Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 394: The day of war


In the study of the lord's mansion under Cecil, Gawain carefully read the information that Amber had just sent.

"It seems that the news of the 25th brigade has been successfully delivered to their masters." Gao Wen raised his head and looked at the half-elf standing beside him. The knights brought their retinues and militiamen to gather under Earl Hossman's command. Their actions were completely undisguised. The knights who responded to the call were walking swaggeringly on the road in broad daylight, passing news between various noble territories. Couriers are everywhere, too."

"Actually, when the nobles do these things, they don't hide it," Amber casually picked up an apple from Gao Wen's table, held it to her mouth and said vaguely while nibbling quickly, "Originally, except Cecil has a military intelligence bureau, who can come up with such an intelligence system like you, and taking a step back, the situation is already like this, and there is no need for them to hide it."

Gao Wen sneered and shook his head: "Now I'm just waiting for an official letter. According to the rules of the traditional nobles, a declaration must be sent before the war begins."

Amber stopped gnawing on the apple, with a puzzled look on her face: "Speaking of which... Although Ansu and Typhon have signed a peace agreement, once the civil war breaks out in Ansu this time, those Typhon people will really Won't you tear up the agreement immediately to add insult to injury?"

Gao Wen looked at Amber in surprise: "You can still think of this, you have made progress."

"I'm usually thinking hard too! I just don't have your dirty tactics!" Amber stared, her cheeks puffed up, "And I wanted to ask this from the beginning, but I never found the opportunity That's all!"

Gawain looked at Amber's earnest and angry look, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile: "Of course Typhon won't call in, at least not now."

Amber looked puzzled: "Why?"

"Typhon has dealt with Ansu for hundreds of years, and they know the characteristics of Ansu people very well," Gao Wen patiently explained, with his own speculation mixed in, "I still remember that I specifically confirmed with that Clement One thing? Emperor Typhon also has people who will die at the end of all things... So from the beginning, this 'peace agreement' is just a drama, but so far, this drama will continue. Luo Seta Augustus would watch Ansu fall into civil war, watch Ansu sink deeper and deeper in the next few years, become weaker and weaker, until the kingdom was almost torn apart, he would enter the market to reap the benefits, but in Before that, he would never have done anything to Ansu, because he knew... once Typhon made a move now, Ansu's civil war would end immediately."

Amber blinked, and seemed to understand what Gao Wen meant.

"The invasion of the Typhon people will quickly unite Ansu. The Dukes of the Three Realms haven't established enough hatred yet, and they are likely to unify the outside world," Gao Wen put down the documents in his hand, and his thoughts on Ansu three The impression and analysis of a border duke, "Victoria Wilde in the north chose to support a puppet king to stabilize the country; Silas Loren in the east chose to be loyal to the blood of Morn to rebuild the glory of the first dynasty; Franklin Bert in the west German is rarely involved in royal family disputes, but half of Anzu's economy depends on his border trade... No matter what role the three dukes play in this civil war, the means adopted are clever or stupid, but at least one thing is certain, That is, they are using their own logic to defend the country, and I think that Rosetta Augustus must have investigated and understood this.”

Speaking of this, Gao Wen suddenly sighed slightly: "The only thing I'm not sure about now is whether there is some kind of 'tacit understanding' between Prince Edmund and Emperor Typhon, whether it is a big gamble... If so If not, then the death of Francis II is too deplorable."

"Is it just a death in a scene, and a gamble outside the scene..." Amber muttered, looking at the apple in her hand, she suddenly felt tasteless, "Maybe everyone is looking forward to this civil war, only the old man The king alone really believes in peace... I really don't like the stupid logic of nobles."

A knock on the door came at this moment, interrupting the conversation between Gao Wen and Amber.

The door of the study opened, and the tall and strong priest Wright appeared at the door.

Gawain looked at the only priest on the territory in surprise: "Mr. Wright, what's the matter?"

"Lord," Wright bowed slightly, and then said bluntly, "I want to go to the battlefield."

Gao Wen froze for a moment, he really didn't expect this: "Go to the battlefield?"

"I saw the news in the newspaper, isn't there going to be a war?" Wright took out the "extra" he picked up, "I want to join the war."

Gao Wen originally wanted to explain to the other party the difference between the current professional military system and command system in the territory and the traditional chaotic private soldier system, but after seeing the serious expression on Wright's face, he only asked one question: " Tell me why."

"I know that a group of priests and church knights from the church have joined the army of the southern nobles," Wright said frankly, "I want a chance to face them head-on."

Gawain looked at Wright quietly for a long time, and finally let out a sigh of relief: "You should know that the Cecil Combat Corps is different from ordinary private soldiers of nobles. standards, and there is currently no official chaplain establishment in the military."

"I know, I've seen those ray guns too, they're things I haven't used before, and it's probably too late to learn them temporarily," Wright nodded, "But I can go to logistics, to help build fortifications, or to carry the wounded, I know bandaging first aid and herbal remedies, which should come in handy on the battlefield."

