Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 386: technology transactions


Seeing the rare positive look on Tyre's face, Gawain knew that he had finally caught this fish—but he still didn't know exactly how he succeeded in fishing, because according to his original plan, He wanted to drag Till around outside for a while longer, using all kinds of things in the human world to arouse the fish's interest a little bit, but he didn't expect this guy to be directly interested by the rainbow cannon.

But it's not bad, it's hooked anyway.

"Are you interested in the rainbow cannon?" Gawain looked at Tyre, "Is this thing very powerful in the eyes of you sirens?"

"Excellent? The power is really good, but we have no shortage of weapons..." Tyr shook his head, "I'm just curious... how did you restrain such powerful and pure arcane energy... and how did you divert this energy from ordinary magical powers? Extracted from the environment!"

Tire is not interested in the rainbow cannon itself—for the once highly developed Kraken civilization, the manufacturing process and engineering technology of this new weapon is not too brilliant, but she is very interested in the principle behind the rainbow cannon, I became curious about the idea of the Cecils controlling magic power.

Gawain quickly figured this out. He looked at Tier's sleepless eyes, and instead of responding to the other party's request immediately, he asked, "Can I ask more specifically—why do you care about this?" Are you interested in some technologies? You sea monsters often observe the races on land, have you never been interested in our magic technology system before?"

"The magic technology system on land before?" Tyre patted the deck of the Aurora with his tail, "Ha, you mean the 'skill' system invented by you land people? Or the magic array of level one, level two, and level three? ? That's totally different! Your 'skills' system is useless to us. Haven't you discovered it yourself? This thing called rainbow cannon... It's a more essential energy utilization technology, it starts from Extract energy from the magic net, then adjust, restrain, focus, and finally launch, how many levels of magic is it in this process? What kind of skill is it? There are no such superfluous concepts at all!"

It was rare for Miss Siren to be so excited, and her tail kept flapping on the deck. Although her words were hard to understand and even confusing to others, Gao Wen vaguely understood what this Siren was thinking. something-

The "Universal Energy" property of the Ley.

Humans have spent tens of thousands of years building a set of "skill trees", transforming magic power into skills of various levels, into spells of various types, using countless complicated and different spells and spell models However, this kind of "skill" that only humans can understand and master is meaningless to sea monsters. Their life form seems to determine that they cannot understand human spells at all. No, it's useless.

What they need is "universal energy".

But it seems that due to the problem of life form, they have never found a way to convert magic power into universal energy.

The rainbow light cannon made Tier see a brand new technical route. From the destructive beam, she felt the power enough for the Krakens to break through a certain bottleneck, and this power... is not a rigid skill, but from The pure energy absorbed from the magic net, frequency-modulated by the rune array, and focused by the iridescent crystal can be used as a weapon, but it can also be used in other places as long as the control rune is changed.

Gao Wen knew that the Krakens had an ancient lost city. The energy reactor in the city had been extinguished for many years. They needed a powerful new energy source to ignite the reactor. But perhaps because they couldn't make a complete transformation, they could only maintain the "remaining temperature" of the reactor, but they couldn't wake up the whole city.

After thinking for a while, Gao Wen broke the silence: "Can the rainbow cannon 'ignite' your reactor?"

"Maybe not now, it's not powerful enough, compared to our core fusion tower, it's just a small spark..." Tyr turned his head, staring at the rainbow cannon on the deck with ecstasy, "But you Let this spark appear…”

Most of the technologies that are capable of changing the world have crude prototypes at the beginning of their birth, even so simple that ignorant people can sigh "what's the point of this fancy thing". In the eyes of high-level civilizations, this kind of simplicity is particularly serious .

Only very few people can realize the value behind these "little sparks" at this stage, and realize how far they can grow.

Gawain didn't expect that Tyre, who was always sleepy, would have such a vision, but he was glad that Tire had such a vision.

Fish with better eyesight generally have solid porcelain hooks.

"I'll give you a whole one," Gawain laughed and nodded to Tyre. "Of course, you have to pay something."

"Just open your mouth," Tyre slapped the deck with his tail confidently, "I am a war priest anyway, and I will definitely be of great use to you, or do you want wealth and treasures? Then I I can also think of a way, the deep sea..."

"I'm not interested in your personal combat effectiveness and personal savings," Gawain interrupted Tyre, "Technology is still traded for technology."

"In exchange for technology?" Tyre blinked, "What do you mean?"

"How much do you know about shipbuilding...?"

As soon as Gawain asked this question, Byron next to him showed an expression of "it's finally here". Obviously, this Mr. Knight already knew what his lord's idea was for bringing this siren here, but it was just now. After checking the status of the rainbow cannon, Rebecca, who was strolling over, was stunned for a moment when she heard Gawain's words. She blinked and looked at Gawain: "My lord ancestor, are you going to ask Miss Till to help us build a ship?"

