Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 392: Go back to Cecil


It is a boring task to test out the required combinations from the vast number of basic spells and basic materials. Although the overall research environment of the Institute of Magic Technology is pleasant, it does not mean that the research work itself is also easy and pleasant.

Cohen has been conducting these basic tests for dozens of days. During these dozens of days, he has tested nearly a hundred different magic materials with more than a dozen different magic effects, including new materials formed by mixing various magic materials. And in these tests, he did find that some substances will change when stimulated by specific types of spells, such as softening, hardening, expansion and contraction, etc., but they fully meet the requirements of the project, and the combination of reversible processes has not yet appeared. .

But he was still doing these tests silently, and recorded the results of each test in detail.

He is used to this kind of boring work, in fact, he even likes this kind of boring work a little bit, just like he also likes precision, planning, and walking from the gate of the research institute to the laboratory at the same time. When he was in the capital, a girl he secretly admired once commented on his eccentricities as "weird, rigid, and a little neurotic", but Cohen couldn't change his habits after all.

After the test runes on the magic test bench slowly faded, Cohen emptied the samples and put them away, and then reset the experimental environment. He took out a thin piece of copper-silver alloy from the sample box at hand, clamped the alloy on a fixed bracket in the middle of the experimental bench, and then pressed the bracket down so that it touched the runes carved on the experimental bench circuit, then he raised a set of metal contraptions next to the bench

This metal device looks like an arm composed of several iron rods painted with runes. At the front of the "arm", a high-quality magic focusing crystal is fixed. This set of devices is called the "magic trigger", and it is one of the most indispensable tools in the magic technology laboratory. By adjusting the sequence of several rune triggers at the connection between the rune iron rod and the experimental table, it can be connected with a large rune "palette" on the back of the table. The disc-shaped symbol jokingly called "palette" More than a dozen of the most basic magic circles are prefabricated on the text device, which can easily release the magic effects required by the experimenter.

Ordinary technicians in the magic laboratory who don't have magic talent rely on this kind of thing to conduct complex magic experiments.

And a magician like Cohen, who has the ability to cast spells, soon realized the value of the "magic trigger" after being exposed to it, and fell in love with this easy-to-use device in just a few days.

In his opinion, this is simply a great invention. The magic motivator relies on the magic net buried under the laboratory floor for power, so there is almost no problem of mana exhaustion, and it can release almost all kinds of basic magic effects. However, the caster of the spell will be limited by talent, and there is a situation where certain spells cannot be released. The last and most satisfying point to Cohen is that the magic trigger is a kind of machine, and all its structures, materials, and parameters are fixed. Yes, before it breaks down, this device can guarantee that every spell impact it releases is exactly the same. It is self-evident what significance this has for people engaged in magic research!

And such a genius creation was invented by the young Viches who was standing in the middle of the laboratory and discussing with several senior technicians. In fact, more than half of the new devices in the entire laboratory were invented by her. from.

It is said that her spellcasting level is only three levels.

Everyone is a low-level mage, why is she so good... Could it be because of the surname "Cecile"

Cohen restrained the wandering thoughts in his mind and activated the magic trigger.

The focusing crystal quickly brightened, and a moment later, an electric arc struck the surface of the alloy from the tip of the crystal, and left shallow traces on the surface of the alloy as the crystal moved.

Then Cohen immediately began to test the various changes of the alloy sample after that, and recorded the results:

"On x month x day of x, the xx test, sample number xx, the arcane lightning acted on the surface of the copper-silver alloy, leaving discoloration dents, the area of the sample affected by the magic power produced a weak arcane affinity property, the process Irreversible. This property may be used to manufacture new high-performance array substrates... ”

The tests so far have not yielded the desired results, but this does not mean that these tests are meaningless. In almost random tests, researchers have discovered many new properties of magic materials, and more than half of them are It is a new characteristic of mixed materials. All these characteristics will be recorded in detail. One day in the future, perhaps one of the characteristics will come in handy. The project has been carried on to this day, and some researchers have even regarded the discovery of new material characteristics as a Work goals, and this is really a very motivating thing.

As an orthodox mage in the royal capital, Cohen knew that in the past, there were not no mages who discovered new material properties from daily experiments, or created new mixed magic materials. However, all old-style research was duli, closed, and piecemeal Yes, those traditional mages found them in their dark and cramped mage towers, and then regarded them as treasures. They may never share their discoveries with the outside world, and as long as these mages die, their discoveries will also be buried. In the tomb, like in the Institute of Magic Technology, a large group of people conduct large-scale tests in a planned and orderly manner, and then gather all the findings together. At the same time, there are people who are responsible for coordinating the laws of the experiment. From the perspective of traditional mages, it is impossible. imagination.

It is precisely because of this that the experimental efficiency here is simply astonishingly high.

