Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 409: widely disseminated


A new war has begun.

If it was the self who had little knowledge and could only be cheated and abducted in the adventurer's bar in the countryside, I am afraid that she would not understand the deep meaning behind this sentence at all, but for Jibri at this moment, she realized in an instant that she wanted to What an amazing feat to do.

If her voice can really spread throughout the southern border.

If the information in front of us can really be sent to everyone's eyes and ears.

So... bad days are coming for the Church of the Holy Light.

The extreme actions of the Church of the Holy Light did not take place in a day or two. Their behavior of attacking heresy and oppressing civilians has not only existed for a long time, but has also intensified in recent years. However, countless ordinary people still silently tolerate all this, and some even take it for granted It means that it makes people feel as if ordinary people really don't realize the pain and don't know how to resist. However, Jibri, who used to be a member of ordinary people, knows that this is not the case at all.

The people are numb, but not without any thoughts. They are used to submissiveness, but that doesn't mean they like it.

They are submissive, but the status quo of information occlusion and lack of knowledge prevents them from seeing the dark truth of the church clearly, nor can they imagine that there are other ways of life in the world, and more importantly, there has never been a The voice is made from the perspective of ordinary people.

But after the initial excitement calmed down a bit, Jibri quickly thought of a question: "My lord, these things may really deal a big blow to the Church of the Holy Light, but the God of Holy Light has a lot of believers in the southern border. Many civilians truly believe in the Holy Light, in this regard..."

"That's right, so what I want to do is not to eradicate the Holy Light, but to eradicate the Church of the Holy Light." Gao Wen nodded, "For those who are devoutly pursuing the Holy Light, I will naturally give them the Holy Light and then I will arrange for you Meet with Wright, the Patriarch of the Protestant Church of the Holy Light, and you can have a good understanding of what the Cecilian's own belief in the Holy Light should look like."

"The patriarch... Wright?" Jibri blinked in astonishment, "That pastor?"

"It's him, but he's not a priest anymore," Gawain laughed, looking forward to what Jibril's expression would be after seeing the white knights who were training in the field, "Miss Jibril, you It’s been too long since I’ve been away, the changes here are beyond your imagination, let’s experience it with your own eyes.”

The witch Jibri left, and for a while only Gawain and Betty, who was holding a big teapot and wandering in the sky, were left in the reception room. After thinking silently for a while, Gawain looked at the little maid who was in a daze: "Go and call Rebecca!" Come."

The little maid Ji Ling woke up suddenly: "Hey! Good!"

Not long after Betty left, the door of the room opened, and Gawain heard an energetic voice coming from the door: "Ancestor, are you looking for me?!"

"Yes, let me ask..." Gao Wen turned his head to the door while responding, but the moment he saw Rebecca, his original words turned into an exclamation, "You finally set the house on fire?!"

He stared dumbfoundedly at the little granddaughter in front of him. Half of her face was smudged black, and even her upper body clothes and hands were covered with black ash. She looked like someone who just blew up the magic technology research institute. letter.

Gao Wen still remembered that the last time Rebecca appeared in front of him, he almost exploded the laboratory. This silly roe deer with clever ideas tried to use a big fireball to rub a 1:1 statue of the ancestors, but he pinched his left leg When the fireball exploded... Gao Wen still doesn't know whether he should be surprised by the girl's thinking circuit, or should be surprised that she can persist until three quarters of the pinch is squeezed out...

Did this girl play with big fireballs as plasticine since she was a child

When Rebecca heard the old ancestor's words, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "Well... I was in the kitchen just now..."

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Gawain was stunned for a moment, "Steal something and accidentally dropped it on the stove?"

Rebecca put her hands on her hips, confidently said, "I'll make bone soup for you!"

Gao Wen was even more confused: "What are you doing with stewed bone soup?"

"Aunt Hetty said that you are old and your bones are not good." Rebecca sold her aunt without thinking about it, and realized belatedly after the sale, "Oh, yes, Auntie won't let me go with you. You say. But I think you'd be delighted if I cooked for you myself!"

Gao Wen: "??"

What a mess!

Even if he combined the knowledge of the traveler and the experience of the satellite elite, Gawain couldn't figure out what the two great-great-great-granddaughters were thinking, and Rebecca's head was caught by the city gate, that's all. Dee actually followed suit...

He finally vaguely figured out whose idea it was to drink bone soup every night these days.

But surprise is surprise, and puzzlement is puzzlement. Gao Wen knew that the brat in front of him wanted to show that although he messed up everything due to his usual clumsiness, his intentions were worth encouraging. I couldn't live without love back to my stomach, trying to calmly say: "Okay, I know what you mean, but don't be so fussy next time. Where's the soup you stewed?"

"It's too fragrant to hold back."

Gao Wen: "..."

This seems to have nothing to do with the mind...

After holding back his heart for a long time, at least he maintained the majestic expression on his face, Gao Wen almost abruptly dragged the topic to the direction he wanted to say at the beginning: "Let's not talk about this, I came to you to confirm the magic net with you. The installation of the broadcasting system, where can we cover the magic network signal now?"

