Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 403: Day of triumph


The meeting lasted until sunset. When the lights were lit, the reception, control, and renovation of the Rock Fortress were finally roughly arranged. Among all the arrangements, the most important thing was who should do it next. Guard this vital northern gateway.

Gao Wen did not choose the two "veteran" Philip and Byron.

The loyalty and abilities of the two knights are of course beyond doubt, but they are not suitable for guarding the Rock Fortress. The First Battle Corps they lead, as the main force of Cecil, undertakes the important task of maintaining the security of the entire southern border and defending the Dark Mountains, especially the first The second point is that Gao Wen dare not relax no matter what.

In Gawain's eyes, the wasteland opposite the Dark Mountains was far more threatening than the human kingdom to the north. Although the Rock Fortress was an important gateway to the south, no matter how important it was, Gawain could not weaken the defense of Cecil's homeland.

Byron and Philip cannot be tied to the fortress, and apart from them, the younger generation of commanders trained by Cecil are still lacking in experience, and none of them are capable of taking on this important task.

In the end, Gawain chose the old knight Valdeperic from the Kant region.

With the help of Philip, this experienced knight successfully transformed an old-fashioned noble private army into Cecil's Second Combat Corps. Although this regiment still has a lot to be improved, the old knight's ability has already It has been reflected in this process, and what is even more commendable is that Valdeperic's ability to accept new things and new ideas is unexpectedly strong. As the oldest knight in the Kant area, he is learning new weapons and tactics. The speed of preconceived thinking was actually faster than those young people, even Philip praised this to Gawain.

In addition to ability, Valdeperic's character is also trustworthy.

The task of guarding the Rock Fortress, renovating and modernizing the fortress fell on the Second Combat Corps.

After the meeting, Gao Wen stood in the deserted hall, looking at the map hanging on the wall and lost in thought.

The north gate was knocked down.

The king's capital may know the news soon, but given the current situation where the dukes in the west and the north are struggling to deal with the rebels in the east, they will be unable to solve the crisis in the south. They know the combat effectiveness of the rock fortress, so they can naturally estimate the strength of the fortress. The strength of Cecil's army that broke through the Rock Fortress in one day, as long as they are not stupid, the two grand dukes will realize that even if they piece together a team under such circumstances, it is impossible to defeat the Rock Fortress. Bringing it back will only increase consumption, so the most likely reaction of the capital is to send envoys to contact it in order to seek temporary "stability".

Regardless of whether the king sent envoys or troops, it was the same for Gao Wen. What he wanted was a Principality of Cecil that was completely under his control without being disturbed by the outside world. He would temporarily close the door, Isolate all the forces that want to infect the environment, and then quietly absorb and digest this vast territory that has just fallen into your hands, so that your basic disk can be completely stabilized, and enter the benign stage of industrial operation. This process may take several days. Even if there is the pressure of the demon tide for a long time, he has to speed up everything, this process is indispensable.

The emergence of modern weapons will eliminate the traditional castle tactics, but this does not mean that a portal like the Rock Fortress is meaningless. At least at this stage, this northern gate will firmly guard the land of the Principality of Cecil.

The air nearby was slightly distorted, and a shadow emerged from the air. Gawain turned his head to look in the direction of the shadow: "How's the situation outside?"

Amber picked up the water glass from the table next to her and poured down half a cup of cold tea with a "cuckoo" before she began to report the situation outside: "Everything is in order. The main force has completed the takeover. All the defenders have been imprisoned, and the Iron Rangers have just found the last batch of hiding guys from the mill in the west of the city. They are exiled knights from the southern border, and their ability to escape and hide has really improved a lot."

Gao Wen nodded: "Where are the civilians in the city?"

Amber grabbed another piece of snack and stuffed it into her mouth. She chewed and said, "Martial law in the inner city, a wartime curfew, of course civilians stay in their own houses, but the female knight named Margarita has brought The soldiers went to read out the 'Announcement to the People', and distributed the supplies and medicines for appeasement, both of which are quite effective, and the civilians in the inner city are currently a little nervous, but the order is quite good."

Gao Wen breathed out, "Because we didn't bomb civilian areas."

The Rock Fortress is a fortress-type city. It is both a fortress and a city. Nearly ten thousand soldiers have been stationed here for a long time. In order to maintain the operation of the fortress and the stability of the army, the central area of this fortress is a fully functional town. Except for the soldiers , There are also a large number of civilians living here.

In order to prevent accidental damage to civilian areas, during the entire previous shelling process, Cecil's army only bombed the southern city wall and the military installations behind the first city wall. Even Solderin and Luo Peini carried out sabotage operations in the inner city. Sometimes, their targets of burning and attacking were military camps, outposts, and mage towers. Although the urban areas where civilians lived were slightly affected in the process, compared with other places, the damage was almost can be ignored.

