Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 385: assemble


The nobles of this era seldom talk about war with people other than nobles, because war is a game played by nobles, a chess game played by kings and lords, and war is a tool and stage for them to distribute benefits, so they will not, There is no need to explain to the civilians why their land is involved in the war, but Gawain doesn't think so.

He had to let his subordinates know why the war broke out and what it meant to the territory. Only in this way could he bind the interests of everyone in the Cecil Territory together.

"Everyone, the peace is over. According to my judgment, it won't be long before Prince Edmund and Anzu's most powerful Eastern Legion will announce that the capital has been occupied by rebels, and the two dukes in the capital will And the Welsh Moen they are coercing will definitely call on the nobles to raise troops in the same name. The second civil war in Ansu may break out in the fire moon, and our greatest advantage is that we know this news before everyone. "

Gao Wen didn't explain his source of information, but his absolute authority and miraculous performance all the time made it unnecessary for him to explain. Everyone in the conference hall began to think about Cecil's future along the lines of the lord. Bye Knight Lun was the first to break the silence: "The flames of war will reach the southern border sooner or later."

"That's right, three of the four realms of the kingdom will be involved in civil wars, and the southern border cannot stay safe forever," Gawain nodded, "So what we have to do is to firmly control the southern border before the flames of war burn in so as to take the initiative .”

The death of Francis II is a big variable for Gao Wen, but this variable is also within his previous bad predictions for this peace negotiation. Although the details are different, he has indeed deduced Ansu's outbreak The possibility of civil war, now that the king is really dead, the situation of this kingdom will be unstable, but for Gao Wen, there is indeed an opportunity hidden in it.

He can be more legitimate, and he can complete the recovery and rule of the entire southern border with more focus.

The chaotic royal capital and the divided Moen royal family will have no time to take care of the situation in the southern border, and the princes of the three realms will not be able to devote extra energy to intervene in the reshuffle of the southern border. They will also be impacted by chaos and become easier to deal with. As long as you can seize this opportunity to go first and complete the integration of the basic board in the early stages of the Ansu Civil War, everything will be easier than previously planned.

Moreover, Gao Wen can also take advantage of this civil war to make many of his follow-up activities more justifiable...

With this in mind, Gao Wen first mobilized the heads of various departments before the battle and completed the distribution of combat readiness tasks. After the meeting, Byron, Philip, Soldering, Hetty and Amber stayed Down: What follows is the actual military closed-door meeting.

"The mobilization of the combat corps is in place," Byron first reported his situation. "At present, the arsenal is still working overtime to hoard weapons and ammunition."

Hetty went on to say: "The preparations for the war in the territory started a few days ago. In addition, I have asked Godwin Orlando to prepare extra news about the nobles in the southern border conspiring to attack Cecil and plunder the wealth of the territory. It will be released in the whole territory as soon as tomorrow.”

Gao Wen looked at Amber again, and before he could speak, the latter had already begun to take the initiative to report the news he had just received: "The Viscountess of Glenn has sent the latest secret letter, and the Viscounty of Carroll and the Earl of Pepo have been around for several days. There are armed militias and knights, and it seems that Earl Hossman has already begun to assemble the army. They also sent an invitation to Glenn, as you explained before, and the Viscount Glenn agreed."

"They only know that I visited Glenling once last winter, but they don't know that Glenling is already a member of Cecil's faction after just one visit," Gawain shook his head, "I have always let Ropeni Lan actively contacted Horsman, and it seems that the effect is not bad."

"Which direction do you think they will attack from?" Soldering asked Gawain.

Gao Wen stood up and came to the map of the southern border hanging on the wall of the conference room.

"Cecil's back is against the Dark Mountains, which is a natural danger. At least those southern nobles will not challenge this natural danger, so they can only choose three offensive routes: the east side, the west side, and the north side.

"Earl Hossman and the southern nobles he contacted are mostly located in the west and north. If they attack from the east, it means that most of them will have to travel long distances in the wilderness, and there are many mountains on the east side of Cecil. , the only few plains are narrow, so this is not a good line of attack;

"On the west side, the dense western forest is a huge barrier. If they don't want the army to go around in the forest for half a month, they have to take the east-west road between the forest and the Baishui River, or go down the Baishui River. , the former has to face Cecil's blockade, the latter has to pass through Leslie Territory, and pass under the towering city walls of Tanzania... But they may take this risk, because Viscount Andrew Leslie has been with Cecil Er is very close, but it is not impossible for the nobles of the southern border;

"Northern... This should be the best attack route. They can attack the Kant area first, because Kant is Cecil's new land. According to the general rule, they will think that the Kant area is low in defense. The local knights and squires are against Cecil. The loyalty will be very low, so they will attack here first, and if they take Kant, they can use it as a stronghold and continue to attack Cecil City in the south."

