Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 383: A new life at the Institute


Mage Cohen was walking in the spacious and bright corridor of the Institute of Magical Technology. Researchers wearing white magician technician robes came and went around him. From time to time, some people stopped to say hello to each other, and then they met and went to the place where they worked. laboratory.

Cohen also wore the same white robe.

It takes seventy-two steps to walk from the gate of the institute to the front hall, and one hundred and two steps to go from the front hall to the first practical technology research room. There will be three doors and a corridor in the middle. Cohen is already familiar with this route. Walking up and down unhurriedly, every step down is extremely precise.

He lowered his head and glanced at himself. In fact, this white short robe had almost no decorations. It was just a metal stamped card pinned to the chest of the robe. His own name and a serial number were printed on the card, and This is not a magical robe—it is just a cloth robe. If there is anything special, almost everyone in this institute wears similar clothes, and the clothes It has a very special meaning in this land.

The identity represented by this dress is "Magic Technician", a title that has never been heard before and is unique in this land.

Since he came to this land, Cohen has been working in the Institute of Magic Technology for more than four weeks, that is, more than forty days. What he imagined at first was not quite the same—he got his wish to meet the powerful ancient arcanist, and also saw the legendary pioneering hero. He also saw the magic net, the magic engine, etc. A magical creation of a lost technology, but apart from these, the environment he is in is quite different from what he imagined.

This is not a difficult and desolate pioneering land, the Cecils have taken root here, and their prosperity is unimaginable, but at the same time, this is not a land that follows ancient rituals—even though it was established by a real He is an ancient hero, but Cecil's rules can almost be described as deviant in the eyes of Cohen, the king's mage.

The great freedom enjoyed by the common people, the retreat of the aristocratic system, the efficient control of the government affairs department... Cecil Territory is in the southern border of Ansu, but everything that happens here seems to appear in a distant story. In this foreign country, Cohen thought that he was invited here as a mage, to study some ancient relics and musty classics, but he didn't expect that he would become a "magic man" when he came here. "Guiding Technician Apprentice", you have to learn a set of unheard of knowledge from scratch, and - learn with a group of mage apprentices, craftsmen, and scholars.

In this field, everyone's starting line is the same, and extraordinary people have no privileges.

To be honest, it was really hard to get used to at first, but now Cohen has gradually gotten used to it. He is not the heir of a noble family, nor is he a talented mage with outstanding talents. He is just a lucky businessman's son. He has never enjoyed the privileges of an extraordinary person in the circle of mages in Wangdu, so it is naturally much easier to adapt here. And he realized one thing more wisely, that is, no matter how deviant what happened in this land, he has no right to question it—because the order of this land was established by Gawain Cecil, and these The people of order also established the order of Ansu seven hundred years ago.

All the so-called "rules of civilized society" in Ansu today are nothing more than the evolution of what the ancient hero said casually seven centuries ago after a long time, so what "etiquette" is discussed in Cecil "Orthodoxy" is meaningless at all. What the Founding Duke said is orthodoxy.

Cohen had made this belief clear early on, but he himself didn't know whether this belief arose after he saw that Master Kamel bowed to Gawain Cecil with his own eyes...

With some wild thoughts in his mind, Cohen came to the door of the No. 1 Practical Technology Research Office, but before he opened the door, a young girl with flaxen single ponytail ran over from the corridor, waving Holding a rolled-up scroll: "Cohn! New Cecil Weekly! I got it for you—don't forget to come back and treat me to dinner!"

Cohen raised his hand to take the weekly newspaper from the girl, agreed casually, and then watched the girl happily run to another research room at the end of the corridor.

The girl is called Mediah, a sorcerer apprentice brought by Kant. She came earlier than Cohen, and became a "senior" in the magic technology research institute. Cohen's life in the research institute was not satisfied with her. care less. Mediah is a passionate girl, and seems to be deeply influenced by the lord's thinking, helpful and low-ranking, many people in the institute like this passionate girl.

Cohen shook his head with a smile, and walked into the laboratory where he was working while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

Newspapers, which are also unique to this land, appeared not too early, and only three issues have been published so far, but Cohen is very interested in them. Newspapers are not as energy-intensive as magic books, but The content on it is interesting and practical, and Cohen uses it as a kind of relaxation reading to regulate energy—and he knows many people in the institute do the same.

