Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 404: A history that moves quietly


The life of the nobility is always accompanied by feasting and socializing all night long. Carnival is their greatest virtue. The ball in Glenburgh lasted until dawn, and the guests in the castle gradually dispersed—some of them stayed in the castle overnight. , and another group of people left the castle at sunrise in a fur-wrapped carriage with constant temperature spells. This place, which was noisy all night, finally gradually quieted down.

The mistress of the castle and the castle's most distinguished guest disappeared for a long time in the middle of the ball. This incident gave endless imagination to the nobles who attended the party, but only the most superficial people would speculate on the love affairs of a widow. However, for those southern nobles with a keen sense of smell and always viewed Cecil Land with a conspiracy eye, they were more willing to guess what secret deal the Grand Duke of the Southern Land had reached with the female lord of Glenn Land.

There must be a secret transaction, there is no doubt about it - there is no pure friendship in the gathering of nobles, especially when a duke goes to meet a viscount, no one believes that there is no transaction behind it, but the specific content of the transaction may not be so easy to inquire about .

However, the guests at the banquet probably guessed it. They knew that Glenland did not have very rich mine resources, but it was rich in farmland and produced a lot of fur and wood. Most of Duke Cecil's transactions revolved around these outputs—considering the cheap alchemy potions in Cecil Land, perhaps Glenn Land would exchange his fur and wood for druid potions for improving the land...

This is the result of most of the guests after reasoning.

Anyway, no matter what deal the Countess of Glen and Duke Cecil made, it would not affect the situation in the southern border. The relationship between the nobles has always been like this-the entanglement of interests is intricate, they peep at each other but depend on each other. How many trees in the Black Forest The roots are entangled, how many landed nobles in civilized society are engaged in wars while also conducting trade and marriage in private, it doesn’t matter if the Countess of Glen and Duke Cecil signed a trade agreement—is there anyone in the southern border who doesn’t buy Cecil What about the medicine you received? This doesn't affect them at the same time to buy the magic net technology that Earl Hossman stole...

Gawain was standing on an open terrace outside the side door of the banquet hall. The cold night wind was blowing from the north and blowing back a few centimeters in front of him. He looked down at the mountain road below the castle and watched Those carriages with magic crystals left one after another in the rising sun—in this cold winter, nobles can still travel between territories regardless of cost, and go to one banquet after another, but those Poor people may freeze to death on the mountain road even if they leave their houses to collect some firewood in the mountains.

After a while, he turned his head slightly: "Amber."

Amber's voice came from behind him: "Here."

"You... uh, when did you come behind me?" Gao Wen was about to give an order, when he suddenly froze for a moment, and turned his head to find that Amber, who was originally standing behind him, unexpectedly stood directly behind him at some point.

"Let's block the wind behind you," the half-elf lady said confidently, "You can block the cold wind with the protective aura. I'll stand next to you and blow the wind away!"

Gao Wen: "...cough cough. You go back and bring Kamel and Pittman as quickly as possible."

Amber froze for a moment: "I asked Kamel to come over to check on Patty's magic device, right? What's Pittman doing? Are you going to ask him to treat Patty?"

"That's right," Gawain nodded. "Compared to the holy light that simply stimulates vitality, druids are better at restoring damaged flesh and replenishing vitality. His healing methods should be effective for Patty."

"Is the old man okay?" Amber's voice sounded uneasy, "The Countess of Glenn has already found various extraordinary healers, and she must have found people like druids, maybe middle-level and high-level ones. Everyone has been invited—the old man is just a low-level druid, and he can work on injuries that can't be healed by experts?"

"Just call it," Gao Wen smiled, "Maybe it will work?"

Amber scratched her hair, her figure gradually disappeared into the air, only the voice came: "Okay, anyway, you are the boss..."

Gawain turned around, looked at the empty terrace, and waited there without making a sound. Sure enough, after a while, he saw Amber's figure jumping out from the side again, and the half-elf stood in front of him. , Stretched out his hand high: "Give me money, travel expenses!"

Gao Wen smiled with an expression that he had expected, stretched out his hand to slowly feel for the money from his bosom, and then took advantage of the moment when Amber relaxed his vigilance, he immediately pulled out his hand and knocked on the other person's head: "How dare you ask for money?" ! The canonization document just received a few days ago I saw that the buckle was still gold in the morning, but it was gold-plated in the afternoon! How dare you ask for money!"

Then Amber turned into a black light and went straight to the southwest...

Gao Wen took one last look at the rising sun after Amber really left. He took a deep breath of the fresh air from the north to refresh his mind, then turned and walked towards the castle.

Although he didn't rest much last night, as an extraordinary professional, he is still very energetic now.