After Gawain finished his speculation, Soldering touched his chin and said, "So, they might attack from the west and north at the same time?"

"It depends on how many people that Earl Hossman can organize, and whether his authority is enough to support such a division of troops," Gao Wen said, and then looked back from the map, "What we have to do now is Give that Earl Hossman one last push..."

"The last push?" Hetty asked curiously.

"Inform Padraic that the supply of alchemy potions to the entire southern territory will be reduced by 50 percent," Gao Wen said to Heidi first, and then turned to Amber, "Let the 25th Production and Construction Office draw up a plan, and let the 25th Brigade spread a message …For example, those Cecil knights who lost their land and the contemptuous mages broke out in riots and destroyed the alchemy factory. The interior of Cecil was in chaos. Didn’t there be a batch of defective products that hadn’t been destroyed yet? It happened to be used to blow up the North Shore Reservoir, so the 25th Brigade went to the pier to lay the foundation, blow it up in front of them, and then told them that the mages in the territory were making trouble.”

Amber's eyes lit up: "I like this proposal!!"

Not to mention Amber, even Soldering admired Gawain's thinking at this time, so Philip couldn't help but mutter to Byron: "You said... isn't the lord's way of doing things a bit unchivally?"

Byron opened his mouth, habitually wanting to make up another set of nonsense to fool this honest young man, but the plan that Gawain made this time is so dirty that even the old fritters can't wash it off , he had no choice but to click his tongue twice: "The lord is considering the overall situation, so he has to sacrifice chivalry."

Philip thought for a while, then nodded: "Hey."

Byron looked at him in surprise: "Huh? You've changed your gender? Why aren't you obsessed with chivalry this time?"

Philip thought about it again, and waved his hand: "One thing I realized recently is that I can't tell you at all, so rather than entangled in chivalry, I want to know when you promised to give me the persuader railgun last time. Give me?"

Byron: "..."

In the spring of Anzu 736, during the last few days of the Moon of Recovery, countless tides, either bright or dark, surged in this ancient country.

However, due to the slow spread of news and the isolation of the southern region itself, almost everyone in the southern region did not know what they would face in the next few years when the tide was just rising.

In the eastern region, Glennling, Ropeni Glenn sent off the envoys from the western region. Watching the carriage with the emblem of the Hossman family disappearing on the mountain road, a warm smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"A mob of 70,000 people has been assembled..." the Viscountess said to herself, "It's crazy..."

The middle-aged butler who had been following her for many years came behind the Viches and said softly, "Mistress, the knights and soldiers have assembled."

"Very good," Ropeni Grant nodded, "Let the knights go first and go to Carol to collect... I will help that good neighbor."

The butler bowed and left, while Ropeni Grande turned around and stood on the terrace of the castle overlooking the rolling mountains in the south.

"Seventy thousand people... Duke Gawain, I hope you can really do what you promised. This will be the last big gamble in my life."

Cecil collar, Whitewater River, accompanied by the roar of steel from the giant repulsion mechanism and hinge device, the huge mechanical bridge connecting the two sides of the river slowly lowered and closed, and all kinds of vehicles and pedestrians who had been waiting for a long time set foot on it. On the bridge deck, a messenger carriage headed for the Kant area ran at the forefront. As the carriage was speeding, a stack of newspapers in the carriage was shaken loose, and several papers that smelled like ink floated to the bridge deck. superior.

A bold headline was printed on the newspaper:

Extraordinary wars threaten our prosperity and peace

Below that, is a line of subtitles:

Mr. Godwin commented on the situation. Earl Hausman and his lackeys don't want a good life for the people of Cecil.

A pair of feet wearing coarse cloth shoes walked on the mechanical bridge. The owner of these feet stopped in front of this "extra", and then picked up the piece of paper with a thick and strong hand.

Wright Aviken carefully looked at the content on the extra page. This article was completely different from Godwin Orlando's previous style of writing, which was full of elegant language even though he was trying to be simple. As aggressive as a sword, with strong and fiery emotions, there is no doubt that even though this article was written by Godwin himself, its content was not thought up by the "editor-in-chief and president" from Wangdu alone.

"The battlefield..."

The priest, who had lost his holy light, grunted softly and slowly clenched his fists.