After completing this batch of data records, Cohen did not rest. He sealed up the samples and related records, handed them over to his colleagues, and immediately prepared to test the next sample.

But just as he clamped the sample, aligned the crystal of the magic trigger with the fixed bracket, and was about to press the rune trigger, a gradually low buzzing sound suddenly came from under the experiment table, followed by his experiment Inside the table, the flashing runes on the tables of several groups around them all dimmed.

"What's the matter, the equipment here is stopped... The newly replaced crystal, is it not overloaded? Is the magic stopped? Who is using the heating pad on the test bench to cook noodles? Who is next to the check plug? , Check to see if the insurance is blown."

Cohen was stunned for a moment, and then realized from the complaints around him that the problem was not on the test bench. It should be that the magic net nodes in the laboratory were out of order. At present, there are two forms of magic power supply in the territory. The magic energy obelisk in the block provides a wireless magic field. One is the traditional direct contact with the magic net to extract energy. The First Practical Technology Research Office happens to have a built-in magic net in the laboratory (experimental nature) high-performance magic net), so half of the test benches are connected to the magic net in the traditional way.

After reacting, Cohen immediately put down the things in his hands and went around behind his experiment table. Behind his experiment table, there was a hexagonal metal stake as thick as an arm extending from the floor. It was the so-called "check pin". .

One of the six silver-white facades of the checkbolt had obviously turned black. Cohen carefully leaned his hand on it, and immediately felt a burst of heat.

He glanced at the node position represented by the blackened facade, waved his hand and shouted: "The node on the third or fourth ring in District 6 is burned, and the other nodes seem to be fine."

"Shield that node first, and fix it after work is over," Rebecca in the laboratory gave an order. "In addition, who told me that someone used a heating pad to cook noodles in the laboratory? Is there really someone like this?" did it?"

The laboratory suddenly fell silent...

Cohen also shrunk his neck subconsciously. He didn't use the heating pad on the laboratory bench to cook anything, but he baked bread...

But at this moment, the peripheral vision from the corner of his eye suddenly swept across the check plug that was blackened and heated due to the surge of arcane energy.

After the surge of arcane energy subsided, the changed mithril coating on the check pin was gradually returning to its original shape...

One of the characteristics of Mithril is that it will accumulate magic power during the process of absorbing arcane energy, and there will be no change in appearance during this process; it will quickly release magic power after the external arcane energy disappears, and Mithril will heat up and change color during this process...

Mr. Mage, a young mage from the royal capital, fell into deep contemplation...

In the north of the main city of Cecil, on the wharf of the White Water River, a cargo ship with the logo of the Cecil Chamber of Commerce slowly approached the case under the command of the dock staff.

The gangway of the cargo ship boarded the trestle, and the captain stepped down to meet the staff on the pier, and followed the captain to leave the cargo ship, and there was a burly figure and a dozen shabby-clothed civilians from other places.

"Is there a group of immigrants?" The manager of the pier saw those people walking off the gangplank, turned to the captain and said, "Don't forget to register, otherwise these immigrants can't leave the trestle area."

"I'm not responsible for these immigrants," the captain waved his hand, pointing to the extraordinarily burly figure, "They were brought by Pastor Mr. Wright."

"Mr. Wright?" Only then did the dock manager realize that the person who stepped off the diving board turned out to be the pastor in the territory, but the pastor was not wearing the iconic old pastor's robe at the moment, but was wearing one that was similar to that of a poor man. He didn’t recognize him at once, but now that he recognized it, he immediately ran forward, “Mr. Wright! Didn’t you go back to the Holy Spirit Plain? Why did you come back so soon?”

"I have seen what I want to see, so naturally I want to go back to where I should go," Wright Aviken smiled gently, pointing to the immigrants brought by him behind him, "These people are the ones I helped on the way. The past victims were all persecuted by the Church of the Holy Light, and the lord said that he would accept them."

"Church persecution... oh, ok, I'll arrange registration," the dock manager didn't expect that the only pastor in the territory would come back so soon, let alone that the pastor of Shengguang led a team to bring back more than a dozen A person who was persecuted by the Church of the Holy Light, this fact with a lot of information made him stuck for a while before he realized it, and then he noticed that there seemed to be some faint blood on Wright's clothes, "Mr. Wright, this is on your body …”

Wright looked down at the marks on his clothes that he couldn't clean, and shook his head helplessly: "It got on when I was reasoning with people."

The dock manager breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that's okay, I thought you were going to reason with the bear again, everyone has eaten enough bear meat."

(Push the book, push the book, the title is "Hogwarts on the Bite of the Tongue", you can tell from the name that it is a book with a lot of brain holes... In a word, as long as the heart is big enough, there are ingredients everywhere, look It’s a book that reads lightheartedly, cheerfully and mind-opening. This is also a friendly army, and it should also be immortal.)