"...the medical team needs manpower," Gao Wen pondered for a long time, and finally nodded, "Go and sign up with Byron Knight, just say I let you go. In addition, you still need to learn about ray guns and grenades, I will Let Byron prepare a suitable set of equipment for you, even if it is not proficient, at least it can be used for self-protection on the battlefield."

With a smile on Wright's face, he bent down deeply: "Thank you for your understanding."

Then he stood up and walked towards the door, but before he was about to open the door to go out, Gao Wen suddenly stopped him from behind: "Mr. Wright."

Wright stopped and turned around: "Lord?"

"Facing your fellow church members on the battlefield is different from a brawl in a country street." Gawain looked into Wright's eyes and said calmly, "Have you really thought about this?"

"I've thought about it, Lord," Wright said seriously, "Facing them on the battlefield is the real enemy."

"Not only think about this," Gao Wen said seriously, "I hope you can think about another question before facing them... Do you believe in the Holy Light, or the God of the Holy Light?"

This sentence seemed to have greatly touched Wright. The tall priest suddenly fell into a brief silence. It was not until several seconds later that he took a deep breath and bowed: "I will think about it, Lord. .”

"You really let that big guy go?" After Wright left, Amber couldn't help asking curiously, "You have to know that he has no holy light now, except for the big guy, he is basically an ordinary person , is still an ordinary person who has not received the training of the Combat Corps... a person who has never even touched a ray gun, will there be no problems in the battlefield?"

"So I asked him to go to the medical team, and I believe that with Wright's skills, even without the protection of the Holy Light, he can protect himself." Gawain shook his head, "Let him go, he is a believer, we must give him a opportunity for him to test what he believes in."

In the spring of 736 Ansu, on the last day of the Moon of Recovery, a courier riding a tall horse with the emblem of Earl Hosman hanging on his body and holding a small black and red flag ran into Cecil's checkpoint along the south bank of the White Water River.

The messenger was intercepted at the checkpoint, and the letter he brought was delivered to Gao Wen an hour later.

In the lord's mansion, Gao Wen received the letter he had been waiting for from Amber. It was an extraordinarily formal, even solemn letter. Written on tough light parchment and spiced ink, between the gorgeous fancy fonts and awkward aristocratic grammar, Gawain's long-awaited content is written.

Amber leaned half of her head from behind Gao Wen curiously, and looked at the content on the parchment. What she saw was a diplomatic letter with extremely polite words, but the content was not friendly at all—

Earl Hossman and forty-three lords with glorious titles and orthodox bloodlines in the southern region sent their greetings to Duke Gawain Cecil, and solemnly protested against the recent interruption of the supply of alchemy potions; they solemnly protested the skyrocketing prices of ores, mining machinery, and metal products ;seriously protest against the Cecil family's deprivation of the privileges of the nobles and the infringement of the surrounding territories; demand that the Cecil family immediately stop destroying the order of the nobles, restore the privileges of the nobles in the territory, and re-regulate the behavior of the untouchables in the territory to prevent This bad climate continues to spread and affect the atmosphere of other territories...

They also listed that Cecil continued to attract refugees in various parts of the southern border, advocated deviant laws, accepted heretics suspected of cults, released slaves on a large scale, arrested "sincere and legal businessmen", conspired to overthrow Kant's leadership, and assassinated the former Kant The Viscount also fabricated rumors of a cult and a lot of other evidence. There were more than a dozen pieces of evidence, true or false, which amazed Amber.

In the end, this letter finally revealed the willingness of "in order to maintain order, we have to use force to negotiate".

Amber watched Gao Wen read the letter seriously, and then saw Gao Wen calmly pick up the dip pen at hand.

She asked curiously, "Are you going to write a reply?"

Gao Wen shook his head, and casually wrote a word at the end of the letter:

have read.

"Give it to the courier." Gawain re-rolled the parchment and stuffed it into the paint tube, and handed it to the stunned Amber. "Tell him to go back and report to him while it's still early—he won't be left for lunch."

"You just write one word?!" Amber seemed to be unable to believe what she saw and confirmed again and again, "This is a letter of war! Don't normal nobles fight back and forth with more than a dozen verbal battles at this time?"

"That's enough," Gawain said with a smile, "As for other replies... Earl Hossman will see it."

Amber left with a "reply letter" in confusion, and in the military workshop of the machinery manufacturing plant, under the personal control of Mr. Nicholas Egg, a heavy orbital acceleration shell was steadily falling into the shell box.

On the smooth surface of the cannonball, a line of newly stamped text is clearly legible—

Hello fellow debaters, this is our argument.

On the last day of the recovery month, the news of the assassination of the king and the "revenge" of the Duke of the Eastern Territory is still on the way, but the first war that will usher in Ansu's change has already begun.