Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 408: take over


Gawain should have thought that no amount of nonsense with Tire, a saltwater fish, would be as effective as letting her eat a bite of "snack". Seeing Tire's full of interest, he felt that all the saliva just now was wasted .

But it's not bad, the process is not important, as long as the saltwater fish is willing to help.

The verified Hongguang device is a very large weapon, and compared with its own huge size, the supporting energy modules required by the Hongguang device are even more daunting. According to the technical report provided by Kamel, the Hongguang The device needs a stable supply of energy for a long time to be able to operate effectively, and the current magic capacitors used in various magic crystal railguns cannot meet this requirement, which determines that a Hongguang device must be built on a fixed magic net to become a fixed fort , or you have to "drag" a large magic net battlefield, and with the current transportation technology of Cecil, it is very difficult to transport the Hongguang device from land to the front line and ensure that it can be turned on.

It’s not that it’s impossible to send the parts piecemeal and in batches and then construct them on the battlefield, but that would take too long, and it doesn’t meet Gao Wen’s “taking the Rock Fortress in a short time” According to the requirement, and with the skill of slowly assembling the rainbow light device, Philip's slow bombardment with the magic crystal cannon should be able to blast away the fortress wall, so that the new weapon will completely lose the meaning of appearance.

The best option is to use a boat to send the rainbow light device directly to the foot of the Rock Fortress by using the natural waterway of the Baishui River.

In any case, the transportation capacity of a large cargo ship is far superior to that of land vehicles, and the size of the ship itself is large enough to facilitate the installation of various magical mechanisms inside. In addition, it can be transported through rivers, which Gawain conceived to use It is also easier to implement the solution of using the water from the Baishui River to cool the Hongguang device, so no matter how you look at it, water transportation is the best solution.

In fact, even without the "Rainbow Device", Gawain had long been arranging to build his own surface combat force. After annihilating Earl Pepper's army on the Baishui River, he captured a batch of "warships" of the southern nobles. Then he arranged a group of craftsmen and magicians to try to modernize and renovate those ships. It's not that he didn't think about building a new batch of ships, but shipbuilding is really a technical job. Written knowledge is not enough to create practical modern ships, and the existing shipbuilding technology in this world has undergone serious technological disruption and retrogression. The shipbuilders who can be recruited can only build ships comparable to the "Peppo Fleet" Inland river ships of the same level, so he had to choose to carry out modernization on the basis of the warships captured by his own side. On the one hand, it saves time and cost, and on the other hand, it accumulates technology.

However, the transformation of those ships has not been completed and even recently encountered technical difficulties in power.

The rock fortress is about to start a war, and he has no time to wait for his battleship to be slowly remodeled, so after much deliberation, he decided to seek help from the ready-made "water transport expert" in the territory. Till called himself "tide master", she It should be trustworthy in this regard.

Of course, Gawain did not put all his hopes on Tire in a prudent and prudent manner. In case this saltwater fish made up his mind to sleep in the pool forever, he also had a backup plan: In the worst case, never Give Philip a few more cannons, are you afraid that you won't be able to open the door of the Rock Fortress

No matter how strong the magic shield of Rock Fortress is, it can't withstand the continuous bombing of heavy artillery.

After promising to help and repeatedly confirming that she really has snacks to eat, Tire's excitement slowly receded, and she yawned big, with sleepiness appearing in her eyes again: "By the way, you still have something to do." No? If it's okay, I'll continue to sleep... I'll go to the pier when I wake up... "

Gawain glanced at the sea monster that was slowly sinking in the water, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, there is really something that the son of the storm is fighting with the sea monster again, you know it's What's the matter?"

"Ah? Fighting again?" Till floated up from the water again with bubbles, his face full of cute circles, "Isn't this season not long after the return of the stars? My sisters should all be digesting on the seabed. That's right... we don't go digging for giant squid, and we don't wander around the islands and reefs of the Son of the Storm, why are those brain-destroyed humans going crazy?"

Gao Wen looked at Tier's confused expression from the bottom of his heart, and frowned slightly: "So, you don't know what happened."

"Of course I don't know," Tyre shook his head, "I've been staying under your nose, so I don't know about the deep sea. But then again, how did you know about it?"

"I have my own news channel," Gao Wen didn't directly answer the other party's question, but said something perfunctory, then he noticed Tire's indifferent face, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Aren't you worried?" What's the situation at home?"

"There's nothing to worry about, those sons of the storm can't handle any big waves, the ocean belongs to the sea monster," Tyre said casually, and then yawned, "And it's a long way to swim back from here, I'd better save up my energy Alright... When will I get stronger... I'll think about going back and have a look... "

Looking at the appearance of this salted fish essence, Gao Wen felt that this guy might not be able to go back in this life.

He shook his head helplessly, turned around and left Tyre's pool together with Amber, but when the two were about to reach the door, a sound of water suddenly came from the pool, Miss Siren leaned on the edge of the pool, watching Gao Wen: "Ah, I just thought of a possibility..."

Gawain turned and looked at her: "What's possible?"

"The endless sea is shrouded in a storm of magic power. The sea is the first place to observe the change of magic power, and it is also the place most susceptible to the influence of magic power," Tyre said with a thoughtful expression on his face, "Those sons of the storm are on the sea It's been too long, maybe... they can feel the tide of magic coming."

Gawain's expression became serious, and after a serious silence for half a minute, he nodded slightly to Tyre: "Thank you for your reminder."

