Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 393: Master-Disciple Inheritance


The young low-level female mage Mary walked heavily on the stairs leading to the magic laboratory. The magic spar lamps embedded on both sides of the corridor emitted a constant and bright light, but this light could not dispel the uneasiness in her heart at all. .

During this period of time, the apprentices in the entire tower have been suffering from the same anxiety—the mental problems of the old magician seem to be developing and deteriorating in a new direction. What's so exciting, he first asked the apprentices to dismantle the mental protection circles in the tower day and night, and then without hesitation, he dismantled one of the three magic laboratories and set up a large number of people in it. Incomprehensible and new experimental devices, he locked himself in the new laboratory all day long, studying things that the apprentices could not understand and did not dare to inquire about. He began to talk to himself and mutter more frequently. Mumbling, sometimes dancing and laughing in the lab suddenly...

He seemed completely insane.

The only thing the apprentices feel lucky now is that the new madness of the old mage seems to have given him no time to punish others. For so many days, no apprentice has been whipped or scolded. The old mage seems to have been completely immersed in his deranged spiritual world , I even forgot that I still have a group of apprentices.

So Mary felt that she was probably the most unfortunate of all the apprentices at this moment—because the old mage Daniel actually remembered herself in the madness, and sent a servant to inform her to find him in the new laboratory...

Is it a new crazy experiment? Or an inexplicable punishment? Or was it just a casual greeting from the old mage in a state of insanity

At the end of the stairs, a slightly dimly lit corridor appeared in front of my eyes. At the end of the corridor was the magic laboratory. A servant in a short black robe came from the corridor, bent slightly in front of Mary, and said in a stiff and deep voice: "Master is waiting for you."

"I see." Mary nodded, and walked forward over the servants.

The servants in the mage tower are all slaves purchased by the old mage. Except for the old housekeeper who does not know how old he is and is always suspicious, all the servants have undergone neuron modification surgery and spell brainwashing. The emotional "living dead" takes care of the life of the old mage and all the apprentices, and also serves as the experimental material for the old mage when necessary.

Mary used to be afraid of them and sympathized with them, but now, she is only numb to the servants of the living dead, no different from treating a golem.

Anyway, everyone in this tower is similar.

She walked through the corridor, pushed open the door of the new laboratory, and saw that the old mage was already waiting for her inside—with his back to the door, he seemed to be staring at something on the laboratory table in a daze.

Mary took a breath and walked into the laboratory: "Mentor, are you looking for me?"

The artificial nerve cords on the old mage's back twitched, and then he turned around and stared at the female apprentice with his brown eyes: "Mary, you came just in time, come here—close the door."

Mary walked over apprehensively, and looked at the newly renovated laboratory.

The shelves containing animal samples and potions were moved to other places, and the original stone alchemy tables disappeared, replaced by a large test bench in the center of the room, and several on both sides of the room. With a long table and magic material storage cabinets, the new laboratory looked completely different from the gloomy and terrifying place before, but more like a normal magic laboratory.

The young female apprentice came to the experimental table and was about to ask her instructor what instructions she had, but she saw many blueprints and many draft papers filled with calculation formulas spread out on the experimental table.

"You, you are the best in mathematics and science among all my apprentices. I chose you—to complete the task assigned by the master with me!" The old mage glanced at Mary and said in an unquestionable tone, "You take the These, solve these few questions!"

Do questions

Mary was at a loss, but she took the papers and started to pay attention to the things on them, not daring to disobey the instructor's order.

It was a little difficult for her to understand. Although the math problems on the paper were all mathematical problems that could be solved with mathematical ability, the words and sentences were very different from the magic concepts she encountered in the past, but no matter what, she still persisted. Scalp looked down.

Then, she began to try to use her own understanding to solve the problem of calculating the range of the rune domain.

In the middle of solving the problem, a skinny finger suddenly stretched out from the side. Mary was startled, and then heard the tutor's words from the side: "Idiot! Where's your square symbol?!"

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Mary's forehead, but the expected electric shock or whipping did not come. The instructor just said coldly: "What are you doing in a daze? Correct it! Do you want to do the question wrong?!"

Mary hastily corrected her mistakes and continued.

But what she did was still very difficult—she understood both mathematics and science, but those definitions and formulas were too new and too abstract for her.

Understanding the topic added extra difficulty for her, so that she would make mistakes in what she could do, and soon she heard the instructor shouting in her ear: "You have no brains?! The theoretical value is 277! The actual interference The value has exceeded it! You are still going on?!"