It can only be said that the fragility of the aristocratic army in this era helped Gao Wen a lot. Those conscripts who had no discipline and belief at all lost their will to resist almost immediately after the wall collapsed. Take the entire fortress with limited bombardment. If the defenders of Rock Fortress are an army with tenacious fighting will and modern experience, if they continue to resist after the collapse of the city walls, and even retreat into the inner city and rely on intricate streets and residential buildings Fighting a street fight with the Cecils would never be so easy to win.

The damage to civilians in the inner city will definitely not be so slight.

After reporting the situation, Amber started to stare straight at Gao Wen. She was still holding the snack in her hand, and the corner of her mouth was still stained with snack residue, but her eyes were serious. Gawain saw this guy's behavior. She knew that she had a problem and couldn't figure it out, so she said casually, "You can ask whatever you want."

"What are you going to do with that Sir Maryland?"

"What kind of problem is this, of course it is handled as a prisoner of war," Gawain waved his hand, "Send Cecil back, labor, indoctrinate, inculcate Cecil's laws, and then see if he is willing to become a part of Cecil and become a discipline-abiding Good law-abiding citizen, so I can keep his title of nobility, although the 'new style of nobility' basically only leaves a title and annuity... ”

When Amber heard this answer, she immediately showed a look of great disappointment: "Tch, I thought you would be treated specially."

Gawain was silent for a moment, then asked unhurriedly: "Do you still remember what I said in front of you and Wright last time?"

Amber thought for a while: "The ones about the land nobles?"

Gawain nodded: "That's right, there are also 'good' ones among the traditional land nobles, who retain the spirit of chivalry, pursue true noble virtues, and have admirable character. Sir Maryland is such a noble, but it still cannot change his land. The essence of nobility, and the limitations of his 'noble virtues'. He is a respectable knight, but that's not enough. Personally, I admire him, but as a lord, I must reform him equally."

Speaking of this, Gawain couldn't help laughing: "Of course, there are still differences between Sir Maryland and those nobles in the southern border. I believe that Sir will be able to wake up smoothly, complete the transformation, and become a law-abiding 'new-style noble' who is harmless to the territory. I saw the shadow of Philip in him. Although this kind of person has a rigid personality and is difficult to change, as long as they recognize the right direction, their transformation will be very reliable, unlike those hopeless southern nobles who may On the first day of participating in collective labor, they will clamor for their allegiance to Cecil, but I can't believe them completely after ten years of clamoring."

"Those traditional nobles..." Amber couldn't help muttering after hearing this, and then stuffed the last bite of snacks into her mouth, "But it doesn't matter, you finally knocked down the northern gate that you have been thinking about, and now the entire southern border It has been completely controlled by you, and you have plenty of time to take care of those guys slowly."

"The entire southern region? No, I haven't controlled the entire southern region yet." Gawain's mouth turned up, his eyes passed over Amber's face covered with biscuit crumbs, and landed on the military map, where St. Luane's Cathedral was located. Enter "Luan City".

That city is located in the northwest of the southern border, and it has been surrounded by a red circle.

Amber noticed Gao Wen's gaze, turned her head to look at the map, and suddenly showed a look of surprise: "Are you going...to do something to those magic sticks?"

"No, surround them for a while longer," Gao Wen said, shaking his head, "St. Luan's Cathedral is not a rock fortress, physically destroying or occupying that church will only be worth the loss. To destroy the foundation of the old Church of Holy Light in the southern border, It should be punished, it needs to be well prepared.”

Amber keenly noticed the term "Old Holy Light Church" that Gao Wen said, and laughed knowingly.

Three days later, the situation in the Rock Fortress was basically stabilized, and all the registration and statistical work were completed. After confirming that Knight Valdeperic and his Second Combat Corps had completely controlled the fortress, Gawain boarded the The battleship "Aurora" powered by Kraken left the fortress together with Amber, Byron, Luo Penny and others.

And with the convenient magic network communication, the news of the frontline victory was actually sent back to Cecil City via wireless signals long before the army returned to the mainland.

Cecil City, in the government affairs hall, Hetty ended the magic web communication with Rebecca. After filtering out the cheerful chatting and bluffing nonsense of the eldest niece, she has figured out what Rebecca needs. .

Moments later, she summoned Kamel.

Kamel, who was full of arcane brilliance, entered Hetty's office, and he greeted the "Cecile Butler" who was a low-level mage but had excellent internal affairs ability: "Good afternoon, ladies frontline Message back?"

"That's right, a big victory," Hetty said with a smile, "and Rebecca said that there is one thing you need to do, and this thing is ordered by the lord."

"technical problem?"

"That's right." Hetty nodded, "The lord decided to take advantage of this victory to conduct a large-scale broadcast test. Rebecca provided a plan to test the actual performance of the magic net communication..."