Till didn't say much, he just waved his hands in the pool, and then his upper body fell backwards, and he continued to sleep with his stomach turned over in the water in that arrogant and domineering sleeping position.

After leaving Tyr's room, Amber couldn't help muttering: "Magic tide, magical tide... If only this kind of thing didn't exist... Every time someone reminds me, I feel hairy all over."

"It's good to get used to it. We were closer to the evil tide back then," Gao Wen said indifferently. "No matter how the evil tide comes, as long as people are still alive, they have to live as usual."

"Okay, as you often say, anyway, if the sky falls, there is a tall one to hold it up. You are so big, you will definitely be able to hold it for a long time," Amber's ears trembled, and she put aside the matter of the demon tide for the time being, " I'm so sleepy, don't you have anything else to do today?"

"It's fine today," Gawain nodded, "but if you have something to do tomorrow, go to Gelenling with me."

Before the army goes out, it's time to "receive" Glenn with great fanfare.

Gawain Cecil's army marched into Glenland.

The Cecil combat soldiers with clear flags and bright armor entered the Gelen region without any resistance, and quickly planted Cecil's flag on the wall of the Cracked Rock Fortress, which is located on the top of the steep cliff. In the castle, the nervous attendants and retainers finally waited for the "final result" of this "noble war" and they ushered in the new master of this land.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people who don't know the whole truth, that's how it is.

Since the outbreak of this war that completely changed the situation in the southern border, and the whereabouts of the mistress of the territory was unknown, one-third of the people in the Cracked Rock Fortress have fled, and the remaining two-thirds of the people are still under the strong control of the housekeeper. There is order in the city (of course, the help of military intelligence officers and Iron Rangers hidden in the castle is indispensable), but under the relatively stable order is the tension that pervades the entire territory.

For those who don't know the truth, the news of the disastrous defeat of the noble coalition is bad news, which means that they will soon become Cecil's captives and slaves, their land will be plundered, their wealth will be looted, and when will the looting come? And how far it goes depends entirely on when the "raged ancestor" will be free.

Now, that old ancestor seems to be free.

But the "looting" they are worried about is destined not to come.

Wearing armor, Gawain entered Rockbreak Castle with a majestic attitude. He recalled the uneasy Glenn retainers and servants he saw along the way, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly: Ropeni Glenn obviously couldn't have The secret covenant between her and Cecil was made public. The people in this castle still don't know that their mistress is standing with Cecil at all. Naturally, it is unexpected that Cecil will not touch them at all. wealth. It's a pity that even now, Gawain can't explain this to most people in the castle, and he has to completely control the entire castle, and even the entire Glenn Territory, to prevent the real situation after Cecil's army enters the territory. The details spill out.

Although the group of traditional nobles in Rock Fortress almost didn't have any intelligence system, he couldn't allow any accidents to appear.

It's just this subtle tension...it's a bit dumbfounding.

But fortunately, he didn't care much about these things. After leading the soldiers into the city and doing some superficial work, he came to the depths of the castle and came to the door of the room with the big windows.

The maid guarding the door of the room had met Gawain once, but the last time they met, Gawain was still a guest of the castle, but this time he was standing here as a "conqueror", the maid inevitably became nervous, She looked at Gao Wen as if facing a big enemy, and tried to muster up the little courage, as if she wanted to protect her little master, but the courage was almost gone when Gao Wen opened his mouth.

"Open the door," Gao Wen said, "I'm here to see Patty."

"...Miss is resting..."

"Don't be nervous," Gawain smiled, "I'm Patty's friend."

The maid who guarded the door seemed to want to say something, but at this moment the door was opened from the inside, and another personal maid who was in charge of taking care of Patty came out and looked at Gawain with a little awe: "Miss wants to see you."

Gawain nodded, before stepping into the room, he gave the maid who guarded the door an approving look: "You are very brave."

In the room, Patty was sitting in her special chair, basking in the brightest sunshine of the day.

Her complexion was much better than when we first met, and it was obvious that Pittman had come to treat her several times with great results.

"It's Uncle Gao Wen!" The moment she saw Gao Wen, the little girl became excited, she showed a big smile, tried to support her head, and shook the only arm that could move, "You come to see me !"

Gawain came to Patty, smiled and bent down: "It's agreed, I will come to see you."

The little girl seemed very happy. This sunny room seemed to be a different world from the tense castle outside. Here, it seemed that the cloud of war had never appeared for a moment. Patty talked a lot with Gawain excitedly. , and finally asked: "Uncle Gao Wen, when will Mommy come back?"

"Soon," Gao Wen squatted in front of the little girl, and said with a smile, "I'll bring her back this time."

The little girl's head was trembling. She was nodding, but she couldn't control the amount of nodding well: "Oh, I miss her a little bit."

"You don't seem to be scared at all." Gawain gently touched Patty's hair, he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting the child, "You know, your mother is actually fighting with me."

"I know," Patty said, then paused for a few seconds, a small, sly smile broke across her scarred face, "but... Uncle, are you actually Mom's friend? Don't worry, Uncle." , I won't tell anyone!"

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, and then laughed helplessly.

Then he stood up, said goodbye to Patty, and left the room into the hallway.

The middle-aged housekeeper who loyally served Ropeni Grande and maintained the order of the castle after the Viches "disappeared" stood waiting for him in the corridor.

"I heard from Luo Peini that you are trustworthy."