"Have you seen any rune knots in the magic circle that can't be paired? Are you planning to connect the extra starting rune to your brain!"

"Quartz sand is negativity, it is negativity! Do you think it is mithril and pure gold? Let you design a magic circle, and you will blow yourself up sooner or later!"

The instructor's scolding and roaring sounded almost every once in a while, and Mary couldn't help trembling every time, but slowly, she discovered one thing—the instructor was actually teaching herself something.

For the first time since the mentor became completely obsessed with performing the "connection" ritual a few years ago, he is teaching the apprentice the actual content again!

When I was in a daze, the instructor's voice rang again: "What are you doing in a daze? You still have two big questions to write! You are not allowed to eat until you finish the paper!"

Mary quickly lowered her head, and started to study the last two questions seriously, but a strange feeling emerged from her heart: Could it be that... the tutor has not gone completely crazy recently, but has really made great progress in magic research? Breakthrough, so fully immersed in research

She knew that the original reason for the old magician's mental problems was that he encountered some desperate and huge problems in the process of magic research. After decades of being unable to break through, the originally strong and wise The promising genius mage has become dark and eccentric, cruel and twisted - the eerie and terrifying "connection" ritual only magnifies his mental problems.

Ten minutes later, Mary pushed the manuscript paper towards Daniel: "Mentor, I'm done..."

The old magician glanced at her: "Have you checked it?"

"I... checked."

"let me see."

The old magician snatched the paper from Mary's hand, and carefully read it from beginning to end.

At that moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mary seemed to see a trace of a smile on the mentor's always gloomy face.

"Well... so-so," the old magician's expression changed in a flash, and the next second he had his face straightened again, "It's far worse than when I did it, and it took twice as long."

Mary could hear something else from this sentence: Aren't these questions written by the tutor himself? Did he do it again when he came up with the question

Obviously, the old mage would not explain what he said, and Mary didn't have the guts to ask for such details. She just lowered her head and listened to the old mage continue: "Although you have used it for a long time, you have almost passed the test. You can take these materials Go back, read carefully, learn everything, and then teach the group of useless and idiots hiding at the bottom of the tower—tell them, I will test them in three days, if you can’t learn it, just wait to be made into a living dead by me.”

Mary shrank her neck, and finally couldn't help asking: "Mentor, what are these things... for?"

"These are great knowledge!" The old mage opened his hands and said excitedly. Obviously he was in a good mood at the moment, and he patiently explained to his apprentice, "It is the knowledge bestowed by my great master! You must study hard , when you learn it, I will teach you how to form the magic net and how to simplify the magic circle—this is your great honor, and it is your great honor to be able to serve the master!"

Mary nodded hastily, and she began to doubt her optimistic estimate just now—her mentor might still be crazy.

After he came into contact with a terrifying existence and made a deal with it, he really went completely crazy.

At this time, the old mage suddenly frowned, and then waved his hands impatiently: "Go out, that's all I can teach you today. My master is calling me, and I must respond immediately."

Mary knew that the "master" mentioned by the old mage was a terrifying mythical creature, or a similar mysterious existence, so she didn't dare to stay for a moment, and hurriedly nodded and backed away.

Before leaving the laboratory, she heard the old mage shout from a distance: "Behave well, you can eat meat at night!"

Mary bowed: "Thank you, mentor."

After the young female apprentice left, the old mage muttered some vague words, then hurriedly stood on a magic circle in the corner of the laboratory. After activating the warning and protection runes around him, his spirit Quickly emptied, the nerve cords began to help him establish a connection with the surrounding runes.

In the next second, he saw the environment around him turned upside down, and the space with the high blue sky, endless water surface, and a large number of metal platforms appeared before his eyes again.

Sure enough, as long as he is connected to the psychic network, he will be brought to this place—the control of the rogue outside the domain is absolute, and there is no loophole to exploit at all.

The old mage had already given up resistance, and he bowed respectfully to the blond figure in front of him: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Let's do some papers first," Gao Wen conjured up two sets of questions, "I'll see how you've mastered it."

The old mage: "... I will follow your orders."

After a while, Gawain's yelling began to sound:

"What about your brain? Have you forgotten the basic definition of address mapping?!"

"Who told you that open ports cannot be faked!"

"I don't understand what the only valid code means? It must always match the spiritual frequency! Let you design the ip index, and you will burn your brain sooner or later!"

"Finally... have you checked?!"


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.