Moreover, Cohen knew that the recent project he and his colleagues in the institute were working on had a lot to do with this "newspaper".

"Cohen—good morning," after entering the laboratory, colleagues greeted him immediately. A familiar magician greeted Cohen. The magician saw the newspaper in Cohen's hand. I couldn't help being curious, "What was written on it this time? I haven't had time to read it yet."

Another magician next to him said with a smile, "I hope to see the sequel to the last issue of "Strange Tales in the Northern Mountains"—I really didn't expect that there are so many strange legends in the northern part of the kingdom."

"Pay more attention to the useful news." Cohen glanced at the magician and raised the newspaper in his hand. "It says that our Majesty the King has gone to the border to negotiate with Emperor Typhon—and Godwin Sir deduces that they will meet next week."

"Tsk, this day is still here," the magician who spoke first smacked his lips. "It seems that our King is also in a hurry."

"No one likes to fight, especially His Majesty the King—he has to spend a lot of money," said the second magician, laughing loudly, "He spent all his money on the renovation of Silver Castle ten years ago. Savings!"

Cohen did not participate in the ensuing conversation, he just shook his head with a smile, folded the newspaper and put it in his cabinet.

On the frontier of the remote southern frontier, two people who were born as craftsmen and mage apprentices so naturally talked about the topic of negotiations between the king and the emperor of the neighboring country—and this negotiation was not old news a few years ago, but this What's going on in the past few days, this is really an incredible scene.

Cecil seems to be used to accepting all kinds of incredible things, but it may take a little time for him, a magician from the capital, to fully adapt to all this.

At this moment, a person walked into the laboratory, and the magicians who were chatting and arranging and storing personal belongings immediately fell silent.

It was a girl with dark brown hair, younger than everyone in the room, she even seemed to have just grown up, with a bright smile on her face, and she walked around like a tiger, but no one in the laboratory dared to Belittle this young girl, including Cohen.

Because this girl, who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, was the master of the entire magic technology research institute, and also the heir to the ancient family that ruled this land, inheriting the Cecil surname.

"Hello, everyone!" The girl happily walked to the center of the laboratory and waved her hand to greet the people present. She could not see any aristocratic aura at all, but Cohen still bowed his head respectfully like everyone else, and spoke in a neat voice. Pay your respects: "Good morning, Lady Rebecca."

"Okay, everyone, don't be too polite," Rebecca waved her hands, "We will continue the project today, and each group will continue to test the data and materials that they are responsible for. Bruce, Terry, come here, I have a new idea Need to verify."

The laboratory's work flow took effect immediately, and the people in each "team" entered the working state in the shortest possible time, and Cohen also devoted himself to his task-he has not yet become an official magician, but in He was trained as an apprentice, but with a third-level arcanist qualification, he has made rapid progress in the field of rune logic, so he obtained the qualification to work in the laboratory in advance,

He himself cherishes such an opportunity.

The "Magic Research" of the Institute of Magic Technology is different from other places. There are no dark and cramped magic towers and gloomy and lonely magicians, nor are there trembling magic apprentices and weird and obscure spell experiments that depend on luck. Here, A large number of technicians discuss and cooperate with each other. Everyone's inspiration and ideas will be discussed and verified. A large topic is split into small parts in the laboratory, and then several groups work together to "research" , this unprecedented way of studying magic opened Cohen's eyes at the beginning, and it didn't take long for him to fully immerse himself in it-this kind of collision of ideas, inspiration and inspiration, all sharing knowledge together, for Working hard with one goal is much more comfortable than staying in the Wangdu Mage Association.

Cohen's task was uncomplicated—he was in charge of testing which magics could imprint which materials, and making sure the process was reversible.

In fact, most of the working groups in the laboratory are doing this simple but boring work.

Cohen knew the purpose of this work—to create a "printing tool" that can be quickly plate-made and reused. This mission goal is hung on the wall facing the door of the laboratory, and it has already been hung there It has been many days.

That's why the project he and his colleagues are working on now has a lot to do with "newspapers"—the people in the lab are very smart, and everyone can figure out that once their research is successful, this new printing tool can be used by others. In what field.

The thought that the research he was doing could be translated into something new and significant gave Cohen a sense of motivation that he hadn't experienced before—a drive that was nothing like mastering a new spell after months of rote learning. .

He has a feeling that he is also participating in the construction of history.