After getting Gawain's affirmative answer, Rebecca couldn't help scratching her hair, looking at Tyre with suspicious eyes: "But can she do it?"

Before Tyre answered Gawain's question, she heard Rebecca's questioning, and she looked puzzled: "Why do you think I don't know this?"

Rebecca was probably still immersed in the rune group and mechanical structure of the rainbow cannon, her head was dizzy and she didn't turn around, and said casually: "Do you sea monsters still need to build ships? It's not like you can't swim..."

Tyr couldn't help but looked Rebecca up and down: "You humans can still walk, why are you building cars?"

Rebecca's expression froze immediately, and it was only after a while that she choked out a sentence: "That's right..."

After putting the girl who was always out of her mind on the channel aside, Tire turned back to Gawain, "You want me to help you build the ship, don't you—Okay, I have no problem, but I want to make a few points first.

"First, the 'ship' as I understand it is definitely different from your current shipbuilding technology. In most cases, we don't need a kind of water transportation that is always floating on the water and must be kept sealed and dry. Tools, but this is not a big problem. With our technology of manufacturing water vehicles, it is not difficult to surpass you even in areas that we are not good at—this is not an offense, but a fact.

"Secondly, I can tell your craftsmen a lot of knowledge, such as fluid mechanics, material science, special coating technology, and even power technology, but it is very likely that these technologies will not be realized because they are too advanced. Because they need a lot of pre-tech and industrial foundation, and I don't know how to get these things out step by step. So it is likely that I have been a consultant for you for several years and drew a lot of good drawings. But your artisans still can't make anything, and you don't blame anyone for that.

"Finally, although I agreed to the technology exchange, it was in my own name. I cannot contact the Deep Sea Royal Court now, so all my promises are limited to my personal authority. I can only help you build ships. All involved I won’t help with war technology such as weapons. But if we Kraken and Cecil establish a long-term relationship in the future, I will help you establish a good relationship with my people.”

After Tyre finished mentioning these three items, Gawain looked at the other party and confirmed again: "Is that all?"

Till thought for a while: "Well... help me make the pool in the room bigger, and sprinkle more salt usually, and I don't ask for anything else."

"Of course no problem," Gao Wen couldn't help laughing, "I can agree to all these requests, and in exchange, you can follow Kamel and Rebecca to learn about the general energy technology behind the rainbow cannon—when you understand When you think the conditions are ripe, you can choose to send these technologies back to the deep sea. I also welcome you to bring other sea monsters. Of course, if you want to leave early, you have to leave us enough ship technologies The data will do."

Miss Kraken readily agreed.

This deal that Gao Wenji had been hanging on for a long time was finally reached.

He has finally acquired the technology of this superb lost civilization - although only a small part.

As for the situations mentioned by Tire, he actually thought about it from the very beginning.

Krakens are a civilization completely different from any land race, and their technology comes from the "Lost Era" before a few rounds of magic tides, which determines that their technical route cannot be the same as that of humans, only in "shipbuilding" From the above, Gao Wen can think of more than one major "difference point":

The Kraken's first ship was most likely a submarine - since they developed underwater.

Siren's first submarine should have no concept of sealing at all, the inside is full of the same sea water as the outside, just like an open carriage made by humans - this is determined by their life form.

Even if they build a ship that sails on the water, Kraken probably never considered any life-saving facilities such as escape boats. They might not even be able to build water-tight compartments. What if the ship sinks? Be a submarine! What if the submarine sank? Everyone push it on the seabed! What if the whole ship disintegrated on the spot? Swim back, everyone—this is most likely the most reasonable idea for a Siren ship engineer...

But even so, Gawain believed that the sea monster Tyr could bring a huge boost to the shipbuilding technology in the territory.

Not to mention anything else, Till's casual mention of "fluid mechanics" proved his judgment-this is a coined word, which is a combination of the words "flow" and "law" in the common language of mankind. , Tyre stumbled when he said it, and Byron and Rebecca next to him were completely bewildered when they heard this word, but Gawain knew what it meant as soon as he heard it.

In addition, Gawain is not worried about whether the ships built by the Krakens have sealing technology at all, because he remembers that Tyre said that the city of the Krakens was originally a giant ship that could fly, and with the help of this group of saltwater fish The survival needs of the ship, the ship should have simulated a "marine ecosystem", so they must have very amazing sealing technology now—

Sealing the water outside the boat is the same as sealing the water inside the boat (Hu talking nonsense).

Of course, considering the huge difference between Kraken's "shipbuilding" technology and human beings, Gawain should also carefully consider the working method of "Cecil Shipbuilding Bureau" after returning to prevent the built ship from being too "Kraken-like" ", but it can't be practical, and it has to be considered that Tyre is not a professional technician in Siren after all, she is probably a "keyboard man" (water group theory expert) similar to herself, so it is best to let this Tiaoyu is only a special consultant, not the project director...

.. m.