He decided to go and see Patty, to say good morning to the little girl, and to tell her the story of Charlie and the three golden crowns which he had left off yesterday.

At the same time, in a hidden underground palace located in the Typhon Empire, a magic spar lamp suddenly lit up in a stone hall.

The bright light driven by magical power illuminates this dark place, making the circular platform in the hall, the neat seats around the platform, and the artificial neural network behind the seats appear in the light, and each of them is dressed in black or white. The figure in the robe stood quietly in front of those seats like a nightmare emerging from the darkness.

They are the high-ranking Nightmare Bishops of the Cult of the Sleepers.

A purple-black shadow shining with starlight floated above the round platform in the center of the hall, and the voice of the shadow sounded in the minds of every bishop: "Everyone is here, let's start."

The bishops took their seats one after another, and one of the bishops looked around, then at the platform in front of him, and broke the silence with a chuckle: "After getting used to the gorgeous hall in the dream city, I feel more and more shabby in the assembly hall in the real world. .”

The shadow floating above the platform spoke in the minds of the bishops: "There are always things that can't be done in dreams, so it is necessary to keep the assembly hall in the real world."

"Your Majesty, we have made a key progress on 'Project Zero'," a white-robed bishop with a female voice said, "In sandbox No. 166, the 'Sanctuary' achieved a long Stable over time, successfully functioning through the first millennium."

"This is the sandbox that has been maintained internally for the longest time," said a black-robed bishop across the round table, "and we have achieved spiritual maintenance for the residents of the shelter. One hundred testers in sandbox No. 166 There have been no mental breakdowns in a thousand years, until the sandbox collapsed, they can still answer our questions clearly - of course, in order to prevent pollution, after the disintegration of the sandbox 166, we still have the same hundred people Subject administered amnestics."

"Very good," the shadow above the platform made an approving voice, and the starlight on its surface seemed to surge, "What is the current iteration number?"

"The '1,000 years' of No. 166 sandbox took 26 days in the real world," a black-robed female bishop bowed and responded, "Currently, we have encountered a bottleneck in time iteration, too high iteration level Numbers need to consume a huge amount of computing power, and the deeper the acceleration, the more difficult it is to guarantee the stability of the sandbox—the sandbox No. 132 has successfully entered the highest number iteration state, running to 378 years in one day, but The information coming out of the sandbox is only confusion and madness, and all testers have turned into nightmare derivatives after leaving the network... "

"We need to strike a balance between time iteration series and stability," the shadow above the platform, the Pope of the Eternal Sleeper said quietly, "Don't be impatient, before this world is swallowed up, human beings still have hope—our There are still many talented people among our countrymen waiting to be discovered, and we are not alone."

Talented people—the first thing the bishops at the scene thought of was the "Nightmare Mentor"-level Eternal Sleeper cultist who suddenly emerged and showed extraordinary talent in the brand-new thing of the spiritual network.

"The emergence of the spiritual network is greatly advancing our plan, and some unknown people may show their unique talents in front of this new thing," the pope's wise voice echoed in the minds of the bishops, "the concept of the database has already It has been proven to have an extraordinary role in managing the sandbox system, and according to my preview, network architecture optimization will further improve the efficiency of the mind network—you should pay more attention to such talents, and don’t let them be buried in vain.”

The bishops all stood up and saluted respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty, I respectfully follow your will."

In the northern border of Ansu, among the snow-covered mountains, the Grand Duchess of the North, Victoria Wilde, stood in the study room where a huge map of the northern border was hung, quietly watching the whole territory of Ansu described on the map.

The windows of the study were locked tightly, and the whistling northern wind and snow were blocked out of the window, but beside the Duchess, looming snowflakes still appeared out of thin air from time to time, as if she herself was the incarnation of winter.

The door of the study was pushed open at this moment, and the black-haired, black-eyed, ordinary-looking maid Maggie walked into the study, holding a wax-sealed sleeve in her hand, with the pale gold emblem of the Morne royal family printed on the sleeve.

"Vicky, a secret letter from San Sunil City."

The Duchess turned around and glanced at the black-haired woman who appeared to be a maid but was actually a friend and advisor: "Is there a white ribbon around the neck of the griffin or a golden one?"


"Then it seems that this is the will of 'His Majesty the King'." The Duchess said lightly, and with a light wave of her hand, the wax-sealed sleeve opened automatically, and the secret letter inside flew out and landed in her hand superior.

Victoria opened the secret letter, carefully read every word on it, and then showed a faint smile.

"The magic communication towers on the Ansu and Typhon borders have been restarted."

(Everyone, let me tell you something. I will go to Shenzhen to participate in the science fiction conference in two days. I will be away for a few days. The update will be affected for a while... But the update every morning should still be maintained.)