who were left behind seven hundred years ago would be swallowed up by the wasteland, and those who left behind seven hundred years later would end up no better. Soldering had a perfect intuition about this.

Ropeni Glenn was lost in thought for a moment, while Solderin suddenly raised his head and looked at the streets of the inner city that were being shrouded in smoke and dust, with his hand already on the bowstring of his short bow.

The surrounding Iron Ranger soldiers also raised their arms one after another, and opened the safety of the heat ray gun and shield. The heavy fireman has already carried the individual rail bomb launcher on his shoulders, pointing to the end of the street.

A group of knights and soldiers who looked rather embarrassed amidst the smoke and fire appeared there.

Luo Peini raised her head and saw that the commander leading the team was the most trusted guard knight of Sir Maryland.

The guard knight also saw the Countess Ropeni on the opposite side, and at the same time saw the neat and silent black-armored warriors wearing strange armor behind the Countess—these well-equipped people who were full of magic power obviously couldn't be from the Rock Fortress Manpower, the existence of these people is enough to prove that what Sir Maryland said before leaving is true.

It was not difficult to find Luo Penny Gulen and the "destruction team" she brought into the city, because this team was standing in the open space of the northern city, but a group of people who could hear the orders clearly and had some The soldiers who had the courage to fight wasted too much time: a large number of soldiers had died on the southern city wall and on the sentry towers and arrow towers in the city, and the rest of the people were in chaos. Almost no one obeyed the order. These more than a hundred people are almost all the hands that can be found in the castle.

After seeing the two corpses under Luo Peini's feet, the guard knight realized that the Viscountess might have done what she wanted to do.

Although the two corpses were dressed in the clothes of a handyman and a groom, their faces were very familiar.

The guard knight didn't know why Luo Penny wanted to kill these two southern nobles, but at least he had to complete the mission entrusted to him by Sir Maryland—

The fortress can no longer be defended, the southern city wall is collapsing, and the two energy beams are still sweeping all the commanding heights in the city. Before the Cecils came in, all the defenses of the fortress had been paralyzed, but at least, they Keep Ropeney Grant here.

But before these soldiers launched a meaningless attack, Soldering spoke first, and his voice passed through the entire smoky street: "The battle is over, soldiers of Rock Fortress—the wall has collapsed, and there is no point in continuing to fight." Not necessary."

The guard knight pulled out the sword from his waist in silence: "I have my own mission."

"It's rare to see a knight like you in this era," Soldering frowned at the guard knight, although the soldiers and other knights brought by the other party were obviously They all seemed to be wavering and retreating, but the knight's attitude was still firm, which made him sigh, "If those southern nobles had the same courage and awareness as you... ah, then they would probably all die on the gravel ridge. "

The guard knight didn't seem to hear these words, just continued to remain silent, and took a step forward.

However, at this moment, the air around him suddenly distorted, and then a strange hammer-like thing emerged out of thin air. The magic rune at the front of the hammer flashed, and a special pop-up structure was violently struck out. , slammed on the head of the guard knight—the latter had actually reacted a little bit, but the attacker's stealth ability was too high, and when he reacted, he was already unavoidable. The venerable knight flew out on the spot, and was unconscious in mid-air.

The knights and soldiers guarding around didn't even realize what happened.

A swift shadow shuttled through the air, and came behind Solderin almost in the blink of an eye. Amber's figure condensed from the shadow. She was carrying a strange weapon composed of a mechanical structure and a rune device. After confirming that he ran to the safe area, he was greatly relieved: "Oh my god... it's so exciting... I thought I was going to be beaten to death..."

Soldering glanced at the half-elf thief from the corner of his eye—mainly the "Mechanical War Hammer" in her hand, and suddenly felt that after "Explosive Shot", there was another superhuman skill that could be improved into a steel ranger one of the capabilities.

—Which genius came up with the idea of "Power Sap (Note)"...

Amber raised her head after taking a few breaths, and said to Soldering, "Gawain... the battle on the Lord's side has ended, and the supreme commander of the Rock Fortress has been captured. The battle is coming to an end, reduce the damage."

In this case, the half-elf would still say "lord" well.

Solderin nodded after hearing the news from Amber, and then looked at the bewildered and chaotic "defense forces" of the Rock Fortress: "Soldiers—you can put down your weapons now, your highest commander Already fallen, it is no honor to surrender at this time."

Ordinary soldiers didn't really care about "face" when they surrendered. He mainly shouted these words to those knights who were still a little hesitant.

It turns out that when there are steps to descend, most knights surrender no slower than ordinary soldiers.

The last defense force of the Rock Fortress put down their weapons, and the Iron Rangers began to step forward to accept the prisoners, while Soldering came to the unconscious guard knight and looked down at him.

"It is not honorable to stop a knight's heroic behavior in this way, but the lord has an order to minimize unnecessary losses and casualties after victory, knight, your courage is admirable, but the battle is over," Thor When Delin said this, he shook his head slightly, "You will understand sooner or later—after enlightenment, you will eventually become a glorious citizen of Cecil."

Outside the Rock Fortress, on the bow of the "Aurora" on the Whitewater River, Gawain and Knight Byron were watching the fortress wall that was constantly collapsing under the artillery bombardment. Sir Maryland, who had been disarmed, stood pale on Gao Wen's body. Looking at the nightmarish scene in the distance.

The Aligner Beams were still moving across the sky, and the last two towers of the Stone Keep were falling.

In the river beside the Aurora, Till leaned out from the tumbling water, and the river lifted her into the air like a palm. The siren from the deep sea stared at the Aurora without blinking. The "Rainbow Cannon" on the No. 1 deck.

In fact, she has been looking at it for a long time, and the light beam formed by the pure and violent magic power is shining in her eyes, which obviously aroused the great interest of this sea monster.

A signal flare rose from the Rock Fortress, followed by a second one.

Gawain exhaled lightly: "It seems that the battle on Solderin's side is over, and Luo Penny Grant's team has survived safely."

The artillery fire from No. 2 Heights gradually subsided, and the huge calibrator rainbow cannon finally extinguished its destructive focusing crystal, and the roaring sounds from various water pumps, amplifier groups, and magic cores below the cabin slowly followed. It weakened, and finally, the "magic array" on both sides of the warship also closed its steel-made wings.

There was silence on the Whitewater River.

Gawain glanced at Knight Byron next to him: "We can go to receive our northern gate."

Knight Byron laughed, but before he could speak, a sudden splash of water interrupted him.

Gawain saw a mermaid leap out of the water and slapped it on the deck of the Aurora, and then a carp stood up and stood up. Miss Till wobbled her body with the tail of the fish and pointed to the fish on the deck. The Rainbow Cannon stared at Gao Wen: "Give me one too!"

Then she seemed to think it was wrong to say this, and added: "Just say what you want!"

(Note: Power Sap, an improved version of Cecil's Rogue skill "Sap", hits the enemy's head with a mechanical power hammer, causing a temporary or permanent coma effect.)