When Rebecca heard that it was serious business, she quickly wiped her face and reported seriously: "On the cross axis centered on Kantland, we have built a backbone network with magic energy relay towers, and now the four newly-built cities The magic net has been connected with the backbone network, and the coverage has been basically achieved. In addition, in some satellite towns that the cross axis passes through, we have also ensured that each town has at least one magic net broadcast terminal, which has passed the trial run gone."

After a short pause, she showed a bit of embarrassment and continued: "The area outside the cross axis has not been covered yet. On the one hand, the construction team cannot keep up. After all, manpower and material resources are limited. On the other hand, the population in those remote areas is scattered. The villages have not yet been merged, and the cost of laying magic nets and setting up broadcasting facilities is not worth it. Moreover, there is also a problem with the production capacity of magic net terminals. Only half of the production lines of the newly built magic net terminal manufacturing plant have completed acceptance... "

The problems caused by the over-expansion of the territory have existed from the very beginning, and they are still fermenting today. The limited manpower, material resources and factory capacity of the Cecil Industrial Zone limit the promotion of new technologies in the southern border, and also limit the construction of infrastructure.

Fortunately, the merger of villages and towns and population migration that Gao Wen vigorously promoted from the very beginning has been proceeding smoothly. After the population is concentrated in developed areas, the shortcomings in construction capacity and production capacity can be alleviated to a certain extent. Regarding Rebecca’s report In fact, Gao Wen was quite satisfied with the situation.

"A warm-up and test of the PA system will be arranged again in three days. It's almost time for it to officially come in handy."

The magic network broadcasting system has always been one of the projects that Gao Wen attaches great importance to, but the complexity of this system and the high requirements for infrastructure have also led to it having a longer test cycle and improvement cycle than other magic industry products. Ever since the Battle of Huoyue Panshi Fortress ended, and Gao Wen used this system to conduct the first "trial broadcast", the entire magic network broadcast system has been undergoing long and difficult adjustments and tests. This process is perfected step by step.

Today, this system is finally about to come in handy.

Gao Wen thought carefully about what should be the first program to be broadcast after the magic web broadcasting was put into practical use, and bombarding the remnants of the Holy Light Church in the southern border was the best way he could think of, but he didn't think about it at first. Find someone from the Military Intelligence Bureau to do this, but let Wright, a professional missionary, come on the scene in person. When the people's faith is in crisis, and the corrupt church is going astray, in order to save the declining faith in the Holy Light, human history The first white knight in the world stood up and became an idol. He found this script exciting even thinking about it.

But later, Amber recommended a more suitable talent to him, that is Jibri, who is eloquent and good at dealing with anyone.

He still remembered that Amber said a very reasonable sentence at that time:

"If you want to use your words against your opponent, it's more effective to be glib than honest."

In short, people who are shameless about splashing dirty water can't do it.

Gao Wen deeply believed that although what the Church of the Holy Light did was very dirty, even if you don't need to splash it, Jibri is still more suitable to be a professional "news anchor" than Wright.

Of course, according to Gao Wen's standards, Jibril does not fully meet his requirements. What he wants to create is a "media", a platform that disseminates information to the public efficiently and on a large scale. His talents are not just the so-called "eloquence", but there is no way, there is no radio and television school in this world... the real professionals can only be cultivated by themselves.

Rebecca, who got the new task, left happily.

It can be expected that the truly practical magic network broadcasting system will show its unparalleled power soon after this.

But the magic web broadcast is still an imperfect thing. Its limited coverage area at the current stage and the limited boot time each day limit its effect. Still a few things from Gawain's original plan:

Newspapers, leaflets, brochures, and preachers in remote areas.

He glanced at the "photographs" on the table from the city of Luan, and then ordered someone to send them to Godwin Orlando.

Soon, the information and images from the city of Luan will be turned into tens of thousands of newspapers and brochures, and they will be accompanied by explanatory texts that resonate with the public and allow people to see the truth clearly. With the help of the magic net file transmission system, They will be printed simultaneously in the printing factories in the main city of Cecil and the four new industrial cities. With the postmen traveling to and from various parts of the southern border, those materials that are enough to shake the Church of Holy Light will be quickly distributed throughout the Principality of Cecil.

Before the priests of Luan City jumped over the wall in a hurry, Gawain would not use a single soldier to attack that city, and even the nearest military blockade had to be maintained five miles away from the city wall.

He will not attack there, because he knows very well that those priests are waiting for him to attack. Every sound of his magic cannon will add a new batch of martyred saints to the Holy Light Church.

Those priests will not get this kind of opportunity, they will face another level of "offensive", in the face of this "offensive", they will be doomed to miss the "noble".

In the end, they won't be driven out by the guns of the Cecilians, they will be driven out by a raging people.

On that day, the influence of the Church of the Holy Light in the southern border will be completely eliminated.